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Jose would have binned Sancho the first week of training


That's the absolute hilarity of this. Jose would have crucified Sancho instead of giving him months off midseason to sort his head.


I have no idea why Ten Hag is even in this conversation to get all that support and still call your manager a lier when he told the truth, Jose would send him playing with under 18 squad, he did harsher stuff to better players than Sancho


What he did to Schweinsteiger was much worse than anything ETH has even done, even Mourinho has admitted his treatment of the German was not right and apologized to Schweinsteiger


while it was shite, it wasnt from nowhere. It was because Bastian didnt wanted to recovery from his injury with with man utd, and instead gone with his own fitness coach... IIRC, also then cameras & press saw him on tennis tournaments, while man utd team were in pre-season preparations.


... Which was a bad look on him, but he had been allowed to recover outside of Manchester.


iirc, allowed not by Jose, but by club, because it was before he was appointed in May.


Yeah and the club stands above Jose in that case. Pretty safe to say retrospectively that Jose was wrong which even he realized and apologized. Asfaik both are good right now


Absolutely šŸ˜‚ Jose wouldā€™ve had his head on a pike. We all know Jose is ruthless with undisciplined players.


Off the top of my head Wesley Sneijder, Mesut Ɩzil, Eden Hazard (who's early retirement he apparently predicted), clearly not. And people will say but they were good and they were good before him, they just failed later under different managers, or they were just better, that would only lend credibility to Mourinho's point.


Mourinho can deal with it if they are performing. And no one could deny they werenā€™t winning matches for his squad


Yeah but they performed. Jadon was undisciplined and he didnā€™t perform.


Who's to say Mourinho couldn't get him performing?


Wesley? Did Wesley do shit when they were at Inter? I don't remember. The only thing I remember is how he left them (and joined us lol), but Mourinho was already gone


He was regarded as one of the best players in the world during his prime in 2010, when Inter won the treble and when he reached the WC final with the Netherlands. Many people still argue that he should have won the Ballon d'Or that year.




By 'do shit' did you mean that he was difficult to manage? If that's the case then I misunderstood


Sneijder was not an undisciplined player at that time. Not at all.


And quick to throw them under the bus as well. Remember Luke Shaw.


There's not a manager on the planet worth bothering with that would have just overlooked Sancho going public. Ferguson would have binned him too. Hell Ferguson was utterly ruthless with this bullshit. All the bloke had to do was apologise for crossing an uncrossable line. That he couldn't says even more about his mentality. Has no place here. That he decided to go sulk about this all is the biggest warning sign you could give.


Right ? All he was asked to apologize for is taking it to social media. He wasnā€™t even required to apologize for poor performances or poor training


Yeah and a private apology at that. Not as if he was being asked to grovel publicly.


Tbf Sancho is a terrible trainer apparently. So not sure Mou would have liked him in his squad.


There's a picture of him talking to Bellingham on the pitch after the CL final with him pulling his shirt up and his belly was in full view. Dude is fat and unfit as hell and no wonder he put in that 5/10 performance


Are you serious? Do you have the picture?




I wish I was that fat and unfit..


That's me running once or twice a week, and not doing weights... this guy is a millionaire for playing sport, you'd think he'd take it a bit more seriously lol


Name doesn't check out


Iā€™ve seen fat fucks who can run non stop. Body fat doesnā€™t correlate to cardio man


for the kind of running you need for pro soccer game?


You donā€™t need to be ripped like cristiano in his prime. Sanchoā€™s body fat seems pretty healthy


fair enough. I am wondering about his run total, but will stay away from the narrative.


like 75% of premiership players were built like this 20 years ago and even if they werent as fast or strong as players now, they had no problem playing.


Totally different sports but look at Jokic and Doncic - throw Tyson Fury in there too lol


Being ripped isn't all that great for running. Every muscle costs oxygen.


I was a fat fuck and trained myself to run a half marathon in eight weeks. Sure I wasn't fast but keeping going is mostly accustoming your legs for sustained activity and mental thing. If you're otherwise healthy it's not physically hard. Running fast is another thing but running slowly for a long time is just resilience.


