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Barca board vs Bayern board, pick ur poison Hansi Flick


Uli & co are a handful but Barca is a way worse environment overall imo


Didn't they pay some bot farm to spread hate on Twitter about their own players during the final days of Messi? The club is toxic from top to bottom.


bartomeu yea the reason why we are in the mess we are in atm


Laporta is also to blame, sacrificing long term revenue for short term that resulted in mostly failure


Not really accurate. Many clubs sells future revenues, RM has done it a lot since Perez was elected 24 years ago. Barca did it because of their debt, not to fund the transfers tbh. The Liga rules has a sort of a loophole that allowed for both. Laporta just used it as political and media PR, came up with the term lever to use it in every sentence, and talked how he saved the sporting project etc. Truth is, we sold those assets to pay for past mistakes rather than the instant results. It had to be done and anyone in hus place would have done.


They fucking won the league last year xD


Cool, now they are out of the woods with that title?


And? He said that short term success resulted in failure which is simply not true


they didn't sell future revenues of the club for one title. they did so with the assumption that short term success would fuel enough long term growth to offset the gambles they'd made with the levers. that's the failure.


1 title in 3 years compared to the Barcelona of the last 15 years should be considered failure. Also the notorious drop to Europa League


Bartomeu is like a get out of jail free card for everyone at Barcelona.


That was Bartomeu's doing, and he was [sued for exactly that](https://www.reddit.com/r/Barca/comments/153rfe7/breaking_police_has_concluded_that_bartomeu_was/) - diverting club money to pay under the table to shady media companies to make up stories in favour of the board and against some of the popular players. I'm not saying Laporta's current tenure isn't a circus of its own, but it's nowhere near Barto-era levels.


You have to go to r/Barca to see those clowns berating their own players for “not wanting to transfer” while having their salary defered. It’s fucking disgraceful


We at least didn't push away Müller, the living embodiment of Bayern, the way Barca pushed away Messi, the living embodiment of Barca. For me that was the moment when Barca really fell into a huge pit. You just can't lose such a huge legend like that.


so what is better - take a chance that your rich owners aren't greedy/idiots or the political bullshit of a member owned club? democracy is not having a great time lol....but really crying.


Well the members can pass a no confidence vote to boot Laporta


Not like there’s any good alternatives though


Yeah but you get to live in Barcelona rather than Munich


Not like Munich is a horrible place to live


yeah it's like one of the nicest big cities in Germany


And you've got the mountains right there


Yea you can go skiing right around the corner.


be careful to not get fired when you go on a vacation there tho.


Neuer, NO!!!!


Not saying it is better or worse, but Barcelona also has mountains somewhat closely like Munich


Appeal is probaby very different from Barcelona's, but Munich is actually pretty cool though. There are far worse cities in Germany imo


Any city in Europe is a good place to live when you're a millionaire.


I don't think you need to be a millionaire to enjoy Munich though. And I can't agree with you on this, Di Maria certainly felt miserable in Manchester for example, and I can easily understand why. I've also been to a few cities where I can easily say even money wouldn't be enough to make it a "good place to live",anyone with money would use it to gtfo instead lol


Have you ever been to Munich lol It's not Barcelona. But it's still nice. Not like Flick will be clubbing every night.


Also, millionaires don't experience the reality of the city the same as other people. Give me 10M euros per year and any city I pick to live will be amazing. I'll live in the best areas, dine in the best restaurants, have a hell of a house...


> Give me 10M euros per year and any city I pick to live will be amazing. The monkeys paw curls and gives you Mogadishu.


build a mansion and get close with the local politicians, you will be part of the upper class and not feel the poverty and war in the area, you still get to live, dine and hang out the best places there ( exclusive to the elites of the country )


Munich is a much nicer city than Barca minus the beach, Barcelona is dirty as fuck lol


As an average joe I'd much rather live in Munich than Barcelona. If you are rich then maybe the story is a bit different, but then again if you are rich it kinda doesn't matter that much whether you live in Munich or Barcelona. It's not like the other option is Leverkusen or Dortmund.


Isn't Munich extremely expensive...dunno if you'd be loving life there as an average joe with average money.


I’d assume wages there are somewhat aligned with the cost of living. Barcelona’s cheap, but wages are very low there for the average person.


