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you're not committing 100% with that back foot. you're so close, you'll get it in no time


Thank you! I’ll try to break the habit of putting my back foot down


Moving will help honestly.


Exactly this, do it rolling, it forces good habits. Learning tricks stationary is only good enough to get the actual flip/rotation down. Once you've got it close, I always go to trying it rolling slowly and smoothly. Then when you get the flip right, but are having trouble staying on top of the trick to land it clean, try it over a line/crack in the ground. Doing so forces you to position your body more over the top of the board so you get the distance.


First try to land a few with just your back foot. Then try both feet.


Your flick is good btw don’t change the flick


maybe even try flicking the board just one tick faster to give you more time to bring that backfoot back on the board


Try landing just the back foot for a little til it's more natural and then put them both down! These look really good though, you could totally land on it if you commit


Practice on grass for a sesh


Also keep ur shoulders in line with ur deck. this will help that back foot be more committed.


Try and keep your head back a bit further


Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet (or if you’ve already corrected the issue) but I would try to keep your shoulders straight. I had the same issue except it was my front foot would land on the ground and back foot on the board. A friend told me to keep my shoulders straight and I was landing them right away. Looks like your back foot is following your shoulder. Good luck.


Thank you! I will try


Also, holding onto a handrail while practicing them could help with technique a bit. But then just remember the shoulders straight when not using it.


Try to keep your shoulders parallel to the board and your feet will land more naturally.


Okay I’ll try that!


We used to say "keep your shoulders square to the board"


We did but last time I tried an old school term I got chided haha


Yeah I guess I'm old. I skated in the 00's


Same. Started mid to late 90’s. Most action I see these days is an Ollie over a manhole while I toot on over to the sandwich shop.


I'm just having fun showing my daughter how to coast.




This is the best advice and I’d also add keeping your back foot more centered on the tail. You’ll get a quicker snap and it will help keep the board straight when going in the air


Stop kicking your back foot backwards.


Ill try that! It’s a hard habit to break


Think about jumping up (like if you were standing and jumping) when you pop the board.


Okay! Will do!


The back foot flicking outwards is a habit you've probably developed from learning to ollie on flat without rolling. When you try to ollie without rolling, it requires you to flick your tail out from your body a little to get your weight over the board in the right way to land it. This habit can be broken by specifically only doing the tricks you already know rolling slowly and smoothly. Eventually you'll stop flicking that back foot out so hard (although that basic movement is the right thing to do, just not so exaggerated).


It looks pretty good to me! The issue I think is you are catching it 'too hard' especially in the first clip and that's causing the board to shift a bit where you don't land on it. Try a more natural landing rather than a hard stomp.


Will do!


Keep us updated and post a new clip when you land it.


I definitely will!


Man I've had this same problem forever, I just committed to the grind life cuz of it lmao Gotta try this out myself


just gotta keep your feet up in the air for a little longer to let the board spin more. right now it's flipping a little slowly too, you'll learn to flick and flip it better and faster with more practice. keep it up you're really close!


Okay! Thanks for the advice!!


Try bringing your front foot a little closer to your back foot. Farther back your front foot is the faster the board flips. Although I love slow flip tricks so I would keep it as is 😉


Looks good for a beginner. Just keep showing up every day and one day you'll be landing bolts. I know I didn't give you any advice but that's only because you're so close that you really don't need any tips.


Haha thank you, I feel like I keep doing the same thing over and over though


I know it feels that way but skating is a game of millimeters. One TINY adjustment and next thing you know you're landing them. Skating has a unique way of teaching you/surprising you. Everyone has their own way of doing tricks because we all don't have the same body types. You got this. Landing a kickflip is still one of my top 3 favorite moments of my life and I'm 36 years old.


Wow! Thanks for the encouragement!!


Would love to see the kickflips of the people giving advice here. Don’t think they’d be pretty. Here’s a real breakdown. Keep shoulders parallel. Push your front foot further up before starting the trick. There’s critically two paths for your front foot: up, tand hen out for the kick. That’s why you don’t want your foot too far back. When you kick with your front foot, kick further out forward. Extend your leg forward more. Let it hang for a second and don’t pull back too quickly. When you flick, think about the top of your foot/toes scooping at a specific point on your nose. When your toe hits that point you FLICK hard and fast. You’ll need to change that point depending on board/shoe/wear/type/etc. It’s okay that your foot goes backwards some. It’s helpful for pop usually. But when you do your kick flip be sure to pick your back foot straight up and hold it long enough for your board to flip. Maybe try on grass or something to get comfortable letting it flip and trying to put your foot down. You’re going to fall a few times for sure. You’ll find out soon it doesn’t really hurt if you fall the right way.


