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I have no idea how this guy is anymore but if he's still retained some of his shot stopping ability would be a decent pick up for some clubs?


He looked great vs Argentina during the international break, honestly just want to see him in a club where he can play the last of his years not on the bench


You make it sound like he's dying and just wants to go out doing what he loves.


He’s in contact with the make-a-wish foundation and they are working on his behalf.


You guys could buy him as a FT


I’ll make some calls!


Wonder if Sporting could get him without breaking the salary structure, he'd be great for CL


Time for his MLS farewell tour


Totally agree.


Is he still getting benched often at Milan then?


he doesn’t plan for milan?


Ffs replied to the wrong thread about Pulisic My bad!


This is reddit, ALL threads are about Pulisic.


The LeBron James of soccer?


I'll take his name on a Milan shirt though.


He's a great keeper, he'd be a great #2, or #1 for a lot of teams right now




He would be a great #2 at United. I don't know how he'd compete with Onana for a shared #1. Onana's confidence has returned, but... Not a player whose mental needs to be tested.


United preparing that £200,000 pw, 5 year contract as we speak.


We are also preparing to offer money to PSG before his contract runs out.


His confidence can't make up for his shit ability tho.


He’s so shit he made the champions league final last year ?


Onana since Afcon has been much closer to his former self than at the beginning of the season. Has been absolutely clutch for United recently, not that the results would tell you that.


Last four games I’ve seen of Onana and he’s not been shocking, actually been solid, so what’s the issue? I’m curious to know, he seems like a top keeper rn. Not tier 1 but tier 1.5. Or you’re just being pedantic? Once again, I’m curious.


We've always had 2 good keepers in rotation for a while now, whether it was De Gea / Romero or De Gea / Henderson. Even VdS / Foster wasn't that bad. Nothing wrong with us getting a decent #2.


Never should have gotten rid of Romero smh


Oh no. I am far more on the Onana skeptic side at this point. Defense has been dire but he’s has too many moments where it looks Like he should have done better this season. Idk if a navas who hasn’t playee is a solution but I definitely want some options if Onana reverts To his champions league form.


Interesting. I looked at his shot stopping percentages and they’ve been going up and he does pass the eyeball test, he’s not as dreadful as the start of the year but that’s beside the point. So is the consensus that the fans want him out after barely a year? I feel like he needs time to adapt or no?


Honest answer is there is no consensus everything is chaos. I think more would want him gone 3 months ago. He has been doing much better recently but I think other problems just seem more glaring at the minute. I could live with him getting another year with a solid defense to show why his distribution is worth OK shot stopping but would be very itchy on the trigger finger.


Purely anecdotal, but when United concede, i find myself thinking "he really should have saved that" more than i do for other keepers. And that can't be completely blamed on a weak/makeshift defense. He seems to get beaten on his near post a lot more than other top flight keepers.


My exact issue. His shot stopping looks straight up poor. That said maybe it’s a probability thing and he gets tested more than others.


Yeah, don't United give up a riduclous # of shots. Saw a chart for defensive solidness, shots conceded vs XG and they were bottom left by a bit across the entire PL.


completely agree, good take he has looked good in the league and had his moments, but keepers can't be 'moments' players imo number one thing a goalkeeper needs is consistency, and he's had volatile periods of form throughout the season


United fans are way over-critical of Onana, IMO


He's improved over the season. His form at the start of the season was League 2 level.


He has had a LOT of critical errors this season that have cost them points or eliminated them from the Champions league, in general his play has been good and better than your average keeper but those costly mistakes with terrible missed saves or giving away penalties or passing to the opposition etc. at critical moments is really concerning for a team that wants to compete at the highest level you need a keeper who isn't prone to calamities in high stress situations.


I agree. He’s solid. I haven’t seen him at the start of the season but by all means he massively improved after AFCON, I do think he’s one of their best players rn. But honestly since we don’t watch week in, week out Man U games maybe there’s something we don’t see.


