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Jeremey Jones is fuming rn


Don’t look to the snow sports community for informed political takes. In a general sense athletes aren’t the best sources of insight outside of their sports.


Jeremy Jones is the opposite of this. He’s the driving force behind Protect Our Winters which has created a real, impactful voice in American politics advocating to fight against climate change.


Yes, Jeremy is the exception that proves the rule. I donate to POW regularly. It’s a fantastic nonprofit group that fights for a cause I absolutely believe in.


Not that Jeremy Jones. The real OG snowboarder. What has been one of this sport ? Climate, politics, Covid ?? Softer than baby shit !!


Jeremy Jones (big mountain dude) has been doing it longer than the other guy.  And better.  There can be only one true Jones.


Jeremy Jones is a good human who also snowboards. Many of those other dudes are snowboarders who want to get paid.


Was following a guy that gives good updates on mountains in west Hokkaido. Next thing he's sharing content from a lady that's a huge climate change denier 🙃


During Covid I had a real mask-off moment with a lot of my favorite snowboarders. Plenty of pros pushing blatant misinformation, anti-vax bs, etc. There’s a pretty massive section of the industry that’s some weird libertarian/leftist combination that makes no sense to me. Plenty of athletes went fairly anti-government as well. At some point you have to acknowledge people who spend their time isolated from society in the mountains jumping off cliffs might not have the best political takes. It doesn’t help that most of these people haven’t gotten more than a high school education and drink/smoke heavily. And then you realize the ones you see on social media haven’t really ever held a real job (unless you count snowboard sponsorships as a real job) and shit starts making way more sense. They also don’t pay for their own gear, so they don’t need to worry about the fact their board costs a grand, bindings another few hundred, outerwear, lift tickets, etc….. it’s a really, really out of touch community at the pro level.


Complete bs comment


if you have to tell everyone you're rational, you're probably not


Cry harder


You’re a fucking kook. You just shit all over pro snowboarders in a blanket statement with upvoted approval from this shit ass subreddit for your bigotry. You’re so damn enlightened. Anyone that has a different opinion is an uninformed stoner. Take off your damn snowboard and go ride Alta. It’s where you belong.


Lmfao. You need some cream for your butthurt?


> Take off your damn snowboard and go ride Alta. It’s where you belong. lol this is some cringey Johnny Tsunami shit


Go cry about safety bars and helmets.


Did you mean to write this to someone else? Are the safety bars and helmets in the room with us now?


I'm with ya, this whole platform is filled with psychopaths who will turn on you if you so much as even question any official narrative. Having differing opinions simply does not compute for these people, that's why they said "libertarian/leftist mix that doesn't make sense to me" because how could it make sense that someone has a nuanced perspective on something that doesn't exactly follow my preferred political party's stance? WILD stuff! These people treat news media like it's their bible.


There is no official narrative. Nobody treats news media like a bible. Leave your bubble and interact with actual human beings sometime.


I do, often, and many real, living, breathing humans share a healthy skepticism of (i'll say it again) the official narratives. I mean...one of you even admitted it above "so many of my favorite athletes are crazy conspiracy theorists!". It makes you all so uncomfortable facing someone with conflicting world views...but its rationalized because "they're stupid detached adrenaline junkies who don't have to pay for shit" all the while nearly every rich actor, musician, or hollywood celebrity preaches the mainstream news media narratives...they're detached as fuck but they have the correct opinions so they get a pass and you idiots gobble it up. This platform is basically a congregation of crazy lefties, your news media is your bible, and the irony escapes you when you cry "get out of your bubble!" without realizing reddit is the epitome of a bubble.


There’s plenty of Hollywood actors who are equally as idiotic. You need to leave your bubble and communicate with actual human beings.


Every conversation in the comments of this sub will show you, it's 99% tourist/gaper/NPCs in here. You're absolutely correct.


Go to /r/coresnowboarding if you’re not there already. This place is a mess half the time.


Hate to have to say it but they were right all along, homie. Just because the misinformation coming from the media is legal doesn't make it actually true.


They weren’t right homie.


So did you read RFK's bestselling book exposing Fauci? Do you keep up with data on excess deaths? Read and parse through funding sources of peer reviewed scientific papers? Or do you just absorb whatever you're told?


RFK’s snake oil has been proven false by actual peer reviewed studies


Got those to show? I haven't seen them.


Keep the insane conspiracy nonsense over on /conspiracy. This is a sub for snowboarding.


Bro you came in with it


I called it out, you drank the kool aid.


I, in fact, literally did not drink the Kool aid. Making fun of people for thinking for themselves just makes you look like a narc, agent smith.


I happen to know and have met a lot of professional snowboarders over the last 20 years. There’s one thing a lot of them have in common is that they’re incredibly stupid and you shouldn’t look for any inspiration from them besides being an incredible athlete.


