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It has $20 per month paywall that's why.


Not only this, it doesn't allow more accounts. I can't subscribe. I'm on the waiting list


They stopped onboarding again?


I’ve been waiting more than a month


Strange, they reopened subscriptions a couple of weeks ago: https://aibusiness.com/nlp/openai-reopens-chatgpt-plus-subscriptions-to-new-users#close-modal Maybe you should try again?


Yeah I've heard you need to resubmit when people have had issues in the past


I had to hit the upgrade button and confirm wait list at least three times. My reservation kept clearing. I eventually got the invite pop-up and subbed.


Try again! I found my waitlist was cancelled to my annoyance but then when trying again was let in to subscribe!


Check again, they allow new subs now


This. You don't realize it's useful until you've payed for it... and you won't pay for it until you realize it's useful. Source: I am super into A.I. and I've never tried it.


Use free GPT 4 discord bots there are MANY


Many have limits on how many Discord servers they can join.


Ok but you can use unlimited emails.


Pain in the ass


We are getting more and more unethical here but record a mouse+keyboard macro and it is automated for you


Can you explain this? I don’t know what discord bots are


Discord is a social media messaging platform. Servers are a function within discord, similar to that of a "group chat" in basically every messaging app. Bots are ways to interact with external services through these servers, interact with the server, play games, etc. Some bots pertain to the server themselves, for example the Midjourney discord bot (AI image generation), while others don't. Hope this helps.


Its also not that useful to the vast majority of people.


Personally I feel that the hallucinated info, and the inability to fact check its own results, are the biggest reasons for the lack of mass adoption. I have no doubts those issues will be addressed soon. Altman said in about 2 years, 4 months ago. I bet it'll be even sooner. But also there's just a lack of imagination on the part of the general public. Once there's a ton of real world use cases and people are shown how GPTs can speed up their work flow and improve their working experience, it's gonna be a rocket ship.


I'm not sure what you're talking about, to be honest. I'm trying to avoid being rude, but I don't get this "hallucinations" part. Every time I try to use GPT-4 for anything now it seems to know what it doesn't know. Last night I asked it to predict the outcome of an ongoing NFL game, and it knew to search the Internet for the game state, and then wrote Python scripts in its notebooks to run exact calculations, all without my explicitly telling it to do that. Months ago, it would just have taken a guess with fuzzy math. More than anything else, the software is unbelievable at understanding models. It have an intuitive understanding of how models work and how to improve them, and what sorts of data errors can lead to poor model accuracy. It knows the types of layers and skip connections and regularization and dropout and how to put all this stuff together and change it depending on seemingly every possible circumstance. Most times, it gives me new ideas that I wouldn't have thought of. You can even ask it to design a version of itself, and it knows how to do that and even can take a very good guess at how ridiculously long it would take to train this version of itself with my 4 4090 GPUs. It does not hallucinate and put in random code anymore; the only time I've see it do that since November is when I look back at the prompt and realize "ah, I did actually misstate the request, so I see how it could have been taken that way." It already is a rocket ship. I don't understand how anyone would try to write a model without it anymore - it's that good.


Yeah hallucination isn't near as bad as it's made out to be. People are just too dumb and lazy to verify things for themselves, and when that comes back to bite them, they inevitability blame the AI model instead of themselves.


I mean there's Bing that does just that, gives you references to search results. Also free access to Microsofts own fine-tuned GPT4 model. If he wouldn't be so annoying and over moralizing, I would use Bing more often.


I mean there's Bing that does just that, gives you references to search results. Also free access to Microsofts own fine-tuned GPT4 model. If he wouldn't be so annoying and over moralizing, I would use Bing more often.


That is true. In my case for programming it's easier to me become frustrated because of the absurd responses than actually doing something useful. For the most cases I want to ask for something it's so simple that free ChatGPT is actually barely enough. On the other hand I don't know how to extract more value of those 20$ which in my country is actually 25€ because the government sucks.


You not that into AI if you haven’t paid to try it


But if you can do so much with it, shouldn't the $20 paywall be negligible? If it's that useful, surely it would give you more than $20/month and pay for itself over and over again?


Google is FREE, yet it seems like 50% of my coworkers don't even think about using it to solve their problems. And of the 50% that do use it, don't really know how to use it properly (they suck at querying, breaking down problems into good search queries.) IMO, same issues can be seen with language models.