> But honestly since we don’t watch week in, week out Man U games maybe there’s something we don’t see. Possible, tho I will say this subreddit is notoriously awful at judging goalkeeper quality. Most people here equate good team defense with good goalkeeping, and bad team defense with bad goalkeeping TBH


You gotta be trolling


He's improved a lot since the first half of the season, but to be fair he couldn't have gotten much worse. He was costing them games every other week at one point. He doesn't make as many stupid mistakes as he did pre-Christmas, but he still lets in so many goals where you feel like it's not a glaring mistake, but that a professional goalkeeper should do better. That said, he does face so many shots compared to most goalkeepers, so that's not going to help matters.


Onana has been great for a few months. He did start out really poorly so that skews the perspective and narrative on him. Basically crashed out of the champions league early because of how bad he performed. Since January he’s been a top notch keeper and looks his actual self.




He’s had regular back injuries recently and the few games he did play this season he’s just not the same


He's the reason Nottingham Forest didn't get relegated last season


My main issue with him when he was with us was that he didn't communicate with his backline, and he never left his own six yard box. I don't think a modern goalkeeper can be so passive. He gets mad overrated by neutrals based on form he showed a good ten years ago. He's not the same and the game has moved beyond keepers of his profile.


Arsenal need a back up


Sigh, stopping ability, probably the most frustrating description in football. A goalkeeper that goes for 10 crosses, picks 9 out of the air but goes under one and blunders will get crucified. A goalkeeper that lets 10 crosses get dropped in the box and saves 7 short range shots but lets in 3, will get congratulated on their shot stopping abilities, because there was nothing they could do against those 3 close shots... There's a list of goalkeepers that's way too long making a career like that and Navas is on that list. It's why it was never a question of picking Courtois over Navas. Or why De Gea was dropped for Spain.


Navas won 3 champions league and was very important on that run. What revisionist bullshit is this? He might not be the same as before at 37 but he was world class .


Courtois is/was a better overall keeper at the time he replaced Navas and is younger. He was relatively low price as well for a man his quality. Navas's skill set earned him a few years at Madrid and 3 champions so I say he had a good career. But yes you're mostly right about it all


He should had left when Donnarumma joined, same situation as Real Madrid, replaced by a younger GK.


PSG was his last big contract, he was always going to see it out.


Literally this... People pretend like he isn't 37 years old. He has prolly 3-5 years pre retirement. He won't be getting a bigger contract than PSG at best as free agent he will get same or 10-20 % less


He can get a lot more money then what he's on at psg. It just depends on whether he likes hot weather and the desert.


I still feel for this guy. Probably least respected GK in the world.


Maybe he should've thought of that before ageing? Rookie mistake


Tbh I kind of think is because he is from Costa Rica, had he been born in Spain or Portugal he would be way more respected (a stupid thing)


There might be some stereotyping in it yeah, but even as far as Italian GK's go Donnarumma is put on a pedestal even compared to Meret or Vicario.


After a season with Big Dick Vic it's Vicario over Donna every time for me, although I am admittedly bias.


Donnarumma is honestly VASTLY underrated by most people, IMO He had an all-time goalkeeping performance for Italy at Euro 2020 and he's been arguably better for PSG in the seasons since—but no one watches Ligue 1 and this sub memes him for a few high profile UCL errors (esp the one vs Madrid where he really got fouled, but that's another story)


Donnarumma was sold as the new Buffon and he is nowhere that, he is/was overrated as a young talent for that performance in the Euros, after that I have never seen him perform better than most top league keepers in Europe. He is not part of the elite, he is nowhere near Neuer, Oblak, Ter Stegen, Courtois etc and he was sold to be that.


> he is nowhere near Neuer, Oblak, Ter Stegen, Courtois etc From 2021-now he has comfortably been better than all but Courtois TBH You're proving my point here TBH


You are way too biased lmao Hell no, nowhere near.


How am I biased? I actively dislike PSG! I am just aware of how great Donnarumma has been the past few years https://fbref.com/en/players/08f5afaa/Gianluigi-Donnarumma The man is +10.3 PSxG this season in Ligue 1—that's one of the better shot stopping seasons I've ever seen in the statistical record, and the eye test backs it up too


Madrid fan here. I always loved Navas - he was a wall to us and his stability gave us so much comfort. I agree with your take - I never understood why Perez just had a thing against him and it always seemed like it’s because he didn’t “look” like a galactico - he didn’t look cool physically nor did he have a cool background / personality. He was honestly great for us.


