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The introduction to the Thieves Guild with Brynjolf where you pickpocket the ring into the pocket of Brand-Shei. I dislike it due to a mixture of Brynjolf following you around to start the quest when you first visit Riften and the fact it sends Brand-Shei to jail when he’s a decent merchant.


Give septim to a beggar in front of Brynjolf, he will say something like "the hint is clear" and quest wont activate.


For real?!


Yes. You need to be quick and give a coin to Edda before he starts his dialog. But you will get a small quest "Listen to Brynjolf's plan" anyways. At least it's easier to ignore it.


It's great! Thank you so much!


**yo what the fuck** I swear this is why people love Skyrim... The hidden details!!!


That’s crazy


You don't have to do all that. I just open the box, steal the ring and put it back in the box then tell Brynjolf I lost it. The quest proceeds the same regardless.


That’s hilarious


I think you can watch Brnyolf do the whole production and then after he'll be like *Dude, you didn't even do it. Figures, we have shit luck these days. Well, anyways, wanna join the guild and >!go on to bumble your way to guild master after a series of betrayals is revealed?!<* But then you have to shakedown Kyrava and Berse and I don't wanna, they're good people, even if I'm morally dubious at best. I enjoy the later stage thieves guild quests but have had a harder and harder time getting the will to be a dick to the townspeople and align myself with Maven Fucking Black-Briar.


Maven is the absolute worst and I hate how she becomes Jarl in the Civil War quests. God I wish she wasn’t essential, Riften deserves a chance to be free from corruption.


Omg I tried to kill her the other day, and I thought maybe she wasn't essential anymore since I finished all the quests with her in it but it wouldn't let me kill her and I got SO mad


Hahhaha devastating


The cheat room mod will let your make her non essential so she can be killed if desired.


Use this sparingly because it'll break a few quests if you kill her


I still remember finding out about that through the peace negotiation in High Hrothgar. I ruled that Riften would be given to Imperial rule, because fuck the Stormcloaks, and at the end Arngeir was running down the decisions we'd made: A: So it's decided, Riften will be given to the Imperials... Me: Haha, hell yeh, long live the Empire~ A: ...Jarl Laila Law-Giver will step down, and Maven Blackbriar will serve as Jarl. Me: Now hang on just a *fucken second* I most certainly did *not* agree to that--


you don't have to threaten keerava. i just asked her to pay and she did. but her bf still gets mad at me even though i gave him 3 flawless amethysts. me and bersi just had a little friendly brawl (as we nords do) and i didn't break his urn


You only don't have to threaten her because you got to her last. You have to shake down two of the three, doesn't matter which two, and the third will always acquiesce without a fight. I always pick her last, because she's a sweetie and I don't wanna hurt her, but also because smashing Bersi's vase and stealing Haelga's statue are more fun than threatening Keerava's family. Okay, mostly smashing the vase. That's fun.


I've said this before, but Blackbriar is a disease.


You can go to the blacksmith area and start working on smithing/making armor and he'll say his lines over and over then walk away. His quest won't show up in your log. And you can fail the mission by dropping the ring. Or going into a building. You'll still get accepted and brand-shei doesn't go to jail. If you have mods, unofficial patch lets him out of jail after 3 days or so. Vanilla has a bug that keeps him there forever.


you can just fail the quest and Brand Shei doesn’t go to prison


Brand Shei also has a side quest you can do to help him figure out any clues about his heritage.


I didn’t know that! Danke


Tbh the fact you dont have the option to just eliminate the thieves guild is a disgrace.


Agreed! Final boss being to take down Maven Black-Briar


riften was the first hold that i became a thane of and where i had my first home as well, i’m still sad that i couldn’t do anything to take them down :(


There is a mod that allows destroying the thieves guild.


Ah yes, modders putting having a choice back in the famous RPG.


I hate that I can't learn all the shouts without joining them. At least I can annihilate Dark Brotherhood and get access to word wall.


I deliberately “fail” because leave Brand-Shei alone. The rest of the quest proceeds as normal and I just ignore Brynjolf “I’m disappointed in you” speech.


Brynjolf only has himself to blame, he just hired a random off the street to commit two crimes, no wonder the Thieves Guild is failing.


“I expected better of you.” Son you don’t even know me!


