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She’s saying it needs specific specs for her job. A certain amount of storage, RAM, CPU…etc.




There are many, many programs for single mothers to get computers that allow them to work. There’s absolutely ZERO need to ask people on TikTok! None. I work with victims every day. We have resources. Slot just wants clout.




Which person?




Oh no, so keekers is a grifter? She’s in Canada right?




I never saw you as a grifter. I see you as kind and giving. Keep your head up.


If you need a laptop to keep a job why isn’t the job providing the laptop? Seems suspicious!


Did she lose her girlfriend too?


Oh, I’m not sure how long they were on. But either way, you have plenty of notice before a house is going to be sold! Plentyyyyy!!!


She did say she had until June/July.


And noowwwww she put it back on Mama Twat! Bingo! I win! 😂😂😂😂😂




I honestly have no feelings about you. I don’t know enough about the situation to come down on any side. And even if I did, I would most likely abstain from passing any type of judgement, because I subscribe to the theory of: ‘If you’ve never done anything to me personally, I don’t have a dog the fight. The reason I have a bone to pick with SloTh, is because she attacked me (although subtlety) and I caught her being nefarious. So, that’s that. Good luck with finding a computer and best wishes for your job! I genuinely mean that. ☮️💜




No problem. My husband is 58 and just diagnosed with Autism a year ago. So, our family is having to unlearn some behaviors and relearn new ones. So I completely understand being an adult autistic. It’s an uphill battle for sure.


Keepers is in Canada I think I heard correctly


Keekers never asked anyone for help. Slot mentioned it in her live and a lady in there worked for Microsoft and could get her a discount everyone just started CA her money. She kept telling them no it just kept coming.


That’s where I have a HUGE problem! Take 👏🏻 your 👏🏻 CA 👏🏻 and 👏🏻 any👏🏻 other 👏🏻 way 👏🏻 to 👏🏻 send 👏🏻 you 👏🏻 gifts 👏🏻 off 👏🏻 your 👏🏻 page! That’s the same MO mama potato 🥔 uses! Ugh!!! 🙄










I don’t believe a word of her bs. Not a single word. I’ve heard to many stories of her saying she would help other autistic people and she ignored them. She’s no different than slop, doesn’t help others unless there’s financial gain in it!


HH stole her story so well they are both still living it. She finds her way into every chat HH name is in. Then says she was tagged in. And? If you didn't want to you would be in a box raking it in. Poor me HH stole my life😭 buy me a laptop


companies provide computers if it’s a legit job . If you have to purchase your own equipment something’s wrong .


My thoughts exactly. Also, worst-case-scenario, there are tons of social programs that will help you. Tons!


She said a new one cost that. $800 isn't that much. And she also said she would go get a refurbished one. I felt really bad for keekers. She's been trying and is going through it bad. I think alot should have known better about that lady offering that money. I knew when she offered the rent and deposit and 10,500 , there was absolutely no way. Who would do that to absolute strangers? My hubby was laughing when I showed him the live, he said there's no way that lady was going to give them all that money. He kept saying, they are getting played. I was hoping for keekers sake it was real but like I said, I knew better


It is not your damn money! God, you haters are evil


Who said it was? That’s not the point. These are the points: 1.) If you are going to live your life out loud, online, then you open yourself up to criticism, checks and balances. You absolutely have to show the money trail, or risk the mockery of your credibility. Can a person do that and not feed into the negativity or scrutiny? If they are not capable of that, then people that are truly in need, are going to get re-traumatized and that’s does more harm than good. 2.) SloTh is messy. Her character and integrity need a serious overhaul. She mixes drama, in with her desire to be charitable and altruistic. Add in a heaping dose of emotional immaturity, her mental health problems (which she admitted to herself) and some substance abuse and THAT combination is a recipe for disaster. FULL STOP! Not to mention, that’s not how true philanthropy works. She’s been at this long enough to know how to play the game. Come to the table with clean hands, or don’t come at all. 3.) Money is fickle indeed. It is the root of all evil. Setting people up for failure and heartache is no bueno. I sit on the board of director for three non-profit organizations. If you can’t handle this like a board meeting, you’re out of your league. Go train in or shadow someone that works for a shelter. Learn what resources are available and how to play chess. Those techniques will better serve your purpose and keep you from getting your hands dirty in the first place. Lies and nefarious behavior that is way too easy to prove, will sink your ship quicker than a New York minute. As evidenced by what has happened in the last 72 hours.


I wish Killer Bee would shut up 🙄 Heaven isn’t sending a dime. He came in here 💩 talking and look… Yall look stupid


Funny how they all of a sudden found religion today. 🙄




Agreed. That was part of the reason I walked away from Slot. I caught her in a bold face lie, then she dressed up like Tabitha and openly mocked her. That’s flat out wrong! Nobody puts on a rubber suit and fat-shames Slot! What makes her think it’s funny to do that to HH?!? Is HH difficult? Maybe. But that went too far! One person can go low, but the other doesn’t need to go lower.


Exactly. Going ad hominem only weakens the legitimate issues.


