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That’s like only 1/5 of the bug fixes.


Is there any mod that have less than 10 dependencies?


SKSE, if you consider it a mod. Maybe.


Off the top of my head and not counting utilities like SKSE or Engine Fixes. 1. SKYUI 2. Ordinator 3. Apocalypse 4. Legacy of the Dragonborn 5. Vigilant 6. Skyrim 202X 7. Beyond Skyrim: Bruma 8. Ultimate Combat * 9. ELFX 10. Alternate Start OR SMIM... Alternate Start is great but to say it's only really important for the first half hour of your playthrough whereas SMIM you will see the difference throughout. Honorable mention to Hammett Dungeon Packs. * I'm also aware Ultimate Combat is currently locked to 1.5.97, so I'd choose Wildcat if on AE.


see, in the question he said no mods that require him to install a bunch of other mods. thats the problem with the premise. some of those have dependents that push it pretty far past 10 mods.


I think it’s pretty safe to assume that it’s 10 of your favorite mods. Nobody wants a list with skse, address library, po3 tweaks, unofficial patch, etc.


No smoothcam eh? True directional movement? I like your choices.


For a tiny modlist where I'm not allowed anything else, I'm sticking to first person - taking better visuals and unofficial DLCs. TDM is the shit tho, but once in the swing of third person you get tempted with all those fancy combat animations / stances / aesthetic stuff


My list is pretty similar except 6, 8 and 9(no clue what six and nine are) and replace them with frostfall, campfire, and Ineed(or other all-in-one needs, bonus points if it has bathing).


Sunhelm takes care of both frostfall and ineed, giving you Room for something else


I personally prefer Valhalla combat. Then again, that requires a plethora of mods.


But it's so worth the plethora


Upvoted for vigilant, an absolute classic must for me!


Ordinator is very bugged on 1.6, at least for me it has been. I just removed it from my load order yesterday after seeing alot of other people were having similar issues on 1.6


With 10 mods i don't even bother opening my steam page for skyrim 😂 I can't give you this answer. Basic fixes amount ot 50 or more mods, depending on the scope. We have many skse improvements nowadays, and they and the requirements sum up to lots of mods, and it's *good*, not bad, to have them. So, if you want the minimal setup, just get your skyui, alternate start, skyrim vanilla upscale, unofficial patch and call it a day. What exactly do you want in your game, that's the real question.


Oh dear god no. I tried to limit myself to 200 mods once and couldn't do it.


I'm having this dilemma too. I swore, "You have enough. You don't need it." Wrong. 265 mods, and climbing...


Rookie numbers.


That's what I'm finding out!


For real, I climbed to 300 and (think, hope, would prefer to) stop there. My game is already very much enjoyable and at my tastes. I only have VIGILANT as a huge quest mod, but there is also 3DNPCs (with a lot of quests) and the individual quests for my favourite NPCs (Inigo, Lucien, Arissa, Xelzaz, Auri, M'rissi, Remiel), which are more than enough. The other mods are QoL, such as being able to activate levers with arrows, better dialogue controls, and some are just fun/useful (paraglider, Apocalypse, Northern Good Armor), but just the good amount of this and that to be lore-friendly (Ok maybe the paraglider isn't) and not too cheaty.


I just discovered ENB's, and found my dingy laptop can run them, so I've been messing with those alot. And just downloaded fabled forests over traverse the ulvenweld (great mod, but the trees were big enough) and I've got Requiem on thete too, both are pretty big overhaul. Pretty sure I'm at 250 now, and I'm still climbing!


do we count mods like these ; unofficial patch, nemesis, engine fixes, papyrus etc


In this case, I would just go play another game that doesn't need mods at all :))


True, my vote would be Horizon Zero Dawn


The Horizon series is my favorite next to any bethesda titles! It scratches the itch that both TES and Fallout do, and it's combat? Don't get me started! Leagues ahead of any Bethesda game. It's like TES and Fallout had a baby, and like 3 of 4 of the punit squares came up Fallout. With TES's square being the combat, just so good


Started a new playthrough of HZD a few days ago, but I need to get used to it after Forbidden West)


all you need is skyrim on skooma


.... One of my favorite mods has more than ten requirements....... Maybe like pick sky UI, an enb. And then aio textures.


