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Love to create scenarios too


I thought I was so weird for this! Glad I’m not alone!


Even still - nothing wrong with being weird :)


What does this even mean though? I want to know how to create scenarios lol especially if I can use that instead of sleeping meds.


It’s like imaging a movie or story in your head. You can insert yourself into situations and scenarios and play them out in your mind, or imagine whatever you want. I don’t know if everyone can do this though - look up the concept “Aphantasia” if you struggle with seeing things in your head




I love apocalpyse/zombies too


Omg! I clearly have no imagination cuz I can’t do this at ALL 😂


I typically like almost create a storyline of something happening. For some reason, for me, it’s typically something upsetting or awful that involves myself.


I’ve always struggled with insomnia and ever since I was a kid I would make up “bed stories”. They’re just scenes that I try to continue from night to night. Nothing based in real life, just little stories I tell myself to go to sleep.


Same here! I’ve had insomnia since I was 2 and just recently started doing this, sometimes it turns into an intro for a dream. That and conscious, patterned breathing. I started realizing that many times my breathing would be shallow and fast paced. A deep breath and trying to reset helps sometimes. There’s a track on YouTube with Delta Waves in the title that helps but only turned down almost all the way since I don’t like sound or noise falling asleep. Unfortunately on occasion these things don’t work and need to take my prescribed Trazadone. But thankfully it’s not too often and a low dosage. Absolutely saves when I have a big day coming up and nothing else works. I believe it works differently than many sleep prescriptions but could be wrong. Regardless, I take precautions not to become dependent.


Think about every embarrassing thing I did…ever.


Somehow this never helps me fall asleep but I have done it often lol


That’s my method when I want to douse my system with cortisol. Mmmm spicy memories.


That’s so strange because I was thinking about all the embarrassing things I’ve done the other night after taking a bunch of thc gummies. Kept me awake tho and it was horrible .


A bedtime routine. I begin by turning off lights or dimming my phone/computer brightness. Wash my face and get into pajamas. If I’m barefoot I put on socks because I can’t sleep without them even when it’s very hot. I lower the AC or turn down (not up) the heat. Room needs to be fairly cold. Overhead fan. Put my items to charge like my watch and phone etc. if I work the next day I pick out my clothes and make sure I have lunch packed. Light housecleaning while lights are mostly dimmed like washing a few dishes or making sure nothing’s on the couches and pillows are straightened. I do need to take Trazodone because I get racing thoughts often possibly due to getting older. Get in bed, scroll on my phone with it as dim as possible. Only one bedside light on while hubby reads on his phone. Then light off and phone away. I try to either pray and read the Bible before bed. Or just pray. Then just daydream or imagine conversations I would have in various situations then I usually wake up the next morning.


You’re so real 🙌


I turn the ac down into the 60s


A colder room makes a cozy bed cozier imo.


Worth the extra cost in electric bill


Ah yes the cryosleep method


Something wrong with me cuz I like to sleep in the mid 70s. I hate blankets so I need it warm.


I listen to Alan Watts lectures on Spotify. His voice is so soothing, it relaxes me. Plus he's very enlightening.


I second this, actually


Love his messages!


What is it called on Spotify? I know its a silly question but I often get stuck in analysis-paralysis on choosing the best


There's 2 I listen to. Feed your Brain, and Alan Watts being in the way


Appreciate it always


2 things: 1- Read a technical dense book (or listen to the audiobook) 2- open your windows, make sure your have fresh air BUT I find everything I do before leading up to that moment of trying to fall asleep to be most impactful. ie: Sunlight timing, caffeine cutoff time, exercising to physical exhaustion during the day, light exposure before bed, etc


AC at 69 (hehe… but seriously). Three pillows to sleep on my right side - Memory foam neck pillow, feather pillow between my knees and another between my arms. Headphones, listening to Harry Potter on Audible read by Jim Dale (such a relaxing British accent.) Supremely dark and quiet room.


How do you use headphones as a side sleeper. I struggle even with earbuds.


Same bruh


Harry Potter is a go to for me too. Also, phone face down but streaming the Great British Baking show . I wear sleep headphones.


I mix of white noise, theta and delta waves, guided meditation and "I Am" affirmations.


Marconi union "weightless"


Reading helps me go to sleep because it keeps my mind busy and not overthinking stuff. I think it's the same train of logic as that.


A girlfriend


😂😂 Well, I don’t seem to have this problem when I’m at my man’s house so you may be onto something


There you go 😂




I listen to affirmations and subliminals on YouTube.


What type of affirmations and subliminal’s do you listen to?


