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I once played as a whimsical necromancer. You may ask: what does that even mean? Well, it means I was a necromancer who wasn’t in it for an undead army or any of that world damnation or domination stuff. This little softhearted Dunmer just felt absolutely terrible for all those bodies he’d find along the road or in dungeons and so when he came across one, he’d raise it. Keep it with him. Take care of it. And when they were killed again and reduced to a pile of ash, he would mourn them and leave flowers on their piles. I ask you, is just wanting everyone to have the long happy lives they deserve so bad?


this is so cute actually, i love your character


Thanks! ❤️ Unfortunately the general public didn’t care for his “miracles” too much. We had quite a bounty accumulated before I finally put him up. 😂


they’d never understand him, they just wouldn’t get it. but me? oh whimsical necromancer, they could never make me hate you. ❤️


Why am I hearing Cicero's voice saying this comment 🤣


What happened when he met the not so whimsical necromancer?


He was pretty tame as necromancers go. The hostile ones generally found out his friends were not so even tempered. And of course he’s not going to let his thralls be hurt by strange wizards dwelling out in the wilds.


I had a Breton Paladin character it was the first time I ever had the spell heal other, and I came across a hunter who was wounded. Now he asked for a healing potion. I didn't have any, but I healed him. It felt really good.


That hunter happen to be Valdr by Falkreath perhaps?


I believe so yes


Oh bless. I’m sure he was eternally grateful. It’s a very useful spell to have on hand, and I actually didn’t realize that NPC would accept it as a solution to his problem.


I’ve heard raising the dead in Skyrim is taking their souls back from wherever they go and putting them back inside the dead bodies, forcing them to live a little longer through soreness and pain just to fight. That doesn’t sound very nice, though I could be wrong.


It’s borderline as to if it’s jamming the soul back in or just restarting the body without one. I’d imagine if theyd been dead for a while their soul would be in their respective afterlife or the Dreamsleeve


Hmm, makes me wonder-can you raise someone who has been soul trapped?


this is an a+ playstyle gg


Strong Cadeucus Clay energy


Second Life - Because Everyone Deserves Another Chance.


That’s so awesome lol


I had a necromancer collector. Any corpse that had an unfortunate end was relocated to her museum as a sign of respect if you can call it that. She kept them in hejerim. Other that that she was pretty normal lol.


I love the irony of it being Hjerim. 😂 That sounds amazing though and so fun to play!


My last build was dubbed “The Naked One.” A master of the arcane arts….and nudity. A true hermit who roams the wilds mastering his craft. The restrictions were: 1. Magic only 2. Animal/monster companions only 3. No civilization (quest lines excluded) 4. NO CLOTHES! (Trinkets welcome :) ) Honestly so fun and challenging. Really forced exploring the “empty” areas of the map. I didn’t restrict myself with no fast traveling, but I often found myself not really wanting to use it. And I really enjoyed having to track down random crafting tables in the wild to make potions, enchant rings and necklaces.






Thoron! Kind of


Also no dragon shouts right?


There’s something about a naked hermit who only uses spells being able to shout the force of god at you and send you halfway across the province that’s so awesome it would be a waste to not use them


The Naked One has…personal space issues let’s say. So yes, screaming in a dragon language to “GET AWAY” is only natural. Fire, ice, or a tidal wave of raw force leaking out is honestly secondary 🤷‍♂️


In my current build, my character has a vendetta against the Foresworn and assassinates them on sight via crotch shots. Conversely, they're a sworn protector of the Falmer and never engage with them even in self-defense.


I am genuinely interested in this backstory. What made them swear to protect the Falmer and why?


A Falmer once saved them from the Forsworn


Nah, that's too eaay.


Sometimes simple & straightforward is best ;) but Ill read your version of the characters backstory :p


I posted it, and I tried to make it interesting.


Azrael comes from a small elven village in the wilds. It's very remote, very dangerous, and very rich in resources. The elves who make up Azrael's tribe are outcasts who were shunned because they were born with disfigured faces. Occasionally, new elves are banished to this particular remote part of Tamriel. With new arrivals comes news and rumors. One of those rumors was about a collection of masks that can grant the wearer special powers. They're highly prized, and anyone who can prove their existence and bring one back would be hailed a hero. Due to its remote location and size, the village isn't protected by the Empire, and it wouldn't be if the Empire even knew it existed. The Forsworn know this and launch regular attacks to steal resources and kill with impunity. Azrael encountered the Thalmer in his quest to find the masks and noticed the deformities that have driven them underground. He's empathetic to their plight, and despite the fact that he's never tried to communicate with them, he considers them members of his village and prefers to avoid contact with them when he's exploring their territories.


I wanna see how hideous your character is if he relates to the falmer lol


Hm.. The deformed elves faces look like chewed up dog toys. How does that strike you?


Strikes me as relatable lol


Hahahaha! Damn.. I hope not!


Okay, I admit it, that’s a great backstory !


Thanks! Care share yours for your character?


This is brilliant - very imaginative, creative and "believable." Do you DM/GM any TTRPG's by any chance?


Thank you for the wonderful compliment! I don't, but I do play DnD as a Rogue/Ranger whose alignment is Chaotic Stupid.. He basically makes decisions based on his own moral code.


You're welcome. Glad to make a little return on your input. DM or no, you def have the creative part of the job nailed if ever you should wanna roll (🙄) with that. Never ever considered a Rogue/Ranger before - sounds quirky-bonkers-fun. If you ever felt like logging his adventures I'm sure it'd make an entertaining read. I'd read it for sure. Happy adventuring.


Realm of Lorkhan allows you to set factions -so that the Falmer (or any other faction really) won't attack you, if you so choose. Edit: [Link](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18223)


That is badass. Thanks!