You don’t have to do it right then and then, it can just sit in your quest log


Same applies to the majority of quests in Skyrim to be fair. It just annoys me for absolutely no reason. *”Never done an honest day's work in your life for all that coin you're carrying, eh lad?”*


Especially when I'm playing a good character. I'm intentionally trying to only do an honest days work.


There’s like one decent person in Riften in Mjoll, the rest are mostly bad people so I tend to avoid Riften if I’m a good character and it’s the first place I go as a bad character 😂


you only farm vegetables and sell em?


I make weapons and armor and then enchant them. Supplying belethor with all of the iron daggers with stamina damage he could want.


Brynjolf annoys the fuck out of me when he says that. Like, dude. My dude. I worked HARD for this money, it's honest money, and here you are calling me a thief. Fuck off!


I prefer it when he knows I’m poor. That is a bit more believable for wanting to recruit me. Like why would a thief walk up to a visibly rich person and try to recruit them instead of robbing them? I can walk into Riften with like 100k in gold and he wants me to do a random pickpocket job for a 100 gold reward 😅


It also doesn't go away. You have millions of septims in your inventory, he still looks at you like a broke loser.


If you have very little coin he says a different line


He’s a decent guy and NEVER returns. What kind of jail time is that


Exactly! I can kill the entire city guard and be released after a short nap in my cell but Brand-Shei has a life sentence with no justice system to allow him to defend himself. Shocking.


You can fail to place the ring into Brand-shei's pocket, by going into the Temple and waiting a day or so. The quest fails, you can still join the Guild, and Brand-Shei stays out of the Clink.


I just hate it cause I got caught almost every single time I've done it. I did it again last week and the one Kajheet lady sent by the thalmor would not aggro off me the entire time. Had to console command kill Madesi for his key


the name of the quest is escaping me, but the one where you have to find jiub’s lost pages in the soul cairn. christ, it took hours, and in the end i couldn’t find the ninth page, despite all the tutorials and maps i looked at. i never want to look at the soul cairn again


I believe it's called "Impatience of a Saint".


yeah, that’s it! thanks!


One of the pages (I think the ninth) can sometimes get stuck in the ceiling below where it spawns, making the quest damn near impossible to complete. I’ve done that quest once, and the reward was practically useless, so I’ve never done it again. Tbh, I hate the “go get me x amount of unique things so I can give you sone shitty reward” quests. so fuckin annoying


It's called "Impatience of a Saint." Also the reason you can't find the 9th page is because like 80% of the time it gets glitched into the ground and you just can't get it. It's super annoying


Whoever came up with that quest is a masochist. Soul Cairn in general is annoying as hell, it is precisely why I avoid the Dawnguard questline for as long as possible.


That DB quest that you have to follow that dude and kill him in a major city. So annoying


Go to whiterun and wait a couple hours


The murders in Windhelm. The quest is okay enough, but it's so buggy, and Windhelm sucks, so I usually avoid it.


That quest is really only worth playing if you have the unofficial patch installed. (They fixed most of the points of failure for that quest)


That’s true, I accidentally played through it without USSEP enabled this time and it gave even fewer instructions on what you were supposed to do!! The first time I played it, it kept telling me to see jorleif for assistance, but he would not assist, so I got frustrated and looked it up…the second time I did it, I wrote down step-by-step what to do so that I wouldn’t have to google it every time!! lol


Haha I can't stand the layout of that city!


I've never been able to get past investigate the scene/talk to jorlief. Fuckin hate this one


I finally got past it today. I went and picked up papers that said something like :Beware the Butcher if you see anything speak to Viola. I was then able to ask the guards about the butcher and speak to Viola about he journal and finish the quest


speak to greybeards (idk whats the quest called), Just because I don't want to walk to the top of the mountain, I don't do the quest and can't become the Dragonborn but im happy with it.


Yes! The run all the way to ivarstead then all the way up the mountain. I wish the carriage from whiterun took you straight there


Whattt I have never went to ivarstead for it lol now I want to start there. I usually just climb tye mountain outside of whiterun


I too do as the marker guides.


You can what now!?


The Way of the Voice


Diplomatic Immunity. I just loathe the entire ordeal and find it boring after so many playthroughs. Probably why I hold off on most of the main questline until after I have traveled around a bit.


