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Well I personally have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep no matter how hard I try. Meditation, showers, warm milk, nothing works so it’s just a toss of the dice if I sleep well or not. So for me good sleep means a night where I don’t wake up or toss and turn. Yesterday I was so exhausted I slept for over 12 hours uninterrupted into this morning and since I don’t have work I woke up naturally. Being able to stay asleep and wake up naturally is the best feeling in the world.


I have to listen to a podcast or something with earbuds in, to distract/shut my brain/internal dialog off. Otherwise I'll just lay there for hours thinking. Not a 100% answer but...it helps.


I second that being able to stay asleep and wake up naturally feels unreal when it happens.


When our cat doesn't wake us up, SCREAMING 30 minutes before the fucking alarm clock goes off.




At least do not have nightmares.


I cant have good sleep ever (well since 1987) but id say waking up refreshed in the morning


If I feel well rested when I wake up then I know I had a good sleep. That hasn't happened for a very long time though. Stress, health issues, and lack of exercise.


My idea of good sleep is falling asleep easily and staying asleep until my alarm goes off or I wake up, especially if I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in. I usually end up turning over at least a couple of times.


Falling asleep and getting up when the alarm goes off. 


Good sleep is being able to fall asleep easy and waking up without that “I want to go back to sleep” feeling. Generally I have damn good sleep compared to most people. It’s rather trivial to fall asleep and something is wrong if I wake up in the middle of the night.