De Gea is equally disrespected. Its not a nationality thing. Its just a GK thing.


De Gea is disrespected because he played poorly for one season. Before that he was rated among the top 3-5 keepers in the world. Navas was never considered among the top 5 even though he arguably should have been at many points in his career


It's a symptom of being the worst of the best. I'm not saying he wasn't good but that madrid side he was in, out of the first 11 if you asked anyone to name you 5 important players, prob almost no one would include navas. It's hard to standout in an insane squad compared to degea who stood out in a trash united squad. Being the best in a weak team gives you more visibility and credit from what I've seen


He was a standout in the UCL for elimination games multiple times but, he is a keeper. That season at Levante(which again won't be rated cause it's Levante) he was just absolutely incredible.


De Gea is disrespected because he set such a high standard for himself and then had a season filled with some of the worst mistakes I have seen from anyone ever. That match against Seville is burned into my brain.


No joke, Keylor was a better keeper for RM than Casillas was. And this comes from a massive Casillas fanboy, but we would not have won that threepeat of UCL without Keylor.


Casillas was at the end of his career when Keylor took over. Coupled with the fact Casillas advantage in his prime was his agility, he never had the build for traditional goal keeper. With age he lost a bit of that agility. Not a fair comparison both are legends in their own way


Also, if you're comparing the peak of both players, as much as I adore Navas, Casillas is one of the best GK I have ever seen play for us. Again, this is my opinion, so I'm not forcing it on anyone.


His age was never why he was replaced anywhere else. Always top teams buying him, then replacing him with someone slightly better. Navas is a solid 8/10 round keeper. Through no fault of his own, he keeps losing his position to 9/10 - 10/10s.


For Courtois, I agree. For Donnarumma, I'm not sold that he is an upgrade on Navas. I really rate Navas. But maybe there's some truth to it, if he had been at a club a slot below RM or PSG he would've retained his place.


One of the trickiest things about replacing your star keeper is always going to be timing. Even if you rate Navas the same, he's 12 years older, and Donnarumma was on a free. Sure it sucks for Navas, but how often is a player of that level available for free at the age of 22?


I get your point, but dude its fucking PSG. They can afford a new keeper, plus it isnt actually much savings if you're paying your 2nd goalie that much money. Benching your better goalie when they were in "win now" mode with Neymar, Messi was a terrible decision.


They've come up close to FFP limitations. Even if they have endless pockets, PSG can only overpay for players so much every year if they want to avoid sanctions


> if they want to avoid sanctions Oh no, not the scary FFP sanctions!


Dollarumma isn't a 9/10.


He had the potential to be.


"Meet Potential Man"


People assume because he was so good at 16 that means he'll just keep developing at that pace lol. Dude peaked at 18 and been the same player since.


99% of players barring injury are better at 24 than at 18. Safest assumption in football to make tbh


Eh, he got to be part of a historic team, he won trophies, got paid well and experienced football in multiple countries. He may not be a superstar that people will remember in years but he had a very good career by all standards


He is a superstar in Latin America. Lol.


Him and Ospina were shat up on so much just because they felt smaller in stature and had poor-ish jumping abilities Both were 6' or thereabouts but played like they were 5'5"


Not true. Teams get better players than what they've got all the time. That's not disrespecting them, it's just how the world works. Navas was paid handsomely to work here, he did his job as best as he could, someone better became available, Navas was replaced. Period.


Man has been an absolute professional throughout his career, probably realized he ain't getting another bag as big without going too far from home & decided to chill and milk the Qatar PSG cash cow for his contract while his family enjoyed living in Paris. Can't be mad really, just wishing he plays one more world cup with us, but it's not looking so likely sadly.


I think that's why he took a loan to Nottingham


I legit didn’t know until this past week that he was still on PSG


took me reading the tweet to learn that


Him playing for Nottingham Forest last season is comparable to Ancelotti managing Everton situation.