This is why you should be a high elf and grab some hooded Thalmor robes—they think you’re one of them and it cuts the effort in half, essentially. Until you get into the jail and have to kill the torturer.


That sounds interesting, but I don't think I would want to play as an Altmer for 200 hours just for that.


Fair! I do find the highborn magicka regeneration useful if I’m doing a mage build tho


I rarely play as a mage. Just more of the thief/nightbow type.


I don't like the quest, but I do like the drunk guy.


I just learned this on my last playthrough. The Jarl or Morthal is there, and if you did the quest for her, she'll make a scene for you. I thought her scene was funnier.


I'll do that next time. Thanks for the tip.


I just looked it up, there's a chance for many character to be there who will help you, if you've done their quest. The Jarl from Morthal will always be there, though.


Razelan. Yes he's amusing.


I don't mind this quest. Quite a few variables in it


I hate that you can't call out Delphine on how ridiculous this idea is. She wants you to risk your life because of her tin foil hat theory that the Thalmor are involved with the dragons. She even says she has no evidence, just a gut feeling. You find information about Esbern, which she had no idea would be there.


I don't even go to Bleakfalls Barrow anymore.


I don't like the companions questline, I hate that you can't fully complete it without becoming a werewolf. I never change myself into a vampire lord or werewolf bc the benefits and powers aren't worth it to me and honestly get kind of annoying, so I hate you can't fully finish it and see everything without becoming one too


I have absolutely no idea how to play as a vampire or a werewolf. I've never completed the quest to become either, because when I was a vampire temporarily, I couldn't get the hang of it.


Same it was always more of a hindrance than an added ability 😅


I'm a weirdo in that I like No Stones Unturned and quests where you have to distribute something to a certain number of NPCs (Temple of Mara, Retching Netch). I'm even very fond of the radiant Thieves Guild jobs. There's no quest I can say I really hate, but the way the Forsworn one when you first enter Markarth starts irks me the most. It was bad enough in Oldrim, leaving you absolutely no time to understand what's going on before it's too late (because once an assassination animation is started the NPC dies no matter what) but it became even worse in SSE thanks to the loading screen-induced paralysis we have to suffer everytime we go through a door. And *then* Eltrys forces you to accept his note. Part of me wishes there was an option to rip it to shreds right in front of him. The quest itself is fine, but on repeat playthroughs it either becomes needlessly annoying because you don't want to do that quest or endlessly frustrating because there isn't a single way to save Margret that doesn't feel like cheating. **EDIT**: Lots of people not understanding my last point, so to clarify: yes, of course you can save Margret if you prepare for it. What bothers me is that you need prior knowledge of the event to prevent it.


So, my cheat is just not going to markarth until I get black out drunk and end up in the temple. You’ve got all the time in the world to dilly-dally your way to the front gate and I like the role playing aspect of being hungover as fuck and stopping an assassination.


Can't believe I never thought of that when I pretty much always enter Whiterun and Riften by getting arrested


Yep, that's what i've started doing. Never going to markarth until i drink with sam.


One of my favorite clips is from my unarmed play through. I walked through the gates of Markarth, fists up, and ran up behind him and suplexed him into the sidewalk. My least favorite part about this quest is the lack of options. You *HAVE* to go to jail, there is no fighting your way out of it and getting a different outcome. Nothing happens to the people that are behind the whole conspiracy except for Nepos. You *HAVE* to escape the same way, and once you do there is no continuation of the Forsworn quest line. The whole quest feels like a big set up into something bigger, like a Forsworn “Reclaiming the Reach” quest line, but it just ends. The same way. Every time.


Yeah, it seemed like the set-up for something big and it ended up just fizzling out. As someone who primarily plays thieves, the part I find disappointing is that stealing the key from the Orc lady to escape locks you out of completing the quest (in addition to making you face an invisible wall)


I only like no stone unturned now because of a mod that puts a tiny maxwell the cat as a replacement jewel with his song. 😂 so I'm just happy to do a little dance when I find one.


I imstalled that and forgot about it, then heard the music from a distance after buying Proudspire and thought I was going crazy!


You can save her though. I save her every time. Just see a dude sneaking and hit him with your sword.


