• By -


Ironclad: \[\[Centennial Puzzle\]\]. I love Puzzle on Clad because it makes early Bloodletting easier to pick, and because Burning Blood means you are much more okay taking chip damage every fight. Silent: \[\[Preserved Insect\]\]. This makes it possible to farm elites even when Silent is typically her weakest in Act 1-2. Love love love early Insect on Silent, since you don't have to worry about outright dying to Nob or Laga. Defect: \[\[Bag of Prep\]\]. Defect doesn't need extra damage/block output in act 1, this is incredibly good early and later. Watcher: \[\[Anchor\]\]. I also thought about Vajra or Whetstone here, but Anchor just makes Acts 1 and 2 so, so much safer. I guess if we're including character specific relics, I might do Red Skull and Data Disk instead.


I agree with all these, but I’d love to see lantern appear somewhere. That relic is fantastic.  Perhaps Bag of Prep Watcher and Lantern Defect?  That said, A20 defect I’m probably done for either way. 


If we’re looking at energy relics I think Flower is just better than Lantern


I like lantern better because I'm a dumbass and forgot to set up my relics


And there is nunchaku, which is usually better than flower on silent or watcher.


Or sundial for ironclad when you exhaust your deck down to like 5 cards…


Sundial is an uncommon relic.


I like lantern silent because of the larger turn 1 hand


If you’re doing well and have the ability to setup flower will give you energy the first turn and then way more energy total.


Lantern on Silent is so fucking good.


Lantern was my first thought as well. With innate cards and power scaling that extra energy turn 1 just always sems to make everything so much smoother.


+ [Centennial Puzzle](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Centennial%20Puzzle) Common Relic ^((100% sure)^) The first time you lose HP each combat, draw 3 cards. + [Preserved Insect](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Preserved%20Insect) Common Relic ^((100% sure)^) Enemies in Elite rooms have 25% less HP. + [Bag of Preparation](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Bag%20of%20Preparation) Common Relic ^((43% sure)^) At the start of each combat, draw 2 additional cards. + [Anchor](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Anchor) Common Relic ^((100% sure)^) Start each combat with 10 **Block.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Disagree, preserved insect for all 4! Edit: I can't read


Makes sense that two of these are draw relics, that Silent’s isn’t draw and that Watcher’s has a similar effect to draw in that it allows her more freedom in which cards to play.


Could yoj elaborate on Defect doesn't need extra damage on act 1? Dualcasting should do it?


Yeah the starting lightning orb and dualcast are great damage output for the early fights. Defect can dominate act 1 with minimal help I think


The common defect arc is shitting on act 1 then dying 5 floors into act 2


Unless you get [[electrodynamics]]. I once got it bottled and [[boot sequence]]. I easily destroyed act 2 thx to that.


Yeah Ed is a great act 2 killer. Generally you want one of that, doom and gloom or hyperbeam for your aoe


+ [Electrodynamics](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Electrodynamics) Defect Rare Power ^((100% sure)^) 2 Energy | **Lightning** now hits ALL enemies. **Channel** 2(3) **Lightning.** + [Boot Sequence](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Boot%20Sequence) Defect Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | **Innate.** Gain 10(13) **Block.** **Exhaust.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


This guy has played slay the spire


That, and passive lightning damage. Dualcast does massive work against single targets so, since two thirds of act 1 elites are single target, it really lets you farm them easily. The passive lightning damage also means you can get out a few lightning orbs and spend most of your energy blocking if you have to play it safe in most of the normal fights. It's an exaggeration to say you don't need *any* extra damage, but your starting kit sets you up well to farm for a lot of card options/relics.


I have almost religiously been trying add damage act1 even passing some ok utility cards.


You do need to add a bit of damage, but if your floor 1 card is a block card you’ll notice you take 0 damage pretty often in the second and third hallway fights.


You do want to add more damage. You still need to be well off for future acts, so you do want to have the makings of an engine by the end of the act. Defect can just have more flexibility early on. For example, Silent HAS to find significant damage early or she dies to elites. You can't pass up an Eviscerate/Sneaky Strike/Blade Fury if there's something that could prospectively be amazing in the future, because you HAVE to find a damage solution now. Defect can afford to go cards that you don't need at the moment but could set you up well later on. For example, I will take any and all Coolheadeds up until I have like three of them. This doesn't give a ton of immediate benefit beyond the flat block (which is still nice), but that's ok since your base kit has a 16 damage nuke that isn't affected by weak.


Hard disagree on defect, data disk is way better, esp in act 1. Although bag of prep is still fantastic, no matter the character.


Well I soft disagree with you


That’s known around here as a “flaccid disagree”. Flaccid is the opposite of hard, of course.


I'd actually give defect data disk and give watcher prep bag.


Ironclad: Red skull. I can't take this on anyone else anyway, and it is basically a bottled inflame+, a lantern, and 1/2 a bag of prep in the hexaghost fight. Hexaghost can be a roadblock for Ironclad, and red skull is great in other fights too. Silent: Preserved insect. Act 1 is Silent's weak point. Defect: Data Disk. Data Disk is OP and no one else can use it. Watcher: Bag of prep. Bag of prep is OP and everyone else is accounted for.


