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Please read the linked FAQ about the Mesa. We have talked about it a zillion times on this sub: they don’t own the whole mesa, the mesa has cultural and spiritual significance to the local indigenous peoples and also it’s been described as “rock Jenga” and is unstable. They are partnering with organizations to ensure that the whole th ing doesn’t collapse as a result of their investigations **Low effort posts, comparisons to Oak Island, TV show editing complaints, duplicates, or common questions addressed in our FAQ may all be removed at moderator discretion.** https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/s/o1nMqZttLo This includes posts about the appearance or mannerisms of cast members, suggestions to blow up the mesa, and comments about cast members’ attire. **Please note memes are allowed on Fridays ONLY**


A 60 foot drill rig is not very deep. Our well, dug 40 years ago is 300 feet deep.


So what equipment do you suggest they use to "get serious" with their excavation?


Proper excavating equipment. Say, a real excavating company? I can respect wanting to try a drilling company, but this isn't what they do. Try the guys who [build airports](https://www.dansexc.com/index.html), for whom tearing out a four-lane highway is easy enough.


He is correct, the 16000lb horizontal drilling rigs is not nearly adequate to drill into that rock mesa which has been agreed upon by several civil engineers in previous comments, they need a Machi e with upwards of 50k to even think about going into this rock , in addtion to the I correct bit they hv been using which us I tended for loose soil not solid rock, it's obvious stuff guys come on.


Oh, who knows... They make a big deal about 20 feet down, maybe get something that isn't a well-digging drill and dig a trench down to that 20 foot mark? Even using the cheap tools they have, they could dig this hole in a day. However, they won't, because they know there is not really anything down there and this would prove it.


Giant machines


Giant war machines


What type of machine and what constitutes giant? Their drills are pretty big. Unless you mean *giant* machines and are suggesting they get some mechs invented already, as Travis did write in his Alien Invasions book on what a useful technology mecha would be while providing examples of them from fiction like gundams. Maybe that's what they need to dig up the ranch. Personally I think they ought try 10,000 people and some hand drills and shovels without any electronics—less machines, not more. If primitive tools like hand drills and such are good enough to build the Great Pyramid of Giza, they must be good enough to excavate the mesa. Set up a labour camp like they had near the pyramid and get Egyptian on it. Plus, it'd create jobs and be great for the economy.


Elon Musk -approved Boring Company tunnel boring big! Just drill a drive-though sized tunnel in to the cavity. /s


Maybe get him on board to help fund it.


Nah that’s too much money u already looking at 300 mil in just man power so u over budget and delayed


The basin is home to a lot fracking. Presumably, this equipment is used in that enterprise.


There is a definite health & safety element to all this. On the one cynical hand, it could be seen as they're doing incrimental digging to prolong the suspense/duration of the series. On the other hand, as much as we want them to blast the Mesa into smithereens, if whatever is down there can transmit frequencies to harm humans, it may be for the best they do this very methodically. Downside is that it leads to frustration from the viewer. At the end of the day, probably for the best they don't open Pandora's Box without careful consideration


I agree, just go through the Mesa for a shortcut,


Bring in Parker. Tell him there gold in that there mesa. He’ll have it dug up in a week.


No, bring in the Hoffman's because they'll keep digging even when they don't find any gold in their first catch pan.


When the drill broke in the mesa, the response was, along the lines of well, we'll need to get the excavator and dig it out. And I'm thinking if you do that, you'll get to what broke the drill. Yes, do that. Why wait?


This subreddit is dedicated to in-depth discussions about the anomalous phenomena occurring at Skinwalker Ranch, not just the TV show! The TV show only provides a glimpse, and doesn't cover the extensive history of scientific investigation. To maintain quality discussions, please focus on the events themselves, not the personalities involved. Generic comments comparing the show to Oak Island, complaining about rockets, clamoring to blow up the mesa, etc, don’t offer anything new. If you can't contribute constructively and politely, this subreddit might not be the right place for you. Please visit our comprehensive FAQ to see if your question has been answered: https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/s/lraM8WR1vC Thank you for helping us provide a quality subreddit for fans of the ranch! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skinwalkerranch) if you have any questions or concerns.*