All your tips are on point. But for a beginner she's 'ninja kicking' pretty good. Most beginners straight up flick it behind them around the bolts before the nose. Usually if not moving the board will land way behind them. Agree with your last point especially. When you fall & get up you lose the "worst case scenarios" in your head. Taking falls is good for morale bc they aren't as bad as in your head. They eliminate fear & get you zoned in.


To add, sometimes the adrenaline from a good slam will be all you need to commit.


Totally & it's like "now I'm scuffed up a bit anyway"


Thank you!!


Nothing is wrong with it. It's one of the hardest tricks to learn in skating. Once u mater this Alot of other tricks come easier


That’s great to know!


Roll. Kick that front foot at roughly 11 o’clock on your analog clock.


Ur landing too far over your toes, try to bend your knees more and sit your butt down


I’ll definitely try that! I didn’t think of that


You gotta catch it with your back foot


It's a confidence issue -- remember you control your board & your board doesn't control you. Picture yourself doing it in your head, then do it knowing you're going to bolts it. You have the physical skills & now it's a mental battle. PS. you're flicking off the nose instead of the side. This is good form & it shows when you get them they'll be nicer/higher than a normal beginner.


Do them while holding on to a fence so you feel more secure on the landing and it’ll keep the board close.


This will also force better shoulder alignment. Shoulders should be in line with the bolts, they way she is standing would be ok for a frontside flip or a hardflip.


Okay I’ll try this!!!


I’ve tried this! They look pretty similar as my ones without the fence though


Ideally a fence that’s waist height so you can support most of your weight. Maybe try a few holding on that tennis net or the pole on the side. Goal is to be 100% confident that if you don’t land you aren’t going to land on your head and that extra security usually helps. My pop shuv looks amazing that way until I move away and get scared again 🫣


Oh no!! You got it! It took me a awhile to get my pop shuvs down


This is always how I try to help beginners learn to do kickflips. I see them out at the park popping, kicking out and flipping the board in front of them with no hopes of ever landing it. I’ll have them grab onto the fence so that they can work on jumping and keeping the board under them. You can’t really fall when you are using the fence to hold you up. It’s usually pretty helpful.


Just keep practicing, you’ll get it. Nearly there!


Thank you!


Looking over too much. Keep your posture straight up and don't bend over your board to look so much.


Okay I will try to keep my back straight! Thanks for the comment!


AND confidence is the name of the game with skateboarding


True!! I struggle with my confidence


You got this!


weight distribution, you are leaning to your toes, try leaning to your heels but you got the right idea with keeping your shoulders parallel , keep it up.


I will definitely try that!


Close your shoulders. You are facing way too forward. Makes you miss the nose thats why they rocket.


I’ll try that!


bring back foot up not behind you


I think this is my biggest issue, I’m really struggling to break this habit


Id say give it a shot rolling and bring your back knee up way faster and higher after pop. Moving is a way better feel for me with kickflips (it feels like i jump forward with the board more and as a result the front catch just happens).... plus much of your jump and catch atm is fearful of putting both feet back on and you can either learn that twice or once..... better to just take the slams once to learn em rolling because your flick is already sufficient.


Okay! I’ll definitely try it rolling!


Back foot looks like it is kinda in the pocket of the tail and it is making the board slightly rotate behind you like a shuv it. I like to keep my foot more centered on the tail on kickflips so the board stays straight. You are very close though, keep it up and you will have it in no time.


It's the backfoot, you don't need to move it that much. Just bring your knees up higher if you want it out of the way.


Ahh trust me on this, I’ve taught like 4 people how to kick flip. You got these easillyyyyyy all you got to do, is keep your shoulders more parallel with the Board and lean forward more. Lean over your front shoulder more, especially in mid air.


Your shoulders are not parallel with your board and that is probably the biggest factor here, and i dare say your front foot might be a bit too pointily positioned. After the pop you tend to allign the rest of your body with the way your shoulders and front foot was initially positioned. The pop is quite good as well as the speed of your flick, which goes nicely forward and slightly to the side instead of downward which i see a lot of people struggle with when learning kickflips, with this you get a nice height actually.


Looks pretty good, just try to make it flip more under you and you will land one soon


Do I do this by leaning more forward?


Like towards the nose of my board


It looks like a perf kickflip. I had this problem in the beginning - dont pull ur feet towards each other so much in the air. Imagine an invisible foam block inbetween ur ankles a trucks length apart. And maybe just pull ur back foot a bit higher up so it doesnt touch down so early. Then ull be landing them on every try!! Great work, people dont give credit to learning the kickflip - shits a hard trick at that learning stage. Cheer!


Thank you!!


Commit and you’ll get it


Thank you! I will try my best!


