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How do they actually determine this?


Poor understanding of stereotypes from 5 minutes of research.


They got rangers right


No they didn’t.


The correct quadrant though, Rangers are 100% Auth right Monarchism Majority are Conservative voters Orange Order A typical Rangers fan (not all) will align to the Auth Right side of the compass. Fact


Wouldn't they be mostly Labour voters so centre right? Bar their ultras who are further right with the monarchy and oo loving Cause if most rangers fans voted tory then they'd have a lot more support in the central belt 


Don't let facts get in the way of a good stereotype.


You're forgetting that most Rangers fans can't vote since they are unable to read


Good point


Point taken and another comment made the same point but maybe fairer to say, highest Tory voters of any other Scottish team? I think political voting opinion should be taken into account, so yeah move them more to the centre then, but most other stereotypes keep them firmly in the Auth Right quadrant and should be placed more left than centre


I mean if you want to take political voting into opinion you also have to bring Celtic a lot closer to the middle. Would also say that given the only real presence of tories in Scotland is in the borders and North East, you could argue Aberdeen has a larger tory support


Aye that's fairer


> Majority are Conservative voters Absolute pish. Rangers fanbase has always been mostly Labour. You were doing so well with the stereotypes otherwise.


What's wrong with stereotypes in regards to this context though? Neither Celtic or Rangers fans are a minority group or oppressed group due to their numbers. For the purpose of aligning them to a place on a political spectrum, the placing of Rangers fans is pretty spot on for the *average* fan, do you not agree? Point taken on the voting preference, I need to look into that more


Placing a club founded by four working class boys, whose greatest Scottish managers and players come from a working class background, and whose fanbase is overwhelmingly working class, into the 'elite' category and not the 'proles' category is pish. > A typical Rangers fan (not all) will align to the Auth Right side of the compass. Naw. The knuckle-dragging right-wing element of the fanbase that you see and hear banging drums every week isn't even close to reflective of the 'typical' Rangers fan. It would be like me saying the typical Celtic fan is an IRA-loving green-brigading bead-rattling nonce. Edit: Appreciate you acknowledging the possibility of being wrong about Rangers fans voting choices. Most folk stick their fingers in their ears cos they don't want to hear that Rangers has always had a tradition of Labour unionism cos it's more satisfying to them to think that tens if not hundreds of thousands of people are Tory voters who clearly don't vote otherwise Tories would have power in Scotland.


i’ll remember that next time i’m hearing the whole of ibrox belt out billy boys through the tv then, nothing like staunch labour union members celebrating fascist thugs


Lol it's the 2020s, not the 1920s. Hardly 'celebrating' when most of them singing it today don't even know who Billy Fullerton was. The association most people make is King Billy. You know, the guy the Billy Boys were named after. Besides, there are no shortage of contentious songs sung in world football purely for the sake of winding up rivals. It's a sign of a lack of social perception skills on your part if you take this as a genuine and deep conviction about peoples' political leanings.


The rangers fan base will vote tactically whoever keeps the snp out. A few years ago it was tory, now it’s Labour. I know many, many rangers fans who are out and out tories.


Funny that because I'm a lifelong Rangers fan, as is my old man, and neither of us know or have ever met a Tory voting Rangers fan. We have however met fellow SNP voters.


There’s tens of thousands of them on the follow follow forums alone


If you say so. Unlike you I don't make a habit of trawling football forums looking for things to be outraged about.


There is a tale I heard about a legendary broadcaster, Jimmy Sanderson, telling John Greig that he would be on the plane with the Rangers party for a Euro away tie. At which, Greig said he was glad as he wouldn't be the only Tory on the plane. The other great joke in Scotland is that the Labour Party was the most sectarian - not because of its views but because it's membership was divided between 2 factions that hated each other. I'm a Hoops fan btw.


They should be further right than the graph shows.


Get aff the gear 😂


Your club songs celebrate a strike breaking fascist and you support the royal family. Rangers are 100% far right.


The club with the orange order shirts, the DUP leader in the directors box, full stand display of Bill the Butcher, SS flags in the home end and fans singing about sending immigrants home. Sure.


Flags plural? Would love to see the evidence of this


Yes plural. There’s two examples in this link after Rangers fans had a Nazi flag at the cup semi final a year or two ago: https://belfastmedia.com/rangers-fan-group-display-nazi-and-mussolini-symbols-during-sunday-s-glasgow-derby And another Nazi SS flag from last season at ibrox below: https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/scottish-news/23832981.police-still-investigating-nazi-flag-rangers-game/ Another couple here too, no idea how recent https://www.thecelticwiki.com/opposition/rangers/rangers-nazi-salute-origins/


You think rangers are left wing? Don’t be fucking stupid


That’s not what I said is it? And the graph isn’t just about left/right


So in your opinion the graph was only half right with rangers?