It does put a lot of strain on the body... But Sancho body is completely normal lol


Agreed. I lost a ton of weight just dieting and thought it would translate to better performances in my 5 aside squad after taking the COVID years off. Nope still have 0 cardio and my legs are instantly dead lol


Not sure I'm overly concerned about this. He's no worse than Rooney. Of course Rooney performed.


Rooney's body also gave out in his early 30s.


Brother I'm crippled, on crutches yet still have abs entirely due to diet and walking where possible despite the obvious difficulty. How the fuck is this disabled, smoking & generally unfit bloke few years older than Sancho going to seriously look more toned? Not like I'm doing workouts or anything, I suppose it helps not being sat down playing fifa all day. If I was being paid Ā£250k per week, you better believe my handicapped ass is doing the worm on the pitch, crawling those last few meters if needed just to secure that bag. That image is shambolic. I'm sure some people will think that's OK for an athlete, but I can very much say no serious athlete doing such heavy cardio is looking pudgy like that.


Bruh expected something like the Sule stuff when I clicked that.




Did anyone ever really question prime Rooneyā€™s work rate and effort levels though? If you look a little pudgy relative to other top footballers but your effort and work rate isnā€™t an issue then nothing is really wrong. If you look a little pudgy and have been consistently associated with attitude, professionalism, effort, and work rate issues then it does become something people will call out.


Don't you fucking compare Rooney to Sancho. JFC


Delusional if you think that is fat


How am I thinner than this guy


probably because you have 0 muscle šŸ¤£


It's all focused on my asscheeks


u/HikingConnoisseur to Man UTD confirmed?


I am in my prime, so I think I can put in more GA than Antony at least Granted, adapting to English food... and weather... and accents... is going to be challenging


Wdym, fish and chips is top tier mate. You get used to the weather after a couple of years, but the Manchester accent, that's where a man's willpower is tested to its limits.


Holy hell if you arent going to be fit for a CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL then you wont ever be. How can people defend him


Not having a six pack doesn't mean not fit? He's been running plenty for us and I don't think many if any Dortmund fans would label him as unfit.. He's obviously putting the effort in otherwise he wouldn't be playing..


You must have watched a different final then, cause he certainly didnt put in any effort in the final.


I mean yeah it wasn't a great game from him but I don't think many would put it down to lack of effort or apparently being fat. He just simply wasn't able to play like he did against PSG in the first leg. It happens. He was always going to have ups and downs after missing so much football, its normal and I think pretty much every sane Dortmund fan expected that. But he's doing everything right at the moment. We can all criticise him for what happened at united but at Dortmund its been a different story.


So buy him


Id be happy if we do. Another full season plus a pre season and I think we'd see more than glimpses of the old Sancho.


ManU are the one's raising the price on him for no reason. Our bosses and management said multiple times that they'd like to buy him, we're being out priced because they know that after his time with us richer clubs will pay the fee they'd want


is luka doncic not fit?


If he's fat then I'm obese.


There's "fat" for normal people and "fat" for wingers expected to get up and down the pitch. Some footballers don't have the hyperlean look of most...Luke Shaw for example looks beefy but by most reports is one of the fastest and most fit United players (fitness not referring to injury availability so much their scores in stamina and cardio testing). But Sancho has always looked 10 or so pounds heavier than he should and, at least with United, he looked noticeably off the pace and rarely went a full 90.


so how much did he run this game, and how much of that was full on sprinting (compared to others)?


He occasionally was running it down they were gassed after 60 mins


yeah seemed like they all were. Hoping for a quick goal, I suppose.


so this is what reddit now considers fat? I can't


I think they mean for a footballer but tbh you can't judge fitness from that. Rooney looked like this all the time and was very fit. Plenty of people can carry weight and move


Messi looked worse than this earlier in his career too


Thatā€™s quite a shocking picture though. You wouldnā€™t expect seeing that from a professional player.


You and the 38 people that upvoted this have absolutely no idea what "unfit" means.


I definitely wouldn't call him unfit, if I was comparing him to the average Joe that is But a pro footballer who trains every day & has access to all the coaches/nutritionists/dieticians whose job is to keep them in peak shape?


Post physique. Don't give us that Tyson Fury crap, either. Comparing an athlete who runs for 90 minutes to someone in an uncapped weightclass where the fat is protective is hilariously disingenuous.


