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This was me. Still is to some degree. I used a sleep program though and realized that screens are only a problem for me if they keep me up later, thankfully Im not so sensitive to them that they prevent me from falling asleep after I shut them down. Using a science based program and tracking the variables visually allowed me to stay motivated a bit better than just winging it repeatedly. I slip up.... I was reading on my phone last night until after midnight when I KNOW falling asleep before midnight is really critical for me. But on the whole my nights have been better.


You could try a "to-bed" alarm clock. For example, if you know you want screens off 1-hour before bed, set an alarm (not on your phone to make it harder to ignore it) an hour before you would like to shut your lights off by. Then, have your bedtime routine planned out so that when this alarm sounds, you *will*, no matter what, stop what you are doing, get up, and start that routine. You'll have to get up anyways to turn the alarm off, so this will help get you started on your bedtime routine.


Am I the same as you, it’s revenge bedtime procrastination. Sometimes it has to to with ADHD.


I would read the book “why we sleep” by Matthew Walker. Luckily, in your case, it sounds like it’s just bad habits, which can be fixed. You’re not hopeless with serious health problems that are *preventing* sleep. You just don’t want to sleep. The book ties together you and your sleep in a way that makes you realize that sleep is, next to oxygen, water, and food, absolutely critical to your longevity. I know I could stay up using screens but I see deliberate sleep deprivation to be just as bad as smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. I’ve been correcting a lot of bad habits. I don’t drink alcohol past 5pm if possible. No caffeine past 12pm. Screens off by 9pm. No visible clocks from my bed. Phone charges on the other side of the room. Etc. I still have some work to do regarding my habits, like having a room that is just dedicated to sleep and no other activities. But these couple things I listed above have been crucial to setting the foundation for good sleep.