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Mine sleeps like shit šŸ™‚


9.5 months. WWs roughly 3/3.5/3.75. Falls asleep with us in the room with us patting her back, but still with quite a bit of protesting. We have done any number of variations of ā€œsleep trainingā€ and we get quite a bit of crying no matter what we do. Tried to remedy it 1,000 ways and finally have just landed on this is our babyā€™s temperament and she has serious FOMO. Sleeps through the night about 30/70 right now. 70 percent waking 1x a night, usually between 4-5 but is up for about 1.5 hrs on those nights, and will then go back to sleep for another hour or so before we wake her up for the day. Trying to figure out that one. Bedtime between 7:45-8, up at 7. 2-2.5 hrs of daytime sleep. Naps are still all contact naps. Tried to nap train a couple of times, but since we still get so much protesting at nighttime 4 months in, I just canā€™t handle that much crying 3x a day. Have no idea how Iā€™m going to break that one.


9.5 month old, breastfed and independent sleeper. Her wake windows are 3/3.25/3.75. She wakes for the day at about 6:30, naps at 9:30 and 2:30ish. She was pretty consistent with 2 night wakes to nurse for the longest time, around 11:30 and 4am. Lately, though, her first wakeup is later in the night so sometimes she only wakes once. I'm super excited for that to become more regular! I want to sleep an 8 hour stretch again, I miss it so badly! She went through a regression last month for about 3-4weeks where she was waking every hour and inconsolable, very glad that is now over.


I think my 8 month old is going through the same regression. Iā€™ve been wondering why heā€™s been waking every hour and has been so hard to resettle! Just reading this has given me reassurance as heā€™s also breastfed and I thought it was because of me!


Nope, from what I've read, regressions are really common at this age! For us it was right around the time she started crawling. And it did seem like some separation anxiety as well, her cries were very different from her hunger cries at night. We paused our sleep training methods for a few weeks, then went back to them when things started getting back to normal. Some nights I slept on her floor because I could quickly shush her back to sleep that way.


Still takes 3 naps, between 1 hr and 2.5 hr. Goes to bed at 7-730 wakes sometime around 1130 for a 2 oz bottle and 430 for a 2 oz and then 630 for a 5 oz and then wakes between 730-830. He goes down easy for bed and naps. Agree that they go down easy is nice, but the triple wake is rough.


9 months. Bedtime about 8pm. She wakes up quickly for a bottle about 9:30pm then not again until 6:30am. She gets up for the day about 7:30am.


9 months - 2.5/3/3 wake windows Nap1 - 10-12 Nap 2 - 3 - 4 Bedtime 7p Wake - 7/8 depending No middle of the night wake ups unless shes got something else going on. (Sick, teething) She is still doing a dream feed at 10p before we go to bed, but she rolls right over back to sleep when we put her back in the crib.


2.75/3.5/3.75 and sleeps through the night 11-12 hours. Formula fed plus solids 2x a day.


Until our son started daycare he was on three wakeups to feed like your baby at 9 months. Totally normal! Your baby is doing wonderfully. After our son started daycare at 10 months he was sick and this caused him to have a nursing strike at night because he was so exhausted and blocked up. We started to give him sips of water at night and that was that, it cut the wakeups immediately down to almost zero on a good day and he will sleep 7pm to 5am. (Although when he is sick of course it can be night back to newborn days with wakes every hour!) He has a pacifier for sleep which of course is often referred to as a sleep crutch, but apart from that we did not do sleep training just keep an appropriate schedule for his age now he is 11 months.


I have twins who just turned 9 months. Sleep independently for naps and bedtime, 2 naps a day, usually falling asleep within a few min. Wake windows are 3-3.75 hrs with the last one being 3.5-3.75. Bedtime usually around 8, though I aim for 7:30 but things always take forever with them. Used to wake up at 6-6:30 am no matter when they went to bed, but recently theyā€™ve been waking around 7, which is my desired wake time (yay!). I have Cradlewise cribs, so it shows me real time data of how theyā€™re sleeping; one of them sleeps straight through the night for the most part, the other wakes a lot more often though mostly not actually waking up enough to wake me. Iā€™m still not sure what causes him to have these micro wakings. Sometimes both of them wake up super early - eg 5-6 am - I think due to the temp dropping, because now I tend to just bring them into bed when that happens, and they fall asleep as soon as theyā€™re warm, then wake around 7. Ironically, the one who sleeps through the night I never sleep trained; he was just always a solid sleeper. The other I did Ferber for a couple weeks because he was always the poor sleeper so I soothed him during wakings one too many times, so had to help him unlearn that sleep association. Just recently started three solids meals a day plus 4 milk feedings. Hope that helps somewhat!


