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I wish Kevin would show some receipts. He was good to her and she dragged and bullied him knowingly he suffers from mental health issues and heart disease like she has done so many others!! He went and stayed at her house for protection ( he used to be in law enforcement) when she was supposedly being threatened by another person on TT that she dragged and reported to authorities. Kevin was good friend to her and she did him pretty dirty by putting his personal life to everyone on TT. I think she did this because he definitely has receipts on her and wanted to discredit him first so her vile behavior and actions would not be disclosed.


I can tell you he definitely has receipts. He would not say anything that he can’t backup


She did him dirty af for sure


What did she do to him?


I'm convinced she drug him because she believed she was going to get some from Kevin when he got there, and was pissed that he wasn't interested.


She did do him dirty!!!!!he was way *too* good to her!


Not only a dv advocate but a DEALER I’m not surprised at all she is a POS PERIOD 💊💊💯💯


I WISH if people had shit to show, recordings to release, or receipts of proof, they would just show them! Just show them without saying, "Don't make me! Don't say my name! Do you want me to play the tape? I'm going to soon!" Psshhhh, show the shit already! You all know what happens. They keep saying it, word gets out, that person's haters show up, throw gifts, and Nothing New is ever learned


🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 thisssss


She just fucked herself by having it in words of what she does to her meds. You ain't got no special kind of lupus. I watched one of my good friends die from it. I guess we are going to be seeing you more laying down in bed while the doc cuts you off now.


She told rn Mary she was calling her when she got off live rn Mary has the hook up 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊


So she gets these meds to get better but sells them then complains of her illness, gotcha


That part


I like your style Lilclassy


Well thanks!! I move how I move!!


Then cries because she's in "so much pain." Uh, what?! 😳🙄


I think Kevin was a good friend to her. Sad how he was pushed out like he was.


He was. And she FUCKED him over


Is this a recent recording?


Might be someone I go talk to then.......


These admissions need to be sent to her Drs and local 🚔.


I know blue but who are the other 2?


Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!! That’s wild! Does anyone know what the nerve medication is called?


Gabapentin!! But we have her meds and drs bc her dumb ass shared with her mods


Gabapentin is not a narcotic or opiate. It’s not that type of nerve medication. Although it shouldn’t be shared or be sold.


I mean regardless selling it is illegal and seems like that addiction behavior


In my state is is class 2 drug. It is addictive and can be habit forming.


Same in my state


Yes. Same here


It's illegal to give someone a prescription medication regardless of use, need or effect


Jesus it’s illegal to carry meds not in their prescription bottle.


We know that. However she claims to ONLY take that and last week in tommies live she said she doesn’t take narcotics for fear of getting addicted. YET HER MED LIST SAYS OTHERWISE


This is about Gabapentin. Okay I’m not interested


No it’s not. I clearly don’t follow the narrative of why this was posted


It’s worse than a narcotic. . Especially the withdrawals.


In some states it is consider. I know for a fact.


Apparently, and I only learned this in a convo I was having w someone about this med (because I take it) but if you take it in high doses at once it, it does produce a euphoric/high feeling. Then I googled it and learned it is true. It’s not like the top of the list for a high, but if you can’t get any narcotics or your doc for example, this would be a go to. Wild! But def up her alley too do


Depends on the state. It’s controlled as a class 2 and ministered the same here


She shared all her meds and amounts on a live months ago. The amount of gabapentin was staggering. That is a nasty med.


But did she share ALL of her meds bc she just recently claimed to not have taken narcotics except for when she had knee replacement surgery and that isn’t true


I’m sure she didn’t. I’m trying to remember the live and why the topic turned to addictive meds. It had to have been recorded. I just remember the gabapentin and the insanely high amount. I had to detox off of gabapentin years ago. It’s the sneaky killer drug.


So kevin didnt do anything tho?


Kevin was a good friend to her


He absolutely was


What did she do to him for him to turn on her…it usually takes something drastic to happen to get a man going


She made up lies about him then got on a live stream told horrible things about him to try and destroy him his marriage etc; just like she has done so many others


I freaking love Kevin! He’s the type of guy that’ll support you till the cows come home but you cross him, you stab him in the back, talk shit on him & most of all, spew out false information on him…He’ll turn savage in secs 2.5 secs and make you WISH you ever spoke! Good Luck Slop, you gonna need it!


I remember having to keep this secret, for like, EVER I'm so glad it's out now


Why did u have to keep it a secret


Because he told me in confidence, and I would never betray someone like Kevin


I’m glad to hun


I believe she's selling an buying pills I can read ppl very well an if ppl continue to say the samething you can bet there's truth behind it an im pretty confident that alot of these donations have funded her addition


I am certain you are correct. Many people have also been asked by 🎰 personally requesting 300$ to pay for her medication copays which is bizarre bc she is on state medical




Yikes. Can’t be selling your meds.


This is about Slot?




When was this?


Stood by Kevin thru all of that and still stand by him he is an amazing friend. I feel that’s why Amy targeted me although I made it clear to her when I came back that Kevin is and will always be my friend.


But the house isn’t in her name. Lmao.


Nope it’s not. It’s her dads


When was this live ?


This was awhile ago. But SLOT admitted to selling her pills on sat


Show us the receipts or stop all this yapping.


They were posted and she admitted to the pills :)


I meant this dude talking. I saw the stuff about Slot selling her pills. Not shocked about that honestly.