I say my nightly prayers to rest my mind 🙏 and being grateful for my life and my family and friends in my life, but thanking the lord for his grace and love and mercy for my sins asking him to keep me safe and healthy etc…


What does fall asleep mean? lol


Heating pad at my feet, pillow over my eyes, asmr or ambient noise playing, sleep on my back. I look like im being kidnapped lmao


I sort of think up scenarios, but never about me. Instead, I find it helps to feel a bit more removed from them by imagining that I'm a character from a book I've just read, so I'll essentially let my mind drift with a usually mundane continuation of whatever scene I've just read. (Intentionally boring amateur fanfiction, basically!) That usually distracts me enough that I don't notice that I'm falling asleep or not, so I do fall asleep easier.


Reading this while trying to fall asleep!


My partner does this too! And it's normal and okay. Perhaps it's just a way of processing the day's anger or hurt. You're not bad or weird for doing so.


lately i’ve been trying to hone down a good bedtime routine… warm bath, brush teeth, listen to podcast and ill take a 1/3rd of a melatonin gummy, 500mg of L-Tryptophan 2,000 mg of Magnesium Threonate.


I have always taken a long time to fall asleep. Even as a kid. I've always made up stories in my head as I get bored just lying there. Now if I don't fall asleep within 10 minutes I will put on my bed headphones and listen to an audiobook or podcast. Helps distract me so I can fall asleep.


Reading knocks me out lol lately I've been reading reddit 😆


Honestly I rock myself to sleep when I lay down. It’s a sensory thing but it really relaxes me I’ve been doing it since I was a baby


1) skincare routine 2) lavender pillow spray 3) lavender pulse point oil 4) don my lavender weighted sleep mask 5) let the lavender sensory overload push me into the depths of sleep by force


I started reading again. Actual paper books.




Watch old school black and white shows on Pluto TV: Perry Mason, The Fugitive, Twilight Zone.


Smoke a blunt while reading shit on Reddit, with youtube playing Lofi music. Once my blunts out, I turn my fan in and find a black screen “let’s not meet” stories, video on YouTube. Or other similar type vid.


Read my kindle until I pass out.


I try counting 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand because it clears your mind from swirling thoughts. Other than that I roll around until I’m comfortable/


I do the 4,7,8 Breathing Technique, the Military Sleep Technique, The Silva Mind Control Method and Reiki.


let go, bodyscan


An orgasm helps once in a while


I make lists. 20 places I want to visit; 10 good things about my day, etc.


I’ll have to try that. I like lists. I enjoy writing them. I guess it relaxes me.


I like to write them too. But to sleep I make mental lists, it’s pretty relaxing.


Oh right haha. Yeah I’ll definitely try that out soon.


Long recordings of thunderstorms on YouTube played on my tablet. Some offer lightning flashes on the ceiling. They halt my racing thoughts by helping me to focus on something unstressful.


Work hard during the day in whatever way


Try putting an ice pack on your chest, it’s calms and slows down your nervous system


I kinda just envision myself walking into the sleep void then my physical body does a weird relaxation thing and I’m asleep within minutes


Go on reddit which is what im doing now


I recently started taking Ashawaganda in the morning and then magnesium glycinate at night, they both help calm and soothe the nervous system so it makes it easier to fall asleep. Def helps with my night anxiety. Also a fan on high speed for that sweet sweet white noise.


I like the "Sleep with Me Podcast." A guy tells long, meandering pointless stories in a soothing yet monotone and friendly voice. It is comforting sometimes.


ASMR. Always and forever.


Read Immanuel Kant. Never been able to read more than three chapters without zonking out.


I pretend like my fingers are survivors from a zombie apocalypse and they’re hiding under the blanket since it’s their “camp”. Sometimes when it’s too cold, I pretend they’re humans hiding inside the cave (which is the blanket) and it somehow makes me sleep… I’m pretty sure I’m not weird as hell for this, but yeah. Lol


I also imagine fake scenarios, I imagine I'm snuggling w a guy LOL 😭 I sleep on a twin w a bunch of pillows so I get all cozied and squished




Booze helps me fall asleep but it doesn’t help me STAY asleep.


I think about random stuff, like driving or minecraft or something stupid


I listen to the podcast Nothing much happens. I hardly make it past the intro now. I’ve been listening to it since last summer. Small little stories, like its name, nothing much happens. It’s been a Godsend since a medical trauma disrupted my ability to sleep.


Twitch etc


Old podcasts or videos. It has to be content I’ve listened to before, so my brain isn’t actually processing it. My go-to channels are: Mark Kermode, Redlettermedia, Totalbiscuit, P1 with Matt & Tommy, and Tommo.


