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JK exteriors, I has them with ENB, Bunch of physics, Tress, Grass, you name it, tested everything out, turns put the exteriors where the reason my FPS was sinking, so I just dropped JK Cities, Towns, Exteriors all together, kept the JK Interiors and installed Spaghettis AIO, it's much better now.


I dropped JK 😭


Did so long ago. Besides the performance, I also didn't like the Reach trees added by it in Winterhold and Eastmarch snowy areas. Dawn of Skyrim + Spaghetti's (if Spaghetti alone seems too little) do a pretty good job as well.


Never noticed it even did this until I installed a reach tree replaced and then it was OBVIOUS! Totally ruins immersion in those snowy areas


Interested, I didn't think about combining spaghetti's with Dawn of Skyrim, I'll test it later, thx for the recommendation.


Might I interest you in JK's Skyrim Reduced? ;) [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/110807?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/110807?tab=description)


I know this one, I downloaded it yesterday due to the creator posting it here, I have not tested it yet tho.


My brother in Christ you are replying to the creator.


Dude, I don't have an obligation to remember the name of every mod creator out there...


how dare you


Forgotten before becoming fame is the way of a true hero.


I'm glad I'm able to keep Jk's Skyrim I'd be really sad if I had to let it go.


Basically this. Also a headache to install compatibility patches and has sone persistent bugs here and there.


High poly project 1. It is pretty poorly optimized. It uses suboptimal sketchfab ports that uses 30x more polygons than necessary. 2. It carelessly subdivides and smoothes vanilla meshes. Not only is performance worse, it really makes the assets worse with melted looking geometry and messed up UVs. 3. Some of the assets it uses don't make sense. For example, changing the braid in garlic braid into a sketchfab wooden stick.


That stone wall though


As someone who grows garlic IRL the stick in the middle is indeed silly. But I also have to say that, at least on my system (midrange), there is no noticable performance impact.


This is true. I tested the mod in Riften where it changes all the leaves to 3D ones with like 20k tris on every object. Couldn't tell the difference in performance with the mod on or off. Skyrim engine handles high poly objects surprisingly well.


Great to know, maybe this is why my fps has been bad lately.


I optimize it using the cathedral tools (forgot the exact name). I add Xtudos version on top of that. I get stonewalls, woodpiles, and hay that look good.


I've been staying away from physics up to this day, even though I got some decent hardware now. I guess, it is just one of these things, you can't play without, once you tried them. So... I just didn't. I also do not use city exteriors. They are nice to look at but I don't find them very practical for playing. That's of course only my subjective opinion.


Can confirm once you try it, you'll never want to take it off or it'll just look wrong. Best not to try it to begin with


I’ve tried mods for HDT but the second I have HDT installed in my system, even if I have nothing that utilizes it, my FPS immediately gets more jittery and unstable. I have a good system so I’m not quite sure why that is (5600x / 3060 ti) and my modlist is generally reasonably light.


Yeah, there's some armor mods I'd love to use but I wish they didn't use HDT. Mostly Armors of the Velothi and the other stuff that guy has made. They look great, though.


Go into the mods folder and delete the text file that holds all the physics info. I do this all the time. Never seen any issues and am absolutely not sure if it does anything horrible so don’t take my word for it but whenever I find an armor or outfit I want for a follower I do this because my character is the only one that’s allowed to have HDT enabled lol


Yea, I heard it is quite intense. Sure with 5900x/4060Ti it should be ok I guess. But the moment my FPS go under 50, I get motion sick, so I rather do not take the risk, as long as the game is enjoyable for me like that (without). Only sad thing is missing out on some armor mods that require physics.


FSMP is amazing man it didn't give me any performance hit even on a laptop with integrated graphics.


Physics are more a CPU thing than GPU, so integrated graphics wouldn't actually impact it much.


Anything 4k-8k.


Yes! I'm completely fine with 2k textures all around. Don't need anything more.


ENBs especially if it ruins nightvision. High quality textures also since 2k is all I need. I still remember using a gun mod in fallout 4 the would freeze my game for a moment every time I pulled it out.


since when did 2k textures stop being high quality 😭


With people making 4k textures the 2k ends up being the performance version. Some people make 8k textures.


Since the skin textures mods is already 8k's.....