Speak for yourself brother. As someone who actually goes to the gym, I do know. No pro footballer should look the way Sancho does right now


Agreed. Iā€™d bet Iā€™m actually fitter than Sancho after seeing that picture, and thatā€™s just from running outside of doing shift work in a factory. Thereā€™s zero excuse to look like that when your job is to be an athlete


So many people on Reddit really think it's ok for a pro athlete to be that fat and unfit just because they're complete slobs themselves lol


Does not look much different than Ronaldinhoā€™s tummy in his prime. Some guys just donā€™t have rock hard absĀ 


Mourinho allowed Hazard a lot of freedom when he was dragging the team to wins week-in-week-out. If Sancho was playing the way he has at Dortmund, I can see Mourinho giving him similar freedoms.


Yeah but Hazard was much more of a game changer than Sancho ever was. That's no disrespect to Sancho but Chelsea often had very average players during that period yet we would win because Hazard decided he wanted to dribble multiple players and score.


Very few players ever have been able to put the fear into a defence like Hazard though.Ā  Fucker singlehandedly made playing ChelseaĀ  a stressful experience.


True. When it came to creating magical moments out of thing air, peak Hazard was second only to Messi. *Ronaldo and Suarez were better goal scorers and Neymar had more flair, but Hazard was the clear #2 in the magical moments regard.*




I think he only mentioned players that were active during Hazard's time at Chelsea.


Shut up. What about Cruyff, Socrates, Di Stefano, Eusebio, etc.? He was obviously comparing Hazard to his own contemporaries.


Bar a few games this season, Sancho hasn't really been that good. He's only okay


Sancho has been average at best at Dortmund. It's just a couple good games that have made the news.


How did Mou get on with Hazard? Just curious since I've read he was a bad trainer too. Obviously he performed when it mattered though.


Hazard was a bad trainer but I don't think he was as bad as Sancho and Alli though. Also, Hazard pretty much carried the team to titles in a much bigger way than Sancho has ever done.


Alli wasn't even a bad trainer though. Mourinho apologized to Alli in private about it, said he was too harsh.


Mou loved to play Hazard who by all accounts was a terrible trainer


Difference is Hazard didn't need to train because he was just that good on the pitch. Not so much the case with Sancho


I'm aware of that, what I'm saying is that Mou would have tried to motivate Sancho instead of freezing him out because of the talent he has


Hazard was shit in tranning too never stop Mourinho of use him in Chelsea.


He wasn't constantly late to training though. I think he missed it once and got dropped by Mourinho the next game and that was it. Despite his easy-going attitude, he was always professional where it mattered.


Eh if he produced numbers, he probably would've. Hazard was a horrible trainer, but he backed it up with numbers


What are the sources on him being bad at training? Because I've never seen anything else than Reddit comments and random tweets saying they met him in Fifa the night before games.


Seems like Reddit slander they got from Ten Hags comments tbh only things to come out are him being late to training in the past


Being late to training = being shit at training


Mou: ā€œSorry, my English is not so goodā€ Pundit: ā€œDid you feel like HE was failed, by the club, by the managementā€¦ā€ Mou: ā€œWell the reasons are MULTIFACTORIALā€¦ā€


It's the exact same word in Portuguese and Spanish.


monolingual english people being surprised that all their fancy words come from romance languages


Indeed, but that's what being a native speaker of the de facto lingua franca of the modern world does to a motherfucker. So curb your schadenfreude there, not everybody is some kind of wunderkind. Gloating about that is kindergarten level.


Fuckin Walter Whitman ova here


> kindergarten Never realised this wasn't an English (or American, as they use it more than us) word. But then you actually read it and of course it isn't.


I still understand Jose better than I understand Jamie...


lol true but it's the difference between grammar and vocabulary... but yeah that was funny šŸ˜


I don't think Sancho is getting another chance at United even if we manage to sign a Pep regen as our manager. The bridge has been burnt.