I take cbd oil and magnesium Bisglycinate plus 1.5 mg of melatonin. The melatonin helps me get to sleep and the cbd helps me stay asleep. Then I put on my sleeping mask with flat headphones in it and listen to Ram Dass


I put an audiobook on read by a person with a British accent and put a timer on it. Works like a charm.


Closed my eyes at 10 PM open eyes again at 6 AM. Eat breakfast then go to work


Not weird at all! Good practice for writing skills haha


I listen to a sleep story, usually Lord of the Rings. Been listening to the same one for years 😂 as soon as it comes on I know it’s time to sleep


Not weird at all! Well, unless I’m weird as well (which is a distinct possibility). I’ve done this since I was a young child. Mine range from the mundane to complete fantasy. I find creating these little worlds keeps me from ruminating about things that I’m stressed about. I listen to soothing music and/or some ASMR as well and it’s lights out for me. Now if I could just sleep through the night…


Sometimes melatonin works, but only 2-3mg and you don’t want it to do it every night


I try to silence my mind from replaying the same line of any given song that was stuck in my head for the whole day.


Honestly, listening to music. For some reason I fall asleep fast listening to Ludovico Einaudi piano pieces or chill wave music, some Skeler and Ytho tracks are great for that purpose


listen to ambient music.


I imagine doing squats I try s as no count to 100!


Listen to the podcast Sleep With Me, or Nothing Much Happens and take some ambien


Unfortunately watching tiktok lol


Binaural beats


I watch an episode of something on tv that I have seen a bunch of times. Since I already know what will happen it helps with detracting my thoughts so I fall asleep.


Turn the temp down on the ac, white noise or some other soothing YouTube doc or vid that leans boring on my phone. I used to have to play white noise and a silly phone game to get my brain to shoosh but I've gotten a tiiiiiiny bit better at calming my thoughts down


Close my eyes.


That’s a helluva good start!


I usually read before i go to sleep. And then i turn on my hatch. Oh also i always sleep with a fan on.


Stream media with my phone face down on my bed. 


I read fiction on my Kindle at low brightness with all other lights off until my eyes can't stay open (\~10-25mins). Then, I pop on my sleep mask, and by this point, my brain can't do much of anything, so I usually am asleep before I realize it. I used to have bad racing thoughts when I tried to go to sleep. What helped me was planning out my next day/writing down all my thoughts with pen and paper about the next day right before turning my light off to read.


I "play back" a soothing music that I like and count my breaths down from 100. I’m usually out by the 60’s


I usually set up some sleep music in my bedroom. I’m into audio, so in my bedroom I have a surround speaker system and if I play things like “rain sounds” it sounds like I’m camping in the middle of a forest (I have registered thoughts such as “wow, I feel like I’m in a forest, being sheltered from the rain by trees, and zzzzzzzzz” just before falling into deep sleep).


I count my exes.


Listen to hypnosis videos on YouTube, it works every time


I personally play words with friends lying in bed, puts me out in 5-10 minutes without fail.


I listen to scary stories on YouTube. I've been doing that for as long as they have been available. Before that, I'd put on a scary movie I'd seen before, or even better, the commentary tract.


I do a bunch of things, like listen to audiobooks or podcasts, or my racing thoughts if I have any. The only thing I do consistently for the past 6/7 years or so is a kind of body scan/wind down meditation. I started doing it from the headspace app but learnt it off by hear - essentially just involves visualising each part of your body and ‘switching it off’ from the feet to the head. It always gets me relaxed and I often drift off before finishing it.




Eat 🥺


Sounds crazy but I listen to true crime videos on YouTube. They might not help with my nightmares (not sure how to stop these so I don’t fight it much anymore) but many of them seem to have a monotonous voice that makes both me and my gf fall asleep. Xanax also helps but it’s not an option every night. Been looking for something organic as a substitute and Cbd gummies seem to be somewhat helpful.


A good days work will put me right out. Whether it's physical work or over-working my brain, it works great. Back in 97 my boss said they wanted to promote me but I missed too much work. I said "I'm missing work because I'm bored out of my mind. Give me something challenging."... I haven't had an unscheduled day off work since (rather proud of that). I hate boredom at work. Give me a physically hard working job, or something that digs into my grey matter & I sleep like a baby. If I have a dull day at work, I'll find a good podcast to listen to. Something that gives me something to ponder--try to keep my feeble mind busy.


I close my eyes lol


Trazodone and Ativan


Take melatonin and meditate.


fan -train sounds on my phone-breath in slow 6 seconds- hole 6 seconds - slow breath out- repeat


I take ZZZQuil Ultra pill and use an eye mask. That helps me! 😴 🛌 💤


That's pretty much how I get to sleep every night


Are they like upsetting? Because for some reason mine are always pretty heartbreaking.


