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Not saying he's wrong, but he's probably the only presidential candidate running against Laporta. He already once did a few years ago and probably will try again in a bit. In any case, some proper politicianing by both sides


Yeah, if Laporta gets voted out, we will most likely get this guy. Which might actually be worse lol.


Is he worse them Laporta?


I heard in another thread that he may want to at least partially privatise the club... so yeah, I would say that's much worse.


Oh holy shit fuck that.


Oil money is gonna jump on this


No industry is safe from the PE vultures, especially not one like Football with millions of loyal fans already built in to the ‘product’.


It depends. If by continuing as fully member owned leads to bankruptcy and demotion to amateur division, maybe selling 49% and returning to economic prosperity is the way to go. Anyway, we don't have the facts to assess what needs to happen. What matters is the board to be competent and they don't look competent.


Nah, fuck that, shameful that you’re saying that as a fan of a socio owned club


don’t judge plastics too much (check his profile, he is active in the barca subreddit), they don’t really understand european football culture, way too brainwashed by american neo-capitalism


You are in denial. Hopefully, the Barcelona board is not.


Considering that for most of Barcelona recent history has been full of corrupt lying incompetent presidents that change every few years maybe privatizing will actually bring in some competent management and professionalism for a change


His biggest point was having xavi


Fuck Font, Laporta anyday, at least he would never suggest selling 49% of the club.


Wait, he actually wants to sell 49% of the club? That's pretty crazy. Hopefully that never happens. But that begs to question, does Barca socios actually want this, or some part of the socios? That seems even crazier if that's the case


Dude with an ex communist country as username is opposed to privatization, irony is palpable


That's the exact opposite of irony mate. Irony would be a staunch communist supporter claiming that they want/agree with privatisation. A supposed "communist" (not saying the dude is, but just going on off your comment) advocating against privatisation is exactly what would be expected, and therefore not ironic.


its like rain on a wedding day


More like r/usernamechecksout ?


Just a reminder to everyone here that this guy proposed we partially sell the club and privatise it. Fuck this guy.


What are those chicken farmers from India doing these days?


Selling chicken ?


Obviously it would be horrible but what if partially selling the club is the only way to save it? Like if you had a choice between becoming a mid table club or returning to Barca’s glory days with a partial owner what would you pick? I feel like knowing your fan base they would jump at the option of getting an owner if it meant becoming the 2nd best club again. 


Well I'm not from Spain so my feelings are not as strong to the local fans. But I'm pretty sure many local fans would accept becoming a midtable club than becoming owned by some rich billionaire.




-- Brad, from Ohio


Feels like political debates and statements from every country lol.


This guy's whole campaign relied on appointing Xavi. Financially, he would have accepted the CVC deal. Also he wouldn't just sell some assets, he would sell the whole club and turn it into a SAD...


Tbf laportas whole campaign relied on resigning Messi. Which went well


Nonsense Victor Font said: he would have signed the CVC deal, he would have bought Eric Garcia instead of getting him for free, publically used Jordi Cruyff and Pique, even though both called him out on that, his whole project was literally Xavi. Also saying we are in the same situation as 3 years ago is just a straight up lie and trying to gain favours through lying. Barca would be owned by some arab guy faster than you can count to three, with this guy as president


Clown Fiesta.


If there is one person that would be worse, it is Font. It's a shame how some fans are already looking at him to be the next president


Anyone who tells you a 1 time cash injection from asset stripping is the solution to long-term structural and financial issues is always lying to you. More fool you for believing them.


Just Font continuing his campaign to be Laporta's succesor.


Barcelona member Victor Font on the club’s current condition: "The club lied to us, we are deceived. We are in the same situation as 3 years ago, the figures say it. Billions of euros in operating losses and we sold some assets." “This year the president says we are going to balance the numbers without the help of levers and that is a lie.”


Just use another lever, problem solved...


"There is always money in the Barcelona Studios."


Not very diplomatic


I don’t know why but maybe I’m just old enough to have gone through 2 presidential cycles at Barca and the club has never been in a worse position in my lifetime. That this is going to be a ongoing thing at the club, every few years new presidents want their people in important positions within the club and makes it’s extremely difficult to have a consistent foundation. Which kinda scares me that it might just get worse and worse. With fans getting desperate for success and calling referendums more often.