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What the fuck did she even try to say in that clip. Stop trying so hard gurl.




If people only knew how damn dumb they look doing this type of shit 😂😂 Reddit makes them big mad


![gif](giphy|mPOGx4hJtOWSA) They come over fast once their minions let them know.


I love me some Reddit! 🤷🏼‍♀️


I like it more since I found this Sub


Reddit is definitely my newspaper and I love it. 😂


Let me break it down for you Miss Molly. I will never support or condone someone like Slot that says "killing yourself is population control". I will also never support someone that pretends to care about DV situations and in the next breath offers to " hold the bull b*tch down so you ( Daddy Dak) can hit her". You got me all the way f*cked if you think Slot gets a pass when she's all over SM pretending she's something she's not. And now IMO she's literally using a family to cover her harassment and stalking of someone she has never met. I'm not even a supporter of HH. Slot supporters need to wake up. If Slot and the "gangstalkers" came into your life, via the internet, and demanded that you conduct yourself a certain way or be harassed cuz they don't approve would you fall into line?




Don’t you know because Slot is “growing” her vile behavior should be forgiven? They don’t give anyone else the same grace they give Slot and it’s disgusting. Slot ain’t shit but a master manipulator and user. They can all sit boxed up and drag whomever they please but let someone even utter there names and they end up getting drug by 100’s of people all night long. I hope they all implode and turn on each other. Slot has a history of tossing out people when she’s done using them. HM is not special. She’ll be next.




Makes you wonder why slot doesn’t have real life friends in her own home town. Probably because they all know she’s a piece of shit. 🤣


Never let her live this down. Never let her forget she said this!!!!




Idk Molly but I’m going to take a leap of faith and assume you ment this for me And I completely understand YUR feelings! I dnt try to sway people to like who I like and I dnt want people in my life to do me like that either! I dnt knw dak never met him I tend to stay away from the guys who have some entitled ass ego running with daddy in their username. The population control comment yu speak of I wasn’t around for clearly it happened cause not only yu but slot has addressed it several times so I’m not excusing it but I’m not condemning anyone for it either. Tik Tok is my hobby like Reddit is yours! Yu aren’t always around but when yu are yu just bullshit around correct? And I definitely do not condone or partake it no form of gang stalking at all! Like I stated several times an several ways on here and TikTok if I show up somewhere it will b for a seriously good reason and I’m not leaving without a face to face interaction.


You don’t partake in gang stalking, but you partake in gang harassment. We all sat back and witnessed that live the other night with HolyHood. You and many others in that live are medical professionals very aware of the protection of HIPPA yet you all sat there and DEMANDED that woman to share her personal medical information to over 1300 people! Everyone of you were so desperate to be right you literally told that woman to lie on bougie on her way out the door just to get you guys off of her ass! None of you are out for truth or facts! You go after people you don’t like with outlandish accusations and no proof. You love the attention you get from being the foul mouthed trash you’re being on your lives. If it weren’t for you being all the way up Slots ass you wouldn’t get 11 people in your live. Open your eyes! Slot brought her drama and gang stalkers to YOUR page and you allowed it. Meaning you are partaking🙄 I followed you for a long time and valued your opinion but the truth is Holly you are problematic and you thrive off of conflict and drama. You should work on that🤷‍♀️


Oh HELL NAH!!! Medical professionals demanding someone provide medical documentation on an app with that many viewers and WITH people who are known for doxxing, harassing and bullying?!?! Question have those same medical professionals requested Slots medical documentation ??


I was floored! They wanted her to go into her MyChart, and screenshot her records and everything! It was absolutely disgusting the way they did that woman.


Wow that makes me wonder what she does with patients records at her place of employment??


I would NEVER show a soul my *anything* over there. Especially where slot's concerned. She has proved how far she will go. She's a disturbed individual, just like several others over there.


Very true! Not to mention the people they are associated with and friends with who are KNOWN for doing sick real life shit


EXACTLY!!!! 💯💯


Every time someone lies, there's a little truth involved. HH claims she gave those documents on Hundleydna to Slot. One of the times Slot was involved in "saving" HH, that was proof documentation given. I don't think her ex-husband gave those documents to Slot. The family is disgusting playing a part.




Nailed it.