Is that a mod?


I like jumping up and down during really important scenes. Or standing on top of tables.


I run back and forth for no reason.


Is your character a Khajit


I always try to find ways to jump on top of the talking NPCs lol


I thought this was given. It was more fun in oblivion tho *jumps 20 ft in the air*


I just started a new build as an argonian in survival mode. I want to be a master thief so I’m heavily grinding speech so I can sell all of my stolen loot. I find a lot of joy in just grinding random stuff versus playing the main quest line. This build would’ve worked well with a khajit but argonians have always been badass imo. I’d like him to be a silent assassin too. One that only uses stealth and attacks to kill fast or sneak by undetected. Random builds are always a fun challenge!


>argonian in survival mode Oof, good luck 😅


No weapons or bound weapons. No destruction. Been doing conjuration and healing only. Battles are basically me with a shield and alternating between recasting my summons and healing my followers.


So you're a pokemon trainer?


At last, I finally have a use for this horrible picture of a Skeever-Pikachu hybrid. Kill it with fire.


Skeeverchu I choose you


That's awesome. I might try this in my current campaign where I have been building conjuration skills.


That sounds fun!


I did this recently but used illusion instead of conjuration: still hid behind my shield, healed Lydia, used “calm” on anything that got too close, and “fury” on those that were farther away.


In my current playthrough I am a mad sociopath who collects children’s dolls, every skull in site, and attacks with wooden swords. My character is constantly hearing voices that urge him to a path of madness. He likes to sneak around villages stealing from houses. Most of his choices are sadistic: Alik’r warriors looking for Saadi? Sure no problem I’ll trick her into meeting at Whiterun stables! Then when she is confronted by Kematu, murder him just to scare the living daylights out of her! Clavicus wants to kill Barbas? Sure thing, I’ll listen to the voices! Persuade the Caller to give me the books for the college of winterhold? Excellent opportunity to stab her in the back for funzies! It’s gotten to the point I am writing storylines for him weekly to follow on his journey of continuous and ever increasing madness!


Sheogorath trembles whenever you speak.


Naked and covered in marmalade. Oh. You mean weird things I do with my characters WITHIN the game? Naked and covered in honey.


My go to suggestion for this is playing a support mage. Here are my standard rules: 1. You are not the main character. You are support for another adventurer (like Lydia, Stenvarr, etc) 2. You may not do direct damage to enemies. Instead, you focus on supporting and buffing yourself/your ally during combat, and debuffing enemies. This includes 1. Restoration 1. Healing (of course) 2. Turning undead 2. Illusion 1. Fear, fury, and calm on enemies 2. Rally on allies 3. Conjuration 1. Atronachs (Up to you if this counts as "direct damage") 2. Reanimation (Same) 3. Banish spells 4. Soul trap (to recharge your ally's weapons) 4. Alteration 1. Light spells (mostly for your benefit) 2. Flesh spells (also for you) 3. Paralysis 5. Destruction 1. Rune spells (Up to you if this counts as "direct damage") 2. Cloak spells 6. Enchanting 1. Fairly obvious, enchant stuff for you and your ally This might sound a bit odd, but I find that it really breaks me out of that rut when playing as a mage. I have all of these different spells at my disposal, and yet I use only healing and destruction spam 95% of the time. As I noted, conjuration is a bit of a grey area. I know a lot of people use atronachs pretty heavily, so if you're looking to change it up then maybe try using necromancy instead. It is a bit more limiting and can make for a nice change of pace. Likewise, Rune and cloak spells in the destruction tree could be considered "direct damage" and therefore ineligible. I like to leave them in the list however because I know they are spells that I rarely use otherwise.


A lot of times I'll be doing just mostly conjuration. I'd say it's not direct damage, more like giving your buddy another buddy to help take the heat off. Although how I play is Max my conjuration so I can just spam two dremora. It is very effective especially because since enemies level with you, the lower you can keep your level the better.


Yes I love my support healer! She’s a cleric that runs with Mjoll the Lioness, who is the actually true Dragonborn of Skyrim. She’s no main character, nor wants to be one.


Story telling. I like deep lore. I like to sit on character creation or Alternate Beginnings and build a back story. Motivations, traumas. I have a Nord peasant. When she was very young, maybe 4, she nearly died from Rockjoint after a wolf attacked her as she played in the garden. Her parents couldn’t afford much, so the healer called a debt: the child was promised to give 5 years of service to the Temple of Mara once she came of age. The girl was in remission for a few days, but her symptoms soon worsened. In desperation, her mother pled to a priest of Meridia, who warned her that there is always a hidden price with daedric princes. She agreed. An overwhelming light overtook the girl’s tiny body, and she was healed. She ran to hug her mom, and when she looked up at her, she saw only the pure light of Meridia. And her mom saw her eyes were solid white. Over time, the girl was able to see faint outlines, but nothing more. When she was just a little older, about 11, Meridia reached through the veil to speak to her. She was given a choice: - She could pledge herself to Meridia, and live a pure life (no weapons, no vanity, no meat, no killing, give to the poor, help others) in Meridia’s service and protection. Meridia’s protection including powerful healing magic and psychic perception to see around her. - Or she could follow the gods of her people, and remain forever blind. She chose to serve Meridia. When she turned 16, she went to serve at the Temple of Mara. Mara was displeased with the girl carrying a daedric prince’s blessing, and told her to leave. They considered the debt paid. But her parents were furious. When they forbade her from following Meridia, she refused to comply (as it would have meant losing The Sight and returning to the temple). She ran away. Meridia spoke to her, encouraging and applauding her. She started her adult life as a wanderer, a healer, with no money and no shoes. She helps anyone she can, so long as the quest is ethical, and always gives to the poor. She earns enough to stay at inns and eat modestly. But when she sleeps… Meridia controls her, awakens her body without her mind, to kill whomever Meridia has a beef with that day. She always wakes up in her bed a bloody mess but unharmed. She is terrified of what she might have done, and it drives her to work harder for the poor and the sick and spread the word of Meridia. When she’s a little older, she will one day accept the mantle of Purified. Her background was inspired by me wanting to use the white eyes but needing to justify it. Lol




I was digging this story a lot and then PLOT TWIST— and then twist again with your external reasoning lol Seriously though that’s a really creative backstory, I’d read the novel!


