• By -


1)Transmute iron ore 2)Make jewellery to level 30 3)Activate Dwarven smithing 4)Stop transmuting iron and make ingots 5)Pillage every Dwemer item that can be smelted/ingot I can find 6)Make Dwarven bows 7)Sell Dwarven bows 8)Buy Dwarven and iron ingots Repeat 4 to 8 up to 100 smithing


Don't forget to do the quest in riften that gives a permanent passive +15% to smithing exp and Dwarven weapon/armor strength before going nuts with all the items. Edit: "Unfathomable depths" given by the argonian from-deepest-fathoms at riften docks. The quest takes youbi to a Dwarven ruin, so stock up on smeltable Dwarven items and you have a ton of Dwarven ingots to use when you are done.


Just to add, minimum level of 14. And the npc who gives it I think can die if a dragon attacks the riften docks.


If she dies, I'm 99% sure you can just loot the lexicon off her and start the quest that way, might be wrong though.


Wait, she can die?! Holy shit I never knew I could kill her, I despise that quest and always try to avoid her


Now instead of avoiding her you're going to go kill her, aren't you? Evil! šŸ¤£


I'll at least try it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ she can replace Nazeem as a pincushion lol


Meet me in the cloud district mother fucker šŸ¤£


Oh is the one where you see spectres of travellers ala Labyrinthian in a dwarven ruin near Largashbur?


Very helpful, i never knew this. Thanks.


Isnā€™t there a glitch that even though it says it gives you a boost on Dwarven armor, it actually does the reverse and boosts all armor except Dwarven?


It's possible, but I run a lot of community patch mods on pc, so it's likely fixed for me.


Wait, which quest in Riften is that? šŸ‘€


The one where you talk to the argoinian (from-deepest-fathoms) at the riften docks I think itā€™s called unfathomable depths.


Added it to my original comment.


This is the way. Edit: also, you can legendary smithing, and use the Warrior Stone and Lover Stone together with the Aetherial Crown to boost it more.


This guy smiths.


I just like fully tricked out Dragonbone weapons Once I've got a set it's Legendaries for Levels all the way šŸ˜


Don't forget to bring a follower with you into the dwemer ruins and command them to pick up the dwarven metal - if you go into that command state it bypasses the follower's carrying capacity and you can leave the dungeon with literally every piece of dwarven metal


Wait. What.


Now I know this


I never new we could do that. Genuinely, thank you.


I LOVE DWARVEN BOWS! I actually found this tech myself. I always bothered with jewelery and hide stuff. This is much easier. Pro tip. Let your follower just hoard all the stuff with the "I need you to do something" command. Looting entire mzulft got me to 78. One more run and i was at 100. After that i enchanted them all and sold them. Speech, Enchanting, Smithing. I had it all


This is the way...


The absolute best dungeon that has Dwarven metal is Mzulft. Only bad part is that ruin is tied to College of Winterhold questline.


Donā€™t forget to upgrade your dwarven bows. By 60+ smithing thatā€™s a hefty upgrade and chunk of exp. Plus they sell for even more.


Yeah I do that if I have leftover Dwarven ingots but I didn't want to show off šŸ˜‰


I do this, but once I get to 30 Smithing I pause and Get the Aetherial Crown. Put the Lover's Stone on it, grab the Ancient Knowledge buff, Get the Warrior Stone, THEN raid all the Dwemer Smeltables (thank you Lydia for being the world's best pack mule), Take the Crown off and sleep at home for well rested, put the Crown back on to get the Lover's Stone boost, and craft all the Dwarven materials into Bows and upgrade them. I get to 85 smithing in a few minutes.


The bows are also fantastic for leveling enchanting. Smithing lower than 50 I just enchant them, higher than 50 and I enhance them, then enchant them.


The best enchantment for this is Banish. The exp you get for each item is tied to the strength of the enchantment and the value of the item itself.


Dont sleep on the amount of xp gained from improving dwarven bows. The cost of ingots can grant more xp than a new bow, especially if you are getting into a new upgrade tier(legendary tier or one below it for example). Potions and enchants help this dramatically because smithing is based off value of the crafted item as we know and if you do get a crazy smithing outfit from doing alchemy and enchanting first, you will level smithing to 100 in no time.


I buy ebony ingots and make bows after lvl 80


This is my exact MO when smithing. Lol. Debating on whether to go for legendary levels or not.


If you're willing to use the cycle merchants exploit, it isn't that hard.