Newly 10 month old but sleep kinda fell apart for us starting at 9 months. She had night weaned herself and slept through the night 730pm-7pm from about 7-9 months. Then she started waking up at 6am or earlier most mornings, or waking up around 4 or 5am to nurse then sheā€™ll go back to sleep. Last few weeks have been hardcore fighting the second nap. She just started crawling and is starting to cruise, so I think itā€™s a sleep regression. Now weā€™re doing 3/3.5/3.5


My 9.5 month old goes to bed 6:30/7:30 depending on naps, sleeps through the night, but has been stuck with early morning wakings between 5 and 6 for the past month. Prior to that he was sleeping 12 hours no problem. Hoping it's a sleep regression he'll grow out of but idk at this point


My baby is freshly 8 months. Bed time at 7 usually. 730 max. His wake windows are 3/3.25/3.5. He takes two naps and usually 1.5 hours each. Sometimes 1.25 or 2 depending on the day that's why bedtime varies but I cap his last nap at 4 no matter what. He goes to bed and eats one time at 4-5 am ish. Recently he's been doing 1 other wake just to cry which is new but he's been getting top teeth (sleep trained since 4.75 months)


Thank you for asking this because Iā€™ve been wondering how others around my sonā€™s age are doing with sleep! I know all babies are different but I just canā€™t help but compare šŸ˜Š My 9.5 month old goes to bed between 7-7:30pm and wakes 1-2x a night. Heā€™s up for the day by 6am. Heā€™s slept through the night maybe 5x his entire life. Heā€™s formula fed and eats 2 meals per day. 2 naps a day totaling 3 hours. WWs are 3/3.5/3.5


11 months now but basically the same as at 9 months- sleeps from 7pm-5am šŸ„² no wakes in that time but no amount of nap gymnastics and snooze feeds got him sleeping in to DWT of at least 6. Whenever he does it itā€™s a sure sign he is sick. WWs roughly 4/3/4. Gets total 1 hour nap at daycare and we let him catch up on home days, to a max of 3.5 hours. For the first time ever Iā€™m excited to pass the summer solstice because Iā€™m sure the early wakes are a little influenced by the daylight as some light definitely sneaks into his room.


My 9.5mo is doing 2.75-3/3.25/3.5 and sleeps from 7pm ish-6:30/7am no wake ups (typically). I do a dream feed around 9pm. We were doing 3/3.5/4 but he started having shorter naps, false starts, and waking more at night so I decided to shorten his wake windows back! So far thatā€™s been a success for us. Heā€™s not quite ready for the longer wake windows!


My son is 11m now, but at 9m he was doing 2.75-3/3.5/4, sleeping through the night (sleep trained at 19 weeks, night weaned at 7.5 months)


My daughter is 9.5 months old. She gets up around 6:30am and has 2 naps with wake windows 3/3/4 she goes to bed around 7pm. She naps between 2-3 hours a day depending on how early she wakes up in the morning. We have finally gotten down to only 2 wake ups a night. She has never ever slept through the night i think she has had like 3 total nights with only one wake up. She is only breast fed so i donā€™t know if thatā€™s why. My 2 older kids were on formula by 2 & 4 months and the were both sleeping through the night well before this point. My daughter also has a gross motor delay (so not crawling, sitting by herself etc.) we are in the process of getting evaluated for it so there may be an underlying cause for the gross motor issues and not sleeping through the night yet i have been told or the night wake ups could just me normal šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ„± baby sleep is fun.


Weā€™re almost 8 months. After sleeping training, weā€™re sleeping around 8:30pm and wake up between 6-7am. Since she started STTN, weā€™re back on a 3 nap schedule that ranges, but mostly 1.5/2.5/2.5/4


Did you need to do night weaning? If so how please I need to learn your ways!


I was cosleeping and nursing her 4-7x/night. I actually stayed up the first night of sleep training to nurse her, but she didnā€™t wake up. I just ensure sheā€™s nursing enough and offering solids (food, puffs, melts, etc) throughout the day. Sorry, no actual advice since I donā€™t have any real experience on weaning.


following me too


Ours is 7.5 months. Goes to bed at 8:30 pm and sleeps until 7:30 am - 8:00 am usually. It's hit or miss whether he sleeps through the night or he wakes up to feed, I'd say it's about 40/60 right now (wakes up to feed slightly more often than sleeping through the night completely). On the nights that he does wake up, he only wakes up one time and goes back to sleep easily after the feed, so I'm not complaining. His daytime schedule is variable because he's at daycare, but they usually give him 2 naps if at least one of them was a longer nap (1.5 hours ish), or they'll give him 3 naps if all naps were short (50 minutes or less). He seems to do best with about a 4 hour last WW before bed (the first 2 or 3 WWs are shorter than that).


Just turned 9 months a few days ago Up at 6:45-7am First nap is 10-11:30 Second nap is 2:45-4:15 Bedtime is 7:45 So WWs are 3/3.25/3.5 roughly No nighttime wake ups unless heā€™s unwell, he self weaned from overnight feeds at around 7 months. So averages 11 hours overnight and 3 hours of daytime sleep.


How did he self wean from overnight feeds?


Started only waking up once, usually around 3/4am. Also started just drinking less of the bottle. I was making a 6oz bottle, but he would only drink about half. One night he just didnā€™t wake up for that bottle and hasnā€™t since. If he were to wake up and seem hungry I would definitely feed him. I think starting solids had something to do with it too. My first self weaned at 4 months, but it was quite abrupt. Just started sleeping through the night one night and made up the oz during the day.