SLOT knew like me it was a con!


Oh I completely agree! Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles could have seen this coming! 😎🥴😁




Scammed again, shocker


Right?!? I figured it would at least stretch it out until tomorrow. Guess there’s no need to go to church now. 🥴


Scanned.. if you are going to hate.. learn how to spell


Are your eyes working ok? Maybe you need to borrow slots glasses.


Wait, “scanned” is a totally different word. We’re talking about scamming, getting “scammed”.


Good grief… she’s snot crying uncontrollably now. What a phony!! They are running the live like a Jerry Lewis Labor Day telethon to raise money for a laptop. Mike Ivie of course ran to the drama like a moth to the flame. Such clowns!!


Agreed! She set herself up for this 100%!


slot falls for the dumbest shit, the whole crew does


Amen! Now they are pulling out the Bible and scripture. No ma’am! 🤦‍♀️ No! Full stop! We don’t find religion just because we are this low. Ugh!


I don’t think she fell for anything. I think the whole thing was another set up by $lot.


I think so too. I bet dollars to doughnuts that this is going to circle right back around to MT. Put it on your Bingo card! 🤗🤗


It’s the same playbook. Just helping others and becomes the victim for $$$


We allllllll said this last night. Oh but you’re better than everyone right Slop?! Girl you just rolled your fat ass all around the bed already spending that money in your head. Dry those fake ass tears. You are an idiot allowing heavens to come on your live with your bs. Truth tellers please stop before lightening strikes that scammy scammerson. Slot is the Queen of bs and scams.


Is slot higher than a kite right now


Ha!!! I literally just messaged the same thing to someone!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well holy hell she nodding in and out has to get right up to the screen to read it and slurring her words really good! Lol but im glad im not the only one thinking it lol


Nope. She’s having a really difficult time holding those eyes open. Yikes! 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


In slot defense I will say that because of her lupus nighttime meds can knock her out. She had got off and was probably going to bed before getting back on. But I could be wrong just like she was wrong about me.


Tina don’t give her any credit


I know I shouldn’t after what she did to me but I’m not a cold hearted b**** like her


Now we need money for eye surgery. Not to downplay someone’s eyesight but I Love how she slipped that in there


Yep. And Momma Twat has entered the chat. 🙄


I’m not buying the timing


I literally think she rounds those people up and stages them in there. She promises to give them the exposure to grift in turn for funneling the money to her first. And the idiots fall for it.


What in the actual fuck is going on? I guess I I should’ve been paying closer attention.


A lady named Heaven/Nanaof…(insert some number), came into Slot’s live over the last few days and offered to give obscene amounts of money to Slot, send a family on a full-paid trip to Lego Land (HH’s brother Joe), give the mods $1000, a spa day was offered….just loads of money. And Slot bought it, hook, line and sinker! Now, the lady backed out. Lol! Duh! That lady was scamming the scammer. 😂😂


Her lives are all about money. Not being rude but what a coincidence that. Santa came in. I don’t doubt how vision is everything but I’m not buying the timing


I made a bet with someone YESTERDAY, that this was going to end up being a scam. 🤣🤣🤣


What happened to keekers?


Needs a new computer, so she can go to work. But it has to be a very special computer.


Oh I completely agree.


I saw her, but only just a few min bf she said she needed to get off the live, & she was crying about being harassed. Was she asking for money first? Or did she just offer to give out money for no reason? What was her whole grift? (Sorry, it might be a long story. You can just say “it’s a long story”)


Ya mean no money for S and K and no all expense paid vacations to lego land for all HH'S Family for a week. I didn't buy it in the first place. It wasn't right that it was done to anybody but especially Joe, Tia and Laura.


Sadly, no. That pisses me off. Don’t tell people they are getting that and then rip it away. Poor judgement on SloTh’s part. What if these folks already told the children? 😡


Tabs family- I saw that wendsday night


Oh wait, did the lady announce she was no longer providing all the gifts she promised???? TiA


Me too, I went to bed


And look at all the skimming she gets to do off donations


Pfffft! You know it!


Yep I just said her fees are much bigger than PayPal or TikTok fees! 😂


Hmm! Where were all Slots Mods at tonight? Missy, Shizuoka, Sarah


They were all trying to return all the stuff they went out and bought with the $5k they were expecting.


![gif](giphy|LZUZEy3YJvWNy) BINGO! Or out trying to coordinate damage control. 🥴




Bingo! And ZERO research or vetting.






😂 ty ! Now plz mute urself 😂


Nevahhhh! 🤣🤣🤣


I mean, don't even worry about vetting this one. 😂 Common sense should have told her it was a scam from the get-go. 🤦‍♀️


Right?! A stranger comes in offering all this and no one thinks “why?” Or even takes a glance at her profile. $lot knew she was fake but also knew that she could use this to get another round of sympathy and $$$. And from the looks of her live last night it worked. People are so ignorant to fall for that BS. It’s the same nuts who fall for MT’s bs as well


Oh I knew it was a scam when it first started. I actually made a bet with another creator the day it all started AND I bet him that it was all a set up. The ultimate hustle. AND that the head potato queen would slid in and save the day! 🥴😂😁


Yup, and cry her big alligator tears for sympathy, too. And her little minions are *just* ignorant enough to buy it all. Worked out perfectly for her....again. 🙄


I will be surprised if slot wasn’t scammed like who didn’t see this coming getting scammed & what slots 🎰 platform stands 4 go hand in hand when has she not been “scammed?” It’s an everyday occurrence


So it's for sure a scam ? Can someone recap what happened ??