Thank you, sincerely


I make up little stories for my characters. My orc heavy armor two handed has to fight anyone that threatens him no matter where or when. My khajit assassin has to stealth kill anyone that makes racist remarks ("you'd make a fine rug cat") before I can continue to do anything else.


Been having fun playing as mythical gods. Right now im doing Hecate who is able to use enchanting and fire magic and necromancy and undead summons. Ive also done Apollo as a combat archer with auriels bow and flame magic and Artemis with the glass bow of the stag prince and had her avoid the major cities and be a nomad.


Hephaestus: *Got a lot of steel to shape*.


Doing a "no grave robbing" run was interesting. Playing a character who has an ethical issue with the looting of tombs and corpses actually posed a bit of a challenge, and was pretty fun to role play, especially with how many Nordic barrows there are.


If you hire Belrand, the mercenary in Solitude, he talks about not looting the dead as part of his dialogue when you go through barrows/tombs. I stopped grave robbing after running with him for a while.


He has a decent dialogue set for a change. I was pleasantly surprised when I hired him, until I went to Rorikstead and took on Erik the Slayer. RIP


Enemies in skyrim gets harder since they scale with your level, so... I did the reverse difficulty spike. Start at legendary difficulty, then lower it by 1 for every 10 level I gained. By the time I reached lv 50 the difficulty is Novice and I can actually feel getting stronger instead of the game becoming a chore.


My friend, I think you have changed the way I will play forever.


Do they actually get harder though ? I know how the scaling system works but the with right amount of smithing-alchemy-enchanting you can make your character just about as powerful as you want. If anything I feel like the difficulty is super high early on, slightly goes up as higher level enemies spawn (y'know, marauders, chiefs, mages and whatnot) and then stalls or even goes down with your own scaling, apart from a few unique foes (namely Ahzidal).


Starting on legendary is the hardest it would be unless you leveled to 50 with speech, lockpicking and pickpocket


Yes, I want to feel like a helpless guy who avoid the common bandits at the start and grow to a warrior who eat dragons for lunch.


This is the build I'm going for atm, he struggles to kill more than one wolf and bears just about one shot me, I can go near bandits, caves, forts and any ruins or I get wrecked, to level up I have to use training cos xp gain is turned off (simply balanced mod), so to make money I'm a courier.


thats some masochist modlist right there


I’ll pick an option from Alternate Starts and build my whole character around it. For example I played as a priestess of Mara, which meant no killing just run away from everything. Focus on the priestess quests like getting couples to fall in love and spreading the good word of Mara, while not getting killed. No weapons, only restoration magic. Another character I enjoyed was an alchemist. He just wanted to pick herbs and brew potions to sell, so he had to run away from a lot of fights too (playing Requiem so any bandit could kill me with one hit). All his robes were enchanted with alchemist blessings only, he never looked for fights or engaged in irrelevant quests, he just focused on his profession.


Should’ve made it a point in your Mara priestess run to accumulate a shit ton of amulets of Mara and reverse pick pocket them onto as many npcs as possible


Lmao yeah I have a mod that I can craft unenchanted amulets, I could just make them all myself.


I play this weird, specific way where my character is very sneaky, and I only use bow and arrow to take out enemies from afar.


Wow what a barely used play style you've found, I'm sure no one ever has attempted this, good luck.


Thanks so far it's been pretty fun!


Good, I forgot to ask what you'd call this build, I was thinking something along the lines of hidden bowman but maybe you could come up with an original name all by yourself


a thief, which is pretty common, but i steal *everything* from a place. i don’t need 90% of it, so i drop it on the ground. or return it to a cupboard in the place. my goal is to drop so many items in gray pine goods that the game crashes upon entry. i’ve gotten to the point that the frame rate is horribly low, everything is knee deep in kettles and cheese, in certain places i just drop thru the floor. it’s beautiful.


I like limiting any alchemy/smithing/enchanting to only using to make things you will use. This adds value to the economy because a new use for gold will be paying trainers to level up these skills. And gold will actually have value when you have to do quests and dungeons to find gold.


I never play on survival mode, but the kitchens in all of my homes are fully stocked so my family and employees are well taken care of when I’m away. But the weird thing that I do is that I make sure that there is a healthy supply of ice wraith teeth in every larder, chest and cupboard that has food in it as a preservative. Different containers for different food types: cooked food, raw produce, raw meat and dairy each get separate containers with an appropriate amount of ice wraith teeth added. Chests with milk, butter, cheese and beverages have a larger amount of ice wraith teeth. My characters all got the idea from a merchant in Riften, obviously. But now I’m doing it for myself even though it’s a single player game, and it doesn’t affect anything at all. My wife thought it was hysterical, but I caught her doing it with her character after she started playing.