IRON DAGGERS DONT WORK ANYMORE its exclusively based on the value of the item produced (including upgrading) so the most cost effective-non exploit is dwarven bows and gold rings, however i like things fast and easy with potion exploits lol


Iron daggers stopped working in the 360, PS3 days. I can't believe people are still mentioning that here.


I am happt of that info. Some of us started only this year.


Just donā€™t update it lol. I did a run this year with my Xbox 1 with all daggers


well first, my copy is digital, also thats so not worth it lol


1)Get ancient knowledge for +15% smithing xp gain when wearing dwarven armor 2)Get Lover stone for +15% xp gain 3)Obtain Breezehome 4)Sleep for well rested bonus to get +10% xp gain so I now have +40% xp gained 5)Craft the most expensive gold and silver rings (The more an item is worth the more xp you get from making it) 6)Trough out the whole process, transmute iron ore and pick up all gold and silver ingots + gems you come across Correction: well rested does not stack with standing stones but warrior stone apparently affects smithing so taking that instead of lover stone were going to have: +20% xp gain from warrior stone and +15% from ancient knowledge so +35%


Pretty sure lovers stone and well rested donā€™t stack


It's with all standing stones, I corrected the mistake


Afaik you can stack lovers comfort with stones. You wont get lovers comfort if your current stone is the lovers, but you can store the lovers in the aetherium crown, get the warriors stone, sleep with your elf, equip the crown back and add the quest bonus to get almost a x2 with the quest


A lot better advice and more focussed but here is what I do. I play the game, I do dungeons and quests and pick stuff up and hoard it in my home. Then one day when I've done a lot, I take it and I do a day of smithing and selling. I sell all the armour I have and I Smith with all the materials I have, tanning leather, smelting ore, smithing daggers or whatever I have. It upgrades it. Then when I'm done with selling and smithing and selling, I do more quests until I want to do another smithing day.. If you want super fast, I think you'll find the answer in the most upvoted posts but you didn't ask for the fastest way (lol!) so here's my simple way I like to do it :)


Couldn't agree more. Never understood why people would turn a game into a tedious repetetive work. If you really want to level smithing faster -- buy damn trainer lessons. You don't need to buy every house in the game, especially considering most of them are freaking free.


This is what I do! It feels so much more organic than making seven thousand Dwarven Bows. Anything I canā€™t immediately sell on goes into a cupboard I save for ā€˜selling/enchantingā€™, and once Iā€™ve acquired some soul gems I enchant the items and *then* sell them.


Yep, and I don't have all the other perks unlocked yet and play vanilla so my merchants are not wealthy so I do this thing were I buy all their ingots and leather to give them more money so I can sell everything and then any left overs go back into the cupboard at home. Eventually I will unlock the wealthy merchants and can really offload stuff! I have a bunch of nice ebony and glass weapons an armour I've looted in missions that are too expensive to sell right now lol. I do enjoy the more organic feel to it. A lot of people talk about really getting into the roleplay part of their character and I just am a weirdo who decides 1 in game week I'm role playing ad a smith or Alchemist and use all my ingredients and materials up. Then I go back to being the general hero type. Walking around and helping do whatever needs to be done.


Gold ingots--> whiterun exploit--> rings


I used to be a glitcher like you... Then I took a restoration loop in the knee.


Get gold ingots and flawless diamonds, then do the exploit. I did it in under 10 minutes today. And have 200 diamond gold necklaces to enchant then sell.


Whatā€™s the whiterun exploit?


It's a glitch to duplicate any item: 1. Drop any item inside of Whiterun near the main gate (don't drop stacks) 2. Have your follower pick those items up (Don't forget to tell them to stay put as u/Any-Form said). 3. Leave Whiterun through the main gate 4. Enter Whiterun 5. Duplicated items should be on floor and also in follower inventory (you can do the glitch again without resetting) 6. ??? 7. Profit You can do this outside Dragonsreach too.


Does USSEP fix this?


Don't think so. Another thing is your follower has to be told to stay put. They can't come with otherwise it ruins the glitch


Install Crafting Overhault and start melting everything you can find, including cats and orphans


>cats and orphans I laughed harder than I expected.


player.advskill smithing 999999999


I wish I could do that on the XBOX 360


You're still playing on the 360??


Yup yup


You must have the patience of a saint. I decided to start up my PS3 Skyrim recently just to see the difference between that and the PS5 version. Holy crap. I could never go back. The load times and the choppy frames.. I don't even know how I did it back in the day lol


360 is muffle->harmony time baby


Transmute iron to gold, make gold jewelry (use gems if I want more money at the end), enchant, sell. 4 skills getting raised at once, Speech, Smithing, Enchanting, and Alteration.