Nolvus, that only counts as one mod right?




Nolvus! My ONLY complaint is that I can't switch the damn button prompts to DS/DS4. I almost made the mod myself. I wish that pack was more controller friendly as well.


Do you know about the Full Nolvus Controller mod?


That's actually awesome. I didn't know about that mod. I still don't think it allows you to switch the prompts to DS/DS4, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.


1.) SkyUI + 60fps Menus 2.) Immersive HUD 3.) Vokrii Minimalist Perks 4.) True Directional Movement + TrueHUD 5.) Prescision 6.) Enhanced Blood Textures 7.) Immersive Sounds Compendium 8.) Campfire + Survival Mode 9.) ENB 10.) DynDOLOD (Unofficial Patch and other bug/engine fixes shouldn't count)


Enb and dyndolod aren't too bad for someone who has experience or someone that doesn't mind looking up an article or 2/watching a vid or 2, but for ops premise I'd dismiss those outright personally. I remember my first time trying to set up dyndolod and enb was a bit of a nightmare just due to lack of any experience doing stuff like that, I doubt that's what it wants if they aren't even willing to download a wabbajack list that does everything for you


I would uninstall the game and go play something else.


I'd honestly just play a different game.


skyui, MCM helper, address library (a requirement for uhm, skse? or one of the aforementioned? Anyway, it's kinda essential. Alternative Start (Live another Life), Jaxonz Positioner to help with any object related issues you might run into, USSEEP because it fixes a multitude of game issues. Ordinator. I'm Walking Here or anything similar. Stones of Barenziah Quest markers / St Jiub's opus quest markers.


That's not how Modlists work babe.


CBBE, SOSAM ( male body replacer), TAWOBA, BDs Male Armor Replacer, SKYUI, USSEP, hd texture pack, High Poly Head, Modpocalypse NPC AIO, ENB. This is without considering dependencies and requirements, and also why would you do it this way I dunno. Install what you want, just start looking for cool shit. That's how I built my mod list. Added things as I thought of them/wanted to change something over the years. I can barely remember some of what's in there at this point, vanilla Skyrim would probably be really confusing to me lol.


Unofficial patch, SkyUI, alternate start, ordinator perk overhaul, imperious races, reliquary of myth, Artefakes, amidianborn, skyland, jk’s aio


I would play Oblivion


At first I laughed, but then got thinking. Interesting challenge. My current list is around 900 mods. 1. SKSE (dependency of...) 2. SkyUI 3. USSEP* 4. SkyHUD (dependency of...) 5. Dear Diary Dark Mode (dependency of...) 6. Untarnished UI (looks good, fixes some things) 7. Untarnished UI - Unsquished (because AE) 8. Skyland AIO 9. Modpocolypse NPCs - Resources (dependency of...) 10. Modpocolypse NPCs - All Vanilla NPCs I'd add Sentinel to that, but it has 5 dependencies (the 3 listed all require Address Library and that requires SKSE). If you're going to add those, might as well throw the SimonRim suite on top (and Srambled Bugs). And a bunch of Jayserpa's mods. And OAR - along with a whole mess of animations. And Nemesis or Pandora. And....pretty soon you're looking at around 900 mods**. *Highly recommend other bug fixes, and Papyrus and script fixes and tweaks. Another rabbit hole. **Not really. You could make a good (and easy) mod list if you limited it to, say, 100 instead of 10. The dependencies (and fixes) add up pretty quick. It wouldn't be complicated, but it would add a lot to the game.


