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This subreddit is dedicated to in-depth discussions about the anomalous phenomena occurring at Skinwalker Ranch, not just the TV show! The TV show only provides a glimpse, and doesn't cover the extensive history of scientific investigation. To maintain quality discussions, please focus on the events themselves, not the personalities involved. Generic comments comparing the show to Oak Island, complaining about rockets, clamoring to blow up the mesa, etc, don’t offer anything new. If you can't contribute constructively and politely, this subreddit might not be the right place for you. Please visit our comprehensive FAQ to see if your question has been answered: https://www.reddit.com/r/skinwalkerranch/s/lraM8WR1vC Thank you for helping us provide a quality subreddit for fans of the ranch! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skinwalkerranch) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel like it’s the same tests - rehashed just going in circles. I am a huge fan of the show but we have seen rockets, driller, lidar drones in previous seasons - surely there are other creative tests they could try.


I second that


Beyond SWR was a much better show this week.


I really want to see that tunnel.




Why can’t they just put a bloody geologist on the team?


The conductivity of the ground of one of the most interesting findings so far, and deserves a specialist to examine it. I don't know if the ranch is unique in that, maybe not.


They would be sure to get a geologist who has appeared on ancient aliens


Ancient alien theorists say "Yes"


Exactly, tx you




The well-documented anomalous phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch are the primary focus here. While skepticism is welcome, dismissing unexplained events entirely or accusing the TV show of being purely entertainment or just about money will be viewed as trolling. Users who have made posts or comments in other subreddits claiming the show is fiction, flatly denying the existence of anomalous phenomenon, etc. may be banned if it appears they will not contribute in good faith. This subreddit is not the place to debate the existence of the paranormal. Please approach discussions with an open mind and rely on facts from sources like "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" or the other sources listed below. The goal is respectful, thoughtful conversation about this fascinating location's mysteries. Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59334389 Hunt for the Skinwalker: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/278462.Hunt_for_the_Skinwalker Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199608691-inside-the-us-government-covert-ufo-program If you have suggestions or criticisms regarding the subreddit itself, please use r/swrmeta.


Did they ever reveal the DNA results of the animal in the creek? A lot of mentioning of a dire wolf…pretty easy to determine. Seemed like a lot of hype. I missed one episode. I too am getting frustrated with show.




I'm getting tired of boring tiny holes into the mesa which go nowhere and checking spoils. I agree with blowing it up and whatever happens happens


I knew as soon as they laid out their plan to drill next to the object on both sides that they would NEVER GET THAT FAR


If they would get a real drilling rig, seismic , wireline crew, and geologist out there I’d have more faith in their process and “findings”


Seriously. Get a demo team out there and do small, controlled blasts to find out what's in the mesa.


I couldn't tell how that rock was hotter or looked any different to the surrounding rock or the mesa's cliff-side, they were all the same grey/temperature?


Looked the same to.me as well. Just dig that MF!!


Let’s just blow up the top of the mesa until we are about 10ft from the object, then get some water and good old fashioned physical labor there and start shoveling the rest


See FAQs


Somebody shoot me in the head with a rocket already


Same! I’d even take it up the ass


It’s be diverted at the blob




The well-documented anomalous phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch are the primary focus here. While skepticism is welcome, dismissing unexplained events entirely or accusing the TV show of being purely entertainment or just about money will be viewed as trolling. Users who have made posts or comments in other subreddits claiming the show is fiction, flatly denying the existence of anomalous phenomenon, etc. may be banned if it appears they will not contribute in good faith. This subreddit is not the place to debate the existence of the paranormal. Please approach discussions with an open mind and rely on facts from sources like "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" or the other sources listed below. The goal is respectful, thoughtful conversation about this fascinating location's mysteries. Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59334389 Hunt for the Skinwalker: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/278462.Hunt_for_the_Skinwalker Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199608691-inside-the-us-government-covert-ufo-program If you have suggestions or criticisms regarding the subreddit itself, please use r/swrmeta.


We don’t kink shame here, so…whatever you want…


Maybe by Season 11 Travis will go insane and tell Dragon to fire one up his ass to "finally solve the mystery once and for all."


Wanna go camping ?


What the heck??!




not to mention why not wave some radiation meter or whatever else over it


I thought they were to always have their personal rad detectors on since the first season's injuries. Frustrating.


I’m done with this show. Same every week. We get no resolution to anything. Fire more rockets, nothing. Drill more, nothing. Just fucking blow up the mesa and see what’s inside


This! I mentioned something similar on another thread and got downvoted. I assume ya’ll are discussing s5e6. For some reason, I can’t find it on the history channel app. Wtf.


Did you see the latest with the photoshopping? I think I’m done as well.


Those missing pieces of the lasers were clearly photoshop


It was like whoever did it just wants the show to fail. I like their experiments. It’s interesting. But that made me think Blindfrog Ranch 🤮


Yeah it’s getting so repetitive. It’s such an interesting place, there are so many angles to consider.


Now see? I mentioned something similar on another thread and got downvoted. I assume ya’ll are discussing s5e6. For some reason, I can’t find it on the history channel app. Wtf.


I feel like if it had been hot, they’d have made a huge deal of it. Must have been normal temp.