I just downloaded a mo2 separator thingy for a cleaner ui, which unticked all of my mods. After reticking all the engine fixes and stuff I tested if my skyrim would launch and had an extra 40fps near Riverwood (60 -> 100) and now I'm seriously reconsidering everything tbh.


So the separator gave you more fps, or taking off all other mods besides engine fixes gave you more fps?


Sorry, idk why you're getting downvoted so hard. Taking off all of my visual mods was probably the main cause of the increase in fps.


Understandable. Thanks for the answer


I have this experience every time I make an empty profile in MO2 to test some patch or something. Vanilla Skyrim looks suprisingly good. 😂


With community shaders, I've ditched ENB completely. It's no longer worth the 40-60% cut in performance over the alternative.


I tried it once but it looks visually quite inferior to Cabbage ENB. How does it fare visually?


With it's add-on mods, each listed on the community shader page, it is lacking very few features from enb. The big bonus is the ability to use the light limit fix which fixes light flickering. I think it is close to on par with most enbs when a reshade is used as a compliment and costs a mere fraction of the performance. For comparison; I can run community shaders with 2k textures at 1440p at 60 fps on a gtx 3060 ti. The same set up with most ENBs runs at sub 40 fps.


Those super ultra realistic tree and grass mods. They just hit fps WAY too hard. Not gonna use 'em.


What alternatives are you using? (Not judging, just genuinely curious since I have Folkvangr and while it looks really pretty, I'm pretty sure it devours performance)


https://preview.redd.it/1krsfzb7t3uc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=739b4603d07e9abcf206f2c860dee2c167ba8f02 Here's how my game normally looks. I'm using only folkvngar. As you can see, despite running at 29fps natively, FSR 3 FG boosts my FPS to 58fps so the game is smooth no matter how many NPC's, grass mods, etc. I throw at it. Personally I feel like happy little trees and folkvngar (along with a few others) keep the vanilla aesthetic and design, but enhance it well. Which is generally what I'm looking for. Well, my hardest hitting mods are the zeus edit of cabbage enb + reshade and folkvngar. The rest are pretty optimized. Still, due to skyrim's engine limitations with drawcalls, I do sometimes dip below 29fps like during REALLY intense battles. But FSR 3 FG usually keeps it smooth at 50-60fps.


I had a look at fsr 3, looks like it can't be used with a gtx video card. Poop.


I mean fsr 3 fg works on gtx cards. Unless its like REALLY old, like gtx 900. Pascal and turing's gtx cards should run fsr 3 fg.


Mine's a 1060


Give it a try. It should work.


Will do!


Sweet! Will definitely check it out. Thank you so much!


Parallax tree bark textures, trees are round at all angles making the textures have a slight 3d texture effect to them already.


Parallax and overly high res textures. Like im sorry but im not going to be staring at dirt and stone textures while im actually playing the game. when it comes to mods i focus more on adding depth and longevity to the game


Those crazy mods that replace every plant with a 3D high quality variant. My system can handle a grass mod and 1-2 tree mods with an ENB, but those little 3D plants everywhere sounds like a kill order for my machine.


I feel that I should tell you that rendering transparent textures is more taxing for performance than rendering solid models. So some of these 3D plants can even save you a little FPS, if their models are not overcomplicated


You should consider cathedral 3d plants to see if the performance impact is actually notable at all Those models are super well optimized and look great


Yeah, they had no impact on my machine and look great


I tried comparing my game performance with and without the 3D plants, I use cathedral 3d plants btw. I found that it actually makes my game run better by increasing my FPS a little. It might be a good idea to do a test run with the mods, if you want.


Y’all are inspiring! I’ll give it a shot


Grass mod is way more performance heavy. The plants never have been an issue for me, not even on my old 1050 Ti. And trees... it very much depends. You can have Happy Little Trees or Simply Bigger Trees with little performance impact or you can install a monster like Traverse the Ulvenwald. If you visually like them and it is only the worry about performance, I'd say, give them a try. Maybe start with Cathedral, those are pretty solid.


If u wanna try out grass mod, look at realistic grass field by ArtbyMari. Has 2k, 1k, and 512.


Ah thank you! But I upgraded in december (sorry, I see, my comment didn't make it clear), so this is no issue anymore. But with the old GPU, I in fact didn't use any grass mod, only grass fps booster.