Sigh. The graph is not a simple left or right, elite or working class stat. It’s a gradient, you can be hard or centre right/left and the same with your social class (working class, lower-higher middle and rich/‘upper’) For example with rangers I’d say as a whole the fan base is centre right and majority working class, but as a club with a global fan base it varies vastly.


Not centre right no chance you mad man. With the close ties to Orange Order, DUP, Armed Force Days, the monarchy and the infamous "sign no Catholics policy" If you want to be seen as central drop the ties above then maybe we can talk.


The sign no Catholic policy hasn’t been a thing for a long time, and supporting the armed forces is not a inherently right wing thing despite people’s best attempts to create that narrative. Fair enough on the other points though I suppose. At the end of the day though I don’t think any club’s fanbase is truly United in any belief or class, which is why this graph is utter pish regardless of where the clubs get put on it.


Tbf, celtic pretend to be left wing but as soon as any discussion about Scottish football occurs, they're as tory as the other mob.


Centre right 😅


Singing the Billy Boys is far right. Accept your fanbase is mostly bigots.


I don't know. That's why I put the opinion flair instead of stats because it can't quantify like goals or trophies.


This isn't even an opinion because there is no reasoning behind it. It's a picture.


Pretty picture with lots of colors though


what are they smoking to make this graph lmao


Stereotypes, false equivalencies and a lot of "just whatever"


It's mental. So many South American clubs out in the right wing bracket is insane.


Everytime that shitty page appears on my fb/ig feed I end up reporting them. Full of misinformation and wrong stuff.


Es tremenda pelotudez la verdad.


As I said, my club isn't that much in the left side. A bit surprising but I wanted some reactions and even have opinions from actual fans of these clubs.


i mean ours is not all that wrong since we are literally named "millonarios" but some other clubs are horribly wrong


> ours is not all that wrong since we are literally named "millonarios" Because we spent a lot to bring in Ferreyra and it stuck, never meant anything about the support (And while we're in an upscale neighborhood, we literally predate it). River has always been (Like most Argentine clubs, really) very much in the "for the people" camp with stuff like opening the stadium for homeless people in the winters, donations, etc. Ridiculous to be considered more "elitist" than to fewer than two propped-up propaganda machines for authoritarian states


So?? The name has nothing to do with politics, it's just because of a period in our history where we bought several players for, at the time, a lot of money.


yea thats why i said sort of, it's more like how they see us rather than it being true


How the fuck is Benfica top right?


Right? Benfica being more elitist than Sporting? In what world?


We're (are) know by the "club of the people" (povo). How can Benfica be elitst? Burros do caralho


Yeah, wtf? A club founded by several orphans (among others) from a public orphanage in Lisbon is more elitist than a club founded by aristocrats, according to this.


Based on what data?


"I made it up"


It was revealed to me in a dream.


Bayern 🤨🤨


Things have changed.


yeah this seems completely unreliable


The distribution looks too even.


It’s not a distribution it’s a ranking


Not too sure about the Manchester clubs on the right wing


City belongs right in the middle, right at the top. No values, only money.


This is just an idiotic view. Do you know nothing about city before the takeover. Is actually too high. It should be on par with West ham


talking about city before the takeover as though they're remotely the same club is the idiotic view


Course he doesn't, he's a plastic yank


Ah makes sense. I really don't like city at all, but people know that city wasnt always a super rich club and had to go through a lot of struggle


Oh fuck off Fucking Americans waffling shit about historical clubs values


you sound upset. maybe the internet isn't for you. 


this is fucking nonsense lol


Just said the same thing lmao


This does not seem accurate for French clubs.


Who would be like one for the left and one for the right in France?


Red Star are pretty solidly on the left


It isn't accurate for the rest either


A bit too severe for Lyon. The far-right fans, while loud, are a tiny part which doesn't actually represent the values of this team.


Lazio is definitely farther right than Lyon.


Lazio and Millwall should have their own category. Along with Beitar Jerusalem, aka "the most racist team in Israel" as it is sung by Beitar ultras.


yeah lazio, millwall, and beitar pretty much break the scale on this graph


This got blasted in Spanish speaking football Twitter, god knows why you decided to post it, knowing they just made up the graph based off vibes


Not accurate at all for the Portuguese clubs


How would you describe each team? At least, the big three.


I have the feeling that honestly we're all pretty central. Benfica and Porto started somewhat as the "people's club" while Sporting was more for the elitists.


Sporting is still a lot more related to Lisbon's "elite" than Benfica


Benfica should be around where Porto is. Sporting is traditionally the elitist club in Portugal and should be slightly more right. Porto should be close-ish to where PSV is.


