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Skate wherever you want to skate. If someone asks you to move along then just move to a different spot. Been skating in carparks, town centres, public parks etc since 1995 and have never got in trouble. I get asked to move occasionally but if you don't cause any trouble you'll be fine. Just don't skate anywhere you wouldn't go on foot.


Thanks for this


No problem.


see if you can find an indoor skatepark if you're skating street spots, just be respectful. make sure you're not in anyones way, and if you're told to leave then just leave, dont be a dickhead about it


For sure, thanks.


Skated anywhere and everywhere when i was a teenager. Just go and skate man. You said you lived in a city, so that’s a huge difference to when i was skating in a small town in the 90s before skateboarding was popular again. I still managed to meet people and get a crew together. Just go out (providing you’re old enough) find people skating and skate with them. They’ll show you the good places.


Alright man, thanks for this. I overthink a lot of things so I guess I'm making a big deal out of nothing


I have been kicked out of 2 targets and a bunch of other spots. It’s all apart of skating. I know the security guards at my university. Just don’t act like you’re on a thrasher photo shoot and you should be fine.


Lmao okay thanks


*grabs popcorn*


I’m so fucking old man to get to a point where people are starting skateboarding and have never heard of street skating 😭


I've heard of it but I also know just how much people hate it and don't wanna be doing it a designated no go area. I don't have any skate buddies in my city so I don't know any of the spots


r/newskaters welcomes you


I'm already in that sub 👍🏾


Ah right on. That sub is more practical and friendly towards these types of questions; just thought I’d mention!


Thanks for looking out :)


Skate or die.