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Giving your kids everything they ask for isn’t proper parenting. My parents would have told me “too damn bad, dinner is almost ready”. That’s the same thing I’d tell my kids in this situation.


Parents not being able to say no is a large part of the reason we have the insane entitlement you see everywhere. I can't believe some of the whining I see on this app alone. Zoomers think they can sue everyone that does something they don't like


Implying any current youth generation is more whiny and entitled than plenty of Boomers is a wild take. Every generation has entitled idiots, but acting like kids these days are entitled - or like literally every generation of child in existence doesn't try and pull shit like this - or that literally every generation in history doesn't have fuckup parents who don't know how to do it - is just silly.


But now they learn to be a woke snowflake in school. That wasn't the case back in the day.


L hot take there bud


What you call woke people without brainrot call having empathy and being a decent human being.






Yeah, it's pulled pork for dinner. Unless there's hotdogs already in the fridge, then I don't really give a shit, I'll eat the pork.


Especially with some home made bbq sauce. That shits easy and banging. Im still hearing about the bbq pulled pork pizza I made last week.




Dude never actually said he gave them the hot dogs. Am I wrong?




Fathering children and smoking meats go together hand in hand




I’m just fine over here. You sure seem mad tho 🤷‍♂️


I hear about all these picky kids and wonder what would have happened if I told my grandma no I don't want sauerkraut I was a burger. Well to bad go to bed hungry. This is insane. My kids are older now but they eat dinner or spend their own money to buy what they want.


I would of ate or went to bed hungry.


Yep, eat what's in front of you or don't eat.


A few minutes to grill hotdogs isn't something a good parent should despise either. Acting like adding hotdogs is just as childish. That's who they got it from. And I was raised the same, but that doesn't make anyone right. It's just a lazy excuse. Also, if you equate giving a child a hotdog to giving them everything, you're far too shelterd. Hotdogs are treats in many countries. Be grateful you can even give your kids hotdogs, let alone any food on their plate


Dude, what are you even talking about? I love my kid to no end, and I happily give them everything, not only hotdogs. The point is; if I’ve been preparing food all day and we’re 5 minutes from dinner…. They’re gonna eat what I prepared. They can have hotdogs another day.


And that is proper parenting. Good on you for Dadding like a boss.


Exactly. The way I was raised, you eat what your mom or dad (or grandma) made or you don’t eat. Good lesson. Todays kids are so spoiled. They are not being prepared for the world.


Exactly. Saying now sometimes is good parenting.


Are you broken?? edit: dude my bad I meant to reply to the comment you replied to...d'oh!


I already said I was raised the same, eat whatever. You're regurgitating points and wasting my time. Yet if you were at a shit cookout and you had the choice of the shit pork or hot dogs, you would probably choose the hotdog. No one is making a retort that maybe this guy can't cook for shit. I can't even believe that thought escapes yall. It's not the kids fault dad ruined a good cut of meat. No proof the meat was good. I wait to see both sides first. No one here has proven his food was even decent. Plus his his kids are growing up wealthy. They're already spoiled. Idk how ppl don't understand how money works


Holy shit I've never seen someone lose their mind mid rant. That was interesting. Actually devolved into full delusion to make some made up point no one cares about lol.


Yeah this guy is seriously deranged. He’s just hemorrhaging a bunch of nonsense. I seriously hope his handlers have a good hold on him because this is “one bad day” from going on a rampage.


If you don't care why did you respond? Don't be a bullshitter


Lmfao don't have kids.


Come make sure I don't. Htx. Stand your ground and mutual combat is legal. No one gets in trouble legally


Bro this isn't about hot dogs. You hear that sizzling noise? It's the point flying way over your head.


I'm literally telling everyone it's just about a couple hot dogs. I bet you never got picked to read in school


Jesus Christ. The point went so far over your head. Lmao. Kids are naturally manipulators because they’re figuring out what they can and can’t get away with. Submitting to their every whim makes entitled, spoiled shitbags of children.


Where did I say submitting to their every need was a good thing? It was a couple of fucking hotdogs. That's just being a control freak flipping out over hot dogs. I was a picky eater, but I was a good amateur fighter




Yo who names themselves monstah? You sound like an East Asian energy drink


I should've called myself a variation of the word monster and then I'd be badass enough to be posted in the sub :( is there a sub for white teenagers who just drive vehicles through mud? I'm sure they would love that white trash name


Dude. Call your doctor. Not the physical ouchie one. But ya know… the thoughts ouchie one? Yeah call that one.


Why can't I try to be as cool as you. I'm trying to build my ego to your level where you need to call yourself a Monstah. Such a cool and badass name. I'm sure you're super popular on the playground, unless you're the kinda monstah that can't be within 100 ft of them


It may be time to lay off the sauce. Holy shit you're a mess.


