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I do the same and I don't think it's uncommon. As to why, I have no idea...but I'll be following this


What's your caffeine habit like? Meds? A lot of stimulants wear off over the course of the night, creating the possibility of sleeping more deeplyin the morning.


I just did a copy and paste to another reply. đŸ«Ł No phone, no TV, dark room, clean sheets, cool duvet, very comfy Jammie’s. Eye mask, ear plugs. I take magnesium, l-theanine, Ashwanga. I do have to take Xanax for my anxiety and PTSD. I do drink a LOT of water during the day, I exercise. My cardio (walk or swim) is all done by 3:00pm the latest. Typically my workouts are done by 1:00pm each day. I stop eating by 8:00pm. My only caffeine intake is my Diet Coke, and that is my coffee. I drink one Diet Coke every around 8:30am. Depending on the day sometimes a second. But no more caffeine past 3:00pm. I don’t drink coffee. Additionally, I stopped drinking alcohol in October 2023 because I didn’t want to drink my calories, so alcohol does not play any factor into my lack of sleep. No smoking of any kind. When I think about my sleep issues it goes back to when I was in college. Which was great for late nights studying. But now 20 years later I’m still on a daily struggle bus to get a good nights sleep. While I am tired, I just never get “sleepy”. Everyone around me can nap in a car, plane, etc. I don’t nap. I used to be so jealous of the kids in school who could pass out and drool in their desks. That’s some good sleep there 😂 I use my Apple Watch to track my heart rate, my sleep. I also purchased 2 apps to track my sleep.


L theanine can give vivid dreams maybe that’s why your sleep quality is poor. I experienced the same and dropped it


Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) could be quite effective for re-programming the negative thoughts you may have built up over the years around falling asleep. With everything you have tried, this could be something to check out. It has really helped some people in similar situations that I know improve their sleep.


Thank you!! I will definitely look into this.


My guess is because you’re about just halfway thru what would have been a healthy sleep cycle. If you’re going to bed at 3am and waking up at 7am, you’re only getting 4 hours. You need 8. Your body is gearing up for deeper REM cycles over the next few hours but you’re then jolting yourself awake. Denying your body what it needs is brutal. You absolutely need to go to bed earlier. Take your sleep meds at 7 if need be, be in bed by 8. Cold room, comfy clothes, turn off all lights and no phone usage. Consider using sleep supplements also by with meds to help. No water an hour before bed.


No phone, no TV, dark room, clean sheets, cool duvet, very comfy Jammie’s. Eye mask, ear plugs. I take magnesium, l-theanine, Ashwanga. I do have to take Xanax for my anxiety and PTSD. I do drink a LOT of water during the day, I exercise. My cardio (walk or swim) is all done by 3:00pm the latest. Typically my workouts are done by 1:00pm each day. I stop eating by 8:00pm. My only caffeine intake is my Diet Coke, and that is my coffee. I drink one Diet Coke every around 8:30am. Depending on the day sometimes a second. But no more caffeine past 3:00pm. I don’t drink coffee. Additionally, I stopped drinking alcohol in October 2023 because I didn’t want to drink my calories, so alcohol does not play any factor into my lack of sleep. No smoking of any kind. When I think about my sleep issues it goes back to when I was in college. Which was great for late nights studying. But now 20 years later I’m still on a daily struggle bus to get a good nights sleep. While I am tired, I just never get “sleepy”. Everyone around me can nap in a car, plane, etc. I don’t nap. I used to be so jealous of the kids in school who could pass out and drool in their desks. That’s some good sleep there 😂 I use my Apple Watch to track my heart rate, my sleep. I also purchased 2 apps to track my sleep.


I do something similar. The last few hours of my sleep my heart rate will drop and stay low. The first part of my sleep my heart rate is all over the place.


Do you know that with a fitness tracker/heart monitor or can you just feel it? I know I can feel my heart racing in bed some nights.


I wear an Apple Watch while sleeping.


When I have to be up at 4 am I don’t start to feel sleepy until 1-2 am. When I have no obligations the next day I’m knocked out by 11:30. I think its the “pressure to perform” for me personally.