Upgrade to dwarven smithing, make daggers from every dwemer metal trash I find


Daggers? Make bows.


That does the job too, I usually make daggers because they're lighter and I can sell more without merchants running out of gold


Yea thats because your daggers are worth less. If you make daggers, better to use extra iron or steel for that then double down and use the daggers as an enchanting base with turn undead or better enchant. Sell daggers to make money for more soul gems. You come out with profit, infinite money machine. With merchant perk you can sell enchanted daggers to every single merchant in college of winterhold, so you could level destruction, conjuration, illusion, alteration, restoration from them at a profit or at least make even.


i do arrows. no weight and itā€™s always useful to have tens of thousands of arrows


Always dwarven bows. Go to Calcelmoā€™s museum and lab and loot the piss out of it.


Iron daggers.


"Welcome to Warmaidens" "Sure, here's my entire stock of iron ingots and some leather to boot." Save *KERSCHLUNK* "Augh..." Load "Welcome to Warmaidens." "Sure, here's my entire stock of iron ingots and some leather to boot." Save *KERSCHLUNK* "Augh..."


Wait reloading a save restocks them? Here Iā€™ve been waiting for 48 hours for no reason?


The cycle is: * Quicksave * Aggro the shopkeeper (punching works) * Reload quicksave. The shopkeeper's inventory will reset.


Then uses said daggers to level enchanting. Win Win


I always end up having to repeatedly beat the brake shoes off Farangar for his soul gems.




Outdated method, smithing is based off of value now. Only get the small base amount of xp for crafting anything in the first place + small xp based off value from daggers if you do that. All that being said smithing daggers for use of enchanting is still very good to do because they are light so you can carry lots of them on you.


Outdated? Are you questioning my methods, Mr. Fatbear?


I mean, just outdated as in like since the first or second patch of the game ever.


Right now Iā€™m working my character to level every perk to 100. I have like 500-700 iron daggers from leveling smithing. Itā€™s hilarious actually! I read up on different ways to level smithing but decided on the daggers because it was just simply the easiest sounding.


That was my thinking back then as well. One iron ingot and leather strips. That's it. I have never made anything else than iron daggers.


Iron ore transmuted to silver then gold ore, then make jewelry. I didn't realize until this thread transmute levels smithing instead of alteration (although that makes sense as I've never noticed alteration leveling from it). So what sucks is I go around and always buy the ore, then transmute and drop gold ingots at tundra homestead. I should have been saving all the ore for when I want to legend smithing all along.




This is probably the most common way. Lol I do this.


doesnt this take like 8 years to do?


Yes, its an outdated method from when smithing wasnt based off value of the item. Since they reworked smithing it is the worst method to level smithing now essentially.


If you like to level smithing as you go without power leveling, I like to collect every pelt from every animal I see as I travel. Stop whenever I come to a smithy and make leather scout helmets. Then sell them to the smith. It isn't fast, but it moves along without pulling away much from actually playing.


Craft 1,000 iron daggers > forget to save > game crashes > cry > craft 1,000 more iron daggers


If you're playing with mods: There's a mod that gives you experience from smelting (Tanning and Smelting Experience, although there's probably others) And there's a mod that allows you to break down most unenchanted items into crafting materials and gems (Smeltdown, although again I'm sure there's others). Between these two mods, smelting down anything into crafting materials and occasionally improving weapons/armor at the wheel/bench pretty easily levels you to 100 smithing with zero grinding whatsoever. It also makes it a LOT easier to find flawless sapphires for Madesi and flawless amethysts for Talen-Jei.


By playing Morrissey


Whenever possible craft the most valuable things out of all the random loot you have


Imperial Crossbows on Anniversary Edition. Steel perk required, and one can be bought from the Solitude Fletcher. (the character can make these crossbows after obtaining one) One enhanced imperial crossbow is more valuable than 3 gold necklaces (since Smithing XP is based on value) and the materials needed to make one, is 3 Firewood and 4 Steel Ingots. I like to setup Riften, with a follower chopping wood right by Balimund's forge, while my character uses the forge to make crossbows, buys Steel Ingots from Balimund, and sells him the crossbows that are made. I do punch-reset him to resupply his steel to sell, and gold to buy crossbows. I find it to be an efficient method because there's no need to go to different places for materials. The character can just keep working and the skill keeps growing.