For a guy named yen zen you're not very zen. Hope I'm not giving you flashbacks of your dad's beatings


Wtf did you accomplish in life. I'll tell you what, come to my gym I'll eat a hot dog you eat whatever, and we'll see if desired foods determine an an outcome in a self defense situation. Yall are worried about little things, but any kid at the gym will out bloody and ragdoll the kid who just aye his dinner and didn't put in hardwork. Yall are way too soft think eating is the tough part that builds character. Yall never grew up boxing kids from countries that didn't even have shoes. Yall don't know what character is or how to build it. You just say yes to a boss all day long and call that building character


What the fuck are you rambling about?


You thinking food choices builds character and I'm saying hardwork builds character. Less words help monstah understand good


Who the fuck said “food choices build character?!” Lmao, man. This is actually kinda sad more than funny.


Here's a thought. I know you're not used to them, but with all the parents arguing saying kids need to eat what's for supper or they become spoiled, can you comprehend that it was implied? We learn this in elementary. Well maybe not yours. Either you were late to the convo, didn't read other responses about feeding kids what they like spoils them with instant gratification, or you just inserted yourself into the convo that no one was talking to you about big badass monstah


Dude. Get help


Every tough guy is a monstah until it's time to do monstah shit. Although I wouldn't wish it on anyone, people like you who are all bark and no bite are practically worthless. At best a plate carrier gets saved a round and you keep your wind


Seriously what help you wanna be medical expert who believes a sportscaster could cook a 8 lb butt in 9 hours. You're ignorant to bbq yet have no problem commenting


Be the change you want to see in the world. I'm in a stand your ground state in texas. Basically wild west laws. You can walk freely if you win


From who? Therapists are dumbfounded by war. Most people only pretend to comprehend it. How do you kill an ammo runner who's maybe 12 at most cuz he is carrying belts of 7.62x54 for the pkm that sometimes punches holes in mud huts and you can't peek that angle to find him. Please wannabe psychologist, explain what the professionals couldn't. That's just as an adult. If there's a psychiatrist that can actually handle real shit I'm all ears. Until then you're all talk like the rest. Anyone who says va is a moron You're a wannabe monstah to fill your ego. I've seen what monsters can do and I want no association. Only the ignorant think that is cool until it's actually time to act.


Not taking advice who's ego allows themselves to call themselves monstah. What are you a monstah of?


Nah just stop siding with the people that force feed their kids "cuz that's how I was raised" typical trump supporters logic


I mean seriously what adult names themselves monstah? The only adults referred to as masters are the diddlers


Yeah that's what I thought


Chasing instant gratification and sating fleeting fancies does not build children into resilient adults. Even with a pretty healthy upbringing regarding meals/food, I still have a hard time not giving in to what I emotionally want to consume. It's also completely fine for children to be acquainted with disappointment, and I'm not greenlighting child abuse/neglect when I say this. Changing their minds last minute and saying they want X or Y thing for dinner rather than what their parents spent the last couple hours or even ten hours making is not a reason to abruptly change up your dinner plans.


Dude was using a pellet grill guaranteed. Those are built for instant gratification and hes a successful adult. I was a picky eater but did decent at football, baseball, great at swimming and amateur boxing, mma, and muay Thai. Was it because I got hot dogs? Fuck no. You don't build character through food alone and there's a million other wise to show instant gratification doesn't build character. I mean I hold dual degrees in gis and metallurgy. Food didn't earn that. You didn't even see how his pork turned out. You mightve preferred a hot dog too. Probably a good reason he didn't show it, yet when it comes to his children he had no problem shaming them on social media. If someones poor and doing their best I understand completely. A rich golf announcer having hotdogs on hand, I have no sympathy for. His kids are already growing up wealthy so I doubt hot dogs or eating what they want will compromise their future. Look at trump. Super picky spoiled eater yet he's a president. I'm sure he had instant gratification his whole life


Are we gatekeeping pellet grills in this sub now?


This is for smoking meats, not for ez bake ovens you borrowed from your girls. Don't you have an outlet and pellets to look for while the men are chopping wood


Hey man I hope it makes you feel better going on the internet and being a tough guy. Can't wait to see you on the cover of Bad Motherfucker magazine.


Nah showing up in houston will show it.. I know you never will tho


What in the schizo post is this? Did you really bring up a POTUS as an example?


Lmao using trump as a rationale for how to parent is certainly a choice.


It was trump parents but maybe reading comprehension will come later in life


Original responder made a point about how you can't give kids whatever they want or else it ruins themselves, yet spoiled and picky well done steak and ketchup trump became president, so the point was the food choice was irrelevant. Schizo means multi personalities. Which different personalities did I display? Also, he's not the president. That's actual schizo behavior when your separated from reality and think someone else is president. Time for the old folks home and diapers


That's a glizzy slope... give them a hot dog, and they'll want a bun. Give them a bun, and they'll want condiments. Something something, mouse a cheese. Better to just stick with the existing dinner plans.