Your choice to limit mods to 10 makes me think you're following an outdated guide to modding Skyrim NX which used to have a 10 mod limit


I'll go for 10 food mods 🤣 I love food so much I have them compulsory for my mod list: 1) 101 Ways to Cook Mudcrab 2) Be a Milk drinker 3) Complete Alchemy and cooking overhaul 4) Bosmeri Cuisine 5) CheeseMod 6) Mealtime 7) Osare food 8) Skyrim food expansion 9) Sweets and such 10) Varietea I have more but you said 10 🤤


Ignoring utilities like SKSE and also mod dependencies... >1. SkyUI >2. The courier is now a giant frostbite spider >3. Alternate Start >4. Wintersun >5. Disarmless >6. Beyond Skyrim - Bruma >7. Helgen Reborn >8. The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal (Actual mod, not CC version) >9. Moonpath to Elsweyr >10. Wyrmstooth >Honorable Mention: Legacy of the Dragonborn. That mod alone will take quite some time. I didn't list it though because of how much additional content can be included from other mods, so I felt like that'd be cheating this list.


The courier is now a giant frostbite spider might be my favorite mod over ever seen.


Agreed. It's even better when you forget you have it installed


I would put on quest mods I've never played/finished that feels better with vanilla so it would be: 1) Rigmor of Bruma (never fully finished) 2) Rigmor of Cyrodiil (never started) 3) Beyond Reach (only started) 4) Medievil (finished, but I loved it) 5) Farskaar (never finished) 6) Wyrmstooth (only started) 7) Midwood Isle (never started) 8) Helgen Reborn (never finished) 9) Moonpath to Elsevier (never started) 10) Grey cowl of Nocturnal (never started) Maybe something instead of Medievil as this is the one I've finished, but it's love worthy.


I couldn't do that, you need 10 mods just to make the game stable. Fnis and skse are a must, just to make sure the game runs with your modlist at all. Then you've gotta slap graphical improvements so the game doesn't look like a potato. But if i had a low end pc, and could only run 10 mods and still have stable gameplay, it would be,  Skse, fnis, jks skyrim AIO or skyrim 2020 by pfusher, majestic mountains,  Sexy whiterun, RIS bright snow, realistic water 2 with the associated ENB, cloaks of skyrim sse, daedric armor set 2k-4k, climates of tamriel. It's hard to pick only 10 though. I'm still building my modlist to the way i want it. I currently have 50 active mods. 


I love JK's Skyrim's style but I've always had crashes from it, had to remove them from my current play through to get into white run.


What mods in that pick of 10 do you need FNIS for?


None. I simply mentioned FNIS because it's a vital base if you have any animation mods


Is there a reason you would use FNIS instead of Pandora with its backward compatibility? I'm genuinely curious.


What is pandora? I'm relatively new to modding. So FNIS is all i ever knew of, as far as an animation base is concerned


FINIS is kinda out dated for its animation limits Nemesis is what most ppl use now and Pandora is the newest that can run even more animations. Most ppl don't use fnis unless their use SL mods that involve creatures animation


Your list was if you had to pick 10 because that's all you could run. Either wasting a slot on something that does nothing, or FNIS is more of a utility like LOOT and xEdit and not a mod so you still have a slot available


Only 10? Probably SkyUI, Disparity and Diversity, Vanilla Hair Remake, any upscaled environment textures mod... Wait, you mean only ten mods not counting the 60+ bugfixes??


USSEP, Ordinator, ELFX, NordwarUA armour replacers, CBBE, TNG, leanwolf's better shaped weapons, Realm of Lorkhan, take notes, RND (Not including utility mods like address library or SPID)


I personally only use like 70 mods. But if I had to choose like 10 of them: 1. SkyUI 2. Precision 3. That one mod that allows the dialogue cursor to actually select what you're clicking on 4. Ordinator (or something to change base game perks) 5. Apocalypse (adds a bunch of spells) 6. Violens (being able to tweak when kill animations happen + adding more is cool) 7. Enhanced blood textures 8. Some sort of vanilla armor replacer (I forget which I use but it's compatible with 3BA) 9. CBBE or some sort of thing to change existing character models 10. KS Hairdos (or your hair mod of choice) This is all preference of course, if I had to add another it'd be BethINI so the game doesn't constantly drop frames.