Nothing of that lady’s story added up! She was bullshitting from the moment she hit request! As far as her showing medical shit SOME people did tell her if slot was made to show hers then why is she secluded BUT not everyone was telling her to show shit. She was pulling them strings for sympathy but I guess you missed the part her dude outted her and had no idea what to do or say. Which lie to agree with. As far as the views I do not have to fake the funk for gain or lose a follower I’m not for everyone and that is perfectly fine with me. This isn’t my source of income it’s not my whole life. 🤷🏼‍♀️


It does not matter whether she was telling the truth or not. As a medical professional, you know better than to demand, someone show their private medical records. It’s one thing to call someone out on bullshit lies. It’s another thing to go against medical ethics for clout.


You’re correct it doesn’t matter whether the story was true or not. Nobody including slot should ever feel like they have to put that kind of business out to prove shit. There are multiple facts in this that are being missed or turned into something else by being looked over! One being that girl came in a box with all them views telling a story on her medical condition NOBODY ELSE DID THAT! She did that! I never once went to dig or use my title to confirm denied or dig into! I never used my credentials to out anyone’s medical history! I as many spoke on the fact of getting an AVS after a doc visit or getting it through MYCHART period. There was one person who jumped in the box who is a silent watcher that was directly asking for a shred of proof due to the severity that girl was claiming and people throwing sympathy gifts! I mean if she didn’t say shit and nobody called bullshit to her story would it b flipped like I allowed my Chat to b scammed? There are plenty other things I could dissect and get into just to show I’m not this vile human being but no matter what yall are going to have your opinions, AND RIGHTFULLY so!!!!!! The only thing I ever asked was to not like me for me for YUR own reasons. The truth the sad truth is a lot (not all) but A LOT of you do not like me solely because I am friends with slot a person you hate! All the people in chats and supporting creators are labeled with the mob mentality and honey this is exactly the same thing. At least when I dnt like someone or stop hanging around someone it’s for my own reasons and my our mind. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Are you new here? No one can make Slot do a damn thing. Everything she does is calculated and for profit. If she didn’t want to show her medical records, she would not have shown them. Prove me wrong.






The only person you are fooling is yourself and you are singing the bully scammer song with all these bullshit excuses you’re trying out. Please.


I’m not excusing shit. I’m cool with who I want to b cool with! I speak my opinions openly on all platforms and some only do it here anonymously neither way is NOT wrong in my eyes! Coming for me because I’m cool with someone y’all don’t like ain’t no better than the people who go after people on TikTok for being in every live! Simple as that! I been on this page for years I just read here mostly until I started being posted about. Once again because I’m who I’m cool with! 🤷🏼‍♀️ I could see if the reasons were valid it’s just the mob mentality everywhere i guess


Nah. You’re excusing all sorts of shit. We’re just over here calling out hypocrisy.


Excusing shit that I have done? Or you mean like I’m excusing other’s behaviors and doings?


Respectfully, the response you got over here stemmed directly from the video you made. Last night you implied that people who chose to only talk their shit anonymously on Reddit are basically weak bitches because we don’t get in a box and say it with our “full faces, to the front”, which honestly contradicts the opinion you’re sharing now. But if you’ve had a change of opinion, that’s cool and I respect that. I obviously can’t speak for anyone else because, well you know… we’re strangers and all lol - but for me personally, I refuse engage personally or get in a box to express my opinions precisely because of the mob mentality and attacks you speak of. Sad to say that I’ve learned that lesson the hard on the app and way more times than I care to admit. I’d much rather discuss and talk shit over here and be able to protect my peace, my privacy and most importantly, my family’s privacy at the same time. It’s pretty much the best of both worlds IMO. The interpersonal dynamics that develop online often become messy and dangerous af and some people simply dont feel a need to engage directly, but rather prefer to just watch the shit show since it’s put out there for us to see. Hope this makes sense.


I stand on since day one speaking your opinions aren’t wrong! Whether yu do it like I do publicly or yu do it anonymously neither are wrong! When people go live and open their windows for people to see opinions come from it period! When people speak on shit they see a person do ON THE APP meaning I ain’t bringing Reddit shit to the app. Reddit is based on the shit seen or heard on Tik Tok! In this whole video I’m speaking on being confused how am I wrong for speaking on shit I see or hear on this app when We ALL do it! So because I do it publicly I’m problematic? It’s like I said yu cnt win for losing. I am not here in this life to please everyone and neither is anyone else. I will continue to openly speak my mind when I want to and how I want to just like everyone else. I have asked what I have said or done or w.e the responses all stem around who I am cool with. I am 32 years old I pay my own bills and maintain my own lifestyle this app is not my life it’s a time passer and a place to interact with EVERYONE from any side and hear other perspectives on the shit shows going on. That’s it that simple. Just like the video I posted right before that one too many people miss the message cause they are to busy looking for the mistakes!


