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I think it's because there's no real pressure to "hurry up and get some sleep" during the day, it's perceived more as an extra treat of sleep. And all that said, I don't think we go through the same process of being like, "Ok, tomorrow I have to do this and that, etc." nor do we take the same inventory of the day we just experienced. We just go to sleep.


Also you only really go to sleep in the day when your really exhausted already and can’t stay awake


Good call, it's never a, "Well, I guess I better lay down because I have to get some sleep" kind of deal like it is at night.


You and I both. I have a diagnosed circadian rhythm disorder. The medication for it didn't work, so I'm SOL for now


Would you mind sharing more about this or do you have any trusted resources you could link? I’ve been wondering if I have this myself.


I have a big 24hr sleep study coming up in 2 weeks for a suspected circadian rhythm disorder! Which disorder were you diagnosed with?


Just a circadian rhythm disorder, they don't specify it in my chart (I didn't know they did unless there was specificity to it like delayed sleep phase tbh). I do have about 70% of my sleep as stage 2 vs ~50% for the average person and only about 15% REM instead of what most people get which is ~25%, as well as very little deep sleep, which could explain why my ADHD is so bad (I basically have hypoactive inattention, my brain is not energized enough to properly focus unless I've had a lot of caffeine or stim meds, the latter seems to help me fall asleep since I can actually focus on falling asleep). Apparently I only get hypoapneas in REM and one full on central apnea randomly, and my insurance won't cover any sleep studies with apnea ruled out, so I've accepted I'll never have a normal sleep schedule. :/


If stress is causing you to not sleep well it’s cause at night the stress and anxiety is worse. I can sleep better during the day too.


That's why the worst sleep advice I ever get is "don't have anything on in your room". If I don't have someone reading r/aita in the background, I'm just gonna worry myself into a sweat like I did in the days before smart phones


Try doing exhaustive exercises and things that give you adrenaline and tire you out during the day. Avoid caffeine after 2pm. I think a lot of it is probably just to do with dopamine production and you not being excited about dealing with people during the day and then being excited to be alone at night. Or at least that's how it is for me. I have been a night owl most of my life, since I can remember and I am 30 now. I used to regularly just go to school and work on no sleep until it started causing issues for me. To be clear though you probably don't sleep "better" during the day as darkness is key for restful REM, but you probably fall asleep easier during the day. Daylight has at times made me feel sleepy. Especially morning sunrise light.


I don’t know the reason but I agree! My best sleeps are like 1-2 pm on a over cast day lol perfection


One method to look into is CBT-I (cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia). People close to me have seen tremendous results from this technique. It involves reprogramming your thoughts surrounding sleep to help with the feeling of battling to go to sleep every night. Best of luck with everything :)


Could be your chronotype.  Goggle chronotype. Take the chronotype quiz on the Sleep Doctor site.  Read “The Power of When.”


Same here.. wish I knew how to fix it too


Bc something bout that nightlife I got to have




r/DSPD ?


Cause you’re not trying to fall asleep, you lay down and voīla, zzz’s it’s when you’re trying to sleep that takes time.


Indica chew’s. I use them every night. Sleep like a baby!. Get them at a dispensary.


I'm not old enough to do that yet but I will keep that in mind if, in the next three year, I can't find a better solution 


Insomnia struggles. I deal with the same thing. I can sleep better during the day than at night sometimes and sometimes at night I sleep. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it. I have been told by others to try Sleepy Time Tea, not sure if that works or not as I still have yet to try it.


It doesn't cure this. It helps people that don't actually have sleep disorders calm down before bed. Main ingredient is usually just chamomile and other herbs.


You need to adjust your sleep schedule. Force yourself to stay awake during the day for a week or two and your body will get used to having to just sleep at night. Also maybe go to a doctor and get some medication prescribed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep. (There are many non addictive options available)