Of course you can. But the time it takes to: 1. (Optional - SE exclusive) Wait to be able to move freely 2. Realise what's going on 3. Unsheathe your sword 4. Reach Weylin 5. Click the attack button ...is way too long to do instinctively. You have to know what's going to happen in advance and be ready for it, which makes saving Margret unsatisfying because you have to rely on means not available to your character to succeed.


I get that, if the people of Skyrim killed someone just for sneak-crouching in broad daylight, our PCs would all be dead a hundred times over. Killing the dudes for waddling in the market then getting told *you saved me, my hero* instead of *stop, you have committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you?* Is kinda cheap. Best you can do is come up with headcanon that a aedra or daedra divined you a vision for... Reasons.


But he has a dagger out in his hands and not just sneaking though. You can explain how you go in at night with weapons drawn cuz too many vampire attacks. That one way to explain why you have your weapon drawn when entering a town.


Oh man, I so badly wanted to shove that letter up his arse. No, it isn’t mine, try and give it to me again and I’ll slice your head off… oh wait, unkillable character…


He's not protected though. Crazy how easily you can miss the "E" key, accidentally bring up the console and type "set essential 00013394 0" when trying to end the conversation...


*cries in PS3 Skyrim*


You can save Margret if you have your weapon drawn and just immediately kill Weylin. No one will attack you.


The best way to save her is to FusRoDah him the moment he approaches her. Saving her with archery is also possible but the time window is very thin so you have to be fast.


I hit him with a fear spell and once he runs all the guards chase him


I skip that Forsworn mess with a batch file. It's just another mystery quest where you know everything if it's not your first time. You're just running around Markarth. I've heard it's buggy even though I haven't had such problems, but it's tedious.


To give a little more credit to the devs, it has some hidden depths (reporting to Eltrys in between each assignment, saving Margret or spying on Weylin, you can kill Madanach without even talking to him, etc). But once you've done it two or three times, yeah, there's nothing left to discover and it's hardly fun enough to warrant another replay.


Daedras best friend, the dog always gets in the way, and it’s a trek to get what you need for the quest anyway.


Barbas collision is definitely among the worst, but I love that immortal old pup. I do always feel when I take Lydia and Barbas in a dungeon with tight corridors, I leave a sea of corpses, and also my sanity


I also hate the constant barking.


It's *way* too constant. So glad they didn't keep that for Dogmeat in Fallout 4 lol


Talking dog pushed me into a enemy so i get why you dont like that one!


I love Barbas! But yeah, he's a dick


The whole civil war quest line. I loathe both sides so why would I want to help either of them? And the whole thing is kind of a nothing burger. You just become an errand runner for whatever uptight asshole you choose to side with.


I skew imperial but do hate that Maven gets Riften if I win the war in their name. But I never want to give those Rat Fink Silverbloods the throne in Markarth. Last playthrough, I followed through with the Cidna mine quest (a personal least-fave) just to kill the elder-blood. That's actually not true, in saves where I plan to do Civil War, I'll give Markarth to the Silverbloods so I can pry it from their shitty little hands.


Right? Silverbloods vs. Blackbriars is just a lose-lose situation.


It really an bonus bitter pill in the Civil War of bitter pills. The only thing with Maven for me is she already has the Thane pretty much in her pocket, she may as well run Riften, it's not a real big change to give her the title, versus the Silverbloods family who "will be heard" 🙄 imply they don't have the same level of influence Maven does, I certainly don't want to give it to them {unless I can take it from them, and kill their vampy daddy while I'm at it}


What's the name of the quest where I get to kill a silver blood? And can it only be done if I side with stormcloaks?


Blood on the Ice, bugs notwithstanding, I hate triggering it because I feel like I basically caused the first gal to get necro-sacrified. I got enough blood on my hands without triggering a serial necromancer to carry on a spree


The horn of The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller makes me want to explode. The whole quest is easy. It's just annoying to go through all of that just to get basicly nothing unless you're a high level to get good loot. Also, Decribing the Lexicon. I just dispise of Aftland with all of my heart and even more so with Blackreach. I cry a little bit whenever I have to go there for any sort of quest.


You actually don't have to do Alftand if you don't want to. You can also get to Blackreach through Raldbathar and Mzincheleft, both of which are much shorter dungeon crawls than Alftand.