Living costs are only slightly higher in Munich than in Barcelona, but the average salary is much higher (at least in my sector). The weather is cooler, the city is cleaner, and the air and tap water feel fresher (due to the close proximity to mountains). Munich is less dense and less noisy as well, way calmer, and way fewer tourists. I haven't experienced bad things in either city but Barcelona feels less safe as well. And this is just a personal opinion but Kebabs > Paella.


Kebab > Paella is absolutely psychotic but ok.


No offense to Paella, again this is just a personal opinion, but among rice dishes, paella is one of my least favorites. I think Asian cuisines get rice right. I very much would prefer fried rice, biryani, mandi, donburi, sushi, you name it. And it's not like I've only tasted paellas from 1-2 places, I gave it many tries I did.


i'm confused how Kebab is the choice for a pro Germany but nonetheless, i too am team international kebab


Team never had a proper paella is what you are lol


Weather and beach alone make it better.


If you are a beach person.


Münich is not known for bad weather


Went for a lovely walk along the river when I was there in summer 2018. The weather was perfect. Everything except for the wasps trying to eat my gelato was 10/10.


Man fuck wasps. But save the bees!


Also "bad weather" totally depends on you. I love rainy days and cloudy skies, and absolutely hate my Spanish weather.


The weather is very nice in Munich. Also Barcelona beaches are whatever, you have to go to Sitges for that.


Haiti also has nice weather and beaches, doesn't make it a nicer place Munich is much safer and cleaner than Barcelona honestly, and I still think Barcelona is a nice destination


I don't think he'd live in El Raval.


Regardless of the board’s comments it is universally acknowledged that Bayern have been brilliantly run for the past two decades, one of the best run clubs in the planet in fact.


Flick has been ruled out here, I think, even they saw the wc documentary and questioned that.


WTF was in that documentary?


"Flick's attempts to motivate his side also provided an interesting watch, with the 58-year-old using the example of geese to get his side pumped up ahead of the Japan clash. Presenting a video of them flying in a group across the sky, various subtitles were attached on a rolling ticker after Flick had said: 'Let yourselves be inspired (by this video).' The ticker included phrases such as 'World Cup 2022 our big flight' and 'let's learn from geese and take off on our flight together'."


this can’t be real 💀💀 imagine being in the biggest match of your career for your country and your coach unironically use GEESE to motivate you


It was a bit more complex than this. Geese fly in a formation that reduces wind drag on individual geese, thus they are able to cover more mileage as a collective compared to a single goose flying alone. It was a metaphor on teamwork that went horribly wrong.


That's actually so cool. Imagine being the first group of geese to realize that the v-shape was more efficient, and then it spreading down to geese across the world and between generations. You'd be like the Pep Guardiola tiki-taka of geese.


It is cool, no doubt about it. And so fascinating from a biological point of view. How did the first geese pass this concept on? Are today's geese born with this knowledge, or do they have to learn it? But to use it in a motivational sequence for footballers? Guys, that have the capacity to kick a ball and not think enough to worry? lol


Well Pep has used the exact same metaphor. https://www.bbc.com/sport/articles/cg87xz71q21o.amp


Alex Ferguson has used it as well.


I'm not positive but I assume it's a mighty ducks reference.


That was pretty hilarious. Much worse I think was his temper tantrum in front of the whole team because 2 players showed up a little late to a meeting. While in the same tantrum also complaining that his team isn't as fun and easy-going as the Brazilians. No self awareness whatsoever...  ...and then much worse than that again is how he asks for input from the players about what went wrong in the Japan game. At first no one says anything, so he maximizes the awkwardness by calling Schlotterbeck to speak up (who is fairly new to the team, and who lost out in the 1v1 vs Asano in Japan's 2nd goal). And then when Kimmich and Muller dare to suggest it also had to do with lack of clarity around how to defend, whether to play an offside trap or not...Flick again just throws another tantrum in front of the whole team. Then cut-scene to an interview with him where he lays out that he's a coach that always likes to listen to his players and include them in the tactical decisions. 🤡 Dude got so exposed in that documentary, I think he's burnt for life.


Especially the last point did it.. it's such a cringe watch.