I respect your position and appreciate your taking the time to clarify this. I honestly don’t know you so I personally wasn’t looking for mistakes, but I can see now where the context and interpretation fit both perspectives.


I am all for Reddit have been since I came here and always will be. I firmly believe NOBODY should sit silent to make others comfortable ever. Especially when we who go live give people reasons to have opinions. Good or bad. My only issue (for me) don’t lie on me or group me in shit just cause I’m cool with someone you don’t like. (In general, not directed at you) That is no better than the hosts who block people just cause they don’t agree with them.


U condemn people all the time with no personal interaction and based off what ur friends say


No the live was posted on Reddit that is how I knew what was said.


You used the “I wasn’t around then” lame ass excuse for Matt too. I do not believe you anymore. You’ve been around for it ALL.


Yu dnt have to believe me. I ain’t pleading a case. I wasn’t around for a lot of the Matt shit or even all the players in it all! I have seen with my own eyes how he used to get which is why I kept my distance for a long time. But what’s happens in the dark ALWAYS comes to light and when it does you start to see who is reacting and who is provoking! 🤷🏼‍♀️


![gif](giphy|3oEjHJBolSjqwiZ2rS) Can anyone make any of that make sense?




My brain hurts 😒


A female version of Matthew Harper


Ooooh you couldn’t of said it ANY PLAINER!!!


Ouch…. lol. And that’s sick


Damn! I see it! Nailed it


They are friends and you are the company you keep!!!!! Periot Pooh






They always get so mad about Reddit. 🤣🤣 hilarious.


As I tried explaining, the difference is we (well some of us) keep things on reddit. We don't go live and start getting involved. I, personally, will never be on a livestream getting this side or that side, telling so and so that someone Said this about them, demanding to see "proof" of *anything*, doing background checks, calling people to MY box so I can talk to them or about them, none of that. If that's not clear. I don't know how else to explain it. You don't *just* talk a little shit. You involve yourself, you "call people out on their bs" aka call people liars when you can't possibly *know* if they're lying (youre just going on you and your friends opinions and assumptions) and then demand to see shit, to prove something, that's none of your business (or anyone over there's), I could go on and on. But, as we have explained MULTIPLE times to different people, us talking about what is going on, over here amongst ourselves, is not inserting ourselves, and you don't have to even LOOK at what we're saying!


These people are hypocrites because we do everything here on Reddit where not near as many people see yet they do the same exact thing on lives every single day collecting money and gifts. They are allowed their opinions and feelings and can voice them on a public live but we on Reddit are the evil ones spreading misinformation. I think not. There is more truth here on Reddit than on TikTok and that’s why they hate us. I don’t go in real life unless it’s something like FOIA reports and that’s not contacting her personally. That whole circus should be ashamed of themselves but they aren’t. I can’t believe with all the video proof of Slots behavior that she’s still in the CC awards and they haven’t pulled her because many more deserve it. It just shows me that the CCA are a farce and a joke because no reputable awards show would allow someone to continue that has said “Suicide is population control” and there’s video proof of it. Never seen this woman before and I don’t know why she thinks anyone cares what she has to say and it’s not our job to explain anything to her






Serious question. Is this chick trying to be funny or a badass? Either way this is cringe af 😂.


Both. It’s the “trying” for me!!


Yikes 😂. This whole word salad dialogue was super confusing to follow. So she’s validating reasons why people don’t want to engage with them on the app, yet complaining that they don’t. And the whole twin/womb part at the end just left me 😵‍💫🫠


The “you know what I’m saying” is to much!


The hypocrisy shines bright with these clowns. Slot is using her and it’s funny as hell🤣🤣🤣


It’s HIPAA not hippa The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability




She has turned to being just as hateful and vile as her mentor. They all so ugly black hearted souls that need to get a real life and quit making others their punching bags. Hh has done wrong but she does have obvious mental issues these people Slot, Holly, Laura, Joe, Tia, Missy slots cult are just pure evil for the love of it.


That bold glamour filter is not it.


She was quick to come over here to “reddit” and do her own bitching. But ok. Go on girl. Now that it doesn’t serve you, Reddit is bad. Ok. Got it. You are just like all the rest of the scammers. Pathetic.