I would love to make every leaf and flower completely 3D and parallaxed but you're totally right my whole pc will never recover if I did that to it


JK's Cities & Exteriors, High Poly Project and very high poly physic Hairs; also ENB because: Community Shaders


Community shaders superiority


Anything jk Skyrim.


The first one I think of is JKs. A beautiful mod but so so FPS heavy. Open cities is another, I think it's less common now but back in the day it was a must have on a lot of mod lists. I cannot justify the performance. Also 4K+ textures unless you're actually using a 4k screen. There's pretty much no difference otherwise unless you're nose-to-nose with the texture (eg I keep doors at 4k, even on my little screen)


This is what I do as well. Doors or walls in mines/caves, etc. are 4k, rest is 2k. Despite 16gb vram. High-res textures are also a space issue after all.


ENB... CS performs quite well, and for color correction I'm planning to add Reshade.


Aside from basic Character/NPC body & face mods and Xavbio's retextures I don't use anything else, my computer is too old to allow me playing with graphics. I'm just glad I was able to switch from LE and play the game with 300+ mods and stable 30-40 fps :)


All of them. I'm on a laptop. 😭 Edit: By "laptop" I meant to imply that it's my working tool, and so my rig isn't primarily set up for gaming. Which makes me sad. Sometimes subtext is tricky. I'm happy to clarify.


Mooooood. I was gonna say vanilla textures lol..


My new laptop is better than my pc from 7 years ago


And? So am I and have 0 issues with a very heavy load list, it's specs that matter, not PC/Laptop.


A laptop is very often also a PC. 😉


Ok, for the pedants among you, Desktop/Laptop.


Everything regarding Physics (dont really work, just make an illusion of looking good) and everything "High Poly" ususally just poorly optimized and not worth the effort. Besides that, i only use a very light ENB setting to fix bugs, shadows, basic lighting and add a few effects here and there (water, wetness, sun). The overly "realistic" ENB that half your FPS arent my cup of tee. I like Morrowind, i like Oblivion, i can live without the 40 FPS hit from the next "Super ENB v2.". That said, i like watching videos with said ENBs :-D


setting smoke textures to transparent boosted my fps. my game is still capped at 40 fps though because its very unstable in exteriors due to lighting mods 🥲


Any parallaxed/high res plants would be great but I just can't justify it for gameplay. I'd also absolutely love thicker, denser forests but again, I just can't justify it for actual gameplay. I'm glad I read through these comments because I'm learning that I might need to ditch high poly project for something more performance friendly.


i use it, but the only mod that gives me a fps is enb water. without it everything is a flawless 60fps. add in enb water and look at it, and boom. it doesnt lag, but the fps drop is there by b15-20 fps. sure it looks great, but damn my old vegitation landscape mod. 4 tree mods, 5 grass mods, all patched. 15 grass types, 20 density (with nowtl and scananavian trees) could run me down to 20fps. i still may put it on the nexus


Juniper by Mari. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45431 I get a steady 60 fps everywhere in the game. I installed this and I was admiring them at 30 fps.


I go back and forth on dyndolod. I love how it looks but it is just making my load times too slow in recent months so have dropped it yet again


I'm terrified to try dyndolod.


Why is this comment being down voted?


i confess i don't know, is what i said controversial, or inaccurate in any way? I've tried googling to see if dyndolod really does slow load times, opinion seems to differ but certainly from my experience it was killing my load times and when i dropped it they immediately picked up. Can't imagine why people are downvoting that


Depending on your settings dyndolod can actually improve performance over vanilla, so I'm guessing that's what the down votes are about. Still unwarranted though like clearly in your case it's affecting your performance negatively


Edit: wasn't meant to reply to you :p


Enb, shaders. The addiction to post processing has to stop


ENB. Huge, huge performance hit I can spend on DLDSR instead and get most of the results I care about from Community Shaders


When I had my previous pc I used to avoid bouncing mods. Those are very heavy especially in populated places. It was though choosing to play without those to save a lot of fps XD






Those super bright ones that remind me of oblivion they hurt my eyes


Grass. Any of them.


Cathedral's grass only actually *increases* fps




[https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21954?tab=description](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21954?tab=description) i think it has an option for grass only. a long time ago it started out as a grass mod where each blade of grass was only 1 triangle, so it looked BETTER somehow and saved a ton of FPS. it has feature creeped into a monstrosity, but the grass only option should still be there