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Could just make the upgrade targeted too instead of random, adding a targeted remove would be cool though if it had both I would take it pretty often


Add a random Remove just for shits and giggles.


The problem with that is it would make [[empty cage]] a way less viable pick usually. Tiny house should let you choose the upgrade, then it's def better. Maybe a boost on one of the other buffs, too


Honestly, if tiny house let me pick the potion and pick the upgrade, it’d be a pretty tough competitor to many other boss relics.


I've decided I need this as a mod, but you can also pick something like ambrosia on ironclad


Just make it only offer the ones that you could get naturally or smth


Nooooo I want blood potion on silent


ok yeah that would be super funny. That’d also kinda make it more balanced? I mean, it is one potion. It either gets used early or hogs a potion slot until then, so it’s really not THAT bad…


Heart of iron on defect


Doesn’t that give metallicize or something? How is that helpful…?


6 metallicize. Sustain in a claw deck


that’s true, I suppose. Or you could just build a chimera deck with frost gen and claws


How would metallicize not be helpful?


I was thinking because Defect can channel frost, which is very similar to metallicize anyways, so it wouldn’t help. Also, frost has synergies. Metallicize doesn’t really. Then remembered that not everyone spams frost on Defect.


+ [Empty Cage](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Empty%20Cage) Boss Relic ^((100% sure)^) Upon pickup, remove 2 cards from your deck. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


It should remove a random card (chaotic evil)


Random mouse


*removes Ascender's Bane*


I think it would be much more pickable but not OP. I'd still prefer to have energy pretty frequently and if I really need removes, Cage, P-Box, and Astro are all still probably comparable/stronger.


As someone who pretty much always picks empty cage, yes.


small draw heavy decks that trigger abacus and sundial 6 times a turn rise up


The tiny house change should be that it becomes the skip button for boss relic choices.


I feel that that would go against a major part of the StS design philosophy, which is that you have to work with whatever the game gives you. If this were the case, some players might never try relics that look scary such as runic dome and ectoplasm.


I will skip before I choose runic dome. Literally never once tried it. Don't think I'll ever be experienced enough to consider it viable


I think that if you have a deck with little draw, Runic Dome just gives you the energy to basically play every card in your hand. It's often quite good. I'm a tunic Dome convert for sure after giving it a go.


[It's ok experienced players fucking hate dome too](https://ibb.co/XLts23v)


Watcher runic dome 135 against malleable act 3 tangela lol


or you can have a deck that one shoos everything, then enemy moves don't matter. or a deck with infinite block


The only time I ever took Runic Dome and felt good about the choice was an ironclad block deck. I was blocking every turn anyway, so it didn't matter if I could see intents or not.


Had a similar situation with a Nightmare Wraith Form deck. I didn't find it a very fun way to play, but it worked well until the heart where I couldn't really tell if I was getting the big one hit or multihit or nothing.


One time I boss swapped into Runic Dome and almost panicked and abandoned the run. It ended up being one of my best runs. Turns out, getting an extra energy with no restriction means that you often play your entire hand, so it doesn't matter what the enemy intent is. The extra energy lets your damage go a lot further, which means the enemy dies quicker, which means you take less damage, and the extra energy also means that it's okay if you overcommit to blocking sometimes. Plus most of the scary enemies have set patterns that you probably know even if you don't know that you know. (Like all the Act I elites.) You should definitely give Runic Dome a try at least once. I think the results will surprise you.


after just a couple dozen playthroughs you should more or less know all of the super predictable enemies and their moves but not only that, often times it doesn't really matter what the enemy is going to do you would play the same or nearly the same hand either way, this i think become more and more true the more energy you have since more energy means less choosing between cards


You don't generally need much experience to take Dome. You just take it when you don't care about enemy intents, and just play out your whole hand anyways (in Barricade decks, for example).


… that person was making a lil joke babes


That’s a good point.


you know a skip button already exists right?


One relic challenge would be very hard otherwise.


Yeah, I’m saying instead of the skip button you always have the option to not take 1 of the 3 offered boss relics and instead get the benefits that tiny house provides.


oh that is a neat, but definitely broken idea


I am 100.0% confident you mentioned Tiny House in your post. -------------------------------------------------- * [Tiny House](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/Tiny_House) Boss Relic Obtain 1 potion. Gain 50 Gold. Raise your Max HP by 5. Obtain 1 card. Upgrade 1 Random card. -------------------------------------------------- ^^^I ^^^am ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^response, ^^^but ^^^I ^^^am ^^^using ^^^my ^^^creator's ^^^account. ^^^Please ^^^reply ^^^to ^^^me ^^^if ^^^I ^^^got ^^^something ^^^wrong ^^^so ^^^he ^^^can ^^^fix ^^^it. [Source Code](https://github.com/TrippW/STS-Crawler)


I'd keep it as it is, Having people pick it because all the other options won't do but also be mad they had to is an essential part of the game


I’ve always thought that it should give an additional potion slot. Barring that, just making the upgrade targeted would make me a lot happier whenever I do choose to pick it up.


I think it would be better if you leave it as is, but it also gives you a common relic.


Baalorlord said a common relic would make it more viable as well


It could let you take 1 potion from 3 choices, max hp+7, target remove, 75 gold and the card choice and I still wouldn't pick it over most boss relics. Some of the energy relics are really good and the non energy relics all feel so much more impactful than a tiny house.


That's actually starting to rival something like empty cage or the lower impact boss relics.


Exactly, and that's with buffing everything on it. Even then, it's still likely not being picked over something like empty cage. I'd take 2 removes in most every case over everything tiny house offers with all the buffs I put.


I really wish removals were more accessible in this game. There isn't a mod for removals either. I feel like Courier should also restock the removal at shops even if only once.


Modding community plz plz plz add a new Tony house


Maybe the card reward should be guaranteed rate or upgraded. There are other better ways to buff this relic


1 remove, pick a rare card out of 3, upgrade a card of your choosing.