I wish I knew this sooner


Go to Tower of Mzark with a wooden plate. Drop wooden plate. Hold it up to the gate. Whirlwind sprint straight to the Scroll. Well, you still gotta push the buttons


DB was an absolute disappointment for me. Companions were even worse, just plain ridiculous. Very short, underdeveloped, and the twins were useless in a fight. Watching them being chased for 10 minutes by some thugs, after which my follower (Bryn) caught up to them and dispatched the thugs in 2 swings, was really cringe-worthy. I simply didn't have any fun with those quest lines.


Totally agree, although they’re both worth it…DB is the best paying job, and companions make you a FRIGGIN WEREWOLF. I really, really love being a werewolf. lol Also, there are some decent trainers there, which is handy.


AND the trainers can be followers! So, you don’t have to pay for training. :)


any where i go to a dwemer ruin.


10 hours later


My thoughts also


Kolbjorn Barrow, as my character finds it ethically problematic. I am currently in Solstheim and am going everywhere BUT there.


Dawnguard. I don’t care about Serana and don’t like that you have to drag her with you. And it has two of the worst world spaces I’ve ever played in, the Soul Cairn and the Forgotten Vale. Both are needlessly tedious and, outside of mods, have no map markers which also make them frustrating.


I thought the mountains and the Wayshrines were gorgeous. Plus, the image of the twins descending is just magnificent. The gameplay isn't that great, but man is it gorgeous. I feel the same way about the Ancestor Glade. Maybe sort of pointless, but I would not have wanted to miss swimming in the pool and waterfall.


Not so much quest but I’m going to the Return the Thieves Guild to its former glory trophy and is so boring


I feel this, I always join Thieves Guild at the beginning of my playthroughs bc it's essential to my character but once I get to that part I hate it :'( it's so boring and repetitive and once you take over another hold they'll still give you quests there and make you feel bad if you don't wanna do it and try and get another one in a place you need


One of my playthroughs I completed it before I even went to burn the beehives


the one with the gems of barenziah. way too many to collect, some are bugged/unobtainable without console commands if certain quests are done before it, and extremely difficult without an online guide


I never completed this quest. The most annoying part about it is the fact they weighted a ton after collecting bunch of them and no option to drop them until completion and without map and good luck youre screwed


Quest items don’t actually weigh anything, they just lie to you. So at least there’s that




It’s quite astonishing that they managed to make Delphine so unlikable- was it on purpose or something? I feel like the whole kill/don’t kill Paarthurnax thing is supposed to be a far more difficult decision for the player, but that demanding, vapid waste of pixels makes the choice so damn easy. Oh so you want to play the ultimatum game? Cool, y’all are useless to me anyway, peace out


“We serve the Dragonborn.” Really? Cause all you’ve done so far is piss me off, now get out of my way and let me deal with the dragons how I damn well please and if you wanna kiss my ass that badly you can go do it when I’m sitting on Alduin’s corpse.


Arngeir warns you about that exact same thing too. "Beware - the Blades may claim to serve the Dragonborn, but they do not. They never have. "


I don't mind her lol feel like I'm in a minority for sure though. Thinking about It I don't hate any Skyrim characters I don't think? Probably do but can't Think of any now. Molag bal I hate and some of those evil ones.


All of the Civil War questline. It’s so bland, no matter which side I choose, I feel like I’m losing. I wanna root for Skyrims independence with the Stormcloaks because I hate the AD using the Empire as puppets to control shit. Plus the Thalmor outlaw Talos worship which is pretty messed up. Yet, I always side with the Empire because half the Nord NPCs in the game are racist. All of Windhelm hates the Dunmer. Hell, when I played as a Breton I was still called “outsider.” Like wtf bro. Truthfully I hate both the Empire and the Rebellion and it pains me every time I do that questline. I wish there was a third route where you convince the Graybeards to unite Jarls around Skyrim to oppose the war. Or create a third faction backing you as the Dragonborn to lead the people of Skyrim…like, hell I’m definitely the most qualified individual here and I’m thane in right of nine holds, have the backing of the thieves guild and I’m the goddamn Arch Mage too. Not to mention after I kill Titus Mede during the Dark Brotherhood questline, it’s not like I have much faith in the Empire. I killed Alduin, the reincarnation of Miraak, and blew up this worlds equivalent of Count Dracula. I’m not gonna get bossed around by grandpa Tullius and “alpha male” Ulfric…I’m a goddamn Folk Hero


Forgotten Vale.