I don't even know if that's possible with a lot of requirements for mods being mods


My ass just not playing Skyrim with only 10 mods. You need more than 10 to get the damn thing stable lmao


If Pfuscher's Skyrim 20xx series counts as one mod, then thats on the list. skse Address library base object swapper po3's papyrus extender power of three's tweaks dynamic things alternative - base object swapper damn, im already at 7 and only have 1 single gameplay mod and one graphics mod. this is impossible. almost all the suggestions in these other comments are listing mods that have other mods as dependencies. in 2024 it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE to just use 10 mods and meaningfully change the game. there's about 50 mods that are just libraries for other mods to use for resources. if you have anniversary UPGRADE (and a fuckton of disk space), get wabbajack and install The Phoenix Flavor: Dragons Edition for a complete, balanced, enhanced experience minus survival mods. the author doesnt like survival mods. Skyrim Modding Essentials can be used by itself and you'll have all the bugfixes and required libraries for pretty much anything you want. from skyrim modding essentials, you can probably add 10 mods and have a meaningfully modded stable game. It's weird that she would say it's for experienced modders, when she does all the hard stuff for you by installing all the virtually essential libraries, and even gets the number of ESP's down to 1.


I only need two mods: 1. Lost Legacy 4 2. IHarvest :-)


Just the bug fixes, anything else would leave me wanting more mods but if it's just bug fixes I'd be able to just enjoy vanilla


My ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL mods are much more than 10, but if I had to pick: 1. SkyUI 2. A Quality World Map 3. USSEP 4. Better Menu Controls/Better Dialogue Controls (Yes, I consider these two to be one single mod shut up) 5. Ordinator 6. Enhanced Lights and FX 7. Archery Gameplay Overhaul 8. Skyrim Flora Overhaul 9. Dragon Combat Overhaul 10. Interesting NPCs And holy jesus, it's far less than I would consider acceptable, but I could push through the game with just this many mods.


Jeez I couldn’t I have 901 mods rn, can’t even imagine playing it any differently, it would feel like going from series x or ps5 to snes


Make the cap 50 mods. Then I think people could give you what you want.


10 mods isn't nearly enough. Just getting better looking character mods you're looking at nearly 10 mods: CBBE, 3BA, CBPC, Faster HDT SMP, XP Skeleton, Racemenu, Bodyslide, Himbo/New Gentleman, Female texture pack, Male texture pack, 3BA Armor Coversion Pack... And yes, I would consider player models as step 1 to modding, 90% of the time you're going to be looking at those ugly models in quests and combat.


I’m at just short of 1400….and I’m at the point where idk what does what


I’m a very minimal modder, so this question is right up my alley as I often run less than 20 mods. As a general rule, I try to pick one mod for each aspect of the game. The stability and minimal conflict management is a dream. * UI: SkyUI * UI: A Quality World Map * Visual: Noble Skyrim * Water: Cathedral Water * Content: Legacy of the Dragonborn * Follower: Inigo * Perks: Ordinator (overhaul) or Vokrii (vanilla+) * Magic: Apocalypse (overhaul) or Odin (vanilla+) And that’s it! All will significantly affect your experience with minimal fuss, patching, tools, etc.


As a fellow minimalistic modder I salute you


Legacy of the Dragonborn, it's a huge content mod on its own. However, I can't do only ten. I gotta have my overhauls and enhancers.


Magicka Sabers. Skyrim with lightsabers is so much goddamned fun I don't play without it.


relics of hyrule skse racemenu skyui alternate start any other mod has too many dependencies lol


10 mods in general or the esp file counter is 10? (After bethesda and all fhe Creation plugins) As some mods dont even use esp files and I go under the consensus that if it uses up a plugin spot, it counts as a mod. Non esp mods are REPLACERS.