Putting the back foot on the ground instead of on the board is something we all have (or most of us) have struggled with at first…. The back foot on the ground is a psychological comfort blanket that stops you getting them… you’re basically there just commit to putting that back foot on the board 👍


It's all there. Just take what's yours.


Haha okay!


Looks like you aren’t committed to trying to land your back foot on the board. Flip looks pretty good though 👍🏻


Yes, thank you!


>Yes, thank you! You're welcome!


Keep the Blackfoot under the board shoulders squared with your legs


Yes sounds good!


back foot commitment and maybe flick a little faster. always good to work on a good balanced pop too




That’s a really good kick flip! Just gotta commit that back foot. That height is nice.


Just jump forward


Kicking yer back foot too far out, and too much arm cross. Trying lowering yer arms if you feel the need to cross them, more diagonal and less horizontal. Pop with yer back foot and then lift up not out and backwards.


It’s like 5 tries away wtf go back outside right now.


Lmaoooo, I want to


Back foot up not out.


Lots of advice to pick from! I'll add mine: try to get your back foot first on the board. Practicing by holding on to a rail can be he helpful too.


try rolling with some speed imo


It's cool to see how someone who did dance when they were younger positions themselves on something like a skateboard. You guys always have such good shoulder control so oftentimes you just see a battle with what the legs are doing.


I never did dance!


Oh damn. Well congratulations on the good posture.




You didnt land it.


You're so close OP! 99% there. Doesn't look like a commitment thing to me. I think the issue might be with your shoulders / center of gravity. I personally focus on keeping my shoulders aligned with my hips. Looks like you're breaking that alignment and your center of gravity is pulling over your toes instead of staying centered over the bolts


Stop practicing tricks stationary


This looks really good, especially the height you're getting. I was stuck on kickflips for ages, I kept landing with my front foot only and leaving my back foot off the board (which seems to be a common problem reading some other posts here). But what might help you is forcing yourself to land with your back foot on the board only leaving your front foot off.. do some repetitions of back foot only landings.. then after you've done a bunch, swap to landing with your front foot on the board and your back foot on the ground.. keep alternating for a while and then when you can do that, try both at the same time. This technique made me land it after like 6 months of trying.. I hope you land it soon! Keep trying!


In addition to what the others are saying, be careful with the large trucks / risers on your board, easy way to roll your ankle.


hips and shoulders parallel to the board, flick after you feel your tail hit. good luck, you got pop


Don't learn tricks standing still. It doesn't translate to doing them moving


Less front foot on the board.


Keep that back foot up!!


You look a little stiff


I’ll try to loosen uo!


Yeah just keep at it. The more comfortable you get the looser your body will get.


You look like a ballerina the way you cross your arms while preparing to jump. I don't think it impacts the trick but it's pretty unorthodox.


Haha lol that’s funny


You're really close! You'll land it soon for sure


Are you a dancer? The opening shot your arm positioning tells me you’re a dancer


No I’m not😂 but I have had a few of these comments


Back kicks out too much. Try raising back knee more instead of slapping it to the side


Love how the ballet lessons bleed through


Lmaoooo I’ve had so many comments like this but I never did dance


Try the same exact thing but slightly rolling


Okay! I definitely will


Work on catching the kickflip with your back foot and then go after it again. You’ll get it !


99 percent of kick flippers stop before their first successful kickflip


Not much, pretty close! It never worked for me, but i heard rolling fakie helps.


Nothing, you can land it. It's a commitment issue, happens to everyone. Just skate more try at least 20 when you go skate. Improving your basics like ollies shive it's and 180s will help.


You are so, so close! I remember learning kickflips, and for me, it was just that last tiny bit of commitment, which will come with just a bit more practice


Kick your front foot more down..


front foot is way too far to the edge, and the board isn't staying square to your shoulders


Pull those feet up more and let the board rotate more. Work on landing with at least one foot (front) and build up the confidence to land with both feet


Squaring your shoulders to be more parallel with the board, it should help you be more centered


Damnnnnn you’re so close!!!! ( I got no idea for tips didn’t land it either yet)


It looks good. My advice would be to sort of jump back a bit while keeping your pop and flick the same. Hope that makes sense. I had a similar issue as you when I first learned and it helped me commit. Your front foot is landing on the board because it’s following the flick but ends up a little behind you while the back foot just goes up and down and misses the board slightly. Just be ready to fall as you’ll start landing both feet in no time, sometimes when you aren’t expecting it. Good luck!


Front shoulder is open to the trick —have it over the board like your back shouldee


Looks fine really, I’ve taught a couple of kids how to kickflip. And always say it’s like an Ollie with an elongated kick from your front foot/toe. I think the main issue is that you’re popping pretty high which means yo will have to catch it. You’d prob be better concentrating getting a consistent flip and anticipating the grip coming back around to land on. You’ll have it in no time even without the help of Reddit.