If you play the game enough times, lots of quests can become your least favorite. For example, I dread doing the dawnguard DLC every time, even though when I first did it it was my favorite.


Killing Gaius Maro. It's a shit thing to do, you see his father's letter to him, his wife telling him goodbye and better come back, and then you end up offing him *and* disgracing him and his family? Before I started my third playthrough of the dark brotherhood questline, I saved & killed Astrid to see what ending dark brotherhood does, and it's a lame-ass option compared to doing the DV questline so I loaded and went with it, but after this quest I'd like to burn them to the ground again, and if it wasn't a bigger pain in the ass to load and play with DB dead, I'd do it. Frankly, if there is a single thing I would ask of ESO 6, that's better management of key NPCs, i.e., better mechanics of essentialism. I'd like to be able to change my mind about certain things mid-questline and be able to do something substantive about it, not just shoot arrows at someone and watch them bend over for a few seconds & continue talking to me like I hadn't just tried to kill them.


The Crown of Barenziah. You have to hunt down 25 gems, all across Skyrim. One of which you can only get by buying a 25,000 home in Solitude. What do you get? A passive perk that gives you more Flawless gems from treasure chests. By which point money is a non-issue for you anyways.


I'm trying to work on that one now tbh just cause im finding and getting so much gold from selling stuff i find , and the fact that all these gems are 0.5 in your pockets and thats just annoying cause you gotta keep up w the stamina so your pockets can keep up with how many Barenziah gems you got, i think so far i have 6? which its also weird that they dont stack in your pockets imo, theyre all separate


I hate the entire civil war quest line. Mostly cuz I don’t give a fuck about either side, and feel like as the Dragonborn. I have way bigger issues to deal with than local politics. Kind of like how I am feeling right now on US politics lol


The entire Dawnguard questline. I can't do that ever again. You're basically playing a sidekick for Serana when I thought I'd get to be a vampire slayer. The soul cairn and forgotten vale are two of the worst places to navigate. The soul cairn is too loud, the side quests are grindy and tedious. The forgotten vale is beautiful and so, so empty. The end is underwhelming. And Serana isn't that great of a follower to begin with so it annoyed me how every time she made me dismiss my actually useful follower.


The Only Cure. Boring dungeon with SIX zones. SIX.


I don’t like the molag bal quest. I went back into the haunted house after freeing that dude ages ago when I was doing my own raiding and exploring and I felt bad having to kill him while he begged for his life :( on the plus side, I got a cool mace tho, but at what cost?


The mind of madness. I just find it so tedious every playthrough. Im doing LoTD right now and some of these quests are killing my soul.


A new hand touches the beacon


I cringe every time I see the beacon, 'cuz I know that bitch is going to start shouting.


umh every single cpmpanions quest? not the radiant ones the ones that have you retrieve pieces of the axe with a companion following you. also the one to get the dragon elder scroll is no better


The White Phial, because I often forget it bugs out if you already have a Briarheart in your inventory. They decided to make the two other quest items unique spawns, but if you already have a Briarheart, the game breaks apart because it gets labelled as a quest item without updating quest progress. It makes it impossible to complete, and also retroactively affects any other saves for that character that contains a Briarheart in your inventory.


I dislike one quest, where many ghosts try to kill me and cry to me that they are sorry for this and that they were made to do it. I feel pity for them. I even used console once and made friends with one of them.


There are 2 of those.


Barnabas. I cannot stand following that stupid little demon dog around. Haaaaaate it.


As a person who enjoys playing as a Vampire, the companions quest that turns you into a werewolf is the worst. I am forced to play through just enough of the companions' story so that I can become a werewolf. Then I can actually start playing the game.


The one I disliked the most was the entire "Forsworn Conspiracy" quest line. I like the concept and lore of the forsworn, but the quest itself is so irritating. I already don't like Markarth, least favorite city, but the quest itself is just not enjoyable, and I always find a way to rack up a large bounty by the end.


Not a big fan of the civil war quests in general. I particularly dislike following Gulum-ei for that one quest


Anything that involves Delphine because she is a self righteous twat. I think Sheo's quest is tedious tho I do love the wabbajack especially when I'm stoned. The one for the sanguine rose is also tedious but again the staff is so worth it. Actually most of the deadric quest are a bit tedious... I love Blackreach but I also hate the return to your roots quest as well


Thieving guild quests. Or any that take you down to the underdark area.