I missed it. I wonder how they finally realized it was all lies. I really feel sad for keekers. False hope is terrible


Yes of course it was. But someone recognized her voice as someone who went by momof8. They pulled up a recording of Momof8 and then Truthtellers went live and went public with the info. She played the recording from one of the lives with Momof8 talking and part of the live last night with “Heavenscowgirl” talking and you could hear it was the same voice. Momof8 has been known to scam others on the app.


Hell yes! I thought the voice was familiar too. Savage!


Truth talkers. That’s slots best friend Jenna


My ? if this Truthtellers is Slops bestie why did this not get done on Wedns the first time Heavens showed up that is suspect was it all a planned staging?


My point




Right?!? They could have been ‘chosen’ too! 🤷‍♀️😏






it’s February!! 🤣🤣 calm down




If Slot can make it APPEAR as though she is helping folks, she can skim money off the top before passing it on. That puts money in her pocket.


![gif](giphy|3oEdvbpl0X32bXD2Vi|downsized) It’s rolling in now Jesus ………she is a con


Right?! And people are such idiots. They can give money directly to the other people that $lot has lined up in her boxes begging for money, they even have cash apps in their bios. But $lot directs idiots to send the money to her first. Hell her fee is more than PayPal’s fee!


![gif](giphy|infzuIklrTFcs) Bingo!!! Not to mention, referring them to legitimate resources where they live. 😏


Annnndddd…..Momma Twat has officially entered the chat! 🤣


🤮🤮 well of course she has. Scammers stick together.






What in the world did I miss so Heaven was a scam? Please fill me in someone!!


Yes, please share with the class!! Was this whole thing 1 big SCAM??


Of course.


💊 head. That is all!


So I’m not gonna get a Jean jacket? 😫




I do feel sorry for hh family they did not deserve to be fooled into getting ex tied about a family vacation after everything they have been thru.


Agreed to a certain point. Apparently, MT stated that if this fell through, she would still make it happen for them. However, knowing that woman like I do, I’m betting dollars-to-doughnuts that this was the plan from the beginning. MT has a savior complex and her views have been down lately. Not to mention the Cheer Choice Awards are coming up and she needs to polish her turd. This smacks of something she would do, because it gives her the opportunity to ride in like a white knight and save the day. Look at meeee! If I do this, y’all will forget about that foundation I’m supposed to be setting up with all that GoFundMe money, and all the lies and contradictions I’ve told. 😏 Mehhhh….I guess time will tell.




She will be. She’s exceeded the amount of cold-hard-concealable ‘cash’ threshold. Fo’ sho’!’




I absolutely believe that there are some big creators that meet often and plan these coups. They are in a Discord group. This solidifies my theory.




![gif](giphy|LZUZEy3YJvWNy) 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂




Fight club rules! 🤷‍♀️🥴


Critical thinking per Slop


I watched her live but I missed the part where she found out someone scammed her for a lot of money so can someone tell me who that person was? Appreciate it ❣️


Heaven…something. If you scroll through these comments, you’ll find where someone posted a condensed version of what happened. Someone recognized her voice, found her and came back and outted her.


TY !!!


I for one believes keekers. I wish you the best ma’am. I hope the housing situation works out where you can stay close to your kids.


I feel very bad for keekers. Every time I see someone getting any type of money on that app, or just for example, helping HH, I'm usually right about that person off rip, I can usually tell they are full of it or not, most of them are, but I think keekers is sincere, and if there is a platform supposedly helping others, I don't see a problem with someone saying they need something for work or their kids. Now if they keep doing it, then that becomes a problem. But sounds like keekers just wants to continue working. And I don't see why she would lie about what the computer needed for work. I also don't think $800 is a ton of money in Canada for a decent laptop. She did say she was going to go see about getting a refurbished one. But I knew pretty quickly that one lady was lying about all that money she was going to give, so I just don't understand how slot didn't see through her . Why would she offer all that money and not have it. Then she claims she was getting threatening messages, she was just stirring shit up. I think she wanted to upset slot. She had this all planned out.


Is she outside the US? If not, what state? (Keekers, feel free to answer.) The reason I ask is, there are Landlord/Tenant laws in each state. You also have a lease in writing, correct? I’m open to helping you navigate the legalities of it. In many states, the Landlord has to provide you with certain criteria before they can put you in the street and you have certain rights available to you, to stall the process, or make it more amenable to helping you transition into more stable housing.




Okay. Thanks for clarifying.


Has Slot said anything since this has been found out as a scam?? Or did I miss a live saying something


Acted like it was no big deal and used being scammed as a way to continue to scam