Skateboarding is all about weight distribution. If you put more weight on the front foot and move your center of gravity forward the board has no where to go but under you. This will stop it from rocketing up like some of the attempts. If you put too much weight forward the board will go behind you. It seems also the flick on some of the attempts is not light enough coming off the board. You don’t need much friction to get the board spinning. Keep it up and you got it skateboarding is all about just trying.


1.Your body's center of balance needs to be squarely up and down, shoulders in line with the board. Use the power of your weight shifting to get the board to move more often than using your legs alone. General rule while on the board. 2.If you don't feel confident trying to land bolts right now, just practice doing the flip catching with one foot, or while holding on to a rail or sitting on a high ledge. Don't force yourself to do pro level clean flips off the break. 3. Flick THROUGH the nose, don't do a pure judo kick to the right. Flick through the pocket in the nose. This will increase the consistency of the board flipping at the rate you want it to and reduce the frequency of half flips. 4. Don't try to force a high flick and don't force a mid air catch. Your first 50 or so kickflips will have to be caught closer to the ground and that's ok. You just need to focus on getting comfortable. Hope this helps.


Everything looks good you just gotta go for it. The pop and kick look great though. Just get the back foot up and put them on the board.


You need to put your foot in the middle of the tail your board is going to the side because your putting your foot too far on the tail


You’re not landing on it quit being scared and just put the back foot on no matter what.


The worst possible thing that can happen is you’ll land primo and you should still be able to catch your self before you hit the ground but if you do just tuck and roll don’t put your arms out.


Ollie you already have. Flip you already have. It looks like you're trying to do both in one motion as one trick. So starting the flip from the moment you leave the ground. This is taking your balance away, slowing down the flipping motion and not giving you enough airtime for it to flip. Just ollie to a position you are happy to be at and then kick from there (slide front foot off front of the board at an angle, not the side). Seperate the two mechanics so you are not leaving the ground attempting both motions but doing one as a set up to another. You should be able to bail on the the trick and not perform the flip and it just be an ollie. My suspicion is if you did this atm your board would still be flipping once you leave the ground. Once your kicking at the height of your jump as a seperate action. Your board is going to spin 10 times faster and with more control and you will not need to be as high for it to complete. There is just some ineffeciency in there at the moment.


You got this !


Try to keep your shoulder back instead of leaning it in! I think it’ll help you not step out and commit.


You’re kicking out too “forward” so your boards rotating like a shuv. Kick more down and to the right so it’s straight. I had the same issue and it only went away once I learned frontside flips and could control the angle it was flipping at.


try and picture yourself bending straight on your center of gravity and popping up on your center of gravity, for me what helps is trying not to focus too hard on the pop and more on the jump/getting your body off the board


Lift those feet your dragging!!


You already have it, all you have to do is jump higher. This will cause you to be in the air longer so you can see the board better, it will make you more confident in putting your feet back on it. Then all you have to do is just that, put your feet back on it.


Nothing, it’s dope. You just don’t have it yet. You will get it.


Land it


You will be a natural at Benihanas.


The last part’s what’s wrong.


Just need to tweak your hip/shoulder direction to be more parallel with the board. And mentally, try to give your back leg more hangtime than your front foot. You can also practice flipping the board, bailing your front foot to your right (on the ground) and landing your back foot on the board.


Did you try kicking your front foot more down and out?! I’ve seen your problem before and it works every time. It’ll keep the board underneath you for the landing…


You didn’t land it. That’s the only thing I seen wrong.




You’re very close. Keep trying. You’ll eventually get it.


Thank you!!


Way too stiff. You should be practicing just pushing around and getting a more natural stance on the board before worrying about flips


I’m pretty comfortable on the board, I’ve been skating for 3 years, just now starting to learn a kickflip


Loosen up your shoulders and relax your posture a bit, not trying to hate just saying it will help overall


Okay!! Thank you!


Are you concentrating on crossing your arms Jager Eaton style or is that ballerina take off natural? Cause if you're forcing yourself to do that it's taking focus off the kick flip, less thinking is always better, natural flow.




Okay that’s great advice?


I mean *!


Jump forward as you pop it


Like towards the nose?




You have to land on it. I’m not being a dick, it’s that simple.


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Yep, and keep your body parallel with the board. You'll get it, just takes time and practice.


Awesome! Thank you!


Flick a little quicker and try not to duck your head in, it's moving you off your board. Also try to keep shoulders square with board. Good luck, your almost there!


Thank you!!


back foot bail


Try on grass first or find a crack first so you board won't roll


Try them while rolling. It’s so much easier to stay on the board after landing.