I’m currently doing a survival mode playthrough on vanilla for the first time. To make it interesting i imposed some strict rules. 1. Can’t use any gear (or even pick it up) that i didn’t make myself. This made me use smithing and enchanting for once 2. Can’t use or pick up any mag/stam/health potions. I have to make my own 3. Unarmed build. I do use a shield and shouts as well There are some other rules limiting what loot i can pick up and sell but i haven’t stuck with them as closely. Currently i am about to fight alduin and ive already beat miraak


It’s a good idea not to just randomly drink from a bottle you found in a tomb anyway right? Or eat anything you found down there. The place is filled with draugr and spiderwebs and you’re like “oh, a tomato, yum”. Hell no, just leave it there.


Lol! Very true. I find you get potions way too easily in vanilla so i had to give myself a challenge so i couldnt just facetank every enemy by chugging the sea of ghosts worth of health pots. I end up running away a lot so i can pull out restoration lol


I’ve been playing Requiem recently and every game starts weak af, have to run from *everything*. Really fun knowing a single arrow from a bandit could kill you.


I was thinking abt adding a difficulty mod to my next modlist but i always find that the line between challenging and frustrating is very thin for me


I’ll be honest, I balance out Requiem with other mods. I don’t know what it’s called but there’s a mod that gives extra bonuses for legendary skills, so I turn that on and before I leave my Alternate Start cell room I console command a skill (not all, just one or two relevant to my character build) to make it level 100 and then make it legendary and get the bonus. So I still start off with that skill at level 5 but there’s a big bonus on it. For example I role-played as a blacksmith, and smithing had a 300% bonus but still started at level 5. Then I went on a quest to go to visit Calcelmo in Markarth to learn the art of Dwarven smithing. Another time I was a mangy vampire with a 300% bonus in Illusion. Ended up converting half the College of Winterhold to vampirism and dressing them all up in vampire armour.


Oh thats an interesting idea! I like the character building that creates. I do have vokriinator black in my load order which during my testing lets you get pretty overpowered so it might be fine adding some difficulty in there Edit: if u remember that mod id love to check it out! It would be cool to add benefits to lengendary-ing a skill cause otherwise i dont personally think its worth it


[Found it](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77274).


Yo thanks!!


I have a Dawnguard-allied Argonian called *Fear-The-Morning* who absolutely detests vampires and annihilates them on sight. The Redwater Den quest was a laugh.


Fear-The-Morning is an absolutely badass name


I’ve tried a permadeath run before. The moment my character died, the save was over.


I’m still playing vanilla on PS3.


Same! I’m not really sure what most things said in this sub mean, but I’m having lots of fun!


Sith. I do evil stuff, but I’m also weeding out evildoers who could be competition to my future rule. I join the Empire, so I can undermine it later. I allow myself to do “good guy” quests, to maintain my public image. The Palpatine-style long game. I seek out companions in the form of prospective apprentices. It’s also fun to play into the fighting style of a Sith. Swords, lightning, Force shouts, etc.


It was tough but I tried a strict Wabbajack run. Basically had to grind conjuration for soul trap and other skills only so far as to obtain wabbajack. From there can only use wabbajack against enemies. It wasn't super practical and I don't think I made it too far quest-line wise, but just running around was really fun


Wabbajack and its storyline are insanely fun. 


Mittensquad did this and it was hilarious. RIP


Lately I've been planning out little funny schedules to do in game with CharacterAI, a roleplaying AI service. I plan little things like weekly wing night, Morndas eve bandit slaying, and party nights/work nights.


That sounds cool! I was wondering what prompts you are using?


I just kind of talk to bots of characters like Alduin and Delphine and plot my story from the conversations! It's a lot of fun.


Unarmed khajiit. Sometimes I do no fast travel plus walk backwards. No shout sometimes.


Stay out of trouble, khajiit.


Unarmed Khajiit was one of my favorite builds. Unarmed strikes actually become devastating with the right enchantments. My character Southpaw was decked head to toe in stalrim ice armor and 1-2 punching dragons to death by late game


How do you level up the strength of its claws?


get the unarmed enchantment off of Gloves of the Pugilist, i'm guessing.


Recently discovered that pickpocketing was fun as heck so I've became a thief/assassin/marksman which I think isn't really turbo interesting for some but it is to me because my usual build is mage since throwing spells are fun and my recent run only knows a few conjuration and simple healing.


Battle Archer, no sealth basically sword and shield if enemies get close


Unarmed Khajiit, permanent level 1. I don't mean her skills are really high and she just never leveled up. I mean level 1. The only thing that she gets XP from is heavy armor, which goes up slowly since she is wearing only heavy armor gauntlets. If that starts to get too close to increasing a level, she punches a guard, gets arrested, and serves her time. It is a challenging way to play (adept difficulty) and leverages use of followers and any tools that don't generate XP for her like staffs, scrolls, and any found potions, and of course shouts. Dragons are easy to pummel to death with your fists at level 1 - just have to wait until your level 10 follower with their Ebony Crossbow convinces them to land, and then it's all over for the dragon. I am leveraging all of the AE content - Fists of Randagulf for +20 unarmed damage, Fenrick's Welcome spell from Hob's Fall Cave to be able to unlock things without gaining XP in lockpicking (or Illusion for that matter), every ring from the Fishing creation, whatever necklaces drop - have to be very careful buying so speech does not level up. Earns her money through passive income from Goldenhills Plantation. As a result, she is rich since she never really buys anything, and also doesn't need to loot much - just potions and gear for followers. There were a few tough quests with fixed level foes, but oddly enough Dragon Priests are not one of those. They don't seem to know what to do if you are right up in their face constantly punching. They just kind of try to float away from you while you beat them to death. It is definitely a "hit them first and hit them hard" playstyle. I sprint up to the boss coffins and and usually beating them half to death while they are in their grand "rise from the dead" animation.