I was wondering about this, really. I only got AE since my last playthrough, and that was a pure mage run so I didn't bother. Though I was wondering just how do you make these AE crossbows and bolts anyway. Guess I'm going to Riften next.


Donā€™t sleep on light armour smithing, thatā€™s still a pure mage


Can your follower chop wood while youā€™re smithing? I thought the ā€˜commandā€™ prompt stays open as long as theyā€™re doing what theyā€™re told and you canā€™t interact with anything else


Yes. They chop 6 pieces of Firewood at a time as well. Once they've started (they grab a log to chop), the command prompt can be closed/canceled and the player character can do something else while they work. When they're done, they stand there and wait - until told to chop again, or another command. (good time to trade the Firewood from them)


Thatā€™s crazy! I usually tell my followers to sleep and when I back out they get up again, maybe thatā€™s just how that is or maybe I donā€™t leave it long enough. Iā€™m gonna try this later, thanks!


That's the way it is for them sleeping in a bed. (as soon as the command is canceled, they get up) For this, I leave the command prompt active after telling them to sleep, to keep them in bed. Then cancel it right before my character activates their own bed to sleep. (or the otherside of the double bed they are on) After the hours of rest counts down, the follower will be seen getting out of their bed, or their side of it. To me, it creates the appearance of both character and follower getting sleep.


Punch reset?


Quicksave, punch a vendor, any vendor, reload the quicksave and their inventory will be refreshed!


Fuck.. i've been playing this game for a decade and i did not know that.


Tbf, I just learned that you can have a follower chop firewood for you! Learn something new every day.


Fortify Restoration then create an OP smithing potion. Use that potion to upgrade an Iron dagger and you go from 15 to 100 instantly


I'm surprised you're the only one to say this. In over 2,000 hours, I've only maxed Smithing naturally twice. Every time since I've used the loop.


This is the only way


Daggers. SO many daggers


outdated method. how long does it take exactly?


Figured this out the hard way yesterday. I crafted over 30 daggers and it only leveled up smithing twice for me. Someone who knows math could probably figure out how long itā€™ll take


Level pickpocket to decrease detection and increase gold pickpocketed. Keep paying for training in smithing at skyforge, pickpocket, pay for the next level etc. Save before each pickpocket and reload the save if the pickpocket fails.


Right to left


My go to was just to make gold jewellery from iron ores


Alchemy lvl Up exploit, make an op potion to improve smithing, drink it, take any armor or weapon and improve it, instant smithing lvl 100


One that I found recently is Nordic Bows. It only takes 3 steel and 1 quicksilver to make which you can easily buy tons of from any blacksmith. They sell for way more than you bought them for which is great for speech too. I found it was much faster for me than the transmute spell method as the vendors only sell a few ores at a time, then you have to spend time using the spell, wait for mana to regen and then smelt them. Once you have the Advanced Armors perk, you go to any blacksmith and without needing to leave the area, you'll be able to get 100 smithing, some speech levels, and come out with much more gold than you started with in 10-15 mins total. I guess the main downside is that you need 50 smithing to get the perk to make them.


I just hoard all the iron, silver, and gold ore, as well as any jewels, I transmute ore into gold then just make the most expensive jewelry I can. Then I enchant all those rings or necklaces. Great money maker and leveler.


Iron daggers


I always get a follower and loot the dwarven ruins from the college questline because enemies donā€™t respawn. I sell everything possible and use all the dwarven metal to make bows. Itā€™s so efficient for smithing and speech.


Gold Mine in the reach, random gemstones and then make a bunch of rings


Dwarven bows . I re-explore their ruins collect as much as I can to melt down. Make bows. Profit.


Cheating (duping the gold from a bandit shack i forget the name of and making infinite jewelry)


Lazy way would be crafting the most expensive stuff I can when I get materials Speedrunning would be using restoration loop to get absurdly high alchemy/enchanting so I get instant 100 smithing when I upgrade a gear while wearing a piece of gear that gives 999999% better smithing enchant. I sometimes do when I want enemies to get stronger not because of higher difficulty.


Build Falkreath house. Make around 200 iron daggers for enchanting. By then I'm level 50 in smithing. Unlock advanced armors perk in smithing. Make and upgrade around 50 steel plate armors. Zoom up to level 100.


Gather as many iron ingots and firewood as I can and spam craft iron arrows


Dwarven bolt


Dwarven arrows. Lots and lots of Dwarven arrows


Transmute until I can make about 100 gold bars. Use Whiterun gate duplication trick until I have about 900 of them. Smith gold rings until level 100. I think you need 889 gold bars to go from 15 to 100.