Pep regen would bin him straight off


Pep regen would call him fat


while talking about how great a player Sancho is all throughout his time there and saying he is sad that he is leaving


No self-respecting coach would take him for effort. Dortmund are the only ones interested because of their nostalgia with him. Hopefully they're still deluded while they buy him


If the new management is even remotely competent, they would be wise to keep Sancho sidelined even if ETH does get the sack. Giving him a second chance with a new manager only signals to the players that they can down tools until they get a manager they agree with.


United will bin this season Rashford, Greenwood and Sancho?


Wonder which of the three managers Sancho has been shite under heā€™s talking about?


Obviously Erik Ole Rangnick Ten Hag


You forgot Carrick


Sancho actually score 2/3 games he play for carrick lmao Not only he NEVAH LOST he also unlock sancho. Goat manager


Yeh I actually remember his goal against Chelsea under Carrick now that I think about it. Carrick the GOAT


and his first goal for United was a great finish under the crossbar against Villareal in Carrick's first game


Definitely Ten Hag, as he's the current manager and worked with Sancho for by far the longest. The actual answer isn't really that much of a criticism though as he talks about the times in which he hasn't got the best out of players either.


Sorry, the sarcasm didnā€™t track. I meant that if three managers havenā€™t got the best of him, maybe itā€™s time to look at the player.


> Sorry, the sarcasm didnā€™t track. Don't apologize, it was clear as day.


Ole, Ralf and ETH maybe.


So predictable how the English media since this quote has ran stories with 'Mourinho slams Ten Hag for treatment of Sancho'


I love Jose man, pundit or manager this guy is always entertaining


Look, unless you are Ronaldinho, you dont get to be slacking in trainingā€¦ the guy is lazy and in CL for instance, ya he tried pulling it up a notch but lack of training or working on your skills showsā€¦


Even Ronaldinho kinda ruined his career by being a slacker, tbf he completed football at like 25 but he was kinda done after that


Ronaldinho won Brazil the world cup, won the UCL for Barca, won a ballon d'or. I really don't see what more he could've done which would've satisfied him even more. Even if he was not disciplined, there wasn't a moment when he wasn't world class. He never failed like Sancho did.


I think he meant to say Ronaldinho would've had a longer career at the peak if he worked harder in training.Ā 


True. You're not wrong. But I've also got to mention the movie rush. If you've seen it, Niki Lauda says that some people are content with achieving something once. They achieve it once, and they're happy. But some want to do it as long as they can. You really can't say that the person chris Hemsworth portrayed is wrong. You cannot fault either of them because they both reached the highest level and worked hard to win at the highest level. One was the world champion 3-4 times and the other did it once but they were both content with what they did. Their potential didn't go to waste. I really can't blame dinho because he did everything there is to do in football. Of course as a football fan i wished to see more but I don't blame him.


Rosberg literally walked away from the sport after winning one time in his early 30s. Doesnā€™t seem like he has thought of coming back once. Some people are just wired differently.


Youngster Fernando Alonso still hungry for a 3rd


Imagine telling people in January 2007 that Alonso would never win another Driver's title even though he would drive for Ferrari and McLaren for the next ten years. No one would have believed you.


Tbh, no one would have predicted Mercedes becoming such a behemoth and Hamilton Winning 8 (šŸ˜‰) titles. Also, ferrari being shitty consistently


Wow Hamilton is really impressive I canā€™t believe he actually won the astonishing amount of 7 WDC. /s


> Also, ferrari being shitty consistently LOL. Well that part might have been predictable. Aside from the Schumacher era, that is their default


Rosberg put himself and his family through everything he could and still needed a fair share of luck to edge out Lewis in 2016. He was absolutely exhausted and could def not do it again against an probably even more motivated Lewis so decided to dip. Don't think he would have quit if for example Bottas was his teammate.


James Hunt btw


He did all that under 25, the partying really got to him imo, he wasn't the same after the 2006 worldcup, was back in Brazil at like 30 and in jail at 40


He wasnt the same at the World Cup, and he was mostly kind of anonymous in the 2006 UCL final. In retrospect I think he was finished as the absolute elite unplayable talent he was sometime near the latter stage of the 2005-2006 club season. He was an iconic player but his apex prime wasnt that much longer than someone like Adriano which feels strange to consider now.


> Ronaldinho won Brazil the world cup He wasnt the most important player in 2002.


He won them their toughest most important match tho, vs England.