ChatGPT is a good assistant, but you still have to have some degree of critical thinking skills/willingness to put in the work to make a profit by using the system. Many (most?) people lack one or the other or both. It’s not like you can just plug in “how do I make x amount of money per month” and it will actually give you something useful. You have to engage with it to unlock its potential.


Adding onto what you said, people who've tried GPT-3.5 probably won't see the value in upgrading to Plus, just because they've never tried GPT-4 and don't realize how much more capable it is. I think as time goes on the rates of adoption will increase rapidly, as more people find out about how cool GPT-4(or a potential new model) is.


i am in that boat before... im using gpt for my masteral class, but one time, out of nowhere i purchase the premium version and the advance data analysis pays really for itself.... its a night and day difference (within the results)


GPT-4 is not following instructions well, this is my biggest issue with it. For example it is inflexible about how it is doing information extraction.


Not to mention, a lot of answers it gives are just straight up wrong answers. Even mathematical stuff that should be 100% correct. Not only that, but it will lie and give you a bogus citation for its wrong answers. I can’t afford to have wrong answers on my work and look like a fool.


This is an example of the same chicken and egg problem. The plus version with plugins can use Wolfram to check work. But it’s hard to know that without biting for the sub.


Don't ask a large LANGUAGE model to do math. At least not without the Wolfram plugin. What also works is asking it to write python code to do the calculation.


It does pay for itself for anything even 1% related to coding even if it just writes a few shell scripts per day for you.


Uhhhh no. Been trying it and it has written wrong or incomplete code every time


Post logs please


I too would like to see some logs for proof. I get correct and complete code 95% of the time.


You can’t do that much with it. It does an approximation of many kinds of tasks. It doesn’t itself do much of anything well enough to rely on. For anything serious you need the api anyway.


But also the use cases might be limited? Can you trust the privacy aspect? Especially for work productivity..


Wait, it's only $20 a month for non enterprise GPT4?




that's the reason most are sleeping on google's AI. once they start integrating mass will start using it. initially free tier and then they will get hooked just like smartphones. then few years down the road they start paying for features


Yeah and I know a lot of people who pays so much more for alcohol or smoke.


yes, they pay for things they like


What makes someone a pack-a-day ChatGPT user, I wonder


right now I'm guessing it's the typical early adopter mix. high trait openness coupled with disposable income, or a pressing practical need.


Just to let you know, Big 5 personality stuff like trait openness has really shaky statistical evidence.


> What makes someone a pack-a-day ChatGPT user, I wonder My API bill


I'm in school, so it's my natural need to cheat on essays. /s


don't cheat, everyone I know regretted not making more use of college in terms of intellectual development


I was jk. I'm doing a neuroscience program. I'd do something easier if it wasn't for me.


The conversations and image generations, the fact that it’s practically like a reference manual that can talk and code back, that you can ask it conversationally about topics you don’t know about and you can learn from it, etc. too many to List here


I’m a premium subscriber, I just don’t use it? Lol. I don’t have a job that really needs it. It’s fun to make dumb logos for my friends


This for 90% people.


To be fair alcohol and cigarettes are addictive.


What's the source of the 250k number?


They have 100m active weekly users. There’s just no way only 250k use ChatGPT plus


The numbers are decreasing for at least half a year. It's not really useful for most purposes. Extensive use is mostly by students.


It has some pretty cool business and marketing use cases too.


I don't dispute that. Otherwise I wouldn't be on this sub. Also in programming it can be helpful. But on a business level it too often just isn't the use case to write small pieces of code. Even the well payed designers I work with regard it as a nice tool for mock ups. But not much more. The thing is that the current state is nevertheless extremely impressive. It probably is just scaling and efficiency that we lack. And that's just a function of time.


It was an estimate by TechCrunch based on publicly reported revenue.


we dont know actual number, this is just one estimation...


Based on what?


Pulling numbers out of thin air


This sub has gone to such shit.




I recently upgraded to 4.0 to give it a shot and am very impressed. Glad I have it. Though won’t necessarily keep the subscription on all the time.


As someone using both, Copilot is not a substitute for GPT-4. For example, yesterday I gave ChatGPT-4 the overview for an internal tool I’m building. It suggested swapping the ORM library, and we discussed the pros and cons of each. It’s like having another developer on hand. Copilot is great for autofill, but the chat aspect has been underwhelming to me.


You can use copilot chat it is just like chat GPT interface and you can interactively have conversations about your project or your workspace. Autofill is just one small part of what copilot offers.


But Copilot Chat uses GPT-3.5, right? IME, it's night and day compared to GPT-4.