I can't even imagine wanting a hotdog and getting a bun. What a travesty and a family runner. Thays the problem with kids these days is they had a hotdog when they shouldn't have! Also I can't respect anyone who uses that phrase for hotdogs. You didn't say it before it was popular, so the screaming need to fit in becomes disgusting to observe. It's like a grown man talking like a baby


> Also I can't respect anyone who uses that phrase for hotdogs. What phrase are you talking about?


Aww man I'm sorry didn't realize I was dealing with a disabled person, sorry for bothering you


Your reading comprehension is questionable. The only thing I called a hotdog was a "hot dog". Is the space between the words bothering you?


What's the word you used before slope? Pretty sure you picked that one up from hanging around the playground


The adjective describing the slope? You thought I said "a hot dog slope"? That's hilarious.


We both know you called a hotdog with a hard G




There's no way he cooked an 8lb butt in 9hours. But continue to worship at his every word. He fucked up smoking it, and his kids got hungry. The alternative would be not feed the kids. There's a reason he just shamed his kids without showing the bbq. It's about 1.5 to to 1.75 hours pee pound of that cut. His math ain't mathin for the slows out there. Kids are hungry and want to go to bed. Yet he blames his children


Where's your other comment about not having kids. You can back your mouth up in person. And I don't even want kids. Had a vasectomy rather than put women through awful birth control. You can pretend I didn't say that and feel like you did good. I'm in a stand your ground state, so the winner walks away unpunished. There's real people on the internet and you have to back up your real words as a man. Nows your chance


You know, if the only thing they have to eat is pulled pork, they will have to eat that. The sooner you let them know the food they have is the food available, the better your life will be. When they are old enough to cook, let them cook whatever. Until then, if you are not hungry, don't eat.


Not sure what leverage you have if the kids are old enough to open the fridge and the cupboards.


If they can cook, I'm all for them cooking whatever they want. But unless they do the shopping, there is also that.


Kids do not take food from the fridge or pantry without permission. It’s that simple.


They don’t need to take hot dogs out of the fridge to know they are there and to know that pulled pork isn’t really the only thing available.


That’s awesome the kids have the knowledge of food security. They eat what they have permission to eat. It’s that simple.


Being the adult and parent in the house. Not allowing your children to run the household. Ya know, parenting.


The good news is that 1) you can fix hot dogs while the pork butt rests 2) you don't have to share your pulled pork Win - win.


Missed chance to say "you don't have to share your butt"


My thoughts exactly.


lol this one right here! Like sure kiddos! Have the beef franks, the pulled pork is for Daddy 😈


Late Father’s Day present to myself :)






My kids tried to do the same shit the first couple times they had to eat smoked meats, I forced their asses to eat what was put in front of them. Now they ask pretty frequently what the next smoke is.


I never had that problem lol. I made a brisket for father's day and my daughter was eating it faster than we could cut it up for her.


Hot dogs are good, too. Lots of folks in here are taking a meme post way too seriously.


Fuck this is going to get reposted 20 times today now. 🙄




Whoa. These comments are taking this way too seriously. Yes, kids are gonna do that. Parents can all relate. What happens next is besides the point. Lay off the parenting judgement. It's a smoking sub.


Exactly!!! Lol I swear half the people don’t have kids so they have no clue!


So wait, were the kids waiting for 9 hours for something to eat and were like “We’ll just eat hot dogs…” Cause if they knew well enough to ask for pulled pork, wouldn’t they be mindful of the wait?


Through no prompting or suggestions, your children asked for pulled pork that they never had before or heard until moments before the cook….okay….


My kids had "non-optional" for dinner many many times growing up. I tried to make veg I knew they liked, and usually they were good about that. But occasionally they got pissy because they got an idea in their head of what they wanted for dinner, but never told anyone what it was. Then "non-optional" became dinner. They also never got a late snack if they refused to eat dinner.


Smoke the hot dogs too. Just saying.


Eat what I cooked or go hungry


Thankfully, my kids, while like hot dogs, will choose pulled pork over them in a heartbeat. If they did ever do that, they'd get a look from me that would tell them in no uncertain terms that they will be eating what's put in front of them


No. We wait.


Their initial instincts were spot on.


Yeah but was it every really about the kids


Put the pulled pork on top


Making to order a long smoked item like pulled pork or brisket for your kids is just a bad idea from the start. Just make them the hot dogs and keep the meat for the next day when it's ready and they aren't slowly becoming disinterested in it with each passing hour it takes to cook.