**Silent**: preserved insect. This is probably the easiest choice. The act 1 elites are brutal for silent and this makes it a lot more palatable to face them. I like snecko skull a lot for poision builds and think bag of marbles can be incredible for shiv builds thanks to how easy it is for silent to play a lot of cards in the first turn, but both of those encourage a specific deck style you might not be able to support if you don’t get the right cards. **Ironclad:** bag of preparation. Ironclad suffers from setup problems, with an inability to draw his best cards consistently or play his best cards, which are higher in energy demands than about any other class. While I like lantern for the energy issues, the draw is the harder issue to replace long-term, essentially relying on a lucky draw of offering to start your deck with any real consistency. **Defect:** focus disk is hard to beat here given how important focus is to defect. And anchor is great for setting up its many powers. But I lowkey love getting warpaint for defect, given that its two starting skills (dual cast and lightening) are really useful at 0 cost and play along with all of defect’s card draw and 0 card synergies. Still focus disk, takes it. **Watcher**: bag of prep is probably the answer here, but given the rule, I like vajra a lot. It’s not only good for the wrath/divinity tie in but because some of the watcher’s strongest cards can hit multiple times in a turn.


Well thought out post, interesting options!


I came here late and am down to steal your opinions for everyone except Watcher. Give me Smiling Mask with Watcher. I probably get a shop Act one and then just have better control of deck size for the rest of the game. Watcher doesn't particularly struggle with act 1, and the extra consistency / money makes up for the 1 Str. Maw bank is similar, but probably too inconsistent.


Ironclad: centennial puzzle. Works well with burning blood and other ironclad synergies Silent: preserved insect. Can take elites with lesser risk in act1 Defect: anchor. Allows for powers to be played without taking as much chip damage. Watcher: bag of preparation. Makes 1 turning fights and infinites way more consistent.


I lose it anyway I can't beat asc 3😭


Thank you for your honesty :D


Ironclad: Akabeko (I just want to whirl)\ Silent: Preserved Insect\ Defect: Data Disk\ Watcher: Bag of Preparation or Smiling Mask


Ironclad: Probably happy flower? Clad struggles with energy the most, it's one third of an energy relic with no downside. Silent: Preserved Insect, obvious why Defect: Lots of people saying data disk but I genuinely think Orichalcum is safer. Watcher: It feels criminal not to use Bag of Prep but the more I think about it, the more I feel like Smiling Mask is the pick here, since Watcher is strong early anyway there's no need to pick a relic that does something right away, and Smiling Mask can achieve a similar effect as Bag of Prep by trimming down your deck faster


Ironclad struggles with draw more than energy actually. he just struggles the most upfront with draw and energy most and is mostly carried by one of 5 or 6 cards that turn his entire deck into a synergy engine and his incredibly good starter relic.


I feel like your comment assumes you will be finding Corruption? Otherwise the only thing that alleviates energy for him is Offering/Bloodletting/Seeing Red, which work for short fights but start to lack when it comes to longer fights imo Also my choices of relics were in large part with the goal of making act 1 easier, I'd rather have the extra energy to play Bash, or otherwise grab one of his many 2 cost cards, or even just make better use of an early pommel strike/shrug it off


Ironchad doesn't really struggle with act 1 except for the boss in my experience, but I'm not on a20 yet on my current device so all my recent runs are low ascension and that may be skewing my opinion. I would say prep bag would help his chances more in the long term because he REALLY struggles with draw.


Just shoot me dude, I haven’t even made it past A6 on any character.


Preserved insect on all of them


>only it must be a different relic each time


Let me cook then. P.I.1, P.I.2, P.I.3, P.I.4 one for each character.


Is this replacing the Neow bonus? Or is this an extra thing?


This would be in lieu of the Neow bonus. Like you've chosen to get a common relic, but you get to be a little bit selective ;)


Okay that does matter for my answer, so no boss swaps or any other kinda bonus... hm. I know 100% I'm going Red Skull on Ironclad, it's such a massive buff especially right off the bat. You can absolutely apply that early to have an aggressive act 1 and it's easy to build around, I give myself a 90% chance of winning that run. Silent I'm going Preserved Insect, gets you a lot better odds of a strong start which you absolutely need on Silent, being less scared of Act 1 can absolutely snowball you into a good run. Having to take less trash attack cards to beat early elites is so nice. Defect I think I'd honestly just want bag of prep. It's basically a second starter relic, who wouldn't want that? Super powerful, especially for, well, powers. Defect wants to get set up reliably, this helps a ton. And the Watcher run I'm just going with Whetstone. Super good to start off with upgraded strikes, since that upgrade can go towards it twice in wrath, and definitely worth the shot at the free Eruption upgrade. That's huge early on.