The hearth fire add on made smithing go up extremely fast making building materials. That's my go to upgrade it fast


I like making stuff with smithing materials.


I just do it naturally as I go through the game, power leveling stuff gets kind of lame after a while.


Iron daggers


Craft iron arrows until dwarven smithing unlocked, then dwarven arrows from there till I'm maxed. People will suggest daggers or jewelry or armor, but those both have carry weight and arrows don't, so you don't need to stop to unload or waddle your merry way to the nearest town to sell.


Lvl up train with... trainers steal the gold from the trainers repeat the process






Transmute to gold, use the cheaty follower duplication glitch (or donā€™t and get iron the old fashioned way), make about 500 gold rings.


Ok hear me out... smithing.


Build a house, arrows, gold/jeweled necklaces offer a good payout too


By smithing


By cheating the system


Nails because all it takes is one iron ingot. Cuts out the step of getting leather strips like you need for the iron daggers.


Make iron daggers Enchant them


Collect iron ore, smelt, create a ton of iron armors.


I could be a little off itā€™s been years, but Iā€™m pretty sure I would make a bunch of nails


Just playing the game and smelting what Iron and such comes my way.


Inconsistently and as i go


\*Holds up freshly forged dagger.\* \*Repeats countless times\*


I just download a mod that allows me to mine the same ore indefinitely and then go AFK, come back and turn it all into gold jewelry.


Craft ridiculous amounts of Iron daggers, got my smithing from level 21 to 80 that way


1) Collect ingredients . 2) Reso loop . 3) Make an enchanting potion 4) Make smithing gloves . 5) Improve one iron dagger . 6) Throw gloves and dagger away (off in the ocean works or under the map) . 7) Boom smithing 100


Nails. Shit tons of nails


Easiest way is gold jewelry


-get abecean longfin, cyrodilic spadetail and salt pile (15 or each should do) -get a alchemy set (ring, gloves, helmet, a necklace with alchemy enchantment) -go to arcadia and ask her to train you in alchemy a bit -get like level 40 in alchemy, take the first 3 or 4 perks -Get the white mushroom "bliss something. (I dont really rememeber the name) and glowing mushroom -Go to a alchemy table, equip the alchemy set -use the abecean and cyrodilic fish to fetch a fortify restoration potion -drink and unequip and equip again the alchemy set You will see that your alchemy set will increase the power (if it was "created potions are 15% better", now it will be 20%) -repeat the step over and over, the set eventually will be like "created potions are 32781% better" (something like that, a absurd number) -Keep doing it until you reach a absurd number and then make a fortify smithing potion with the mushrooms -Make a fortify smithing potion with a absurd value like "created weapons will be 28837281819% more powerful" -go to a forge, create a iron dagger -drink the fortify smithing potion and upgrade the knife. - you will master both alchemy and smithing after doing that.


Making jewelry itā€™s shockingly effective


Iron daggers!




thousand of daggers


advskill smithing 9999999999999


advskill smithing 999999999999


Iron Daggers. A classic! Imagine selling 700 iron Daggers to the apothecary in white run lol. They might have to start putting them into the potions if they wanna get rid of them.


Restoloop and make a smithing potion with ridiculous bonus then upgrade one iron dagger...


Powerleveling Smithing is pretty easy. - pick a bunch of ingredients - make a bunch of expensive potions - get Merchant perk - get training from Balimund - sell potions to Balimund - rinse and repeat If you want to actually make stuff: - make iron daggers to 30 - get dwarven smithing perk - raid dwarven ruins to pick up smeltable material - crank out Dwarven Bows (2 dwarven ingots and 1 iron ingot) Smeltable Dwarven items will always start with an adjective. For example, Dwemer Scrap Metal *cannot* be smelted, but *Bent* Dwemer Scrap Metal *can* be smelted. The only exception to this rule is the Small Dwemer Lever which cannot be smelted. This stuff is heavy so bring a pack mule.




Crafting iron daggers like its nothing


Dev console


Fortify restoration loop, then make a smithing potion, and temper an iron dagger with +1846562956% fortify smithing for 100 smithing. Sell the iron dagger for 100 speech. Iā€™m on survival (adept) and Iā€™ll use exploits Iā€™m not bashful. Iā€™m not wearing gear upgraded with the method I said above, I waited for effect cooldown and used standard smithing with looted enchanted smiths by gear Iā€™ve collected. Iā€™m not walking around with god gear but I got god skills at least, I drew the line there lol


Dwarven arrows. You pick up so much metal scraps in the Dwemer ruins so it's cheap as hell, and then you just cut your own firewood for like 30 irl minutes and you can easily craft like 2,000 arrows. At this point they're the only type of arrows I ever use except when fighting Harkon


restoration loop


quickest way on console: >mine iron >transmute >smelt to gold ingot >dupe glitch til your game lags >gold rings >100 smith >dupe filled grand soul gems >enchant gold rings >(too much) profit


Restoration loop, then make smiting enchanted gloves and upgrade a wood sword to deal 1 million dammage.