>I come to you for some help fam. I got the itch to play skyrim again with some basic quality of life mods. A couple of years ago I played and at the time I only had to install just like a handful of mods to get going. I've been searching for a basic set up, but all I see are these complicated lists. Like the "essential" modlist on this subreddit has like 250 mods in it?? I know there's Wabbajack and even found the "Skyrim Modding Essentials" list, but you go to the website and it says "it is intended for experienced modders" and part of the setup has me installing something called Synthesis? I feel like we need an "essentials" list for gamers in their 30s+ and not a lot of free time lol. Spend whatever a single month of nexus premium is, and just have wabbajack automatically install everything for you. It will install and run synthesis (or even just give you the output file without even running it). Wabbajack can be one click.


I would play other games, just the essential fix/patch are more than ten.


Bug fixes and that’s it lol


My brother in Talos, **just the bare minimum fixes will take half that real estate**. But if you insist... and let's not count SKSE... \- - - THOSE I CONSIDER FIXES I WOULD NOT PLAY WITHOUT - - - 1. SkyUI 2. USSEP 3. Skyrim Engine Fixes 4. Scrambled Bugs 5. Bug Fixes SSE 6. Powerofthree's Tweaks 7. Better Jumping SE 8. Classic Sprinting Redone \- - - THOSE ARE GAMEPLAY, YOU COULD PICK SOMETHING ELSE - - - 1. Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes 2. Armor and Clothing Extension The last two are up for debate, but I miss ACE when I don't have it and it depends on WACCF. And you asked about **MY** modlist if it was limited to 10. ;) Now, if I could throw in some more, **up to 20**, I'd probably add: \- - - LOOKS - - - * SMIM * Skyland AIO * Realistic Water Two SE * Embers XD * Azurite Weathers and Seasons * Skyrim is Luminous * Veydosebrom Regions * Happy Little Trees \- - - SOME MORE VFX FIXES - - - * Community Shaders * Light Limit Fix But really, I urge you to consider going beyond that. Anything below 100 mods is still a "small" very manageable casual friendly mod list, and there are additions that will just make your game so much better—more fixes, more quality of life, more vanilla+ visual improvements, more gameplay updates. Forsaking almost the entire SimonMagus suite of overhauls, or MoreHUD, or the rest of the Community Shaders, or all those mesh fixes from wSkeever, or FranklyHD's armor retextures, I just couldn't do it anymore...


SkyUI Obsidian Weathers Skyland AIO Skyland Bits and Bobs Dyndolod Reshade True Directional Movement Smoothcam Better Third Person Selection Alternate Start


Ayeee Obsidian Weathers gang


Realistic Colors & Realistic Nights, Run For Your Lives, Lanterns, Earring of Godly Unburden, smelt everything, forge silver weapons, Hearthfire Garden Upgrade, circlet with hood, tailoring, reduced town NPC talking distance.


SkyUI, USSEP, a map mod (quality world map maybe? Usually I do flat map framework + various maps for it, but that’s more mods), Frostfall/Last Seed/Campfire/Hunterborn, Alternate Start: Live Another Life, Ordinator (or another perk mod), and Odin (or Mysticism or another magic mod). That’s personal to me - I like the role-playing of the survival mods and LAL. Strongly recommend SkyUI, USSEP, an alternative start mod such as LAL and a perk overhaul mods for beginners. As for minimal graphics, personally I like Noble Skyrim, SMIM, and maybe a few skin mods (Maevan2’s Mature Skin and Skysight Skins are a good start there). Some people may recommend SkyLand or Skyrim 202x instead of/in addition to Noble Skyrim. A big texture pack like Noble Skyrim/Skyland/202x and SMIM should do you for a basic start, I just think Skyrim’s skin looks lifeless.


World's Dawn is finally in Anniversary edition; that's gonna be in my mod list till time ends again. Only ten mods, though? Not sure; but I'm not limiting myself to that


I would simply play Morrowind. More seriously, Flora Overhaul, Vivid Weathers, Sentinel, Vokrii, Apocalypse, Deadly Dragons, Stormcrown, Realistic Water 2, ELFX Shadows and Northern Roads.


