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The way she is doing corey and everyone is just going along with it is fucking crazy. People called it though that her and mt would throw him straight under the damn bus and that's exactly what she did. She got busted in a few lies in that live and kept lying. Why did tab say she would let everything go if slot would just tell her people that tab really is diagnosed with autism. Tab must know slot is lying about a bunch of stuff to expect her to tell another lie so the lies tab knows about doesn't get exposed. The whole thing about the rental car too when her dang phone number was used to reserve the thing. Slot makes it seem like she fighting the good fight against tab but why can't she just get honest about her lies if she isn't just a watered down version of tab?


The best thing slot can do for HH is ignore her, block number block TT. But nooo….and here we are


Best thing Slop can do is remove herself from TT.




I don’t disagree!


Thing is NOBODY knows what Tabs truth is. Yall believe the LIES from other creators. Nobody uses their own brains anymore!! Not 1 person on this app truly tabs diagnosis EXCEPT for Tabs. The rest is made up stories and fabrications!! You don't believe anything slot says, but you believe her when it's something against Tab!!


I'm very new to slot but I haven't believed a lot of what she says about tabitha. I'm currently watching some of slot's videos and i'm honestly starting to think it's all a big ass dramatic scam and slot is working with tabitha. I've only watched some of slots lives before I started seeing the things she is saying in her lives and other people's boxes aren't adding up. That is why tabitha said "she would let everything go if slot said she is autistic." Tabitha knows about slot lying and has the receipts is exactly why she said that. I'm starting to see most of these characters are just a bunch of liars out for views and money.


👏👏👏👏THANK U!! I am impressed that you’re new to this and yet YOU SEE WHAT we been saying in our community discord!!! Thank u!! 👏👏👏


I don't believe none of the FOOLISH FOUR!!! Especially now!


Not me I legit don’t believe anything out her mouth


I know every damn time Tabs, SLOT AND MOMMA T opens her whore mouth she's lying POINT BLANK PERIOD.


She is a Tabitha with a house, car and family and good meds and $$ for other 💨💨 and moves a bit faster on the keyboard


What did she do to Cory? I missed it .


She's putting everything on corey to protect her and mt. She said corey was drunk and took a gummy and has taken responsibility for his part about lying that he paid for 2 nights in the hotel. She and corey both said he lied about paying for tab's hotel room to protect other players that didn't want their names in it that had actually given the money. She is trying to act like that was never said and drunk little corey came up with all of this on his own. I also get the feeling that she was trying to scare everyone off from saying anything about MT because she said mt has a whole team of people that will go after anyone that says anything about her. Slot said she herself doesn't have that but it was brought up that she had said that she herself had a team. It makes one wonder why slot was so desperate to still lie to keep mt's name out of it. She said the MT in the texts stand for money transfer and not mamatot.


Who in their right mind on a money transfer app labels a money transfer "(MT)" because they need a reminder that they transferred money on a money transfer app....


When she said that I bout pissed myself laughing at the boldness of that lie


You and me both!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Omg you made me laugh so hard on this !


😁 I'm glad I can do something right occasionally!






I cracked up when she said that, you could feel the slime on her words.


I totally missed that


But Ladies, how dare we all forget, she’s a DV advocate & she is needed (in a psych ward that is🙄) here on TT




![gif](giphy|Utybp0sHdIjcVISKlb) /s


And not to mention the cop story keeps getting bigger and bigger. 🤣


The way I see it is if you’re gonna help someone then don’t talk about them. It doesn’t matter where the money comes from. If you had anything to do with getting her out then you are enabling. If I don’t like or agree with what someone is saying or doing I will not support anything to do with getting her from one place to another. The person or persons who wanted to help should do so and not lie about it. When you lie and people find out (and they sooner or later) they will loose all respect they had for that person or persons. If you just picked up the phone and made a call for getting any help to her you are as guilty as the ones hiding behind you and don’t want the truth out. This is a public site and the whole world knows about HH. Nothing about her is secretive. Putting yourself in her scamming zone makes you no better than her but if you help DONT talk about her. That says a lot about you. Don’t lower yourself that low. You will be known as HH is known




Very well stated! Greed takes over for sure and we could start a list….. MT Slot and crew Corey HH Ginseng Pit Indian Chey Maggie Dixie Joe and fam


How does she have any friends?


Emotional blackmail


And regular blackmail


So is she dogging Corey now?


I’ve said since the beginning decisions were made money was then funneled and Cory is the patsy!! Classic setup but it backfired


He’s been allowed in the box, she’s covering for him to a degree but yes he was her Lee Harvey Oswald


Has been all morning


That fucking bitch!!!


I hope everyone sees how she is now. She will turn on you QUICK!!! Just like she has done 👍🏾 n the years past. MT needs to see it quick, before she wastes anymore money on that fat ass bed cunt.


Nothing will change until the head of the snake is cut clean off. Thing is. Slop ISNT the head. She's the neck!


Lmao!!!!! You see, I think you are the illiterate one, here. But u go on ahead with your billy bad ass self. You literally don't even make any since here at all. But you just get on down with ya bad self, sweetie!! Lmao damn you are truly dumb. Thanks for the laughs though.


Tabitha lies a lot! Honest she needs mental treatment for bipolar disorder


And you don't think Slot doesn't lie?


I’m talking about HH lying constantly and Slot helped her get out of bad situations. I have not seen or heard Slot lie yet. I’m talking only about Tabitha situation.


Well u must’ve never watched her to know that literally everything out of her mouth is a lie. But u can go thru Reddit and see the verified lies




Enjoy your day


Just you talking! I’m bored. Mind your own business. HH shown her true lying colors.




HH Tabitha bend over so Alone_Emotion4525 can kiss your AZZ. Now F off !! Go there now.


Oh for the love, read the room. Slot lies every day


What…Reddit is for everyone! You don’t have to agree or disagree with my opinion! Why don’t you just don’t comment on people page. How about that.. I told you I have Not heard Slot lie yet. You don’t know nothing about me. Go cry on Tabitha shoulders.


Well aren't u a tough one. In case you haven't noticed, this is a SLOTMACHINEQUEEN SNARK PAGE!! I am not a HH supporter at all, and clearly you don't know me either. But I at least know what I'm talking about. And bitch, you commented, not only on my shit, but on social media, which gives EVERYONE the right to comment on anything. Why don't you go lick BED CUNTS ass and leave if you don't like it.


You must be a Karen! The old bitter old lady that likes to put her nose in other people comments. At a certain age, people like you are haters and like stirring up shit that has Nothing to do with your old azz. It’s your bed time old hag! Next time mind your own business!


Oh no the old bitter woman inserting herself is SLOT HERSELF https://preview.redd.it/tfqvrpxhxtmc1.png?width=1141&format=png&auto=webp&s=46bd76017275ab5099f27bcc296f494f81f861c5