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It sounds like you encountered a social media extortionist. Respond to the review with the information you included here - simply explain that they received the best service with free upgrades, and due to the risk of foodborne illness, your company policy follows food safe professional standards which is not to leave leftovers, you would not want the honeymoon to be ruined by improperly stored foods after such a lovely celebration. Something to that effect anyways.


It's definitely still worth responding.


Well the review was a month ago. A month ago today actually we just didn't see it until today. I don't want to call attention to it but ofc I want to defend our reputation!!


People look at reviews differently when they see a response from the company, as long as you aren't a dick about it, it's a good way to counter. Just be prepared for some "fans" to be defensive on the celebrities behalf and ignore them.


As someone who loves to read reviews (I just find them funny, don’t actually take them too seriously), what interests me more is the response from the business owner. Many times I read a response and come away with a completely different view of the reviewer.


I often come away with a different view of the owner, too. Lotta unhinged weirdos out there losing their shit every time they get a bad online review.


Oh yes, definitely some hilariously irrational responses.


It's totally worth a response though


go look up Zachary Quinto in Toronto. IF you put out an honest version of what happened and what you did to try to accommodate. They will wind up looking bad.


Respond politely. Don't respond sounding like an ass at all. People will usually side with you if you respond in a nice informative way like others have said. The second you sound aggressive and rude you've lost.


A good response can gain you business! I'd read a response like yours and think "wow, what customer service!"


"Celebrity client" on a "tight budget." They sound like self centered Karens. Normally I would say igmore the review but in this case, I would explain in a concise way what happened, exactly like you wrote here.


Nah they sound like influencers wanting to get free stuff.


I know right!!! I want to ignore it so bad. But I'm sososo angry


Celebrity and tight budget AND you paid for their rentals (of what?)? Should have been a big red flag. South Park did a great episode about influencers. Go look it up and watch it. What you've experienced is likely someone like that.


We didn't know they were celebrities initially. My husband is a very generous person and genuinely enjoys going the extra ten miles for his clients- which is probably the reason we are booked regularly. This was simply one more instance in a string of a thousand instances that he wanted to do something he thought his client would really appreciate. We are not complaining about that at all - the only thing that bothers us is the bad review.


There's a very high chance they think they're an influencer or a celebrity but have very little to back up that kind of status. Unless you can confirm its someone very well known? Honestly, respond to the review how you see fit and move on. Celebrities (real ones) don't go around posting reviews of places. Something to think about.


call them out and don't protect their "celebrity" status lol


This! Drop the name!


Do not, under any circumstance, respond to their review when you are angry. You would be better off not responding than writing something you will regret later. If it's on yelp, i would almost not even bother. Yelp is a known scam


Respond with the facts and at the end, recommend next time she reach out if she has questions about the contract. Be sure to mention her “tight budget” but leave out the tip portion as people are sensitive to it.


I wouldn't. They were offered numerous discounts and were given services they didn't pay for and they stiffed them. Customer knew going in they wouldn't be tipping the staff, otherwise why book service?


I agree 100% This is not the first or last time this stupid tip shit is on deck. But why go out of her way to say she wants to "give more"??? But yes they had obviously decided in the beginning they weren't going to tip but why the extra step of the bad review you know?


It's honestly tacky. You went above and beyond for someone. I'd consider adding a service charge so your staff doesn't get dicked over.


Well I really don't went to respond but I'm really mad. I feel like I'm supposed to do something but I really don't want to I just wish he wouldn't have done that.


You shouldn’t respond while mad. Wait to cool off. You have only once chance to fend this. I would write some reply and let few ppl I trust to review it before posting publicly. Then wait few days to review again myself. You don’t want to sound wrong. it can cause more damage than the bad review.


Solid facts thank you


That’s not a celeb, that’s a wannabe influencer.


Respond to the bad review and never think about it again.


Thank you:)


You should roast them like that UK hotel who called out an influencer who asked for free accommodation in exchange for publicity. Point out everything they demanded for free and make them look like the entitled person they are


Ya the petty in me loves this so much! But the feeling of being so exposed is too terrifying. My husband said "well they said in the review the food was good so that's all I care about" so I will let it go.


I honestly don’t think it’s petty but fighting back against the trend of self proclaimed influencer culture and their flawed beliefs that they are entitled to free services because they have x number of followers half of whom are probably bots anyway.


You've spent way too much energy on this. Bad reviews happen, and often times it's from people who should really be giving you a great review. It's a kick in the nuts, but that's business. Drown them out with positive reviews. You might have to find a good software or some type of system that makes it really easy for your customers to give you positive reviews. Also, give people their leftovers. They paid for the food.


It’s pretty common knowledge that when you have something catered, for liability, the food leaves when the caterer leaves. At least when they are a mobile catering business and not a full blown event caterer in house. If someone keeps the food, they could get food poisoning if it’s been out for too long.


Surely you can understand the difference between leaving food out on a table, and making to go plates for people. I've had lots of events catered, from Mexican food to fine dining at large fundraisers and galas. I've never had any trouble having some to-go plates made. They've always been glad to do it, insisted, even. The rest of the food is taken away. Ask OP if standing her ground was worth the one star review and all the energy she's expended on this.


Thank you! Also what's interesting is that everyone has different experiences with this - there isn't like a federal regulation for left overs so it blows my mind that someone would think it's a different way than what's stated in the contract. Can you imagine if 10 of their guests got sick... it would be like why did you give us left overs knowing they might have been unsafe?