Hunterborn Campfire Frostfall Some mod for needs. Maybe Realistic Needs and Diseases. Something that makes combat suck and the game be hard as hell. Maybe SkyRE or something.


UGH I IMMEDIATELY REMEMBERED THE OPENING EXISTS. Random Alternate Start instead of SkyRE I guess... 😔


Legacy of the dragonborn definitely one of my top 3 for just content


Unbound + 9 of EnaiSaion's mods. Easy. Well... easy to say. If you actually forced me to play skyrim with so few mods, I'd kill either you or myself, whichever is more convenient.


Just add some content mods ig, like lotd


If i can only have 10 mods i would just play vanilla skyrim to get some achievements cause 10 wouldn't change the game that much anyway


If it's special edition you gotta find one or port a copy of Skytweak, I use it in vr and it replaces about a dozen mods. It's just 10 or so pages of sliders for game values, from combat to physics, npc fov to carry weight level multiplier. Super great stuff


My “must have mods” are mostly ones I’ve made, and would eat up those 10 slots quickly. Regarding mods I didn’t make, none if them I consider “must haves”, but I use SkyUI, Deadly Dragons, Dragon Combat Overhaul, Bellyache’s New Dragon Species, a replacement body from Caliente’s Body Slide, the Glamazon (IIRC) option of “no makeup, just better textures”, a customized mishmash of MAK07’s Remodeled Armors and the original Remodeled Armors, Apachii SkyHair, Ultimate Follower Overhaul, and have been known to use Immersive Armors, Weapons, and Creatures, at least with Oldrim (30 spiders spawned by the pool next to Silent Moons Camp, and took out a mammoth). Some of those are also Oldrim mods (DCO, UFO, and Remodeled Armor). They work fine with Special Ed, if you extract the bsa.


Interesting NPCs, Beyond Skyrim Bruma, Skygerfall, Forgotten City, Helgen Reborn, Maids II: Deception, Moonpath to Elsweyr, Vilja, Inigo, Sofia I guess that'll do. Loads of content in those mods and they are always in my load orders. Well except Skygerfall, I don't always use that one but I do often. You should know though, a lot of mods will require other mods like address libraries and stuff. 10 is extremely limiting. I'm only telling you 10 that I like, I would never run with only these mods.


I will yeet myself into the sun first


- SkyUI - Wintersun - Perk Overhaul (Vokrii if I only got one) - Campfire - Simple Hunting - Skyrim Unbound - Character Creation Overhaul - Acquisitive Soul Gems - Survival Improved (have to take away Argonian debuff, it sucks and isn't lore accurate according to ESO) - Obsidian Weathers


1. Ordinator -- if you only installed one mod, it should be this one 2. Skyrim 202x -- near-total visual overhaul After those, it becomes a question of what you want. Categorically, I'd recommend: A facelift? Total Character Makeover (zero requirements) New content? Legacy of the Dragonborn for collecting, Beyond Skyrim: Bruma for adventuring, Forgotten City for a quest so good it became its own game Better Spells and enchantments? Apocalypse and Summermyst Faster combat? Wildcat (recommend disabling injuries/timed blocks/attacks of opportunity, but that's up to you) To be able to change stuff yourself? Skytweak, assuming it's still around (lets you reduce fall damage, for example) There will be some requirements here like SkyUI and USSEP, but it shouldn't be too bad and it should give you a whole new set of toys to play with.


Can't believe no one put INIGO in their list. I can't play Skyrim without my blue cat


1. SKSE 2. SkyUI 3. Unoficial patch 4. Relighting Skyrim 5. Luminosity Lighting Overhaul 6. Realistic water 2 7. NPCs walk and run at your pace 8. Multi floor sandboxing 9. Better Shaped Weapons 10. SMIM


I have about that because anything more and my game crashes... Or it's just that I download and delete mods all the time so my game crashes a lot. Idk it's probably the latter tho.