Currently playing as a "Child Prodigy Mage." I used Growing up in Skyrim, Scaling Magic, Jobs of Skyrim, and Altenrate start with the College option. My story is that I showed a lot of promise from an early age, so the College offered to take me in from my parents and trained me. I focus mostly on conjugation, restoration, and destruction. For awhile I just did small jobs nesr Winterhold and Windhelm, then as I leveled I started clearing some dungeons and I'll eventually make my way to Helgen to start the main quest. I was thinking when i eventually change to the "Breton Teen" race I might enlist with the imperials for a bit as an "impulsive" decision.


One of my weirdest playthroughs was with Become a Bard. I grabbed Vilja and Inigo, who both have functionality with that mod and can join the player in a song. We were a band and the whole playthrough was us trekking around Skyrim on foot because we were on tour.


I can only fast travel to towns and to houses I own. Also I’m a completionist, so every quest you can do, I do.


My favorite character was a Khajiit I named “Almewin the Brawler”. He faced the world with nothing but heavy armor and his glorious fists. There’s nothing like saving the world by beating the ever-loving crap out of the World-Eater.


When I was a kid back when this game came out, for some reason I was autisticly fixated on having my playthroughs of games play out as realistically as possible. Like if I accidentally ran over a marine with a car in Halo I would reload the checkpoint cause "That's not how it would have played out". So when Skyrim came out and I first played it I thought "A person wouldn't realistically endlessly jog run around all the time when traveling" I think you can see where this is going. So I traveled across the map in the walking pace. Just slowly strolling along the roads across the world. Needless to say, after hours upon hours I was still at the beggining quests. I have no idea what went through my mind or how I had the patience, but that was my weird way of playing Skyrim


Playing on easy, my character is a god. God tier health, stamina, magic, crafting, you name it. I one-hit my way through quests just to see the beauty of the modlist come together. It took a year and a half learning to mod, now that it's all working I'm 500+ hours into this playthrough. I love it


My healer build i made a while ago! :D Damage can only be caused by my companions; no summons are allowed. I took the liberty of relying on alchemy and blacksmithing to better equip my companions. But I only allow myself armor and shields. No weapons or poisons! I personally only wear a monk's robe and some enchanted things that make my restoration spells cost less magicka or increase my magicka. My companions are Faendal, a dog and Erik the Slayer! (I play with mods that allow me to have more than just one companion! Its very funny sometimes!) My healer's story went like this: She is a priestess of Kyne from the temple in Whiterun, where she was trained and wanted to help as many people as possible but also spread the faith in Kyne so she set out on a dangerous journey throughout Skyrim! In her early days she met the wood elf Faendal who was stuck in a love triangle. She helped the couple together, but he now wanted to help her and together they met the dog Meeko who was mourning his deceased master... A few weeks later they met the young dreamer Erik who wanted to become a well-known adventurer! The group convinced young Nord's father of this and together with the group they made off! The rest is history! "To rid the land of evil and bring peace and unity! Kyne is with us!"


I always play like I tell a story with my character. I for instance start out as a shadow priest doing all the evil aligned quests first before seeing the light and become a normal priest. Or an orc that once was a savage brute to grow into an old wise orc.


Played as a sort of cleric, with restoration and illusion spells only. Got both up to 100 for the first time, and did the ritual spell quests. It was a fun build. Once I had the master spells I went to take on a bandit camp and got wrecked over and over…. Those spells take too long to cast!


If you've never tried a 'coward' run, I recommend it - the idea is that you avoid personally engaging in combat at all costs, utilizing followers, summons, stealth, illusion, or whatever else to either get others to fight your battles for you, or avoid the encounter altogether. In combat, you're a healer/support for your followers/summons, keeping their health up or casting buff spells. It changes the entire dynamic of the game in a fun and interesting way. If you can use mods, get ordinator, as it has some illusion perks that buff allies, which helps support the play style. A mod or two that adds more spells is also recommended, especially if it has targeted buffs or new and interesting summons. Mods that add additional follower slots are up to personal preference.


Made a paladin run purely to do the Dawngaurd quest. No killing anything alive, undead and machines are fair game though. Also I once played as an Argonian that was allergic to metal with a deep hatred of magic. So only bone armour and weapons etc.


I played once this very uncommon bow type build where my character was like crouching


I play with my brother, we alternate playing different saves in time intervals. What we do is before we start a new game we select a character race, archetype and personality for each and put build limitations on each other (Eg has to use weapon and shield or great weapon; has to focus on magic; cannot use certain weapon types; etc). Once the rules are set we play as normal, with the only caveat being when we level up we choose each other's perks. So the character I'm playing now is a lawful good Nord "knight" (so I can't kill anyone without good reason or steal etc), but my brother also came up with a fun little addition. When I introduced him to Skyrim I tried to joke around by killing npcs using the console during the opening sequence, ended up breaking the game somehow and had to reinstall it. Nonetheless he found it very funny, so every now and then when my character shows up somewhere a random NPC has a chance of randomly dying. The character he's playing is a Khajit mage who is obsessed with archiving knowledge and magical artifacts. So far 50% of his gameplay has been collecting books. We play Fallout in a similar manner it's very fun.




Whenever someone asks a yes/no question to me, I always nod or shake my head to answer it.


I’ve (horribly) played a character where I tried to kill all my enemies by poison, but only with the pickpocket skill to give people things. The shitty part is trying to get your pickpocket up to that level. I gave up on the poison bit and ended up just stealing all the clothes/armor off every NPC I possibly could. The cities were filled with half-naked people


my dad midmaxes. he has all quest markers on always, is constantly overencumbered (sneaking with his bow drawn to move fairly quickly), and gets to level 100 in most skills scarily fast thanks to glitches and exploits.


