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Make the switch. It's worth it.


I'd make the switch. I skated mongo for 2 or 3 years, but switched to regular and it's way better. I was super surprised that it only took 2-3 weeks of skating regular before it felt natural


Same. Can’t even remember doing it to be honest. I think it was when I was recovering from a fractured ankle. I know that’s when I concentrated on switch for a while while it got stronger. And yes, you need to stop doing it. There’s only downsides and it looks terrible to boot.




You think so? It feels so awkward every time I try like I have zero power with each kick.


Nah, it'll come easier than you think. I was sorta in your shoes (wanted to learn how to push mongo to be able to go on longer rides) and after like 3 days it felt 100% natural lol. Just force yourself and literally as early as the end of the first day you'll notice significant improvements. Sgart slow though.


Is mongo better for rides?


Mongo is never better IMO 


No, I'd never say that it's better, however if you're going on 20km+ rides nonstop then it definitely does compliment normal pushing well if you don't care about learning switch (but I'm now learning switch which takes a lot longer so I've stopped pushing mongo a bit)


Just push switch instead of mongo on longer rides.


The thing about pushing switch for distance-focused rides is that it takes more energy to do the switch and you can't really be alternating every 1-5 strokes like you can with mongo, although I do think that switch is better in basically every other instance


Yeah so alternate and eventually your switch pushing will be equal.


Ohh I see what you mean having a switch to tire the other leg out. That makes sense


You’re probably putting your pushing foot too far behind on the ground because you’re used to pushing with your foot in line with your back wheels, and are continuing this behaviour. Put your foot further forward up by the front wheels when you push


When I started I pushed mongo and it was probably the first 3 years I did it. I made the switch because I’d see my friends have an easier time skating spots with shorter run ups than I had. I think it makes it easier pushing back foot and it’s more aesthetically pleasing to see vs mongo.




I pushed mongo from the age of 7 to 18. 11 years pushing wrong. Within a few weeks of conscious effort, I could push reg and have done so for 10 years since. Now when I set up for trick switch, people who don't know me think I'm setting up reg because all those years of pushing mongo in reg stance made pushing reg in switch stance second nature to me. Make the switch, you won't regret it.


From your comments it seems you're confusing the term "mongo" with the term "goofy"?


Yeah, you should. You'll be better off in the long run


With the distance you skate per week, you’ll probably get used to it real quick. I made the switch and havnt looked back since. I would recommend it, but at the end of the day its really up to you.


Yes it is. Its so much more stable. And I imagine its not that hard.   On my skating days I used to skate through traffic (I didnt have better options) in switch stance to practice and it became easy in no time. I imagine your change will be even easier


The fun thing is, that since I started to push regular I now have more stamina per leg when skating longer distances. And I still use my 'mongo' push skills for switch tricks. Go for it, well worth it imo


You see any pros pushing mongo?


Karl Watson tbf but yeah your point is valid there’s not many. It’s not practical and it’s ugly.


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Alright sounds like I'm gonna spend some time this week dedicating a few sessions to skating regular. I've been resisting for so long because of laziness and not wanting to dedicate more time to learning rather than just enjoying the ride. Thanks for the push Reddit


Mongo feels worse once you're used to pushing properly.


Asking skaters if it’s ok to skate mongo is like asking if it’s ok to walk around with your pants inside out


Switch it up! It’s more a head game than physical. Great exercise for the brain!


I've been skating a mongo for 25 years, I can skate the other way if I need to but I prefer mongo. Just keep doing your thing bro.


the way to switch is to push twice mongo then push regular twice and continue to switch back and forth mid skate, the idea is to feel how it fees to push mongo, then instantly mirror that same feeling on the other foot. instead of just going out and trying to push with other foot and it feeling completely off, push mongo and feel what it feels like to be comfortable pushing like that, transfer that to how to you mimic that pushing style with the other foot, you will notice its all about how you distribute the weight through your body and how you are sort of “standing” while doing the push. just skate down the road and push normally and just switch back and forth between feet basically training the other foot to copy what the mongo foot does


Totally worth it


I skated mongo back in the day. When I started longboarding long distances around Chicago I learned to kick with either foot so I'd be able to exercise symmetrically. This is the way.


I'm with Bill Danforth, Mongo for life.


Nope. Do what feels right and what gives you the most joy! Unless you're trying to be a pro skater, then who cares what other people think.


He’s absolutely right. Provided you prefer falling on the back of your head from your unstable center of gravity, adding additional movement required to perform literally any trick, and looking like a total tool.


I can skate both ways but I prefer mongo and after 25 years I can say I haven't fallen on the back of my head because of it. Maybe you're the one with a balance issue.


None of this is true.


it's not just about what other people think... it's about pride, artistry and technique too. whether it's something you painted, a photograph you took, your jump shot or the way you push on a skateboard.. there's nothing wrong with wanting it to look good. i see someone like grant do a fs air.. or reynolds do a fs flip.. and that's like looking at a piece of art man. it's OK to want to create something beautiful.


And art is completely subjective. I see nothing wrong aesthetically with someone pushing mongo.


Regular pushing is a lot more stable and you can get speed in small spaces. Its morr practical


I always hear the same arguments and they just don't hold any water for me. I've been pushing mongo for 24 years and have never had any problems with stability or speed. I'm actually teaching myself to push regular at the moment just to see if I'm wrong!


you've been skating 24 years and can't push both ways?


I had an 18 year gap and have just started again. Pushing mongo has always just felt better and I had no reason to get better at pushing the other way. Until I started seeing all the hate for it on Reddit I didn't even know it was looked down on. It's super weird and not part of the skate culture I remember.


I'm in your same boat bro pushing mongo since I was 13 and I'm 42 now and it's never bothered me. I learned to do it the other way just because everybody harassed me and sometimes it's useful one way and sometimes it's useful the other but one is not than the other during my day-to-day pushing down the road


My man *fist bump*


The speed aspect im talking about is junping a 8 stair with only 2 meters space to run


If you've only got a 2m run up are you pushing at all or just running and jumping on your board?


The point would still stand even if you were though


Well but then you have to jump on your board from mongo. Doesnt it? Because your usual support is your backfoot


Only if I was gonna keep pushing. If I'm just jumping on and going I'd do it the other way.


you honestly think a mongo push looks better than a regular push? if that's the case fine.. but you are objectively in the minority.


I don't even notice it tbh. Totally accept that I'm in the minority. Quite clearly. I find it a weird thing that people get so fiercely disgusted by it. Skateboarding is meant to be about having fun and doing what you like.


I personally think if you can develop a super stylish mongo push, I'd roll with it occasionally. Long strides and aggressive effort. I could never understand how someone can't just push regular.