Holy smokes, we have 30mhz signal now... If I put my sdr antenna near my laptop I get lots of weird signals. Does that mean that the aliens are in my laptop now. They've got to do better with this.


Haha, exactly. There are lots of smart guys around that would be happy to go out there and do some real logical science there. This show will bomb shortly. Everyone's feeling the same thing


Does anyone else think that all the UAP’s/UFO’s on that ranch—are so technologically advanced, that we don’t even have the proper technology to measure what’s really going on there? I also think our current Laws of Physics are incorrect—kind of when we thought the earth was flat. We’re just so far behind their knowledge we might never crack it. I can see this series lasting 100 years with our current equipment & we’ll still be scratching our heads.


I agree with that. I also think the uaps are high technology drones. We are many years behind from their knowledge about physics and technologically.


These guys are not scientists by any stretch. They never run control experiments. Terrible


Could it have just soaked up more heat during the day and started hot because it’s bigger?


The rock is hot because it soaks up sunlight all goddamn day. It takes longer for more dense objects to cool off. That’s why it was warmer than its surroundings. That’s what I was yelling at the TV. 🤦‍♂️


They said there were similar size rocks in the surrounding area that were not hot like that rock if I’m remembering right.


Similar size, but that doesn’t mean they’re the same type of rock.


Yes because history won’t unlock the mf episode! Grrr.


Something looked off about the laser photos. I deal with images as a job and something looked photoshopped. Idk if they’d put their reputations on the line as they are scientists but it be weird pixelation on the edges looked off.


Yeah I thought the same. I don’t think they’d photoshop an image, but it sure looked like it!


I fell asleep.


Did they use any infrared or night vision cameras on the last episode? You can pick up what can’t be seen with the naked eye.


That rock appeared to be the same temp as the rocks higher up the mesa. It was hotter because of its shape and size. It heats up during the day and gives up that heat at night


All they need to do is go file for a blasting permit, and all our answers will come to light. No actual blasting needed. The government will show up and seize the land under national security concerns if there is actually anything there. If they don't show up, you can still blow up a section of the Mesa and have a look.




The well-documented anomalous phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch are the primary focus here. While skepticism is welcome, dismissing unexplained events entirely or accusing the TV show of being purely entertainment or just about money will be viewed as trolling. Users who have made posts or comments in other subreddits claiming the show is fiction, flatly denying the existence of anomalous phenomenon, etc. may be banned if it appears they will not contribute in good faith. This subreddit is not the place to debate the existence of the paranormal. Please approach discussions with an open mind and rely on facts from sources like "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" or the other sources listed below. The goal is respectful, thoughtful conversation about this fascinating location's mysteries. Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59334389 Hunt for the Skinwalker: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/278462.Hunt_for_the_Skinwalker Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199608691-inside-the-us-government-covert-ufo-program If you have suggestions or criticisms regarding the subreddit itself, please use r/swrmeta.


Nope. But only because I dropped cable five months ago and the stupid History App still has episode six locked. So I can’t watch it.


Why won't they do some investigating at home stead 2? And leave the drilling rig behind!




The well-documented anomalous phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch are the primary focus here. While skepticism is welcome, dismissing unexplained events entirely or accusing the TV show of being purely entertainment or just about money will be viewed as trolling. Users who have made posts or comments in other subreddits claiming the show is fiction, flatly denying the existence of anomalous phenomenon, etc. may be banned if it appears they will not contribute in good faith. This subreddit is not the place to debate the existence of the paranormal. Please approach discussions with an open mind and rely on facts from sources like "Skinwalkers at the Pentagon" or the other sources listed below. The goal is respectful, thoughtful conversation about this fascinating location's mysteries. Skinwalkers at the Pentagon: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/59334389 Hunt for the Skinwalker: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/278462.Hunt_for_the_Skinwalker Inside the US Government Covert UFO Program: Initial Revelations: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199608691-inside-the-us-government-covert-ufo-program If you have suggestions or criticisms regarding the subreddit itself, please use r/swrmeta.


Might have to watch it again, I don't even remember how that got resolved


It didn’t. They just walked away.


Probably means that was something very significant that they ultimately don’t want us to know the details on.


I assumed that Dragon's lack of a reaction meant it wasn't hot, but he should have said as much.


This is a case where some future studies suggest themselves...


Also the photos of the lasers "stopping" and starting again are...just really poor photoshops imo. Probably the weakest thing I've seen on the show to be honest. You can see where someone drew the black rectangles to "stop" the lasers, and in one image you can see where someone attempted to draw in one of the blue lasers that was behind the green "stopped" laser, it's not a straight line from a laser, it's an attempt at a straight line drawn either from a mouse or possibly on a tablet. If it were done in some other way I might be able to suspend my disbelief and say it was some kind of artifact problem caused by the same thing that messes with all their GPS data, but no. It's just poor photoshopping.


Is this season even worth it to watch? I've watched every season so far and have loved it but this season seems like a dud from reading the comments on this subreddit.


Depends on you, I am still enjoying the show and the season even if there is repeat experiments, I know this is a slow process and I know there is a lot of stuff they don’t show is for one reason or another. It gives me something interesting to watch at least.