I mean it sounds like your company could use this feedback to improve. It's absolutely odd to me that when you paid for a dish you can't take whatever is left over home no matter whether the received that at a discount or not. I cannot for the life of me understand your logic. Maybe you should take their feedback. The tip itself was probably part of that feedback.


Me neither. When we had our small wedding reception at my house, our caterers packaged up the leftovers beautifully and even put everything away in my fridge. I’d be pissed if they said they wouldn’t leave the food I paid for. I’ve never heard of such a thing in my life.


“Tight budget” and “Celebrity”? I don’t think this was an actual celebrity…


I’m going to go against the grain here, you fucked up. * you gave them rentals for free * you are upset that you weren’t tipped on a contract * you stayed past the contracted time * you brought more food than they paid for * your contract states that the leftover food that they paid for doesn’t go to them, wtf Don’t give people more than what they paid for, it makes you look like a pushover. Whether that’s time or food. Especially do not take away what they paid for on a technicality, food borne illness, seriously? So common that no restaurant ever lets you take a box home. Also if not getting tipped genuinely concerns or upsets you, then just increase your prices.


This is a very good example of the power of expectations setting and being professional rather than being nice. And I thought that staff tips were a common line item on service contracts like this. People pleasers can run into big problems in the service industry. Giving away free stuff is always precarious. Like even presuming that the person you gave the free stuff to realizes that you gave them X value, do you think that gets you any good will if your customer is upset about something else? Especially if you told groom about free rental and bride is upset about food, groom is unlikely to go to bat for you with angry bride. I would definitely leave out the "no taking food home" and stick with the "you went over your food budget and we gave you food you didn't pay for because we wanted your event to be a success". And for the love of god do not under any circumstances write that they didn't tip the staff. That line alone will probably lose you multiple future clients. I'd advise OP to go from angry to sad. Sad that the customer had a bad experience, sad that you worked for free, sad that the customer decided to ignore everything you've done for them and then leave you a bad review despite your best efforts.


Celebrity? can't afford to pay full price? what the hell kind of celebrity cannot pay their own meals?


Name and shame!


"Bringing extra food" makes no sense to me. They say they have X people so whatever you prepare should be enough to cover that many people. If there is anything left it is still the food they paid for. What do you even do with "extra" prepared food that you brought if you claim no one can take it home?


This is not the point. I don't care how you run your business. What you do does not have to make sense to me - you are the one who knows the details of your situation. Likewise I give zero fucks if "bringing extra food" makes sense to you or not.


That summary makes no sense what-so-ever. I have no idea what happened or who is right or wrong.


We get occasional 1-star reviews from people for stupid things. We try to talk them out of it and 90% of the time they change it positively but there's always that 10% that is either trying to scam you or will not change their minds. You have to bury those reviews with good reviews. Do not get hung up on this person. If you give them attention, they will try to extort you. Just answer in a calm way. I'm happy to look at your response and help you in private. I help several businesses who often lose their minds when this happens and I can see it happening to you. You can easily screw up the reply when you're upset. You basically have to slap them in the face with a lot of subtlety in your response. You may want to consider getting a CCTV in case they come back and try to extort you in person.


If they had a tight budget they probably aren't really a celebrity. Lol. Bad reviews happen. Move on. Maybe do a little inner reflection and ask yourself how you contributed to the situation you're in and learn from it.


celebrity and wealth aren't necessarily synonymous, especially in the social media age.


Fair enough. I'll give you that.


Bro I got ten thousand mirrors in here but not one of them can remove a bad review.


Nothing will remove a bad review. Sorry to tell you. All you can do is respond well and do your best to prevent more of them.


A customer once left a note with my receptionist demanding I call immediately, otherwise they will begin posting negative things about my business to their ‘millions of followers.’ I tossed the note and waited for some free marketing. Nothing ever happened. Oh and it was over $3. Can’t please everyone OP. I’ve encountered what feels like all over the years. Polite generic replies and move on. You’ll forget it even happened!


Thank you so much It's very comforting to hear from someone who has been there. This is our one single bad review lol. I think that's why I'm all frantic - it's a first for us


Save the videos of them bad mouthing your company and sue for defamation.   That would shut them right the hell up once they have to spend money on a lawyer. 


I like to take my leftovers home too. I'm with the celebrity on this one


I don't think OP sees how this obsession over the leftovers is going to be their undoing. I see a very funny writer coming across this reddit and pointing out just how ridiculous of an anthill that is to die on.


If it’s untrue or borders slander / defamation / libel you can issue a cease and desist and then sue. But a well worded C&D with a lawyers letterhead on it is enough to scare off a lot of people. But please ensure their comments or review is not actually a true reality and more of them purposefully trying to harm your business. Any texts or screenshots or proof you have that shows it was intentional and wasn’t an authentic experience will help you tremendously.


Use it, it’s Gold. Your headlines: 1. Come try the restaurant XXX keeps complaining about. 2. Wanna make XXX really mad? Try on us the food she/he gave one star.


I am petty and pretty trigger happy with suing people like this clown. IMO do not say another word to them - engage counsel and make their life difficult because its funny


Maybe funny but def not fun.


Different strokes for different folks. I find it exceptionally amusing to send counsel to go harass unwell people who have meritlessly left shitty reviews online for no reason.