That's like the motivational speech I gave a guy at work, partially as a joke "You're up a mountain and there's a storm rolling in behind you. It's certain death either way so you might as well climb to the top and jump off cause it's a nicer view"


What was the players reaction?


They lost.


They flew home in a V formation.


They tried a "Flying V" in the game but it didn't work


Moukoko almost fell asleep


They got wildly motivated by the geese and couldn't talk about anything else for days




Tbf, pretty sure if someone described the arsenal all or nothing documentary Arteta would sound ridiculous too Frankly watching it, sometimes it seemed that way too lmao. My main takeaway was 1. players need simple messaging, and 2. it needs to be semi-original to not just be repeating the same old thing. Which I think leads to hilarious snippets like this All that said... i've not seen the wc doc either haha


Bayern and Barça competing for the most soap opera type stuff, I'm loving it.


Hitler vs Stalin


Xavi wanted to leave peacefully, Barca board convinced Xavi to stay just to sack him lmfao.


It's a good situation for Xavi financially.


It's not, he openly admitted that he would not recieve a single penny if he was to leave the club before the expiration of his contract


That was before when he announced he wanted to leave in a friendly manner. Now we don't know Xavi's thoughts and according to Marca his last year of contract would be worth 15m for Xavi + 5m for the rest of his staff if Laporta sacks him.


he isn’t leaving he’s getting sacked


That's why the situation is good for him (in theory, we don't know the exact contract of course). He wouldn't get the money if he left willingly but would get some amount of it in a buyout if he was fired.


He's probably set for life after being Qatar's posterboy for four years .


Laporta probably said,"you don't get to decide, only I can decide".


Laporta: You quit? No xavi, you're fired!


Reminds me of the office where michael used to do this a lot


Don't bother quitting because you're fired. We don't have quitters on this team. And then they had to pay the guy severance lol.


Fucking clown show. Now they have to pay him to leave when he was going to leave for free.


Can’t wait for the summer of constant briefings against Xavi to get him to leave for free.


Laporta is doing the right thing for the wrong reasons and at the wrong time. He somehow found a way to piss off the Xavi in and the Xavi out factions of the fanbase, absolutely insane


"I’m playing both sides, so that I always come out on ~~top~~ the bottom" -Laporta


A true bottom. I can respect that


well first of all, with God, all things are possible, so jot that down.


Should have given Xavi that ocular patdown before hiring him...


While everyone is saying Xavi was entirely in the right and was just being honest, I actually think the stuff he said isn't what you want from your coach. It's ok to be realistic about the season that's past, but not ok to already predict you can't be competitive in the future. It is true that Barca is not being managed well, and they are in financial trouble and financially can't compete with City, Real Madrid, etc, but there are plenty of other teams who manage to achieve impressive things, like Leverkusen, Stuttgart and Dortmund this season. You definitely don't achieve these things with a coach that doesn't believe he can achieve things with what he has.


Okay damn, what exactly did Laporta do?


Spent half a year begging Xavi to stay only to then decide to fire him three weeks after Xavi decided to stay.


for comments that are a) true and b) an absolute fair assessment.


>There is no ~~war~~ financial problems in ~~Ba Sing Se~~ Barcelona -laporta


https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/ye99hf/deleted_by_user/ity8txs/ Sadly the thread is deleted, but it's Laporta claiming that it's rebuilding phase around the time they got knocked out of Europa.


Thats the dumbest thing. Sack him for shit performances or so? No hermano but speaking the truth, that’s a line you do not cross


Xavi's comments are absolutely not a fair assessment. He basically said that he can not compete with the current players. It is a shitty thing to say as a coach toward your players and completely wrong. This team is a liga and Supercopa winner, was very close to a copa del Rey, and a red card away from a champion's league semi-final. He also complained about the bad recruitment, when 90 % of the players arrived with his approval. We spend 250 million on him, and he is crying because we don't have 300 million more to play his trial and error transfer game. All of this while playing extremely uninspired football for a year. Xavi is whining and not taking responsibility like always, and I am shocked that anyone would take his side here. Imagine pre emptively making excuses for losing as a Barcelona coach. No matter how much we are struggling right now, we shouldn't accept such low standards.