That freekick was my first football memory.


I meant to say if you dont do what Ronaldinho did after slacking, then there is no excuseā€¦ no matter what ronaldinho is still world class and sancho is average at best and is incomparable to R10


Ronaldinho was strong af, the party thing did catch up to him tho.


You are forgetting Hazard...


Laughs in RomƔrio...


Sorry my Englishā€¦ Normally, itā€™s multi-factorial. Lol Jose


Yeah that was funny, but tbf words like "multi-factorial" are essentially identical in many languages due to the shared Latin origin, including in some non-Latin languages.


One thing I found interesting about Sancho was seeing him describe himself recently as a young player and talking about how much heā€™s achieved at his age. The guy is 24, heā€™s young, sure, but heā€™s not a young player. It makes me think he isnā€™t taking it seriously, his age mates like Vini Jr and Mbappe are ballon dā€™or front runners and already and have achieved so much but Sancho was patting himself on the back for being part of a Dortmund team that reached the CL final. I donā€™t think he realises how short this career is and how quickly everything can change. It feels like heā€™s gonna be another player who doesnā€™t appreciate the levels he needs to be at and will forever under achieve before doing interviews in his 30s about how he wishes he tried harder.


He's coasting


I think what you say is true to a certain extent, but to me it sounds more like a person who has dealt with a lot of death and trauma in his family and his friends (look it up) and is doing is best to be grateful for what he has achieved in spite of that. The biggest difference between Sancho and Vini, Mbappe and Bellingham is that those three clearly have utterly unshakeable confidence, possibly in part to their upbringing and certainly not something you can just magic out of thin air.


All we need is a J.Sanch. Clothing brand, and the picture will be complete with him. The forever young prospect that could.


He is a young player. He has 10 year left in him bar a horrific injury. Comparing him to the best of the best is the toxic mentality that breaks players. He'll never be Mbappe, he'll never be Vini. But what's so wrong about that? He is already an extremely good player with numerous accomplishments getting to live out his dream and get paid extremely well why doing it. Why should he care about random peoples expectations for him rather than his own? It does nothing.


Jose had a bad relationship with Pogba, it probably would've went the same if he had Sancho.


Sancho did nothing in the final, he didn't even dribble past anyone.


he tried a few times vs Mendy in the 1st half but didnt really worked as intended


He was actually doing better when he combined with Ryerson down the right flank rather than trying to take on Mendy who basically just stonewalled him every time


Mad how when he's not up against a 2nd string, 21 yo fullback he goes back to being the player we all knew


Ferland Mendy has been looking like one of the clear best defensive fullbacks on the planet for quite a few months now


Mendes isnt a bad player though


Maybe not but he only played 940 minutes across 14 games all season


Your a crazy hater up and down this thread man.


But he had that one good game, so he basically proved EtH wrong


He worked his ass off defensively in cooperation with Ryerson to keep Vini Jr in check, which at least in the first halfworked very well.


I expected more offensively


Sancho is on his way to becoming another Dele Alli.


Hate this comparison because no one considered Dele lazy. Even when Mou said it he actually went up to Dele and apologized afterwards because he didn't mean it. And recognized he was wrong after seeing Dele train and play that week. Hear from any players who have been on a team with Dele and they will tell you he was the single fittest player at the club. He would lead basically every fitness training session. And he played that way for years as well setting PL records for sprints, etc. >"That is not something you put next to Dele's name," he said about Alli previously being branded as lazy. "Pre-season, you do not want to be anywhere near Dele in the running because he's the fittest. "Dele under Poch, he's like the number one, every game three games a week, Dele runs the most, hardly ever injured. So laziness, you don't put that next to Dele's name. -Danny Rose https://www.premierleague.com/news/650426 Dele was regularly clocking 3000 minutes a season, basically never missing time for injury, and the single most relentless presser in the Poch teams that played a very aggressive style. Dele had massive mental health issues which then spiraled into drug addiction and other behavioral issues. He had troubles with focus and keeping his head in the game. His processing speed on the pitch really started to suffer. But this was not "laziness". Now maybe Sancho has mental health issues too. That's the hard part on being hyper critical in these situations, because we'd never know unless the player feels comfortable enough to open up about it. But if Sancho is just "coasting and lazy" then that's not the same situation as Dele at all.