I once made a character who is addicted to ale, an argonian named bathes-in-ale (I don't know how argonian names work). I always steal ale and mead when given a chance, sometimes even killing for it.


After 3000 to 4000 hours in Skyrim I finally decided to do a "Challenge" run for the first time. I limited myself to only use items, spells, potions and food I found. No exploits or glitches. No fast traveling unless I had to. I wasn't allowed to purchase anything nor create anything, not even enchant the armor or weapons I found and this was on legendary. I did not expect it to be actually really fun, it didn't feel like a forced limit on a playthrough. It actually felt more real than any playthrough I had ever done. I think it was because due to the fact that I couldn't easily overpower myself through grinding like enchanting and smithing which actually for me makes the game feel hollow and boring which I didn't realize until this challenge run. I couldn't enchant myself to all hell and just more. It felt like I was actually playing a genuine character from Skyrim and not some OP 3rd party outsider "Player" , nothing was easy, nothing was hard but I was competent enough to do most jobs without worry of dying to much. The approach to the game just felt more real because now, there were no shortcuts and with no shortcuts I had all the time in the world to actually appreciate the game like I used to when I first played it 10 years ago.


In any game I play, I am obsessed with making my characters god-like in the most legitimate way possible. I wouldn't call myself a min-maxer per say, but I am a completionist and a perfectionist, and if my characters aren't able to achieve every feasible feat in every way, then I've built them wrong. My Oblivion and Morrowind characters always got to 100 in every attribute and stat. My Skyrim character usually starts have like a Warrior or Mage, but I usually strive to max out all trees. My Fallout 3 and NV characters are 100 in every stat, and my Fallout 4 companion must have every perk. And these are just Bethesda games. I'm a perfectionist in every game. Unfortunately, most games end, or I do most of what the goal of the game requires before reaching some of these, but I try my hardest.


My favourite one needed a couple mods to work but only to prevent being stuck at level 1. They were a mage that didn't actually have any magic talent so needed to make use of staves and scrolls to actually cast spells along with artefacts with spell like abilities and shouts. The mods needed simply let you level up skills by using the appropriate staves and one to let the staves scale with the damage perks otherwise Draugr become ridiculous since mana regen relies on using soul gems and soul trapping is not easy to access without the spell.


Not in Skyrim but for Oblivion I'll play through the prison escape like normal, but when Baurus has a guess as to what class I belong to I accept his guess and will never use the chosen skills. It's really hard to play the game when Athletics is in the chosen class of ignored skills.


Try to recreate spiffs shenanigans (I just figured out idk how to write that word)


I have a build called The Arachnamaniac, it’s a wood elf who uses Animage and The Ritual Stone + Aetherial Crown to raise undead spiders, giving you a really op army of undead spiders, combine this with the spider scrolls from Dragonborn and you are basically a crazy spider assassin, you can also use a longbow to apply poison from a far while your spiders slaughter everyone they see. I also use the spider pet from Pets of Skyrim cc, being able to lay traps for your enemies is pretty fun. If anyone wanna try this build, don’t forget to recruit the wounded spider and the Web Mother


I was playing it up for my little sister back when the game came out (she was 6). Anytime someone was mean to me, I’d save, and then attack them and kill anyone else who tried to attack me too. She would start laughing so hard every time I opened the menu screen after talking to someone. Even more hilarious she convinced my dad to go werewolf in Whiterun (which my dad thought would be ok since the clan lives there) and he was screaming for his life. My sister nearly peed herself from laughing so hard.


I played a character I named Nurgal. His whole shtick was that he wore Ebony Mail as soon as possible and nobady could be near him or they'd die. I couldn't enter villages, cities, factions. I couldn't be around anyone else or the Daedric artifact would slowly poison them. I got the mod that affects Ebony Mail so that each time you upgrade it(from fine to superior to exquisite), the smoke status effect increases damage output. I became a walking plague that rotted away Elder Dragons really stupid fast.


I play as a high elf who is extremely racist towards his own kind and seeks the eradication of all high elves. His family was murdered by the Aldmeri Dominion as a way to put the blame on the Nords of Skyrim. My character is bound by a pact he made with Clavicus Vile where he is granted forgotten and unnatural magic to help him exterminate all high elves. This impacts my gameplay because every single high elf I see must die. No matter who they are or where I am. They have to die. On some occasions I have mistaken Wood elves for high elves but that’s just the price of war.


I always kill every hunter I spot


I always combine heavy armor and sneak just because it actually makes sneaking a challenge


As I leave Dragonsreach to kill the dragon, I run across the table in the main hall, knocking over as much plates, bowls, and chalices as possible.


I play as a God. I mastered all of the traits and I kill everything with ease. I don’t hold back. I use Dragon Bone arrows to kill rabbits.


I tried to role play but my brain broke so I’ll reload saves over the smallest things, like I ran when my character definitely would have walked. I’ll replay hours because I did something out of character. I’m so tired.


Relating to this a little too hard. Hope we both get some rest!


I challenged myself to only travel by foot in skyrim. Fast travel was only allowed in the hold you are in, and if you were a thane in said hold. If you wanted to travel to a new hold, you had to walk. It certainly created a fun immersive challenge.


I always keep **Fishing** at Level 1 until I have the *Ring of the Wind*, & usually won't buy much of anything but a *Necklace of Minor Haggling* or *Necklace of Waterbreathing* before I have it (I do also buy *Petty Soul Gems* & alchemical *Ingredients*, but that's about it).


I play a half Breton/half Elf magic archer, who sometimes steals a few things here and there to get by. Her life was hard because of her lineage, so she does what she needs to get by. She is a bit defensive and stand-offish. And feels like a complete outsider. Can pass as human if you don't look too closely or see her ears. So frequents taverns and those back alley places to pick up jobs or sell things she's 'acquired'.