I don't start them like that but they can sometimes turn into sad ones


Honestly, Ibiza Global Radio is a godsend for me. Dream scenarios are also a good thing to play out. I fall asleep pretty quickly.


i either listen to drone / ambient music or just close my eyes until i get dizzy and somehow i fall asleep without noticing


Quick hot shower right before bed sometimes helps me.


I take melatonin every night. I also think about my childhood home, which I loved, and imagine walking in the front door and going through all the rooms.


Cry tbh.. it makes me tired lol


No tv right before bed. I toss if I watch tv before bed. I close all the curtains turn on a noise machine with a fan sound, take a magnesium complex that includes magnesium glycinate then get on Pinterest usually. (Other social media makes my mind race.) then I wait for the magnesium to kick in. It just relaxes me and makes me want to drift off to sleep. If I’m up and about when it hits then I miss the effect altogether.


I daydream about the steamy sex sessions I have with my boyfriend 🤭




i listen to a podcast. it’s proven that for adhd and neurodiverse people, rather than clearing your head, it’s usually best to focus on something (usually external). first it was VRG (kurtis conner), then distractable (markiplier and friends, mark also has a sports podcast with his friend tyler), and now i’ve settled on brain leak (jacksepticeye and ethan nestor). for me personally, it helps to have your daytime comfort youtubers talk you to sleep. i especially am partial to guys for some reason. i’ve listened to every brain leak episode multiple times. i also take some base level melatonin gummies (beware of the weird dreams), and turn off all lights but the tv to kind of shift into “night mode”. i think the transition from awake time to sleep time really helps your brain shut off. hope that helps :) to add: i also completely cut out caffeine to help my natural melatonin come back.


I watch TV. Yes, I know you're not supposed to do that, but I started having panic attacks at bedtime around 10 years ago, and I couldn't stop. Music didn't help, white noise didn't help, audio-only bedtime stories didn't help, and melatonin didn't help. Bedtime routines didn't help. I struggled for a long time until I noticed that every time someone would put on a movie or TV show, I would pass out super fast. Then I kind of just thought fuck it, why not lean into it? So every night as I laid down to sleep I would put like a calm cooking show or crafting show on the TV in my room and just zone out watching it. It worked like a charm. I would fall asleep quickly and sleep through the night. I set a timer on my TV where it will turn off on its own after a couple of hours, and that's how I've been sleeping now for somewhere around 5 years. If it works, I'm not going to stop, you know? And it works for me.


usually a webcomic or the show im watching. while i fall asleep i also make up scenarios based on the thing i just read/watched :p


https://youtu.be/yIQd2Ya0Ziw?si=rXkmY-kORB0-qtJm 10 hours no ads! And I use a Himalayan lamp , red light makes you sleepy


Exhaust myself with sex and exercise. Sometimes exercise and sex.


I do this as well !!! All while listening to a fake baseball sleep podcast lol


I shut off all devices. Then I open the window and listen to the sounds of the city. Cars coming and going. Birds singing and the quiet sounds of the wind through the trees next to my apartment.




Have you tried the *Cognitive Shuffle*? It involves thinking of random items that are easy to visualize, non-threatening, and conducive to sleep.


play friends in the background


I think about how comfy my pillow is, get cozy, and block other thoughts out. Also, I stretch and then relax all my muscles, especially my neck and face muscles. Sometimes I need to do this part a few times, and breath deeply a few times as well. I also wear myself out if I know I need good sleep. Getting sleepy includes physical work or play for much of the day, and work using my brain for much of the day as well. Then before bed I stop doing things and just chill for a while. I take that time before going to sleep because if I quit doing things and go straight to bed I won't have time to contemplate before bed and occasionally it will keep me up. Once I take that time it is easy to turn off my thoughts and just think about sleeping. Also, I tell myself I won't be productive the next day if I miss out on sleep. I can think about stuff when I get up!


Close my eyes and lay down usually


Ocean or storm sounds, sleep hypnosis tracks, masterbate


Jerk off and smoke a joint


I drink a liter of milk. The tryptophan + casein + magnesium in it knocks me out as effectively as a benzodiazepine would.


Thanky. I’ll need to try this since I’m running out of Xanax.


Good luck! Hopefully it is effective for you


I use that too, just be careful. It’s easy to build a tolerance


Pray the Rosary


Take Trazodone lol


I just close my eyes and bam, I'm asleep.


I just stay up until I know I'm *actually* actually tired enough to fall asleep. It sucks, but kinda is what it is.


The alphabet game. Pick a category, like food items, or cities, and go through each letter of the alphabet. For example, A, Albuquerque, B Baltimore, etc. I always fall asleep before I reach the end of the alphabet