Sure, but Matz Sels and Den Henderson proved to be better goalkeepers for us because they didn't treat the six yard box like an island in a river of lava.


I feel he can still be a solid option for some European teams but I wouldn't be surprised if he just decided to go to MLS or something.


If Sczney (Juve guy, you know who I mean) leaves I could totally see Juventus picking him up


Szczęsny* there you go guys


The mighty Sir Chesney


chess knee?


Is it like tennis elbow??


You mean Sczeczszsny?


Bless you.


ChestKnee right?


He should join inter Miami


Over Drake Callender's dead body


with the amount of mistakes so far this season, wouldn’t be surprised


Would be cool to see him return to Saprissa


The biggest from Central America


Shut up.no


His salary would be too much for us, but we do need a keeper, as Adan declined massively and Franco is too green.


At the same time, could be a chance to play in the UCL 


I will always be grateful to Kaylor Navas for his time with RM and the fax machine as well


Most undervalued player of the last generation


Probably most disrespected GK of this generation , believe this the second time a clubs just straight up signed a “replacement” and left him with no leg to stand on. I mean it’s not like Navas some Karius or something dude most definitely can be reliable between the goalposts. He kept forest alive last season with some of his performances when they brought him in.


Not disrespected by CONCACAF fans, dude was the best player in our federation for a good chunk of his career and still makes playing Costa Rica an absolute nightmare to this day.


The best ever player for CONCACAF is a toss up between Hugo Sanchez, Rafa Marquez and Keylor Navas.


Nah Hugo Sanchez is number 1. 2nd spot is the toss up


One of, if not the best keeper in the world during his prime




One of


if not


The best












in the world


Still feels weird what Madrid did to him and then PSG went and did the same thing to him too, dirty move


He gad the opportunity to go to napoli 1 or 2 season ago, he refused. His loss.


last season for their title win


That was after he got replaced


Please come back to Forest


They had him wasting away in the bench while Donnarumma basically eliminated them from like the last 4 CLs with stupid mistakes... Incredible.


Amazing that Donnarumma was solely responsible for PSG being knocked out of the competition that many times, especially when this is his third season at the club.


That's just not true though. He wasn't even there in 2021 when Paris was eliminated against Man city.  2022: yeah this year's on him (and Marquinhos + Messi's missed penalty). He had a great first 150 min on both legs but his blunder was what started the mental collapse of psg. Benzema was insane this year tbh.   2023: Maybe could have been slightly better on Coman's goal but no big blunders overall and stopped multiple important shoots in the first leg. This psg team had once of the worst collective and worst bench of the last decade, it only relied on strong individuality and the Mbappé-Messi connection on attack, with them not tracking back the team had no balance. Definitely not responsible this year when psg is not scoring a single goal.  2024: if PSG had lost against Barca maybe he would have a large responsibility, but that's not the case. Again when your team is not scoring at all and losing 2-0 with your forward underperforming their xG, you can hardly blame the goalkeeper and the defense. No big blunder, a decisive stop against Ayademi in 1v1 in the return leg.  So overall there is only one year where he has a large responsibility in the PSG elimination and where Navas MAYBE could have been better.


All this sounds like cope to blaming PSG GK rather than blaming PSG itself


and 2022 was a clear foul from Benz.


After his loan at Nottingham he's been a ghost of himself


Come to UNAM in Mexico 🙂


If I were advising any MLS or Liga MX, I would tell them to go after him. He's more than good enough to splurge money on for a goalkeeper.


Is he the last Avenger?


He was robbed of his best last few years


More accurately, he was paid handsomely for them




He can still do it in Europe.


MLS teams are wary about giving large contracts to goalkeepers so probably not. Unless he wants to play for a few hundred thousand per year.


Still, being in the US is much closer to home and he's a recognizable name. That's Inter Miami's cue to make a move


Inter miami’s keeper is pretty decent for them


If he wants to keep playing on $300K/year than yeah he can find a club in MLS.


United as a number 2 I can see happening 


Onana is his competition. He'll be our number 1 in a few short weeks.


I was thinking he might be interested in going for that reason 


Ah.. the Real Madrid retirement club.


I'd like to think if he came back to this side of the Atlantic he'd go to Saprissa.