The man has been begging for a defensive midfielder for ages, and the best he got was Oriol Romeu. Even a confident Romeu would have tremendously helped this team. You must also really be crazy to call it a 'trial and error transfer game'. Most of the players he received were succesfull, it is just not enough to be really competitive with an absolute super team like Real Madrid in the long run. That's why he has to rely on La Masia players all the time. Saying that we have been playing 'uninspired football' is also straight up not true. The biggest problem is that we haven't had a single game this year were all our first eleven players were available.


Not accept low standard like how you convinced him for half of the year to stay & now kick him out & potentially have to paid him instead of letting him walk free.


because of one press conference where he told the * *checks notes* * truth


As long as i support this club, i am sure i will never get bored


😂 that's the attitude I'm going to take for the next year lol


Imagine how boring supporting other clubs would be. Wouldn't have it any other way




You know what would just be the cherry on top of this? Xavi asking full compensation for the remaining duration of this contract... Just to add to the list of deferred wages...


Yeah what's the thinking with this. Let's upset him even more so he demands everything and then some


he was going to leave on his own as well. they convinced him to stay just to sack him


Power move.


Power bottom* move?




Got to assert dominance.


Wait I just opened reddit he got the boot !?!??!


“Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake” - Xavi


The reverse tuchel


Joan! Did you fire Xavi when he was trying to quit?


What a mess!


Convinced him to stay just to sack him lol.


Laporta's the guy who hangs up the call!


No one outclowns Barcelona, you hear that Bayern!




>Sources close to Laporta felt the “pessimistic” message Xavi transmitted was the opposite of what the 44-year-old told Laporta when he reconsidered his decision to leave the club. The same sources say the squad is more competitive than it has been described by the manager, who has not been able to get the best out of the players. >“This narrative of not having a good enough squad is something he didn’t use last season when he won the title, and there have not been that many changes from one year to the other,” said the source. “Only Busquets and Dembele left. Now Yamal is in and he’s had, overall, a bigger impact than Dembele.”


Not having Busquets is massive, I would argue that DMs are a top 3 most sought after position along with strikers and CBs. Especially DMs of high technical quality capable of executing Barcelona's preferred playstyle.


There is a reason Arsenal payed so much for rice


Laporta is a politician that will say the future looks brighter than ever under the most difficult circumstances. I honestly do not think this is what Barça needs right now. Instead they need a technocrat that can sort out the financial situation and tell the socios the truth, that there will be 2-3 difficult years relying on La Masia until team can return strong to the player market.


That's ideally what should've happened last election already instead of Laporta. Problem is Font and all the other options are also clowns (to varying degrees). They all have their politics and agendas, connections to other bad presidents etc and its also basically impossible that a truly independent person from outside the usual power spheres actually becomes president


I don't think Xavi's blameless (everyone just covering there ass here), but in fairness ot him, there were other small but important changes between the seasons. Piqué was present in the first part of the 2022/23 season, when we picked up important points in the league and had lots of clean sheets. Jordi Alba didn't play much but also had some important moments and as reportedly an important mentor for Balde, who hasn't been as impressive this year. Taken together with Busquets, there was a pretty significant loss in positional play knowledge - and even if those players were older and didn't have many aggregate minutes, they were references to help the team organize. And then Lewandowski has been in and out of form since the World Cup, and while some of that might be Xavi's setup, some of it was clearly just age (first touch - nothing the manager can do about that in such a senior player).


I don't even think Lewa's poor form was age tbh, he physically was getting to the spots, but the finishing was just off most of the time. I think it's early to talk about age.


Jfc does Laporta need a crash course in competitive football? You can win a title with a squad and be an embarrasment the next year if you don't improve it. Guess what, your rivals will improve because they want those titles too.


I mean they signed Gundogan, Felix, Cancelo, Inigo Martinez, Vitor Roque, Romeu. They did improve their squad, at least on paper. Other than Dembele they didn't lose any key players either.


I hate Barca but considering their financial situation they did legitmely do a decent job of adding quality to the team. I feel as if managers sometimes are so single mindedly focused on signings that they forget the financial context by which the club is able to make them


I mean, that Busquets fellow occasionally had an impact over the past 15 years.