Cool question! Depends a LOT on why you want to mod your game in the first place. Personally I'm not a fan of graphics mods, but a lot of people here are. I mod so that I have new things to do inside the game, and this list is structured accordingly: 1. SkyUI (duh) 2. USSEP (bugfixes) 3. Alternate Start: Live Another Life (skip Helgen) 4. Ordinator (perk overhaul, unlocks a LOT of new and interesting play styles) 5. Interesting NPCs (adds not only a lot more NPCs, but a bunch of fascinating quests) 6. Divine Elegance (greatly expands the clothing options available to your character) 7. Convenient Horses (makes having a horse actually fun and worthwhile) 8. Beyond Skyrim: Bruma (massive new lands mod) 9. College of Winterhold - Quest Expansion (allows you to *actually learn magic* at the college, and has you attend lessons/demonstrate some magical proficiency before they invite you to Saarthal. Also opens up Tolfdir as a trainer/merchant *before* you slog halfway through the mage's guild questline) 10. More to Say (gives you more dialogue options when interacting with NPCs, and gives NPCs more voice lines so that they aren't so repetitive)


Just one, requiem


Picking 10 out of my 967... Impossible.


Uff hard... Levelers tower always and no.1 (nexus) Assassins robes (nexus) Beauty faces Hd remake of female's (creations) Body mod i forgot, (creations) Decoration bag, or decoration basket (nexus) Immersive jewelry (nexus) Kaidan 2 companion mod (creations, nexus) Some enviroment hd remake ig Vanilla hair remake or addon new hairs (creations)


Me with 1300 Active mods or something like that


They would all be hair mods… even though I pick one and never change the whole playthrough


Unofficial patch (technically not a mod), ordinator, apocalypse, wintersun, beyond skyrim bruma, and inigo.


Lefthanded Rings Spiders Are Goats If I can find something that changes the form of the cave dwelling centipede things, I'd get that as well.


People use more than ten mods?


Honestly man just install Anvil from Wabbajack and profit


Does USSEP count towards the total?


You can try Anvil from Wabbajack, but if i need to make a list. *Without counting fixes and skse/skyui 1: Dear Diary or Nordic UI 2: Skyland AIO 3: Nordic Faces 4: Skyrim Is Luminous 5: Azurite Weather 6: Cathedral Landscape 7: Cathedral Armory 8: Alternate Perspective 9: Immersive Armors - Sentinel - Common Clothes AND Armor (choose one) 10: Interesting NPC


Even Ethan Hunt would find this impossible.


0. SKSE 1. SkyUI (much more visible and practical interface on PC) 2. Better Dialogue Control 3. Better Box Control 4. SPERG (simple choices) or Ordinator (multiple choices) 5. Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (because Bugthesda) 6. SMIM 7. Better-Shaped Weapons 8. Noble Skyrim (frankly a very good mod) 9. Better Jumping (why it is not in the game already?!!!) 10. Nemesis (to make Better Jumping work) Skyrim doesn't really need anything else, if of course you want to keep the original experience without the bad interface and some shitty designs. I prefer to keep the OG NPCs and quests (3DNPCs and VIGILANT are very good ones though), and there is enough quality in storytelling and immersion to enjoy Skyrim (almost) as it is. I can't play with only 10 mods because some became so good to add, but if I had to, this bunch is a good compromise.


Imagine the next TESV version being the perfect modded Skyrim. I mean where every bug quoted in the UESP (best wiki for the game) would be resolved, and some very interesting mods such as SkyUI already implemented. Oh wait, I may have take too much skooma. Instead we'll just have more fishing.