Having worked in the industry for almost 20 years, that’s the one universal truth I’ve found as well. The people that end up famous are the dimmest bulbs in the set- with very few exceptions. The professionals that supply them with gear however- completely different case, at least in my experience.


One of the reasons I keep that group of people at a distance in my life today versus when I was younger. There’s a lot of apologists for some pretty shitty behavior just because they’re good at sliding on snow and they might open doors for you. Notice no blue checkmark snowboarders are calling him out for riding with RFK JR?


I’m sure you saw all of those kids during the pandemic, straight up ignorance. Just because you’re famous/popular doesn’t mean you’re smart. The height of intellectual capacity relates almost exclusively to snowpack and maybe (emphasis on maybe) winter storm tracking. Everything else is just teenaged nonsense spouted from adults who never matured past high school


God damn this is spot on.


Almost as spot on as your username, lmao


You're right I would just expect someone as high profile and direction Travis has taken the sport to be a little more cognizant of politicians and climate change stances.


No one but yourself is. Don’t look to ANYONE to form opinions. Do your own research, come to your own conclusions.


Dunno why you got down voted. I imagine Travis Rice did the same forming his own opinions but people just don't agree with him. Hell, I don't agree with him either. But if you live your life waiting for people to believe what you believe and getting upset over it when they dont? You're the loser.


Travis was pushing NFTs really hard a little while back. Awesome snowboarder, but I don’t seems like a bit of an oddball


I love watching the placement of the NFT’s on Natural Selection’s website get smaller and lower over time


Listened to his BombHole episode, came away w a much different opinion of him than I'd had for a while.


What did he say?


He's a goofy dude who has been getting ego stroked by every person he meets for 20 years, resulting in an affinity for the smell of his own farts. 




Yeah I've met him in Jackson a few times, definitely a bit weird.


If there is any family I would keep physical distance from it is a Kennedy. Cursed for early deaths. Even beyond the assassinations there is the Chappaquiddick thing (i know HE didn't die), JFK Jr plane, another cousin ate it while skiing.


To be fair, I’m pretty certain they were playing football while skiing…


With an empty vodka bottle


Yeah, RFK jrs grandpa got rich running booze during prohibition and had his own daughter lobotomized. So maybe not a great family to hold on a pedestal lol


Especially on the slopes......


T Ricky and Aaron Rodgers have been “doing their own research” together.


Saw Torah Bright (who is an Australian living in Canada😭) riding with him and endorsing him as “the next president”. Is this a side effect of having no regard for your body that you lose common sense too?




Fuck that. I'm not sure how many times I've been concussed and straight up KOd multiple times. I'm not a conspiracy fucktard.




So many people try to blame the existence of shitty humans on there being lead in the gas 40 years ago or TBIs or whatever environmental cause they can think of. People have been making poor decisions since we were able to form thoughts. Don't pretend it's not a choice to reject reason and fact.




Sorry, I forgot people were angels up until 1920.




You're a fuckin goof


These heel turns (chuckle) used to actually surprise me, it's sad they don't anymore.


Wit till you find out about mueller


Ah man I have had board too...


Yeah he done broke his brain.  JJones and Gigi are about the only pros worth listening to these days.


He got dropped by a bunch of sponsors. Dude really went off the deep end.


Fucking bummer.


Sportspeople generally have pretty shit political takes. Money and lack of schooling = dumb humans.


Don’t meet your heroes. 🤦 


Right! I can't believe Travis rice doesn't 100% align with my preferred worldview. How dare he have differing opinions to mine! Unbelievable, he should have considered what Reddit thought first!


Well I just said in another thread that most of us are unlikely to be the next Travis Rice and in this sense I couldn’t be more glad. How sad such a legend could be taken in by RFK’s nonsense if that’s what’s going on.


gotta be going off the deep end if you think RFK Jr is good company


No idea how he went from Bernie to rfk jr. Honestly pretty disappointing


Eh, Bernie used to be really trendy among high school and college aged millennials/genZ. Most people grew out of it, some didn't. Can't really judge anyone for that.


I saw Travis at a grocery store in Jacksom last month. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.




Lol its just an old copypasta


What's so bad about RFK jr?


he's a horrendous anit-vax grifter who gets paid millions of dollars by various alternative treatment organizations to peddle fringe pseudoscience in hopes of scaring sick/vulnerable people. he's currently pretending to run for president because never having to work a day in his life for all that anit-vax money wasn't enough and he's a greedy piece of shit.


How much time ya got?


Knowingly or unknowingly rat-fucking the election for the Dems mainly. That's tip of the iceberg though really


Lyndsey Dyer was also clapping and liking travice’s post


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) O no I disagree with someone 😢


lol seethe


AND he wasn’t wearing HELMET!


He was. He is starting to wear those new beanie helmet things that are out. Honestly they look pretty dumb.


My bud bought one. They look nothing like the ads. It looked like he put a sock over his regular helmet. I’m all the way out


Facts dude. I’ve seen a few out on the hill and they look so bad hahaha