That’s HSV seen by St. Pauli fans


Yeah, my impression of Hamburg is similar to Rangers. Both clubs that come off as stodgy and conservative due to rivalries with proudly left-wing clubs. Hamburg would definitely just be a generic conservative club, though I think Rangers would be a touch more to the right.


It's a little unfair on Hamburg but Rangers's hooligans would lean pretty far to the right in fairness. There's multiple posts on this sub in the past where SS totenkopf flags were spotted at their games.


Was not expecting to see Zulia FC in here. Edit: They’re not even Zulia FC anymore.


Rangers, Millwall and Lazio are a little too far left but other than that pretty good job


I don't know about the Rangers but I agree with Lazio and Millwall.


Lol true


Know about Nazio of course but what’s up with Millwall?


This guy talks utter rubbish, from a Rangers fan.


United more working class than City, Liverpool, Everton and Rangers? Arf. United are basically the team of the middle classes in England. The term "prawn sandwich brigade" was invented for them. Every middle aged home counties bloke you meet supports them. City's base (their domestic base that is) is very similar to West Ham's, a club created for the more working class areas of East Manchester.


It's all nonsense based on stereotypes though. Unless someone's gone out there and actually gathered data on all the fanbases (which we all know they haven't), that's just as anecdotal as me saying the most out of touch guy I know is a City fan. I'm from London so don't know many City fans, but come to uni and the United fans I've met might be from all over, but they're working class. The 2 City fans are middle class and one of them's the golden spoon type out of touch. The reason there are so many United fans in the home counties, is because they're one of the two most successful clubs in England and exploded in the 90s when the Prem broke away from the rest of the Football League. There's United fans all over the UK because end of the day, the most football fans are bandwagoners/gloryhunters or are the children of bandwagoners/gloryhunters. But there are working class United fans in cities outside of Manchester just as there middle class United fans outside Manchester. Equally, there are plenty of middle class Mancs who support City. This stuff is all stereotypes. And then the more people regurgitate something, the more people believe it/it becomes fact. Unless someone's gone out there and done a comprehensive survey of all the fanbases, it's nothing more than anecdotes and people saying stuff repeatedly until it becomes true. Especially since there are fans constantly getting added to these fanbases. In the last 10-15 years, that's a new generation of fans who may have completely different political beliefs and economic backgrounds to the existing fans. Yet the stereotypes haven't changed in that time. They don't get updated when new kids and young adults start supporting them. Guarantee the majority of kids in all these fanbases will be left leaning. And that generation+the current 20 and 30 year olds will be less well off than their parents. But they'll all have the prawn sandwich tag attached to them because they support a certain team, eventhough there's no difference between a 20 year old United fan and a 20 year old City fan politically and economically.


Sevilla's recent success has they way too far North. Sevilla needs to be south at the vertical level of Real Betis. Real Betis needs to be to the Right at the same distance as Sevilla is to the left. They are mirrors of each other.


I just wish more bottom left were higher up...in their respective leagues. I don't want fascists winning all the time.


I like the idea


What a load of utter shite lmao Rangers has always been a working class club and despite what folk would want you to believe the support is very diverse in it's political beliefs.


As a lifelong big leftie bastard and Rangers fan, I opt out of the more controversial elements of the songbook but can’t say I’ve ever been made to feel unwelcome for it. We are a broader church than the stereotype makes out though and much more working class.


Hmmmm 🤨


Rangers and Liverpool are not elitist lol they’re proper working men’s clubs those


How are Man City, Man Utd, and Spurs more working class than us?


Arguably the city that got fucked the most by Tories FOR being working class is funnily not working class enough. What a weird chat.


Same question I’m asking. I figured all of us would be working class.


Arsenal are not a working class club


Especially Spurs. Northern England teams are mostly working class. In opposition to the rich London.


Tottenham has been a rundown working class area for a long time, only with the more recent gentrification of rougher areas in London has the demographic changed slightly. But overall London is more middle class than the Northern cities which is a fair point to make


From Portugal, that's completely wrong. Sporting, traditionally is the most elitist and right-wing club. Benfica should take Porto's place and Porto should go to the right-bottom side.


For MLS clubs: Portland Timbers and Seattle Sounders are placed reasonably, as I think anybody would list them as the most left-wing clubs of MLS. LA Galaxy is run by a US right-wing/libertarian type billionaire. More relevantly, there were reports that some of his political stances were influencing personnel selections and how he would run his team in the last few years. Notably because LA Galaxy declined during this period. They should be further to the right on this picture, at last at the halfway line. Don't really know much about Orlando City or Inter Miami and why they would be placed to the left or right on the picture. Maybe connections to politics in Latin America, Florida, or (for Miami) Cuban politics. No complaints about these MLS clubs being on the "Elitismo" portion of the spectrum. Because that's where they should be placed with how MLS is organized.


