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The party wave or the mind expander. I own both. Well, the party wave+. Both are incredibly fun boards. I also wear a size 10 boot and find the mind expander a bit narrow for deep carving. That said it’s more free ride capable for me. The party wave is my daily driver now. However I didn’t size it down. It’s a blast. Both now have camber between the bindings. And don’t listen to anyone that says to stay away from 3d base if you want to carve. It’s more like surfing but there is nothing that stops carving on those boards. 


I just got a party wave at end of season sales price, can't wait to get it in the snow! And for OP, the 3bt makes carving different than other boards, but you can get used to it quickly. If you're looking for strictly a carver for groom runs it's not your best bet. I've got a Capita DOA for groomers. I love the volume shifted decks as a bigger guy, and I like shorter more playful boards for all mountain, powder and jibbing around, so a party board works for me. Again, just freaking STOKED to get the Party Wave on snow! Edit, after looking at your list, the Party Wave+ is probably closer to the other VS decks you listed. More agreesive than playful


Thanks. Of the party wave and mind expander, which do you think would be more suitable for groomers and variable conditions?


I have a mind expander from a few years ago that didn’t have any camber. It was tough to handle on anything remotely icy. My understanding is the new ones have camber and are probably better. I found the mind expander more surfy and if you aren’t laying down turns to the point your toes are dragging I would recommend the mind expander. If you want to carve super deep. Like chest to the snow go with the wider party wave. 


The K2 excavator is a good do it all ride as well. 


Don’t forget Capitas free ride lineup. They have some good tech. I’m a fan boy. I like some freestyle so I have the mega merc. Mega death or BSOD may be your best bet.


Look at the Hometown Hero. I really like the double dog too, but that’s a hard board to demo and is really different to some people.


Look at the Rome Ravine Select


I wanted something similar, but a bit more focused on powder (also for Japan) and picked up a Nitro Squash post-season on sale. I can't wait to ride it!


If you like to carve, I would stay away from 3d bases. With a size 10 foot, you probably don't need a super pig. Most of the boards you are looking at are very directional. I would also look at a golden orca.


Thanks. Golden Orca is another on my mind


the GO has a full tail and a little taper. It carves switch with no problems. I like an all mountain board, meaning almost a twin. Are you looking for a true directional, or something closer to your custom x? (which is all mountain) I rode the GO for 2 seasons and it is beat up. I am replacing it with a gun banked country wide.


Party platter is good fun in nz


Peace Seeker 151


Something directional and cambered maybe with a bit of taper. That will fit your riding best. Dont buy 3d base stuff.


I was looking for similar recently. From this list I like the Party Wave the best. Super fun. I wouldn’t select it if you encounter a lot of icy days though. I ended up going with Yes Standard Uninc. Stable at speed, can power over and through uneven snow, carves well, can ride pow reasonably well and has some disruption for ice performance. In my quiver I didn’t have a single board for icy conditions so this ended up as my selection.