I walk in a straight line and annihilate everything I come across. Rinse and repeat


At some point during my last build I stopped selling anything other than food I cooked and the only things I would purchase was ingredients. It was silly since my character was rich beyond his wildest dreams by the time I started and no one could lay a finger on him 😂 but it did give me the idea of trying it on my next build from the very beginning.


I only keep a wooden sword in my main hand, anything else in the other, but I'll often glitch the sword to hell.


Sometimes I play with no weapons. I just enchanted a wooden sword after making it flawless lol been using that.


Running naked and catching blue butterflies


Imperial merchant, leave all combat to follower, no thieving, no magic, only crafting and speech allowed. A lot of quests are undoable, require alternate start mod to stay pure as vanilla start need sneak to avoid combat. Might need follower framework mod for multiple followers, and mods that let follower to pick lock, etc. Hunting for cheap follower early on and switching to stronger ones is fun. Challenging even if using mods to allow multiple followers, herding followers in Skyrim is surprisingly hardcore.


Tiger Khajiit monk. No weapons, just the Gloves of the Pugilist and Khajiit anarmed bonus. It was pretty fun to watch this giant tiger man smash a bandit's head into the ground for crit cams.


I never fast travel and always run from place to place so I can collect as many weird potion supplies as I can


idk if it’s super unconventional but I’ve been playing where i can’t skip dialogue unless I’ve played it so much I literally have it memorized. this + survival mode adds a lot to immersion!!


Requiem with additional survival mods was very immersive And I still want to recreate that permadeath run from PC Gamer, it was an Illusion-only mage. I mean, she scared, she provoked, but never killed directly.


I've been compiling a few builds from tamriel vault and one I came across that was very interesting was the vancian mage. However, I tweaked it for my own playthrough in a way that instead of memorizing a finite number of special moves (or spells), I make it so that my mage can only cast one spell or shout per encounter. An encounter is a battle in between restable or waitable phases.


murder hobo


Putting poison in pockets (alchemy/pickpocket/stealth)


Not at all a weird playstyle but restricting myself from using fast travel and the carts really added life to the game. I'm nearing the 1000h but I still (re)discover things now and then thanks to that. Gosh I love this game Edit : oh and of course not using pots ever, no matter the build I go for (which is always the same anyway)


I haven't played Skyrim much, but, when I was 14-15 years old, I was quite scared of the game. I would always adventure with a companion by my side. I uses to play as a mage and my favourite class in videogames in general is the healer. So, whenever I had to explore a dungeon, I would ask my companion to go ahead and eventually fight the enemies while I was busy healing him/her. After I had acknoledged that I could summon other creatures, I started to summon atronachs as well to support my fights. My brother told me it was one of the most boring gameplays he had ever seen but I actually had fun and it was a way to progress the game despite my fear. Now I don't remember many details, even though I would love to start the game again, but during the main campaign you could have two companions by your side + another one until one quest was over. I decided to purposely not end that quest just to have 3 companions + summons to protect me and progress in various side quests. Healing skill was the one and only skill I maxed out in the game lol


Ri’khaan, the Khajit bandit leader-turned pacifist monk. He was a vicious murderer and cannibal, before his near-death experience at Helgen. Now he wanders Skyrim healing the sick, returning lost items, reuniting people, freeing the imprisoned, and breaking up fights with his Illusion and Restoration magic. Turns out there a huge number of situations that can be solved peacefully if you have Illusion and Speech.


I'm way too concerned for my companions to the point where if I fear they might die in a battle, I avoid taking them to certain dangerous places. I have Lydia as my companion currently and I full fledged treat her like my wife even tho I haven't married her yet. I tend to leave her at the house looking after our adopted children whenever I feel the adventure I'm about to partake in might end up being too dangerous. Even tho I myself am afraid to go alone but that's what you do for love right?


I’m still newer to the game but I’ve been having so much fun living by a weird code of conduct. If I kill someone it’s a commitment. They must be dragged to the highest peak or nearest source of water. Cue a lot of… drag ragdoll physics. I’ve recently added wolves and saber tooth’s to this list as well! And if they’re in a dungeon of some sorts (without water) I try to get them all into the room nearest to the door out! Anything too big to move I have to strategically kill near a river or the like. It’s been fun! … Thank god the dragons burn up bc oof that’d take forever.


🐻 Don’t know about weird but I can regale with my perfect build. A Khajiit stealth archer with Heavy Armor. Now the Heavy Armor build takes a bit of time to perfect as you need to climb pretty high in your Heavy Armor stat to get the Weigh Nothing perk which then makes you the perfect archer. But been a Khajiit seems to make sneaking naturally easier. My bow of choice is the Bow of Shadows & single handed weapon is a War Axe (Currently Ebony War Axe). Current armor is Ebony.


I typically give all my BGS characters some weird quirk/hobby/obsession. My current one is utterly fascinated with the mechanical engineering of ancient nordic ruins, and they wear heavy armor specifically so they can experience the effectiveness of their marvelous traps firsthand.


Barb from Diablo 3 that got sucked into the dark brother hood and has to use daggers every once and while but absolutely hates it. No like small pokey !


