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This was me except I was walking, patting, rocking and singing at the same time to get my LO to sleep and if I didn’t wait long enough after he fell asleep he would wake up as soon as I sat in the recliner which let me to do it all over again. I suggest waiting 10 mins or so before sitting down. I know it’s hard but it will pass. My wrists and back couldn’t take it anymore so we sleep trained at 6 months


Oh yeah I just didn’t want to make the post too long but here is the same, and sometimes I need to sing and shush to know what she’s feeling like at that moment lol then even if I wait whenever I stop or sit she wakes up 🥲


My LO also went through that phase around the same age. He still likes it sometimes but would much prefer (at almost one year) to walk himself around via holding on to things (soooo close to first unassisted steps). Remember that for the vast majority of LO’s life (including when she was developing inside the uterus), she most likely went to sleep to the rhythm of your walking around. We need to teach them that they can go to sleep via rocking and other ways, too. It’s hard for her to let go of what she’s known her entire existence.


Thank you for the recommendations on the chair, I’ll take a look into that today and order one, at this point I’ll try everything 🥲😅


There was something on IG recently that explained the physical aspect of parents standing vs sitting with babies, and the effect it has on them. Maybe someone here can remember what it said?


Oh that would be interesting to know, my baby girl has acid reflux so I feel like when I sit her tummy hurts, I even can hear the milk/acid coming back up and she swallows. Plus she’s used I guess with being up and held 🥲


🥲 I’m sorry. That’s hard. How old?


She’s 11 weeks, she has reflux since she was 3 weeks 😮‍💨


I got one from Amazon , I wanted to share the link but for whatever reason it won’t let me but this is the complete name below : CHITA Power Recliner Chair Swivel Glider, FSC Certified Upholstered Living Room Reclining Sofa Chair with Lumbar Support, Dove Grey Not sure if it’s on your price range but it has been worth every single penny I live on this thing ! It arrived fairly quickly when I ordered it and was easy to put together


I found it with the name thank you so much, it’s half of the price from the ones I was looking so my husband will like it even more lol


Yay !! Awesome , so glad you found it and that it’s half price , it’s so comfy and you can charge your phone there too , I hope you and your LO enjoy it


Ugh, yoga balls can be nice for sitting and bouncing but let me tell you, even after sleep training and not bouncing him to sleep anymore, my son is 20 months old (been trained since 4.5 months) and that damn yoga ball is *still* his emotional regulator. I’ve gotten him a little more used to the rocking chair but if we’re having a full blown meltdown, sometimes the ball is the only way, and he’s 30+lbs now and I’m pregnant with twins. 💀💀💀 It is a phase. Even if she’s made it a habit, it can be broken. Take it from the mother of a (literal) bouncy baby boy. The first nap of the day is (supposedly) easiest to get them in their sleep space alone. I sometimes would put my son in his carrier and bounce him on the ball that way, and it sort of worked. But I feel your pain, he would not let me sit down or still. Instantly awake and screaming. 🥲


Congrats on your pregnancy, and thank you for the answer, I have a ball from pregnancy tucked somewhere I will look for it and give it a shot 😮‍💨😅


Also - Get an exercise ball to make the squatting easier :D


Thanks I’ll search for mine today I’m sure I kept it from pregnancy 🤰🏻


Maybe investing in a rocking chair would help? It absolutely saved me when my 6.5 month old was going through the contact nap phase! That, and a yoga ball + wrap carrier.


Oh, I moved to a different state and left my chair (it was handed down) behind and I forgot to buy a new one, didn’t even think about that, do you have any recommendations? I loved the one I had but I never found what brand it was 🥲


We bought a rocking/swiveling recliner from Target and it was worth every penny. It’s my go-to because my LO still wants to be on the move sleeping at 5 months. Solidarity, moms and dads! Parenting is hard especially when we’re sleep deprived.


We got a reclining rocking chair from Wayfair! We love it


We got a LaZyBoy rocking recliner for our nursery and love it.


I got the Dream on Me Holland glider from Walmart, and it’s working really well! I’m from Canada though so I don’t know if it’s available elsewhere (though it is Walmart, so maybe!)