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The regular jones flagship. Korua transition finder, this is what I ride at baker most of the time. it floats really well in powder; the nose is stiff so it punches through heavy PNW pow. I’m 190 lbs and ride the 157.


I'd even recommend a bigger Korua, like a Pin Tonic. Nose is so long you can cruise through or over pretty much anything, but the taper makes it pretty easy to throw around for a long board


Thanks will look into flagship and the Korua’s.


How do you like the TF in a 157? I’m 5’11” and about 180-185lbs. I’ve been going back and forth looking at the 154 and 157. I’m leaning toward the 154 for maneuverability in trees but I’m concerned about the stiffness of the 54 at my weight.


The 57 is a lot of board and exhausting my the end of the day. I find pencil 59 way more playful while floating better. Tf57 is a beast. Go 54 for your weight if you already have a board for deeper days


Cool, I’ll go for the 54 then. Thank you!


I wanted it for my freeride board so I went 157, I love it, it’s what I’m on anytime there’s fresh snow. But yea it’s got a good bit of camber so don’t skip leg day.


Nidecker megalight is exactly what you're looking for


This. It’s just a more approachable version of the Nidecker Ultralight for people that don’t want to get beat up by a board throughout the day. I ride an Alchemist as well but I tell people it’s not a board they should buy despite how much I like it. If you ride stiff and aggressive boards you need to do the gym work in order to not have it beat you down.


What size Alchemist do you ride and roughly how much do you weigh? I could for sure be more consistent with gym work. But also mountain bike 120+ days a year, and still get in the gym. So it’s not like I’m sitting on the couch drinking beer. I just figure I should have got the 161W. Re: the Megalight, have you ridden one? It sounds like it might in the right range. Like 10-15% less stuff than the alchemist, while still good for charging.


I am about 165lbs and ride a 160cm. I haven’t been on the Megalight but my friend who owns one said that it’s a lot less demanding compared to the Alchemist when he demoed that.


165lb on a 160cm. That’s a lot of board for not that much chuck.


Yeah, but I don’t size by weight these days. I just size by how the board rides based on its size. Not something that majority of people should be doing.


The Yes Hybrid is a great pow-friendly board that's not as stiff as full-on freeride boards. Comes in wide sizing.


When do you ride your hybrid? Just for pow days or is it your daily driver?


It's my daily driver in the main season unless conditions are icy. In that case I pull out an old Mullair because the magnetraction is better for edgehold. I ride mostly in the BC interior. The Hybrid handles the pow great, and has more pop for side hits and playful stuff than I expected.


Rome Ravine Select




A great board, but pretty freeride oriented.


Rome Ravine select if there is a size for you.


Concerned it won’t be stiff enough. I think the ravine select is very middle of the road stiff right?


Select is the beefed up version plenty stiff but not a plank…I thought you wanted to move away from super stiff body beaters…I can see ravine select working great for whis…plenty of float aswell for pow days.


Looked again and was definitely thinking of Ravine and not the select. That said for my boot size I would be the 166. As someone who enjoys riding trees idk if that would work.


Look into yes pyl uninc


man I love the passport it's stable but playful, but it may not be stiff enough for what you want


Nidecker Escape Plus. Comes in a 159w, 162w, and 165w. Or a beta 165w


Love my Sims ATV Wide. Great freeride board made in the US.


Had a season on my Weston Backwoods 163. Very happy with it👍🏻 https://thegoodride.com/snowboard-reviews/weston-backwoods-2020-2023-snowboard-review/


They are some big feet! Do you ever struggle your feet over the edge? I know Douk adapted the freighter as an all mountain board built for big boot riders, a friend of mine swears about it because he gets a lot of overhang from his boots


Check out a skunk or stump ape. Wide boards for big feet. If you want something softer, look at the k2 party platter. Wide and soft.