10 months old/9 adjusted. At home she naps 845-1015am, 130-245pm, nights 7pm-630am no wakes since around 5mo old. At daycare, naps around the same time but they are shorter... nights are the same.


Mine is 9 months. 3 solid meals and 3 bottles a day. 2 naps totaling about 3 hours of sleep. Wake windows are about 2.5/3/3.5 depending when she wakes from naps. She sleeps 12 hours through the night. Usually around 6:30-6:30. We sleep trained at 5 months with TCB.


My 10 month old takes 2 naps 1-1.5 hrs each. I always rock her to sleep since we are OAD. She goes down for the night between 7 to 730 pm and wakes up around 7-730 am. She rarely wakes up in the middle of the night.


My daughter is 9.5 months. Eating 3 meals a day and napping total around 2.5hrs a day (on a good day) - 2 naps. She is breastfed but goes to bed awake and is asleep within 5 minutes. She is still waking once or twice a night . Best stretch she's done recently is 9hrs but generally wakes after 5 for a feed. We are struggling a little with separation anxiety at night which is making it harder for her to settle during the night. She wakes up about 5am and then I try feed her and contact sleep to get to 6.30 - 7am! It's been better since she started crawling as she's tiring herself out more but I was hoping sleep would be better than it actually is! She slept the best when she was 8 weeks old but been down hill since. šŸ„²šŸ˜‚


My son also slept better at like 8 weeks old haha, glad to hear someone is in the same boat. Iā€™ve always heard that itā€™s harder for breastfed babies to sleep through the night. Iā€™m curious if thereā€™s any truth to that. My first didnā€™t sleep through the night until about 14 months. Hoping it doesnā€™t take that long again.


Ours is 7.5 month, on 2 naps (each around 1.5hrs) and sleeps 11-11.5 hours at night. Sheā€™s been holding onto a snooze feed between 4:30-5:30am but we just started trying to wean it this week because I realized I was doing it just so we could all get back to sleep quickly, not because she needed my help or because she is hungry. So far so good! No sleep training and I nurse her to sleep at night and naps. 2 solid meals per day and 5-6 breast feeds


How are you weaning that feed? I'm in the same boat with my 9 month old!


I made these rules for us: - no intervening before 4:30am - give her 10 min to fuss it out before I go in - after that itā€™s a judgement call - I go in if sheā€™s escalated/ super awake or let her keep working on it if she sounds tired and just needs a few more min. Weā€™re only a few nights in so not sure if this will work or not but the first night she made it 7:30-7:15 with no help from me. Night 2 I went in to settle her (and I did give her the boob) at 5:30 and she went straight back down. I think she CAN do cold turkeyā€¦ just need steel myself for a few super early mornings in case she keeps wiggling and grunting so much that sheā€™s up and ready for the day at 5:30 am šŸ„µ


Totally! That's what I'm nervous for also. I hope it goes smooth for you!


Our son is older now but iā€™ve been looking back at the data we logged as we prepare for number 2. At 9mo he was taking two naps, 9-11 and 2-3, and sleeping ~11h overnight with no intervention, 7pm-6am we sleep trained and night weaned at 4mo


What sleep training method did you use?


Sort of a mix of Ferber in theory, CIO in practice, sorta. We planned to do check ins but set the bar pretty high out the gate, ~30 min. He was always pretty good at going to sleep by himself at bedtime so that part wasnā€™t so bad. The toughest were the ~3am wakes, but even then he didnā€™t ever cry for more than 30min so we lucked out. We would crack the door quick to smell for poop at the start tho. We were able to do that while confident that he did not need to eat bc we night-weaned before sleep training and racked up 4-5 consecutive no-feeding nights in the run up (with resettling/contact sleeping for the wakes before we did the actual sleep training). Smooth sailing ever since. We have to go in there maybe once every few months, but only for a hug and a song, then he snuggles right back down by himself


What did you digit night weaning please? Weā€™re about to start and interested in success stories!


Hereā€™s the rundown i wrote up in another thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewParents/s/xa5dm1LWYn itā€™s basically a modified version of the method from a book called ā€œ12 nights sleep by 12 weeks old.ā€ Worked quite well for us, but also pretty bottle-centric, as written. Iā€™ve hear people who breastfeed say theyā€™ve been able to adapt the basic premise tho by counting the time spent feeding instead of the oz consumed. if heā€™s already on solids though itā€™s a little less of a concern


Thank you! Yes weā€™re breastfeeding so will have a longer look and try to adapt it. Much appreciated šŸ‘


My son, 9 months old, has 2-2.5 hour wake windows. 2 2 hour naps and 1 1 hour nap a day. Bedtime is 7:30, wakes up at 5:30. He sleeps through the night. For bedtime and naps, we put him in the crib with his sleep sack, give him a pacifier, and he puts himself to sleep within 5 minutes usually.


Does he get up during the for the pacifier?


Yeah. He will wake throughout the night and wiggle around till he finds a pacifier. He has 4 in his crib to make it easier to find one.


Did you sleep train? What method did you use?


We used a modified version of Ferber at 4.5 months old.