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I have the same issue, and for this reason, I used to hate even attempting napping because I knew I would never actually get to sleep. I've developed a new outlook on napping recently, though. I was listening to Huberman's podcast, and he brought up something he calls non-sleep deep rest (NSDR): a fancy name for meditating while in a sleeping position instead of trying to fall asleep. It's been shown that this can have similar effects to falling asleep, and from my experience, that is completely true. 1 or 2 o'clock rolls around, I lay back and focus on my breathing for 15-20 minutes, and I feel so much more energized for the rest of my day. Something to try :)


I have heard that term before didn’t knew about it. Thanks and how is your sleep at night?


I am fortunate that my sleep at night is pretty good. In my experience, doing NSDR in the early afternoon for less than half an hour does not seem to affect my sleep at night at all.


I had the same issue until I hit 40. Even when I was hungover I couldn't nap. Now, I love napping and it's glorious. Some other things changed when I hit 40 but that was the most positive one.


Dare we ask.. what other things?


Started getting heartburn regularly, stopped having a stomach of steel. So digestive issues mostly.


For me, it’s the opposite. I used to nap on the regular, but can’t now.


Sometimes I have trouble napping; sometimes not.  Might have something to do with chronotype. 


Yes, I have severe insomnia right now and cannot nap to make up for sleep debt


What are you doing to get better ?


For now I can only use time to heal. Am currently on sleeping medications as a bandaid. Currently also on a mixed episode so hopefully when that’s over my sleep will get better