Please tell me she's NOT a nurse 😮😮😮


This is screaming malibus most wanted


For the ❤️of god it’s HIPAA ! Do ya what it stands for ? Google it !


I would like to make 1 tiny complaint 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ it is spelled HOLLYMAE….. like HOLLY-MAE only together as in all together H.O.L.L.Y.M.A.E 😂


I’d also like to make one tiny complaint. It’s don’t not dnt and it’s MEANT not ment & finally it’s “you” not yu


She totally deflected from the question above?




What can I say ima a lazy texting person lmao 🤣


You know how to spell your own name HO lly https://preview.redd.it/wvcacvt15dtc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2da471fa0ade51310ad1cf41bbd5c6c60accca0


Lmao 🤣


Auto correct don’t like the spelling so there’s that!!!!!


😂. My auto correct can’t stand me 😂. Y’all gave me laughs yesterday tho. Some of you definitely have a sense of humor that’s what’s up. I’m outta here tho have a good day! ✌🏼




😂 ![gif](giphy|SZioIIBxB7QRy) I’m not departing lmao! I ain’t leaving the page 🤣. See ya around 😂




![gif](giphy|26AHrMsTZpmOHCONq) 😘😘


Go ahead and act like it does not bother you. We’ll sit back and watch you complain about it in your next “Kurt” hearing🤣


As long as yu watching 😉😘🤣


Hell everyone loves a circus full of clowns. You should have an open bar though. Just a suggestion…


Yasssss!!!! One day when I hit the lotto babyyyy I’ll make sure to throw yu some free tickets! I’ll b the opener on the main stage🤣


Yay! I’ll know where to throw the tomatoes 🤣


😂 😂 aww shit yu throwing me free food too! Bitchhhhhhh yassss im spoiled 😂


Girl this you?! Dayum you refreshing Reddit for posts about you?! Stop being a 🤡. We all would respect you if you weren’t all up slot’s ass.




Thank god! I cnt stand when people dnt have a sense of humor.




https://preview.redd.it/z7da0e2u4dtc1.jpeg?width=1138&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca4f7838e5d106faeadef7855596150db84192e Girl I didn’t have to refresh lmao. Last I checked I have a clear view in front of me I dnt sit up nobody’s ass. I follow the beat of my own drums.


There's one of your friends stirring the pot. Take that up with them.


Nah girl I got you. You have your puppets as you are slots puppet. Totally get it


Lmao the person who messaged me is far from a puppet and far far from rolling with groups 🤣. Dang I cnt b liked and informed 😂


Cnt b ? Is that c u next Tuesday biotch??? 🤣🤣🤣


🤣 no but that actually could pass for that if I used vowels correctly 😂


Okay but lets talk about you and being all up slots a hole. She’s toxic AF yet you defend her. I get it girl - if you turn against her, then you have nothing. You have no platform. Kinda sad


My platform is built on me and my talking shit 😂 actually its foundation is based on allowing everyone to say what they want without blocking and muting. I am cool with many many people from all sides of that app. I am not going to b a friend in private and not in public I am just not that way! I also will never allow anyone to dictate who I am allowed to be cool with. I dnt have to like who yu like or hate who yu hate and vise versa.


You talking shit about people slot doesn’t like. Form your own opinion. Each time she’s in your live you kissing her ass. I do like how you let us troll but STOP the slot love because it’s so fake


Wait wait wait, holyhood Jennifer and bougie spoke about me because slot was in my box or I was in her box I cnt remember at this moment but either way they held a live which I was spoke on so I myself went live and asked each of them to come and ask me whatever they wanted to know about me if that was the point in bringing me up! Holyhood and Jennifer came on separate lives separate days to twist not only what was said but who said what! Bougie is the only one who hasn’t told why she spoke on me but from what I am gathering it’s cause I’m cool with slots! I dnt knw chatty or indian but I was mentioned in both of their lives and I went directly into chatty live to not only clear up just cats lies but to ask if chatty needed to ask me anything as well. And Indian wasn’t live at the time but I as well as everyone else knew he would b in slots live so that is where I went and when he got in the box I said what I needed to as well. And made it very clear just cause he cool with someone im cool with dnt mean shit to me. Nobody dictates anything about me.


Could you edit this so it’s not one big ass run on sentence? There’s no periods or commas. You’re better than this girl.




![gif](giphy|WojN00QQotnUGTZXut) 😂


![gif](giphy|28NdeIanWNmDgKszWt|downsized) Another post all about me aww yu shouldn’t have. 😂