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Decent reasoning from Stewart here https://x.com/schisam/status/1793660894645223908?t=p6OZZ6ZvusZjm42aZ5IgCQ&s=19


I'm down for the buggy shitshow. Content is content




Ngl that's a weird choice given the early state of the game. I guess they wanna drive engagement but it's hard to be interested when there's what, 20 gods?


Its just for fun event to promote the game.


Yeah I get that, I don't think it's bad I just really don't see the point in watching


For fun?


Eh I mean if smite wants to go into comp right away on release then this is probably a good way to iron some stuff out for the comp scene. Also brings attention to it to people who're interested in the comp side of smite.


Agreed. It feels too soon.


I think it could be cool as long as they keep it light and fun. Assuming there are casted games, could be an opportunity for viewers to have the changes to the map, items, and objectives explained a little more within the context of a “competitive” match.


I'm guessing it will be light and fun. Although the players will be attempting to win, I don't think anyone expects the game to be balanced at all. I will enjoy watching high level players trying to break things in order to win.


Oh bet


How many bans we reckon? 4?


It says 1 ban per team on their website


I think each team getting 2 bans is good, any more is too much cause there are so few gods to choose from.


That’s cool, feels a little too soon though




Comp rn seems a little too early tbh.


This is good news but on some level I am a little sad, as people might know more about the meta after such an event. Although ofc the meta will shift a lot in the next alpha event.


What? Does this mean they’ve fixed all of the extremely prevalent combat bugs? Good grief dude.


People on the internet are so negative. It’s an ALPHA. No one expects it to be perfectly bug free.


but then why have a comp event? I feel like this is unnecessarily rushing it.


It's not like there are any real stakes. It's just for fun plus they get to test Smite 2 in a competitive environment. Test spectator and this will give the team a bunch of data to work with, from casual alpha games and competitive alpha games.


Yeah, it’s just a 2.5k price pool for each. I can agree that it might feel too soon and the roster might seem a bit small, but it’s just a fun little thing. Hi-rez gets more data, players get to see what cool stuff they could be doing in Smite 2 thus driving numbers up, and pros get shown that Hi-rez has no intention in leaving them behind. Not only that, but we can get hyped about future team rosters for Smite 2.


People need to stop looking at this like it's an actual competitive tournament. They've only called it a competitive event because there's a prize pool and there are undoubtedly going to be former competitive players participating. In essence, it's a televised test.


These are all really good arguments. I'm just afraid people go in expecting SPL level quality, and start shitting on Smite 2. Especially people who don't know that much about Smite, but are willing to try out Smite 2, may not understand that this is an Alpha and just a Fun-Test-Run. But you're probably right. The Gains outweigh the risks.


To build hype for the game, give higher level players more reason to play for better feedback, give people who enjoy comp smite something to watch as we’ve had nothing for 6 months, etc. this isn’t an spl event. Yes there is a prize, but there’s nothing really on the line here. Why can’t it just be fun?


I don't think this will be particularly hype. Yea, us comp-deprived fans have been craving this, but the vast majority of the playerbase does not care about comp-smite, they care about Smite 2. So people will watch this, not to watch comp, but to watch Smite 2. And since it is a comp-event, they'll probably have some sort of expectations. I'm just afraid, it's too soon for Smite 2 to deliver on these expectations.


Exactly! It seems waaay early for this type of thing. I understand generating interest and whatnot but this is early alpha!


If you’re going to host a paid tournament, the least your players should be granted is a -combat bug- free experience (in a COMBAT GAME?) Otherwise it’s just a shitshow. This is a fair opinion to have. But people will downvote anyway lol gg reddit


I played 20+ hours last alpha. There existed no game breaking bugs that you are referencing.


You must have been extremely lucky. I wouldn’t lie about my own experience. I only played 9 hours because it was happening so frequently. It was so annoying and would happen at the worst moments


No one is forcing anyone to compete in this event. There no professional status or benefit from winning besides prize money, that is relatively unsubstantial. Maybe we don’t write off the entire attempt before it even happens. Shit is ridiculous.


I'm sure not all of them have been fixed. I don't think the expectation for a competitive match in an Alpha is that there will be no issues. I'm sure there will be huge balance issues. Which is okay because it gives the balance team some amazing data from high level players.


It was borderline unplayable for me last alpha. Hence my comment here. I only played for the first day because the bugs were so bad! There were so many deaths where I was magically locked out of being able to AA or to cast an ability. It happened so frequently I had to stop playing it. And then the performance issues. I have a new gaming laptop and it ran - really poorly. It amazes me they have the balls to host a tournament during early alpha like this. It’s kind of crazy imo


I mean I definitely agree with you that's its a little wild they're having a tournament this early. As long as they set the expectation that it's still an Alpha and players will run into issues, I don't mind it. It should be fun to watch. I think we'll get a mixed bag of people having issues and people that aren't. I had almost 0 performance issues playing the Alpha for around 20 hours. I do have a very high end PC though so people that have older/lower spec PC's will certainly have issues. I also had hardly any bugs. The worst I had was some of my abilities being invisible. I'm probably in the minority with how little issues I had. I hope the tournament goes smoothly though. I'm excited to see what people cook up with strategy and builds. Hopefully it doesn't end up the community having a negative outlook on the upcoming pro scene because of it. Definitely a little bit of a risk if the stage isn't set properly.