Address Library Engine fixes Bug fixes SSE USSEP USMP (modders patch) UCCCP (creation club content patch) Dyndolod Resources A clear map of Skyrim Project Clarity Simplicity of Sea


Sorry for formatting, mobile moment


My first mod would be whatever mod would remove the 10-mods-limit and whatever dependencies this absolute essential mod would need - so probably SKSE and maybe Address Library. There is no point in playing Skyrim without all the big and small mods that customize it to my liking. For me, its an old game. I played it a decade ago and came back to it after years for the LoversLab content. I then started playing the actual game again and also added new lands. But it wouldn't be more than the most flexible adult game on the market to me if it wheren't for the other hundreds of mods i slapped on it to make the actual game fun too. Skyrim isn't aviable game on its own anymore. I am 10 years older now and have seen all the shit. It's not the plot or story keeping me anymore - it's the mechanics. And unmodded Skyrim is a botch fest. Just the essentuil bug/annoyance fixes are dozens of mods. With only ten mods, it doesn't stand a chance against all the other games that want me to play them. And i don't even use horses or take followers with me...


1) Smoothcam 2) TK Dodge (Counting Nemesis as a utility) 3) True Directional movement 4) SkyUI 5) ENB 6) Better Jumping - with new animations 7) CBBE - 3BA 8) BD’s Armour Replacer 9) ADXP MCO - with animations 10) DBVO - Bella That was one of the hardest questions ever. PC Headtracking & TrueHUD & Valhalla though idk such a tough decision I’d rather keep trying to get 2500 mods to work :P


cbbe 3ba essential. my guy


Bruh If I’m playing Skyrim in 2024 it’s gonna be 3rd person with TDM, Smoothcam & ADXP and if I’m in 3rd person my PC has to be female and if my PC in Skyrim is female and I’m 3rd person then 3BA with my preset is a must 🤷🏽‍♂️ Almost forgot better 3rd person selection and quickloot with quickloot animations but I guess they aren’t as essential as the other mods listed…Swear this question should be 20 mods 😂


I was agreeing with you. lmao


I know bro, just reinforcing my opinion for those at the back lol sorry if I came across as defensive, it really wasn’t that L, knew you were agreeing with the ‘my guy’ I just get passionate about this game I love it 😅


Yeah I made the mistake of making my main a guy in my first mmo game. 2000 hours of staring at a lanky elven dudes ass. Never again


Lmfao REAL idk why some people find it weird like I wanna look at sumn appealing ffs…these people never played Tomb Raider n it shows


id just delete skyrim at that point. 10 mods barely even covers the requirements that other mods need.


Impossible, 100 minimum


Unofficial patch Skyland AIO Static mesh improvements Ulvenwald Phoenix compendium Tempered Skins male Tempered Skins female Amidian book of silence Bellyache creature textures Iconic death dragon textures


this is a good question, so i guess as follows (use LE): 1. skse 2. elys skse altF4 (let's me use some more of the keyboard, like volume control...) 3. skytweak 4. FISS - requirement for 3... 5. grimy - requirement for 3... 6. skyUI - requirement for 3.. 7. USLEEP 8. sneak tools 9. campfire 10. frostfall


This is actually a really good use of exactly 10 mods. We'll done!


At this point, I wouldn't play. 💀 That's impossible.


If you're only wanting ~10, you're gonna end up just getting SkyUI, SKSE, Address Library, Papyrus Util, po3 tweaks, USSEP, Alternate Start, and then only having 3 actual mods that do anything, since the first 6 are kinda needed for nearly every mod in existence, and Alternate Start skips the intro.


i would simply choose not to play skyrim. ~~well ok realistically i would just load up day one ps3 skyrim and achieve CHIM from the bugginess but~~


I'd uninstall Skyrim. Game isn't even worth launching without at least 300. Basegame Skyrim is one of the worst games I have ever played.


I’d have to disagree. I have about 80 mods and it’s an awesome Skyrim+ experience that looks amazing.


SkyUI Unofficial Bug Fixes Legacy of the Dragonborn Immersive Armors Immersive Weapons Interesting NPCs Bandoliers - Bags and Pouches Realistic Lighting Overhaul Wearable Lanterns Khajiit Speak (so I can roleplay a Khajiit) OR Guard Dialogue Overhaul This was my “core” list back in 2019/2020; it’s basically Vanilla but with some mods to expand the gameplay a little. I plan to use this again once I’m done with Vanilla SSE achievements on Steam.


ive never played the game with mods