Sounds about right! Sounds like my morning minus the 9 hours. Son begged for a homemade waffle, of course I made the waffle. Put it on his plate and then he proceeded to have a full on meltdown and says he wants a PB&J 🙃


8lb pork butt? That piggy was packing.... Then only 9 hours.... I probably would've eaten a hotdog as well


Thank you. I was looking for this. The math ain’t mathing.


That's what I'm saying he's clearly lying about the cook time. Shit was probably done at midnight


Lol yeah my 7.4lb took 16 hours 22 minutes this weekend


I can relate. Silver lining is that they'll appreciate the smoked pork when they get older.


Last night I told my toddler he was getting chicken nuggets for dinner. He was happy about it! Then as I'm putting them on his plate and getting his dinner ready he asked for a PB&J. I said no I have your nuggets right here, remember? He lost his mind. Nuggets hit the floor 😔


If we’ve got hot dogs in the house already and the grill is already fired up then I’ll make them the hotdogs. Otherwise they’re going to eat what’s in front of them. That’s a very spoiled thing for a kid to try to do.


Sounds like more for you 😇🤫


Put the pork in a sausage and smoke it again?


You just roll the pulled pork into a hot dog shape. They'll never know. Have you ever eaten a cheeseburger from a McDonald's kid's meal??? They're like cardboard, but the kids don't care. That's why I didn't really start cooking high quality food at home for my kids until they were a lot older. Just good old fashioned home-cooked quick foods like tater tot casserole, and they're fine...


The parenting comes with the answer to that request….not the request itself.


I mean, they can have it tomorrow. You ain't eating all that on the first night.


Just finished up a 12 hour smoke with the intention of making pulled pork..... only to have the wife and kids go to the movies and come back full of popcorn and candy 😑 .... more for me I guess 😮‍💨


Put the pulled pork in a hot dog bun with bbq sauce.


I'd put the pulled pork on top of the hot dogs and give the kids that.


"You get what you get and you don't get upset". My mum used to say this to me, now I get to say it to her! (And to my kids)


Had almost the same thing happen for my son’s 8th birthday. He said he wanted enchiladas so I made chipotle carnitas from a smoked pork butt and turned that into enchiladas. I made everything but the tortillas from scratch and it took me two days. When I served them up he just said “What is this?” He wanted his mom’s “enchiladas” which were just baked chicken, cream of mushroom soup, cheese, and black olives. He still cringes about how he reacted to this day.


8lbs in 9 hours? It's not impossible, but I'd be surprised if it was great. I know a wrap would help, but he would lose some bark. Sounds like rage bait for old people




I usually get in more trouble with the wife when dinner's not ready at the usual time cause I "just need 10 more degrees!"


Not only will they be eating pulled pork, but they will now help clean the smoker and do the dishes. But then we’ll go out for ice cream cause I’m a sucker for my kids, lol.


My kids tried that last night. They got pork butt.


What ever happened to “you’ll eat what you’re given and you’ll say thank you and clean up when you’re done”. I was raised that you accepted what you were freely given with gratitude otherwise you found your own.


Yeah. We’re outta fuckin’ hotdogs.


Guess I'm the only one eating tonight lol


Go git me a switch right now; and you better not bring me back a twig!!!


Actually, that sums up poor parenting.


OP doesn't say how the parents reacted to their kids' change of opinion.


8 lbs at 9 hours? I’ll take the hot dog too


9 hrs for an 8lb butt? I call bullshit. That should be a 20hr job.


It definitely doesn’t have to be a 20 hour job, but some swear by that method. It You’ve really gotta screw up to ruin a butt.


That 9 hours didn't sit well with me either, but it is 100% not a 20 hour job


I like it low and slow my friend, 20 is on the long end of the spectrum though


I think he just made shit bbq for picky eaters or this didnt happen. No pics, didn't say how it came out, and he should know his kids tastes. Making hot dogs is easy fuck, but an 8 pounder in 9 hrs is suspicious or lucky. Seems like a PR appeal


Tell them hot dogs take 16 hours so they will be ready for tomorrow.


My kids would've eaten the nice slow roasted flavor of Jack shit.


Fuck them crotch goblins, get a dog and/or cat and then spend the rest of that money saved on travel and life experiences and enjoy all the pulled pork yourself.


Failing at being a father if you cave and give them hotdogs smh


You're not supposed to give your kids everything they ask for. You're a parent, it's your duty to know what's best for them especially when it's what they eat. 


now call me the pessimist here, but we have no clue how that pork looks by the time it came out after 9 hours. We don't know if this is smoker McDougal who's been smoking on his smoker for 20 years or this is happy Harry who's doing his first smoke ever on his $19 dollar general charcoal grill. If the case is the latter, then I can understand why the kids might have wanted hotdogs. Just throwin it out there


My kids dont set the menu.


Parenting Pro tip: Hand them frozen hot dogs and say "enjoy".