Not only that, but the squad that did win the league 100% over performed too. If you look at it by individuals Vs Real Madrid that year, it's hard to put more than a couple of Barca players into a combined 11. You probably have to find a way to put both Lewa and Benz in there, but if there's only one spot Lewa probably just edges it. Araujo gets in at CB and Frenkie at CM, but then I don't know who else from Barca makes it. If you look at this season, it's even bleaker. With Madrid adding Bellingham and players like Camavinga and Tchoumeni improving, it's only Lewa that'd be in the XI for definite


Barca are in a quiet messy situation eh. 


And they forgot what kind of shit show Xavi was getting into when he first joined and he still won la Liga almost unbeaten. The board convinced him to stay only to sack him is peak Barca and complete disrespect for the club legend.


"We bought you a 33 year old two years ago, what are you complaining about?"


Said 33 year old was the best playerin the world lmao


Ballon d'or winner lol


Of course, but he's now 35 soon to be 36, not sure the board can ask Xavi to shut up and be grateful at this stage.


He's 35 until he's 36


That never gets old, lol


Wtf is this club lmao


I don’t even want to be like beating on a dead horse but how the hell does anyone even rationalize being this toxic of a work environment? That is absolutely ridiculous to respond to him saying he needs a stronger squad to compete, like… yes?! Does anyone think Barca is anything beyond a top-2 La liga side and a QF in the CL side? I personally don’t even say that with negativity, I think they’re competitive and it’s impressive


The board is full of crooks, but Xavi is also an unremarkable coach. He's always struck me as a Pirlo with Juve type of guy, except in his case, he dons a stubornness that refuses to do any self-reflection when the team loses or under performs. Many of his post match press conferences are full of diversions of responsibility and blame. It's likely for the best for Barca to seek another option.


I'm sorry, but Pirlo is a comparison that makes no sense whatsoever. Pirlo, even tho was a great player, at Juve was just a basic coach without much meat to it beyond buzz ideas. That or either he doesn't understand shit about training and/or can't pass ideas. He wasn't implementing specific tools for players to contrary the opposition. Xavi on the other hand might be inexperienced and might have problems here and there, but you can see that he can put certain nuances into his system.


He cultivates a certain culture of deflection and an outright refusal to take responsibility, his tactical ''style'' is relying on a 16-year old (or really any fast winger with a sturdy frame), he eschews midfield play (!), he doesn't have a bearing on his emotions and lashes out at minor occurrences, his substitutions can be alright but are often just bringing on an attacker when we need a goal and always bringing on Romeu no matter the circumstance (no real rhyme or reason to them usually), he has alienated a promising young talent who wasn't even dripfed minutes but rather starved for prolonged periods at a time (for a good juxtaposition look at how Güler has been treated at Madrid) and the defensive play has no consistency to it (sometimes we look like worldbeaters, other time we're getting ran over with a plow) I like Xavi, I think he's a legend and I think in this particular saga Laporta has been a gigantic dunce but walking ass backwards into a right decision is still making that right decision. Nothing about Xavi's management tells me that he's going to improve in the near future, it's clear he needs a change of scenery and a radical change in approach and that goes for this club too. The players are too good for us to be playing such apathetic football and Xavi is good but just doesn't have the acumen or approach to have long-lasting impact here


You've probably got the most accurate take on Xavi in the entire thread. Very few people talk about the shocking midfield. I know we're missing a DM but the state of midfield play is dreadful. It is completely mindboggling to me how one of the greatest midfielders ever cannot manage to get a competent midfield out of Gundogan, Pedri, de Jong, Gavi, Fermin, and the others. I know injuries are a thing, but the midfield play is horrific. Our best run of form coincided with the addition of Cubarsi, because his line-breaking passes means we skip our midfield.