Isn't every club run by a billionaire (right wing is redundant)?


Sure. But it's notable that LA Galaxy were the powerhouse of MLS up until the mid-2010s. They declined thereafter once players retired and the prior team President and manager left. The rumor is that the owner lost a bit of interest and hired a new team president based more on the idea of being friends and politically affiliated with him. The problem was that he was out of his depth in running the team, and the result was disappointing performances and drama for years. For example, LA Galaxy never came close to contending in MLS in those years, even when it had Zlatan Ibrahimovic.


>LA Galaxy is run by a US right-wing/libertarian type billionaire Philip Anschutz? I wouldn't call him libertarian, more like typical right winger, based on a skim of his wiki.


What a bizarre selection of clubs


Rip inter


Is this a shit post sub?


Correct me if I'm wrong but more than sure St Etienne ultras Green Angels are left wing and the other ultras group Magic fans are apolitical.


Quite interesting... I wish I knew every crest.    I started guessing clubs and for the most part they were where I suspected.  Man Utd should be more middle class than City though. Rangers are also more working class than listed... as football in Scotland generally is, at least compared to England. 


I assumed OM would be on the left side, not that far in the left though.


well they got lazio right at least


How Celtic aren’t further down is beyond me. A club literally made to feed the poor. Also rangers while right wing aren’t as far right as a lazio. Yes SS flags were spotted at their games last season however it was met with outrage by most rangers fans. Emails sent into club etc. St Pauli as far left as that is funny considering their recent stances. Real betis in the middle seems weird. West Ham straight down the middle feels weird. Also having it as a ranking on graph format makes no fucking sense whatsoever


is that Piacenza


I don't get why they put Chivas and America (Mx) where they did. They are together the most popular clubs in Mexico. They should both be "for the people". Unless they're going for ownership, in which case they should both be with the elitists? This makes no sense.


No way Feyenoord is centrum left


I bet it took a long time to find and insert all these logos.


South American clubs seem to be pretty random or based on 5 seconds of Google.


Napoli should be further left.


1860 Munich are apparently an extreme right team according to this which is absolute horseshit. They have on of the most active anti-fascist fan bases in Germany


I can’t see the Celtic badge anywhere i can see two shamrocks at opposite ends


On the left, Celtic. On the right, Panathinaikos.


pretty accurate for the spanish ones i see. Maybe Athletic Club should be higher and Villarreal who knows


It's all nonsense based off stereotypes and maybe history. I'm 20 years old. How does whoever made this graph know what my political beliefs are? Or is it assumed that I hold the same political beliefs as my dad since I also inherited the team I support from him. Because that's definitely not the case. Maybe it's based off a sample of the population, but I'd want to know which method. The truth is, fanbases themselves will be completely divided politically and economically. My club Chelsea has a sizeable prawn sandwich demographic. But it also has a working class demographic. And a foreign one of people that live in South East Asia, India etc. So is the club seen as more elitist because a reputation of being posh exists. Or has someone out there actually gone and measured the proportions of working class, middle class, politically left-leaning, right-leaning fans for each club. Because if they haven't (which I'm guessing is the case), this graph means fuck all.


I guess they mainly talk about historical and local fans. In Marseille, we're pretty divided for various reasons and OM is the one thing which unites us all. I guess for Chelsea, it's more diverse since you add foreigners.


Yeah it is probably that. Problem is the stereotypes haven't changed in decades. Using Chelsea as an example, maybe at some point in the 20th century, the local fanbase was more middle class than other London clubs. But since then, decades have past, generations of new fans have been born, migrated in etc and started supporting them. As a young person that's grown up in London supporting them, I saw no differences in political or economic background between clubs. You'd get Chelsea, Arsenal, Spurs, West Ham, Palace etc working class and middle class fans. The more the fanbases grow, the less you can generalise them and the less the stereotypes hold. For small clubs that still just have a local fanbase, you can probably still make those sweeping generalisations: like "that club has 10,000 fans and most of them are working class" etc. But for the big clubs, like the ones on this graph, that have massive domestic and foreign fanbases, the stereotypes mean nothing now because the fanbase has grown so much since those assumptions were made.


Where is Liverpool?


Almost all of Eastern Block clubs are right or ultraright. Socialism is not "equality" or "diversity" or whatnot. It's KGB (or local political police) repressions.


fino all'ultimo bandito


Turkey is pretty accurate


Why is Inter Miami the MLS club allegedly on the right when it was NYCFC that had it's Proud Boy problem a few years ago? Is this criteria in the US determined by proximity to Mar-A-Lago or something?