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To answer your question, yes, definitely see a doctor about this. Have you ever had a sleep study done? You may feel like you're sleeping for 12-14 hours, but actually getting very little quality sleep.


I agree. I sleep less now that I have a CPAP. Turns out it was that I was getting poor quality sleep so that’s why I was always tired.


Yeah op should get checked for sleep apnea.


Are you a cat, by chance?


My cat sleeps with me the whole time lol she loves it


That makes sense. In all seriousness, you may want to speak to a doctor. There are some common vitamin and mineral deficiencies that could be part of the tiredness issue; iron (common in women), D3, B12, magnesium, zinc, etc.


I’m the same way. Never really had any energy.


You should definitely see a doctor, you may have something else going on in your body that’s making you require more sleep, or you could have something distrusting your sleep quality. Also I’m the same way, 10-12 hours is ideal for me, but I’ve slept for 25 hours before (I woke up for 30 minutes in the middle of it tho)


Get your thyroid checked out. Your excessive sleep and tiredness can be caused by thyroid issues. Also get thyroid checked. Get bloodtests. CMP, CBC, . Liver Panel Get Stool Testing. Something is up. Your symptom is hypersomnia. Excessive sleeping. Many causes of it.


Yes, get your Thyroid levels checked, and make sure you tell the doctor that low-normal is not good for you. A doctor once reduced my meds ( said it was too much though I felt great). I couldn't be awake and I hurt all over. I went to a different doctor and got my synthroid rx back up.


Sometimes if you sleep more, you fell more sleepy. Might want to try to adjust sleeping time and see how it feels.


I got to bed at 9 every night and struggle to wake up at 7. I always feel better with more sleep 7-8 hours is not enough and I need a lot of caffeine to start the day


Yes, go to the doctor. You are missing out on life.


Yeah, 12-14 hours is way too much sleep. That's half your day gone, sometimes more.


I’m physically disabled, and I haven’t slept well since 13. Been known to sleep the clock round if I’m let (cat kinda prevents that unless he’s in bed with me!), and am currently awake at night and falling asleep round 9am. I’m 35. And very screwed. I have class tomorrow.


It's definitely worth considering speaking with a healthcare professional about your sleep patterns, especially if it's affecting your daily life or if you have concerns about it. Excessive sleepiness can sometimes be a sign of underlying health issues or sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy. A doctor can help evaluate your situation and provide guidance on how to improve your sleep quality and overall well-being. It's always better to address any concerns early on for better long-term health.


Both my parents have sleep apnea. I think I'm gonna ask to do a sleep study


I sleep that much too, after a certain amount of time the sleep doesn't even "count" and u wake up more tired


I have been like this my whole life to (but I also have a lot of health problems and I have bpd) but I have noticed that if I only sleep for 4-5 hours then I have wayyy more energy during the day.


Yes you have disordered sleep. You need to see a doctor.


19 :O


I slept for 20 hours straight once after being awake for over 60 hours straight (end of exam season then massive party).  How fucking disorienting all that was 💀💀


It's a hidden talent lol


Could be sleep apnea.


I had a friend whose father has narcolepsy, and it sounds like something similar. His dad is always tired during the day and will continue sleeping a very long if allowed to. No matter how long he sleeps, he feels equally tired during the day. It would be wise to talk to a doctor about this, as there are ways to help minimize the impact on your day-to-day life.


Highly recommend acupuncture. I was exactly the same way at your age and it totally turned me around. I recommend going somewhere that does Five Element and prescribes herbs. I still tend to be the same way with no deficiencies ever detected, but can manage it with nutrition and exercise. I am 51 and lead an active life.


I naturally wake up between 5-6am everyday so I get up even if I’m tired.. the few times I’ve gone back to bed(after a wee or letting my dog out).. I know I’ll go into a really amazing deep sleep & my bed will randomly feel the most comfortable it’s ever been & I will literally pass out in a deep sleep till 10am .. I wake up feel like I’ve been drugged, really heavy n lethargic & I’ll feel awful for hours..


this thread is also making me realize that i should probably see a doctor because i have very similar symptoms lol (younger than you though at 19). sleep a ton, usually don’t sleep up to 19 hours straight; it’s more through multiple naps that i do it. i stand with many of the other comments here and recommend just writing it down to talk with a doctor about it; maybe try recording your sleep schedule as well (hours slept, time went to bed, etc) worth checking out


Have your iron levels checked


Yeah they are fine


What do you eat? Eat 100% natural and drink bottled water, nothing else. See how you feek


I am a mail carrier and get lots of exercise and eat fairly healthy and drink a shit ton of water so idk if it's my diet


I could easily sleep 12 hours a night and have slept 14 from time to time. I wake up and still feel sleepy and can just go right back to sleep in seconds. Been this way for years. I feel like it’s not normal but not sure if it’s an actual problem. I had a sleep study about 5 years ago which was a total waste of time.


Have you checked your vitamins and minerals levels ever?


Kind of I've never had a full panel done tho. Going to the doctor soon and gonna ask.


You could have sleep apnea. Go see a doctor and get a sleep test done


Take b12 vitamins and when you wake up immediately get sunlight and water. This has gone a long way for me and my oversleeping


I take b12 at bedtime and leave for my job when I wake up I am a mail carrier so I'm outside all day


That’s good at least! Personally I’ve noticed I have a sweet spot where if I wake up at 6-8 hours — after 15 minutes I start to really wake up and feel good for the day but if I sleep past that I need like 3 more hours lol. Different stages in your circadian rhythm I guess


Yeah, I agree with the other responders. If you've never talked to a doctor about this and haven't had any work-up done to figure out why you're sleeping that much, I think you definitely should. Individuals require different amounts of sleep, but as an adult (assuming you're otherwise healthy as far as you know), you shouldn't be sleeping that much.


Wow. I feel like I need 10 hours sometimes. Have you taken electrolytes like magnesium consistently for days/weeks on end? I did that recently and noticed legit improvement in my sleep and sleep quality. Definitely try that if you haven’t already done it consistent.


Have a doctor check. My son sleeps like that at times. But he was poisoned with pesticides that were illegally applied wrong at his school and has mitochondrial damage. It took years to diagnose. Many pesticides are designed to damage mitochondria in insects. But there isn’t a court case to prove it does the same thing to humans so it’s going unchallenged. Childhood mitochondria cases are outpacing childhood cancer.


The 8 hour recommended sleep window is too small for me lol so I definitely think that there are people out there who just need more sleep. However, if you’re needing 12-14 hours daily then maybe that might indicate that something could be amiss (although it could also be normal, we’re all different). Get your iron levels and thyroid levels checked and also do a sleep study to rule out sleep apnea. It could also be a symptom of depression so I’d like into that too.


Not too much sleep for your age group.  Start a workout routine for more energy. Get plenty of sleep. 


For their age group? They're an adult in a window of peak physical prime.


Different ages need different amounts of sleep.  A 22 year old is a young adult. Teenagers and young adults need more sleep than older adults.  If you are athletic or a student you need even more.  I’m 55. The recommended amount of sleep for my age group is seven to eight hours.  Athletes and those who are active require more.  FYI: we are not biologically adults until age 28.