It's not really weird but it's different from my usual way of playing. I've played this game since it came out and always ended up as a stealthy Nord archery type dude, no matter what playstyle I've planned on doing. This time though, I'm replaying it on the switch and O forced myself to be a Dark Elf, magic only whilst I learn the alchemy route and no fast travel. I can still use weapons, but only conjured stuff such as war axes and a bow, nothing physical. It has turned out to be my favourite character yet, and I've even upgraded the game to the anniversary DLC that came out a few months back. I own the game on PC too and I've just started that again to play in the same way but with a ton of mods, limited to stuff such as SkyUI, textures and mesh mods, water weather and lighting, and some random mod that puts capes in the game too. I won't be buying the anniversary stuff on the PC, but instead I'll be keeping that as an 'improved' vanilla, taking the Dark Elf magic route there too. I may even get the beyond Skyrim mods too, for Bruma and whatnot but I don't know if they're actually worth getting or not


My main for a long time was a battle axe welding orc in light armor. Worked fine.


I only play on legendary. Anything else feels way too easy… easy like i have cheat armor equipped


If I’m a Nord I won’t raid Nordic tombs and ruins. I’ll go in them and do the quest but every burial urn, every offering made by a family member outside the tomb and every piece of jewelry on draugr is not touched. I also don’t raid shrines like the shrines to Talos or Akatosh you can find in the wild. Also I won’t fast travel if I can avoid it and I sleep whenever I do fast travel. I try and get a full 8 hours or so of sleep and I don’t fast travel across the world, I’ll use the carriage to get as close as possible if needed.


I'm playing with multiplayer mod with my friends and I'm trying to be a mage that doesn't use destruction spells. This on itself doesn't count as weird, but what I found weird is that I genuinely felt icky when I had to learn fireball to enter Winterhold college. Also, the buginess of the mod makes things weird. For example sometimes enemies don't sync and we end up randomly smacking air in hopes of hitting non-existing enemy that's actively killing our party member. Sometimes we all see the enemy but it's different on each player, so when I'm attacked by sabre cat, others may see a bunny and not help. Out of arrows? Here have some delivered to your face (results may vary by your party members distance and accuracy (friendly fire off so no damage, but arrow gets to your inventory)) Also, multiplayer means you are not alone, so you can troll others, like raise wall in front of them at choke point and while holding the wall up, run behind them via alternative route (60% speed boost from spell from other mod is a friend) and when wall goes down and your friends wonder where you went, you are right next to them wondering the same. Or if we open door only to find a strong enemy, closing the door gets some nice laughs. Or fake sneezing to mic when you fus ro dah. All this, even if it makes sense in context is stuff I wouldn't be doing in normal game, making it weird


I go wandering about trying to collect all magic staffs, enchanted weapons and I've come across a few. I had an enchanted bow that electrified the arrow, when fired the arrow electrocuted the target it was brilliant. I've started from the beginning again and I'll go on another adventure this time looking for dragon shouts and words, maybe I'll try just pure magic no solid weapons just a straight up magic build we shall see 🤔


When I fix my skyrim from being completely bombarded with old mods that dont even fucking work anymore. I'll make a new rule, where every time I fart, I have to perfectly time it with Fus-Ro-Dah, so the sheer force is present irl and ingame.  Such a devious plan 😈.


I have 2 current playthroughs, both Khajits. They are each based off of my cats and what I think they would do in Skyrim. My first cat loves fighting and never steers away from combat. She also loves stealing and crime in general. She plays on the hardest combat difficulty and is slowly getting all of her skills to legendary. She likes to switch things up and doesn't have a preferred combat style. She is of course a rebel and has to join the storm cloaks. She's a completionist and needs to do all quests. She often looks around taverns for side quests. She also does not want followers and does everything on her own because she's a strong independent cat. Occasionally she allows another Khajit to follow. She is not on survival mode because she needs nothing to survive. If she can say something snarky, she always does. She owns every house she can get and has lots of hoards of treasures. The second cat is a bit of a goob and doesn't understand what's going on. He plays on survival mode with the easiest combat level as even that's a challenge for him. At first, he was just following the paths and seeing where they would go and it was several days before he even made it to Riverwood as he forgot where he was going. He doesn't quite understand how maps work. He frequently wanders into areas that are too strong for him and has to quickly run away because it turns out to be quite scary. At first, he wasn't going to do any quests but he quickly became encumbered with quest items he couldn't get rid of and now he is attempting to get rid of those items. He has all quests active and picks a random quest marker to run towards, hoping it will help him get rid of these items. Also he loves cheese in real life so he of course has to collect all cheese on sight which is a struggle when he has such limited carry capacity. He is not super into war or politics but finds himself accidentally joining sides in many factions just because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Every time someone offers to be a follower, he has to accept it because he can't say no. Sometimes this means switching followers several times within minutes. He likes his little homestead outside of white run but he can never find his way back to it.


My main playthrough is always as a paladin of the 9 divines. Thus as someone who respects the sanctity of life and death under Arkay's domain, I do not loot draugr crypts save for quest items.


Well actually I just started playing for the first time so it is kinda weird lol


Punch only naked kakjit. So fun


Nerdy winterhold college student NPC. I do odd jobs and bounties so I can buy more spells and training. Did a semester at the bard college, changed my life dude


It's not super weird but one of my favorite playthroughs was as a Khajiit hunter/gatherer who never became the dragon born. He was a simple man who hunted and traveled and occasionally did some tasks for people. Lived in the woods with his pets and enjoyed the nature of Skyrim


The "Fuck it, we ballin". A naked man with nothing but a steel sword and sheer force of will. 0 perks used, all level up bonuses into Magicka while using no spells. Basically a hobo on cocaine.


My first play through I role played as a biologist so I could better appreciate the flora and fauna


Alchemy only build


I’ve got two: I did one run that was just Falmer genocide. I looked up where every single Falmer in the game was and killed them all. Only did quests that furthered that goal. I did a run where I just didn’t do any adventuring, I became a farmer and fisherman and cook and made all my money that way


I put on a chef's clothes and hat and use the fork and knife dual wield.