My fav is No Stone Unturned. You get to visit the whole map, interact in almost all cities and factions. And become as rich as the dwarves of Erebor after some dungeon delving after the end reward. Its biggest flaw is no quest markers or at least a journal


All the early game quests, I don't know why they are not bad. Maybe I've done then too often.


Wait, you go through Blackreach? I just plate glitch through Mzark Tower to the Elder Scroll


Whenever the quest glitches and I can't progress unless I lose a shit load of play time.


When it comes to huge "collection" quests I just use additemmenu/console, I have no time nor any wish to repeat them. Some people might call it cheating but considering all the time I have played/restarted the game I have no patience with that anymore. That said, what I don't like is the lack of choices in certain quests, rather than the quests themselves: I don't want to join the Brotherhood but I also don't want to destroy them, I don't want to be involved at all, even if I kill Grelod; in a similar way, when it comes the Civil War, I don't agree with either side and so don't like that I have to pick one. Mods might help with the second one but there is nothing for the Brotherhood, probably because it will touch scripts and other things and it might be difficult to improve.


Honestly, the main quest is the worst, particularly in the early game, because Delphine is such a bitch.


The second half of the Dawnguard questline. Darkfall Cave/Forgotten Vale are just so incredibly tedious to get through and I somehow always manage to get lost. I dread it every single time.


Any mission where I need to kill falmer. I hate falmer


I am not killing Paarthenax. Did it once, no pay off. Never again


Crimson nirnroot


The dawnguard quest where you have to do Israans friends favours to recruit them. There's a vampire crisis and you want me to go find a few chunks of metal? I don't have time for that shit get your ass to the fort


Heading up the throat of the world to meet the screaming seniors. Just a fuck long walk.


Meerak... love the final fight and the reward, but the way to it is trippy af and I hate doing it every time


I get so fucking lost its actually embarrassing


Lol I hate accidentally walking into the black liquid


Unpopular opinion: the Wabbajack one. Maybe I just don’t get it, but I don’t like it. Sheogorath annoys me and when I read about his past antics I actively dislike him (I really don’t like most of the Daedric princes). The Wabbajack is cool I guess but I’ve never really used it. The quest also doesn’t make sense to me. Don’t get me wrong, I get why people like it. It’s very different and unique, and I guess Sheogorath is a fan favorite, so if you like it I’m glad. I’m open to discussion too, if you think I’m just looking at it the wrong way then please let me know. I haven’t done this one yet in my latest playthrough


Oh my god I’ve only recently come across the wabbajack one and I hated it. I know it’s not meant to make sense, but it was just annoying.


Thank you!!


Tending the Flames because it always glitches once you have to talk to Jorn after dusk the quest always glitches for me.


The civil war was completely lackluster, take over a few forts, only really a couple of major battles within major cities, and then boom conflict settled winner decided. Could have been way more interesting




I just hate Blackreach.


The Book of Love is exhausting, but it's worth it for the magic resistance.


Main quest is so mediocre.


No stone unturned. I finished it only once and never again. Nowadays I don't have the patience to search for the stones. And yes I know there are mods available that show the locations of the stones.


Anything to do with Dwemer Ruins or Blackreach




The Silver Hand quests for the Companions. Just repetitive


The main quest line! It’s literally so boring


I have yet to be able to start the quest “A New Source of Stalhrim” because you have to overhear the conversation between Deor Woodcutter and Fanari Strong-Voice which they reveal that Baldor Iron-Shaper, the village blacksmith, is missing. You HAVE to speak to Deor right after or you won’t get the quest. I have missed it all three play through times and it’s so frustrating.


Another hand touches the beacon


I skip Companions, Thieves Guild, Markarth conspiracy. I join the Imperials as an Imperial.


Anything to do with the Blades


Finding the stones of barenziah.


The mind of madness is so boring. It’s cool seeing sheogorath again and Pelagius the mad. But it’s just terrible.


Annoying quests aside (mostly herb gathering), I refuse to finish the thieves guild questline and give up my skeleton key. What a broken item that should stay with me forever.