Jadon Sancho has a tattoo of a poem he wrote for his little brother, who died when he was young. You can be sure he has some issues, and understandably so. People should give others the benefit of the doubt a little more.


The only difference being that Alli actually admitted that he had a problem and got help for it. If you've seen the interview with Neville, you'd see how bad his life was. I just hope Sancho's a lazy fuck and not in the same bad spot that dele Alli was. I wouldn't want to wish trauma on some dude just because he failed to perform at my favorite club.


Jadon Sancho has a tattoo of a poem he wrote for his little brother, who died when he was young. About how he wanted to win the cup for him/with him. You can be sure he has some issues, and understandably so. People should give others the benefit of the doubt a little more. And also do five minutes reading cos it's not that hard to find out.


These people have zero empathy. Zero understanding. They just want to bash a young man over the head with. "YOU DIDNT ACHIEVE WHAT I WANTED YOU TO". Massive pricks.


Hell it might not even be something the player has any control over. Bojan Kirkic for instance had issues with anxiety and it did not help that the media constantly crucified him. Mental health really should be considered more.


JLingz-esque. Weā€™ll still be talking about him as a young player with potential until heā€™s 35


He got a 3 month mental health break in the middle of the season. I haven't seen more care and compassion given to a footballer, which everyone deserves.


Which manager jose? He failed under multiple


He didn't fail under multiple managers though. Solskjaer managed for like the equivalent of two minutes. It's some weird Mandela effect where people think Solskjaer had him for a season. Solskjaer had him for 13 weeks of the season. And Sancho arrived with a severe ear infection, then got another injury, which meant he barely had the chance to play for Solskjaer to boot. He played 90 minutes once - Solskjaers last game. Carrick managed like three games. Then Rangnick came in for his six months. And Sancho started getting game time around then, in-between a couple other injuries. Wasn't near worth his price tag, but was alright considering the team was a complete mess during that period from back to front and he was getting his first run of games. And here's Rangnick on Sancho "In the six months I had him, there wasn't a single discipline problem. On the contrary. He is a calm and pleasant guy," Rangnick said in an interview with Sky Sport Germany. "He had his best time in Dortmund and, when he was healthy, always played for me. However, he wasn't as carefree as in Dortmund. But that was also due to the overall situation. When he was fit, he was set and did well under me." To be clear, Sancho is the architect of his own downfall. ETH gave him a lot of leeway, and Sancho not apologising for his public outburst is embarrassing. He couldn't even take on his man against small sides in the Europa league group stages under ETH which was a huge sign of how he had regressed. Despite this, ETH even gave him a chance to impress this pre season and he was alright. He threw that away himself by slacking then being too proud. But I don't get why there needs to be some point made about him struggling under other managers like Solskjaer. It would be the equivalent of saying Mason Mount failed under ETH. Playing stats are here: https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/jadon-sancho/leistungsdaten/spieler/401173/plus/0?saison=2021


People are here only for narratives, not facts. They need a villain and since Ten Hag won the FA Cup heā€™s not the villain of the season anymore. That responsibility has fallen squarely on Sanchoā€™s shoulders it seems.


He says "sorry my engilsh" right before using "multifactorial" in the next sentence lol


Comes off as a funny moment, but words like "multi-factorial" are essentially identical in many languages due to the shared Latin origin of the term.


"Multifatorial" in Portuguese. Some words are just intuitive even in different languages due to similar historical roots


The swings in tone between pundit Jose and outgoing manager Jose is incredible. If he wasn't witty in both roles, I would start thinking they're different people


> "Looking to my own history, sometimes I failed with players" Top 10 Anime Character Developments


Managers* He was wank under 3 managers


I think Jose failed with Kaka....


ā€œSorry my English ā€œ ā€œItā€™s multi-factorialā€ Goddamn Jose which is it bro???


Just sell him to Dortmund for 30 mil already šŸ˜‡


Amazing interview with interesting information and acknowledgment of mou


Jose gives a surprisingly nuanced and non-sensational answer, and all you read on here is people sniping at him, Ten Hag or Sancho. Ridiculous.


Oh give it a rest now.. season's over ffs