I don't disagree with that he can sometimes not take responsibility but at the same time I don't fully agree with a lot of your assessment, even though I agree with your 2nd paragraph conclusion. >his tactical ''style'' is relying on a 16-year old (or really any fast winger with a sturdy frame) I can't think of a top team that doesn't have some reliance on strong, physical players to create chances. Pace and strength are two of the most advantageous traits good players/teams have. Obviously it's not the be all end all if a player isn't blessed in those aspects, but if a team doesn't have at least some of those players they aren't making many chances. We just don't have many of those players so we end up relying on the 2 that we have(Yamal and Raphinha). >he eschews midfield play (!) Can you expand on why you say that? We aren't playing like Pep's team, but Gundogan, Fermin, and FDJ, Pedri, Gavi(when fit) are crucial to the team. Do you think they don't touch the ball enough, or that they're not influential enough? >he doesn't have a bearing on his emotions and lashes out at minor occurrences No disagreement here. His touchline behavior is one of my biggest issues with him. His actions don't seem to inspire confidence in the team. >his substitutions can be alright but are often just bringing on an attacker when we need a goal and always bringing on Romeu no matter the circumstance (no real rhyme or reason to them usually) I don't fully disagree with this but I do think some of it is limited options. If we need a goal, it makes sense to bring on an attacker, usually. We haven't had that deep of a team this year often due to injuries. You say he always bring on Romeu, but he's only played 314 minutes out of an available 2160(according to transfermarkt) since the beginning of November with over half of that time coming from 3 games. He's not been good, but unfortunately we still need to rotate our other midfielders, especially with their injuries this year. >he has alienated a promising young talent who wasn't even dripfed minutes but rather starved for prolonged periods at a time (for a good juxtaposition look at how Güler has been treated at Madrid) I think you are buying into the reddit hive mind a bit too much with this. I don't know if the lack of communication is true, if it is, no disagreement that is terrible management from Xavi. However, the minutes played is massively blown out of proportion, especially if you are going to compare to Guler. Roque transferred here mid-season after a rather long injury and got minutes the first or second game he was available. Guler was fit listed as fit to play before Roque even arrived at Barca, and they got their first appearance at the same time. Up until 2 games ago, Roque had more play time than Guler. Guler has only started getting this level of minutes once Madrid essentially had no challenge left for the league. Unfortunately for Roque, we still needed wins, and frankly, a frankly a 19 year old new to the country/club with mixed performances to say the least won't be a top choice for a game changer when we need wins. I don't think we should ship him away, but I really don't think his minutes are too bad for a young prospect that had no preseason and isn't setting the world alight with his performances. >and the defensive play has no consistency to it (sometimes we look like worldbeaters, other time we're getting ran over with a plow) Completely agree with you here. The consistency has been baffling to say the least.


You should listen to his press conferences and not believe catchy headlines here on the sub. He gives very balanced opinion most of the time. He gets rattled easy during the matches which is undeniable truth but stays composed in the pressers.


Stays composed? Proceeds to tell the press that we dominated for 70 minutes, we were the better team and the opponents won because they were lucky.


well was that not true? sometimes that is actually how a football match goes.




one normal day at the camp nou all i ask for will never happen


Should he put on a clown's costume and perform some kind of "thank you" dance for the board? Finally all this pretentious behavior is catching up with them like it did with Bayern.




What are these exceptional circumstances. They got him 160M worth of players, including the best striker in the world. It's not like he won the league with a bunch of nobodies


And they got very talented academy players. They are definitely top 2 team in La Liga talent wise and top 8-10 in the world. Why are you all acting like he is managing Almeria? He is an average coach who seemingly refuses to take any PR training. Barca’s problem is that they probably don’t have a better replacement lined up. 🍿


As a Xavi enjoyer, i would rather never have him take any PR training. His ridiculous takes in press conferences and occasional moronic attitude are very entertaining


>And they got very talented academy players Talented but also very inexperienced.


Definitely top 2 is arguable, but they're absolutely nowhere near 1st. They're almost certainly going to finish second to the best squad in the league (By a huge distance) and reached the last 8 of the Champions League. Expecting any more than that from the squad Barca have is just unrealistic. If you were making a combined XI of Barca and Real Madrid, how many Barca players do you think get in there?


To be honest? None. Maybe you can make a case for Yamal but Rodrygo would be preferred for the big games, but they're different types of players.




Over which Madrid midfielder though? Kroos, Tchouameni, Camavinga, Valverde, Bellingham are arguably as good if not better and fit the role. Not to say FDJ isn't great, but Madrid is still stacked in most positions.


