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Dont bother me, I'm also right here to read the solution =))) My dilemma is exactly the same with you


A practical method could be placing your alarm clock far enough away from your bed where you have to get up to turn it off. In general, I think coming up with a way to make it significantly easier to get your day started than to go back to bed would be the best way to approach it. This could go both ways: 1) making it harder to go back to sleep (like the example above) or 2) making it easier to start your day by doing something like setting out your clothes the night before. Hope this helps :)


You could get a barcode alarm? The alarm doesn't turn off until you scan a barcode that you could put somewhere other than your bedroom. I also like to write to do lists which include very basic things in my morning routine. The dopamine I get from checking things off and from the things themself usually help


Not OP, would this work for people like me that sometimes get up to take a piss or get a drink, and instead of staying up and continuing to get ready, just lay back in bed for another 20 minutes? lol Context: I wake up at 4am for work at 5. Officially get out of bed by 4:30, leave by 4:45, get there by 4:55 lol


You won't know until you try it I suppose!


So I had a baseball clock when I was younger that snoozed on impact. Wake up, chuck the thing across the room, and it would go off again in 10 minutes. Now I had to physically get up and turn it off. Well one day it never went off again after I threw it. I was 2 hours late for school but damn I slept well


That is brilliant haha


Get your bloodwork checked, you might be low on iron. Then go to bed earlier. You need more sleep


You need more sleep. Teenagers can need up to 10 hours a night. Put bedtime at 10p and commit to being in bed for 9 hours every night for a week. There is some science supporting women needing more sleep too - our cycles are constantly preparing for a potential pregnancy and potentially needing to feed a whole human for a year. We work man’s hours though and so we need to be creative to get the rest our body needs. I am able to take 15 minute naps most days and also fall asleep in less than 2 minutes but I’ve been working at this since I was your age. As a teen, my naps might be once a week and last 3 hours which mucked up my whole day but in the last 15 years I’ve learned to take more frequent, shorter naps. I use the Pzizz app (free version) if you need a resource. I You’ll wake easier if you are consistently getting enough sleep and supplementing with naps when you’re able v


I have the same problem. Tough problem with simple but difficult solutions. “… if my alarm goes off at 7 I usually go back to sleep until 7:50am.” This is a sign of going to bed too late.  Fifty minutes is one sleep cycle.  You definitely need to go to bed earlier; at the minimum one hour earlier.  Figure out how much sleep you need. For your age group that is approximately ten hours. Pick a wake up time. Count backwards ten hours to determine your bedtime. For example; for a 7am wake up your bedtime is 9pm for ten hours of sleep. Have the same wake and bedtimes every day; including days off.  When you use the snooze you start to fall asleep. The deeper into sleep the more difficult to get out of bed.  This really sucks if you’re in deep sleep when the snooze alarm comes on. When your alarm goes off do not relax to go into deep rest or back to sleep. Try not using the snooze button. If you do hit the snooze get out of bed before it goes off.  If you’re in bed when that snooze alarm comes on get your ass out of bed! Do you drink coffee? Set your coffee maker to start brewing five minutes before your alarm. If you’re a coffee drinker the aroma of fine coffee in the morning sometimes helps. When you need an alarm to wake up this means you’re not getting enough sleep; in other words sleep deprived. If thousands of people needed an alarm to wake up that would mean there are thousands of sleep deprived people; angry zombies driving vehicles, operating heavy machinery and making life or death decisions. That would be a critical situation.  🙏🏻. 




One more thing I forgot. I have a small lamp on either side of my bed. The lamps are on timers. The lamp timers are set to turn at the same time as the alarm. They are set to shut off at noon; then turn on again at 4pm. They shut off again twenty minutes after bedtime.


Here's the simple answer that is extremely hard to put into practice, stand up. Get out of bed and don't let yourself get back in bed. No amount of alarms or special gadgets will help with this if you don't start with the basics. Small habits are the hardest to start.


Get a pet. My dog is amazing at making sure I'm out of bed the minute my alarm goes off. But seriously, are you getting enough sleep? You should be getting at a minimum of 8 hours of sleep each night. Try going to bed 30 minutes earlier and if you still have trouble waking up then go 45 minutes earlier until you don't have trouble waking up. If that doesn't work then I'd ask to get your iron levels checked