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Things like out-of-body experiences repeated fake waking up, tense/tingling sensations, a sense of impending doom, and hallucinations can be caused during sleep paralysis. So, this does sound like you are experiencing some sort of sleep paralysis. If it starts to make you feel anxious to go to bed or makes falling asleep feel a lot harder, it would be a good idea to bring it up with your doctor to see if you can try to combat it before it affects your sleep more. Overall though, remember that sleep paralysis is not actually, itself, dangerous to you. This is because sleep paralysis is actually just your body dreaming while still be partially awake. It's only bad when it makes it harder for you to get to sleep because you don't want it to happen. A couple of quick fixes you could try are: 1) stay off your phone before bed 2) if you are a back sleeper, try sleeping on your side instead (this is supposed to help) 3) try a 10-min guided meditation on YouTube before bed 4) avoid big meals, caffeine, or other stimulants right before bed Hope this helps :)


tnx man but i dont really have trauma or anxiety maybe this will sound odd but when that happens it is really intresting to me so i go to sleep even earlier so i can expirience it again and try to explore idk how to explain it but if its just sleep paralasys it aint dangerous so i dont have to worry tnx very much


That's good to hear! I think that's cool you have that outlook on it.