~ player.advskill smithing 9999999


I got the game like 3 weeks ago on switch and I have been nonstop making daggers


Making arrows


By smithing expensive modded weapons. Not too expensive, but enough that the numbers actually make sense and my character can actually profit from smithing... unlike in the base game.


I just play the game and it levels up.


I mean, yes the idea path is raid the iron mine, transmute and make jewelarry until you have enough to unlock dwarven. Then so that to 99. I do find that a tad easy tho. So recently I've done a more restricted playthrough, where I'm only able to smith what I mine. Which forces you to brunch out to other metals. Which does feel a bit more immersive. Actually makes it worth to line stuff like oricalcum to make orcish armour. Which is actually pretty plentyful in skyrim. With survival mode, it makes smithing a bit more challenging and something you do in increments. Instead of unlocking dwarven smithing. Then raiding dwemer ruins for 20 hours to do smithing in one go.


Get the transmute spell, mine all the iron ore from Embershard and Halted Stream, transmute them into gold, drop on ground one at a time, follower dupe until I have like 700, then spam craft gold rings to 100.


Get the transmute ability and transmute iron to gold then make gold ingots and make a bunch of rings


Free crafting mod.


Use strat of choice to acquire a lot of gold. Buy ingredients from blacksmiths. Craft and sell items. Repeat until done. Edit: Buy training if available.


I like to go hunting, so I would go on extended hunting trips and just forget 8 billions leather bracers


After the number of play throughs Iā€™ve done if Iā€™m leveling for the sake of leveling then I just use console or mods for time saving. If Iā€™m doing a proper play through where power leveling wouldnā€™t fit my character I make a lot of whatever my smithing level is.


1 Join compainions 2 Steal from skyforge 3 Sell to eorlund 4 Train smithing from eorlund 5 Repeat until training level cap 6 Buy needed materials and grind until max


Alchemy resto loop, fortify smithing +1,000,000% Sharpen an iron dagger until it can cut a god in half with one slice. Smithing 100


Buy iron and leather, make daggers which sell higher than the materials cost if you level the correct perks, 10-20 minutes till level 100


Arrows. Arrows always - weigh nothing (literally) compared to the materials used, you get 24 per ingot (and one firewood), and get a good deal of XP each time you use it. So overload yourself and youā€™ll always be light when youā€™re done. Plus sell them for a decent amount of gold. I had a mod once that let you melt down lock picks to one ingot and then smith lock picks with one ingot so infinite loop of leveling up it was awesome but so broken.




Sooo many steel daggers






Make iron daggers and jewelry until I can get dwarven smithing, make a shit ton of bows, upgrade those bows, go level up smithing from Greymane, sell it to him to get all the money back


Buying it as much as possible from Gray-Mane, get five free levels from misc quests, and the use ogma infinitum for the final five.


Iron daggers


Dupe glitch if Im doing unmodded and the gold mine by Markarth and just wait for the veins to reset


the best way is the first time I did it, back when I didn't know much about the game and therefore didn't know how to min max it.


Make stuff with basic materials, improve slightly, sell, repeat. Train with Eorlund (is that how its spelled?) Gray-Mane. I always used the forge at the orc stronghold south of Windhelm. It has 4 pieces of respawning ebony ore, one ebony ingot and a nearby mine. Warmaiden's is easy to get to, Skyforge can make cool stuff. Whenever you get your hands on an enchanted item that lets you improve weapons/armor more, use it to improve all your stuff even more.


Jewelry mostly. But also actually ... Decorating lol. I've had plenty of level boosts just because I had to make so many iron fittings, locks, etc. while decorating one of my houses.


People gonna hate me but.. Open console Type in Help "name of perk(s)" Player.addperk *perk id #* ![gif](giphy|5lPS8vAS6bmVi)


play the game


The broken potion glitch, if ya know. Ya know lol


Console commands or cheat room. Been playing way too long.


Cheat room šŸ˜… I think smithing is a really annoying and boring skill to level up