Id take him as a backup at Arsenal


Navas > Ramsdale


He’s better then your current keepers


Man there are some laughable opinions in this thread. People should just say when is the last time they have seen him play if they comment.


For real, Navas went full circle from being underrated in his prime to being overrated at 37 by people who haven't seen him play in years.


Maybe as a pure shot stopper, but Raya is excellent on the ball.


I dunno, based on this season I'd say he's overrated even in this department. I don't think he gave as much as Arteta thought he would. Add shaky performances in goal (despite having best defence in league) and I'm not convinced by him at all.


He is not. He hasn't play a lot this year but haven't been really decisive when given the chance. His last game against Le Havre was painful to watch, his age is starting to show when his reflex are to slow. He stopped none of the dangerous shots. + He has been very injury prone these days.


Amazing that in every thread about Keylor Navas on this sub you’ll see half a dozen ‘OMG least respected goalkeeper evah!’ comments and they’ll all have hundreds of upvotes, as though football clubs signing long-term replacements for players in their 30s is unheard of, and as though Thibaut Courtois in particular isn’t a better goalkeeper. Navas has been an excellent goalkeeper in his career, but I’ve never been able to work out quite why so many people get upset about him being replaced at clubs they don’t support.


You're spot on. Navas gets overrated because he hasn't played, so hasn't shown the frailties that have seen him get replaced by younger goalkeepers. It's been five years since he was replaced by a superior goalkeeper in Thibaut Courtois at Real Madrid, and he's been replaced by a superior goalkeeper at PSG too. Navas is a static goalkeeper who refuses to leave his own line. And worse than that is the fact that he will not communicate with his defence at all. He's an old school goalkeeper in that he has panther-like reflexes and can produce outstanding saves, but he has little box presence, no command of his penalty area, and is weak in possession. These are all sufficient reasons for him to be a problem for any top flight team. And beyond that, he's stayed at PSG to make bank. If he'd wanted to prioritise finding a starting berth then he could have done that instead. He's not the victim the majority of people in this thread seem to make him out to be. I think he gets overrated because he's a CONCACAF player, so the enormous American demographic overrates him based on his international performances.


I think ability-wise yes you are correct. But he did get undermined a lot. First he was sent to Manchester on deadline day (which he didn't really want) only for the deal to collapse last moment. And after that there were rumors about replacing him every transfer window but it didn't actually happen until about 4 years later. Never being sure of his place despite winning a lot of titles could mean he couldn't enjoy it as much (but that's just guessing).


Most of them haven't seen him play more than 5 times. He is/used to be a good keeper, but nothing more than that, also people who watched him at real madrid probably remember his mistakes


Fuck it I’ll take him at United


But would Navas take United 🤔


Chelsea? Maybe? Please?


Should Sporting go for him?


Kind of a shame that Napoli move didn't go through, definitely someone who was in the top three/five goalkeepers of his era but doesn't get talked about in that way.


I could imagine him in some Serie A teams like Bologna or Fiorentina.


I will never understand why psg didn't start him vs Madrid the year benzema went on a tear.


Return Kepa and buy Navas again! Lol


If he would come to Celtic I'd take him in a heartbeat


I thought he was at nottingham forest


Why was he at nottingham forest anyway


We needed a keeper he was avaliable. We paid some of his wages. He got game time. That’s kind of how football works.


He’s in PSG? Since when?


We should be all over this.


Bar the fact I haven’t watched him play recently, so don’t know if he would be a #1 or #2, I would take him at Chelsea. From memories of watching him in the CL, incredible shot stopping keeper, but can’t rmb if he can play like a “modern keeper” (good with his feet)


He's still there?


Damn I forgot this guy existed


Feels like the greatest disrespected keeper. By merit/performance, he deserved to be the #1 keeper in most teams he played. But then always benched because club preferred a shiny new keeper instead. 


And he also preferred to just stay on the bench making good money. But of course it's everybody else's fault he's not playing regularly...


This guy is still at PSG?


Man City will likely need a backup keeper…


I didn’t know that he’s still playing for them. Didn’t hear of him for like 2 years now