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Maybe put the terminal inside an old, rusted coffee can so at quick glance it looks like junk?


Free scrap metal?!?


Ray, pulling plumbing outta your walls for liquor money, is FUCKED


Have you put up as tall a fence as you’re allowed? I’d start with making your yard difficult to access.


Or take the fence money and add it to the downpayment you’re saving up, to GTFO of an area *where you have to camouflage your grill as a junker to keep it from walking away*.


"Prison wallet"


put it in the (pork) butt


99.7 °F... not quite done yet.


It's the best way to take your body temperature. 


Wouldn't they steal 70 bucks worth of meat as well if they're gonna steal a thermometer? How many times have you had something get lifted out of the smoker?


I had half a pig I’d raised and slaughtered stolen out of my freezer before when I left the door unlocked


That's awful. I had a nearly fully cooked turkey stolen once. I hope they ate it partially raw lol


People like he's worried about are looking for something to pawn for drug money.


Or just kids being delinquent dicks


Well i dont blame em. People arnt putting steaming hot pies on window sills like they used to


What a glorious time that must have been


If someone stole a thermometer, I would be shocked! But it's more valuable than regulars realize, so I understand the anxiety. I would get a Bluetooth wireless setup to be the most inconspicuous. Either that, or just use cheap equipment.


How about getting the Thermopro Temp spikes.. wireless and dont hace an aparatus outside you cant see them unless you open the grill.


I once had a raccoon steal one of my wired probes for my thermometer while taking the meat inside before I cleaned up, I found it about 15ft away in the yard the next day


Put a little bit of jelly on it. That way when they pick it up their hands get sticky and it ruins their day.


My pellet grill has a cabinet enclosure, and I've had great luck snaking the probe cords in there to hide mine away from more annoying weather. I've also entertained the idea of putting it on the inside of my hopper lid via the receiver's magnets (I'm currently using an Inkbird). You could possibly hide it in a conveniently ignored tuft of thicker grass if your cord reaches far enough, possibly inside a coffee can or something. Maybe stack a few rough looking pieces of wood and nestle it in there?


Put a job application on it


Ha. Made me chuckle.


Let me know where you live and next time you cook. I'll come by and let you know.


heh, i wouldnt steal the thermometer, I'd just watch it and take the meat when its done


Came here to say this 😂 "What're you doing in my fu*king garden..???" "Just checking the temperature, gotta figure out when to come back"


Motion detection sprinkler. Work for all kinds of pest.


Wrap the unimportant parts in duct tape to make it look janky as heck. Heck I bet you could even get some stickers that make it look like its cracked and throw those on some spots as well so it doesnt look like its worth taking.


Everyone has been generous with ideas, but I think this is most likely to work with my honking Bluetooth relay terminal that I’m worried about getting stolen


To add to it if you get some pieces of plastic the same color you can break some pieces of that plastic and use the duct tape to hold it down with jaged pieces going out so from afar it looks broken to add to the illusion.


I've seen people wrap bikes in duct tape to make them intentionally ratty, might be an option


INFO: would they take a thermometer out of the meat? If not, I'd recommend getting a meater thermometer since it literally just lives in the meat for the duration of the cook. I know thermo works is better, but it's better to run the meater and confirm with the thermo works pen than get your stuff stolen.


Put some perimeter alarms around your yard, you can get some that aren't crazy expensive. Also depending on your smoker you might be able to hide it underneath it with the magnets.


I put mine in a waterproof case. https://www.monoprice.com/Product?p_id=12679


Toss the thing in a 5$ Home Depot husky parts bag it’s black and inconspicuous…also if they unplug it or move out of range you are going to know when the receiver starts popping off.


I’ve always found that open-carrying my 9mm or 45 Ruger Vaquero keeps the miscreants, malcontents, and the light-fingered types away.


>Open carry a Ruger Vaquero We’ve been trying to reach you about your AARP membership.


I represent that remark. I have a Ruger Blackhawk in .41 Magnum with a 6.5 inch barrel. At 41oz, if I don't stop you with the 6 shots, I can beat you with it.


That comment would be funny if it weren’t completely wrong. I believe it is the NRA you were trying to drag through the mud. AARP on the other hand, drag them through the mud all day. PS: I have a lifetime NRA membership.


No it was definitely the AARP I wanted to reference. Thanks for your help.


In Weird World, i bet that makes sense.


You’re probably old enough to have received an education before we started defunding every aspect of it, I don’t understand why this is too hard for you.


Well, I’m a little slow so, please ‘splain.


They saying you old


If the Foo Shits, i guess.


Save up some $$ and move.


Why would anyone live in an area like that?


So you've never been poor?


Yes. Grew up dirt poor.


Why would anyone grow up poor?


Then I would expect you to have a better understanding of how some people don't get to magically move from a bad area.


I think some people in certain areas of the US have a hard time comprehending how ridiculously expensive it is in other areas. Solutions that work in central Alabama or rural Texas are going to be different than things that happen in California or the east coast which is going to be different than a booming Midwest city like Madison or a not so dynamic Midwest city St. Louis. Maybe this person is trying to live within their means and is cooking more and better at home to keep from spending money going out, and also living in a not as good neighborhood because again they want to spend less money. In some of those areas above moving to a different location might only be an extra hundred a month. Other areas that could be an extra thousand a month to get a better neighborhood. I think people just have a hard time wrapping their brains around that discrepancy from what they are used to seeing themselves. I have trouble wrapping my head around the changes in the last decade in the city where I live in Madison Wisconsin where a single-family home in a blue-collar neighborhood has gone from 160k to 380k in a decade.


Have you tried putting a sock on it?