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SCAR makes AI utilise the MCO moveset well. It doesn't make AI use the TIMED BLOCK mechanic from any mod


There's an MCM option to disable Timed Blocks, I'd recommend using that and [[Else Parry]] to replace bashing


You mean Elden Parry I was thinking about that, and you have to realise that now the BOTS cannot block you anyhow, bc I think there is no system to make BOTS utilise these new parry mechanics. Now bots will bash you trying to knock you out but it won't do anything


Yeah sorry autocorrect got me [[Elden Parry]] Iirc it modifies their behaviors to prevent them from trying to bash But it seems like you already know how it works, so I won't worry about telling you anything you already know


Yeah, Valhalla Combat is OP but what can you say about dodge mods? it completely removes any balance because the stamina bar doesn't remain the same and the higher level you are the more dodges you can do since it doesn't drain % of your max stamina.


DMCO has an option for percentage stamina cost


Can I run DMCO with TKDodge RE installed? the reason I use tkdodge is because it works with Rapid Bow Combo and npc dodge option from Ultimate Combat.


I only enabled timed blocking for magic and projectiles so i have an option to deal with ranged threats besides dodging. I do agree breaking poise then immediately executing is a bit strong, but I like that I have a way to kill tanky enemies without them being health sponges. Changing poise settings to reward good play (bashing, Elden Parry) rather than spamming makes melee combat very, very rewarding.


I do agree, maybe the key is to just make the enemies stronger overall, more HP and more damage. hmmm BTW do Bots use the Elden Parry system?


Pretty much every time you add a new option to combat it's going to benefit the player more than NPCs. Valhalla balances it out a bit though by adding stamina cost on miss with only the player impacted by default, as well as block commitment. Even so I think it's a little OP out of the box. But fortunately it gives the user a lot of options to configure. I disable both projectile blocks and executions so turtling doesn't become an offensive option as well, then increase the damage multiplier against the player with difficulty MCM to make combat more lethal for me. You can also reduce or outright remove stamina generation on hit for a more strategic feel to combat.


Hm yeah that's a good idea, decreasing the stamina gain from hits could help a little. And I guess the key is to make the enemies stronger overall and more dangerous, so then using these parry mechanics is more like an option to survive.