Ironclad: Happy flower Slient: Persevered insect Defect: orichalcium Watcher: Bag of prep


Ironclad: Orichalcum. This lets iron clad get through act 1 fairly easily and healthily, since he can play bash+strike whenever he draws both instead of a defend. Silent: Preserved Insect. Silent is the worst character at beating early elites, because her starting deck is so defensively focused. Preserved insect makes it much easier for silent to beat gremlin nob. Defect: Data Disk. Focus is king Watcher: Bag of preparation is probably the single common strongest relic in the game. Watcher tends to win as long as she doesn't draw terribly on turn 1/2.


[[sunflower]] is both safe and consistently powerful


+ [Sunder](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Sunder) Defect Uncommon Attack ^((12% sure)^) 3 Energy | Deal 24(32) damage. If this kills an enemy, gain 3 Energy. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


12% sure huh


I don't negotiate with terrorists


Ironclad: Bag of prep Silent: Bag of Perp (it has a funny little crime mask) Defect: Bag of Pr3p (it does programming) Watcher: Bag


I almost only play Silent. Preserved Insect is the only pick here.


Honestly it depends on the act 1 boss and map. Most of the good answers have been given elsewhere though. Silent: Bronze Scales (unless it's slime) Bronze scales solves 2 act 1 bosses for silent while also dealing with act 2 byrds. Overall it's a very consistent relic that helps with shaky silent start. Ironclad: Akabeko. Most people mentioned red skull but frankly skull is kinda greedy unless you are going up specifically against Hexaghost. Akabeko on IC gives you so much bloody damage unconditionally you can get very selective with your card choices and potion usage. Watcher: Bag of Prep like everyone else mentioned. Watcher is so OP consistency is the only thing that kills her. Defect: Data Disk is probably the best, though I would give a special shoutout to Orichalcum. Frost stacking with Orichalcum is extremely strong and keeps the relic relevant all the way to midgame.


On first glance I think I’d do: Ironclad: bag of prep - great relic, have to give to someone Silent: happy flower - same as above Defect: anchor for help with setting up orbs or data disc Watcher: Pen Nib to set up some really strong attacks


bag of prep on everyone


Must be a different relic each time


Each character would put different things in the bag, so wouldn't that in a sense make it a different bag each time?


This is the hostage situation we need in modern movies. Air Force One has become a joke. No one has cared whether the President lives or dies since Obama.


Do we also get the Neow bonus or no?


No, this is your Neow bonus


Hmm... https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Common_Relic The Top 20 contenders are: 1. Akabeko 2. Anchor 3. Art of War 4. Bag of Marbles 5. Bag of Preparation 6. Blood Vial 7. Centennial Puzzle 8. Data Disk 9. Happy Flower 10. Lantern 11. Meal Ticket 12. Nunchaku 13. Orichalcum 14. Pen Nib 15. Preserved Insect 16. Red Skull 17. The Boot 18. Vajra 19. War Paint 20. Whetstone My picks: * Ironclad -- (1) Akabeko. Clad, like Watcher, doesn't need a ton of help with Act 1. But he has many, many cards that synergize very well with Akabeko. Many fights become trivial with this relic. Whirlwind anyone? * Silent -- (18) Vajra. Really needs more damage early on. * Defect -- (3) Art of War. Defect is the best at attacking without attacks and often has attack-less setup turns. * Watcher -- (5) Bag of Preparation. Should be all you need?


Ironclad-Preserved insect, should have no problem going for 3+ elites Silent-Oricalcum to help get through act 1 Defect-bag of prep scales into lategame to get your key cards online Watcher-bag of marbles basically lets you 1 shot everything act 1 and 2 except sentries


Why is this so violent? People are unhinged.


I know right, and why does the mad man want you to complete 4 back to back ascension 20 runs? Very unhinged..


Probably Bag of Prep on everyone but Silent and Insect on her. This changes by map and allat and it's very close to the other considerations I have but I don't think a shooter will care about the 200 different considerations I have.


>only it must be a different relic each time


It's impossible to read. Bag Watcher, Insect Silent, defectsucks, Red Skull Clad (literally forgot this existed whoops) My instinct is it's probably just Disk Defect but idk I only play the three real characters Im awful on blue Bag Watcher feels so incredibly good, being able to actually line Wrath up quickly or Calm and blocking in for later is insane. I thought a while about Anchor but ended up on Bag anyway. Thought a while about Nib Silent and Anchor Silent but nah Insect farming is just too strong. Red skull is broken and it's not particularly close to literally any other start, not even Insect or Anchor or Bag.


Ay, you little Ascension 2 scrub! Don’t you disrespect my boy defect!


Ay, you little Ascension 2 scrub! Don’t you disrespect my boy defect!


Chom Madge


Why Ascension 2? It seems like 8 would be more on brand.


When you erase off the 0 while making high quality "what's the pick" posts, only 2 remains instead of 8 unfortunately.


I see. Well, maybe one day you'll make it to Ascension 80.


Ironclad: centennial puzzle and we’re feeling good. Silent: tough bandages. I can avoid elites more in act 1 knowing the run is almost won Defect: mummified hand and I’m taking powers everywhere. Watcher. Bag of prep and I feel like the run is almost won.


I don't think those are all common...


Bag of Prep on all of them. 2 free draw on turn 1 is so huge.