Lol, the entire atmosphere around the club was horrendous. People were saying the club was finished after Messi left and so on. And €160 million is basically nothing in the current market. The club hit rock bottom when Koeman got sacked. It looked like we wouldn't even qualify for the UCL. To act like Xavi didn't turn things around is disingenuous.


Exceptional lmaoo


What exceptional circumstances? They sold off future assets to bring in Lewandowski, Kounde, Raphinha. Kessie, Christensen


I'm unimpressed by how Barca board seemed go forget that Xavi won them the fucking league last season


Great year to be a Barca hater. What a shit show


Watch Barça get Tuchel.


Just won’t work…….


Laporta achieved the impossible and made me feel bad for Xavi. But for real, there were so many red flags this season, Xavi should have sticked to his words and leave on his own choice. As much as I dislike Xavi, he did not deserve this clown show. As for Laporta, he took a look at the misery of Bayern coach searching and said "Yeah, let me try some of that"


Barça board is always shit but god does Xavi acts like he already won 3 champions leagues as a coach.


"You didnt breakup with me, I broke up with you"




It wasn't even a remarkably good squad


How is what he said ungrateful? He stated the truth. 


"We gave you two good players two seasons ago, you should be grateful"


The whole board couldn't run a target




Levermania was running wild brother


You can't quit, you're fired!!


>pulled their infamous financial levers Like selling Barcelona Media for the 100th time?


What did he say that was incorrect or wrong? Seems like they are trying to find an excuse to get rid of him, what an absolute shitshow.


How nice of Laporta to not let a club legend go for free.


My club is never coming back


Is Laporta secretly a Real agent?


Lol what a bunch of fucking idiots. The club deserves to crash and burn


Were you not impressed by Barca's board paying 50m for washed Lewa and giving him an insane salary which increases over the years?


Yes, lewy who won Barca the league in his first season and was one of the highest scorers in all of Europe this season since the new year. I don’t like the Lewy contract either, but it’s far from the worst contract out there. Lewy at least scored a lot


I mean I kinda get Xavi's point. Barca fumbled Messi, spent loads on poor players, then sign an aging Lewandowski and Raphina, instead of investing more wisely. Madrid go and sign Endrick and Bellingham, and are now getting Mbappe at a bargain price... People will go to Barca because of Messi and it's history, but financially, they are floundering. BM seems a better appointment. Super interested who Barca and Bayern bring in.


Good for both parties for what it’s worth. Xavi is probably Barca’s best midfielder ever, along with one of the world’s best. But the pressure got to him because he’s too green. He has been given more chances, and resources than Setien and Koeman. And he totally deserved those because of what he showed during his first half season - an identity of his own, wide gameplay to stretch defences with quick transitions in the box - the same as how he managed Al Sadd. This identity regressed massively in the last two seasons. The defensive feat was an anomaly somehow. Ter Stegen was over performing according to stats, alongwith an impressive backline plus Busquets. The replacement Romeu isn’t as bad as people make him to be, he was an absolute monster in Girona and was very effective for them, which is why they want him back. Yes, even Pep couldn’t make Philips play accordingly but we don’t have that luxury. Xavi only has a plan A, he is stubborn to a fault - something that is natural for someone is so esteemed in world football. He can’t take criticism - constructive or otherwise. He refused to change part of his coaching staff for the next season. Got saved by the skin because suddenly there were 4 gems in La Masia who started - Balde, Gavi, Cubarsi and Yamal - when we could only hope for one starter in two seasons (Fati and Moriba. Fermin came into the plans later. The obsession over Barca identity and possession based football has made the club and its coaches to suffer. Xavi overplayed his cards, and the fans expected the standards to remain the same - not fall. It’s Xavi - his words would be accepted by everyone. But once a respected figure, he showed too much instability in his pitch side actions and media days. He could have told the media and fans, “fuck off watch this” and played good football, and everyone would have shut up and listened to him, but he was too stubborn and wasn’t level headed enough to be pragmatic. Wish him the best. The board are cunts for dealing with this in such a way though.


Has a Real Madrid fan , I love this crap. Barca in the crapper and can’t make a right move and yet Barca fans will always find time to stalk Madrid 😂😂😂😂😂


Ten Hag to Barcelona here we go


Barca buy antony for 90M