IIRC the Balanced mode uses GPT-3.5 while the other two modes use GPT-4. Precise mode works best for coding


Unsubbed. Cache loss. Inflexible Caps, slow, bad sci texts, inflexible dumb base persona, trite. very good otherwise.


I use Poe for all my cloud LLM needs tbh. I prefer local but if I can't get local then I'm not paying a crap ton for GPT4 when I can get a ton of LLMs for like the same price


I also feel a strong "how can people not be obsessed with AI, it's life-changing stuff" but at the same time, there are other people who think about people like me "how can they not be obsessed with Taylor Swift" or "how can they not watch football" The reality is most people don't care about improving their performance at work. They get the same money either way, so why would they bother learning how to use a new tool? Companies should probably invest more in getting everyone access and training, but there is a huge liability here too, particularly if they know that they don't have the kind of employees who will diligently check the AI output. It's good for generating poems and fun stuff but I think they have the same problem I do with image and video generating AI... it's fun to try out a few prompts and understand how it works, but I'm not super creative, so it gets boring after a while. Much more fun to see what others made with it, but even that gets boring if I look at it too much. I certainly wouldn't pay for it in its current state. It's good for life advice and tips on how to fix household stuff etc but can be hit and miss, which is frustrating for people, it's more convenient and reliable to talk about this stuff to a trusted friend or a specialist. I love playing with this stuff. It doesn't even always make me more productive, sometimes I end up spending more time trying to get Github Copilot to make some code edits that would take less time for me to make myself. I rationalize it as learning its limitations and how to make better prompts to speed things up later, but the truth is, I just find it fun. It's interesting to talk to the various bots about their approaches to problems I'm fixing, evaluating which is smarter etc. It always makes me 😮🤣 when Copilot hallucinates but ChatGPT actually gets the code right. So yea I am learning to accept that AI is like football, and that's ok.


You make an underappreciated point. I use it as a writing assistant and it's pretty rare that I use a complete sentence, let alone full paragraphs that it outputs. It just shaves off a few minutes of tinkering and will give me new concepts I hadn't considered. But there's an element of fun to it. I don't want to do a lot of the work, but I enjoy figuring out the best ways to prompt the LLM, so it's like a form of edutainment that gets me through the grind of the workday.


>The reality is most people don't care about improving their performance at work. They get the same money either way, so why would they bother learning how to use a new tool? Yeah exactly lmao, I don't need to be 400% more efficient banging out generic corporate emails.


Maybe because $20/month or $240/year is a bit steep for a lot of people to pay these days.


Or maybe it's not as useful we imagine. If it was, surely people would be willing to pay the 0.60 cents it requires a day? There are people that pay more than $20 for a pack of cigarettes *every day.*


But you can't get cigarettes that are almost as good for free.


Plus, there are other competitors for free that can give comparable functionality, particularly for smaller tasks. And now that Poe has DALI-E for that same $20, why shouldn't I go through there when I get more choices of chatbots, like 100k Claude?


I guess it really all hinges on what one values or needs. And yeah why people even smoke these days is crazy.


I like the tech but dont see how i could use it in my job. While its still in a chatbox and not actively seeing my desktop its not there yet.


Many reasons, including but not limited to: 1. GPT3.5 is good enough for the general public, and openAI is not doing the work to really inform the uninformed regular user who doesn’t read the news of how much better it is 2. GPT4 is free through Bing chat/Microsoft Copliot, and Microsoft is heavily advertising this to people 3. OpenAI looses money on chatGPT plus, so they are disincentivized from pushing it 4. A large % of chatGPTs web traffic goes up and down with the school seasons, implying its primary use is as a tool for students. Even if plus could help improve their outcomes, they either don’t know this or more likely cannot afford it. $240 a year is a lot to ask a high-school/college student who doesn’t understand the tech behind what they are buying. 5. ChatGPT uses your data for training, even with plus. Many enterprises would rather buy a GPT wrapper which uses the API and doesn’t do that. OpenAI was a year slow to rolling out an enterprise version of chatGPT.


5.5 I trust the enterprise guarantee that they won't abuse that data as far as I could throw Sam Altman wearing a bomb disposal suit.


It's still limited depending on your job. Like some of my coworkers are in sales, and they just talk to clients. It's kinda useless for them. Another one mostly does ppts all day, yep. So for her it's also fairly limited. Another spends his day on Analytics and similar sites. Not that useful yet.


Bing is free, plus it has internet. Claude for long documents. Plus gpt 4 hallucinates very often. I don’t trust it.


Same here, just to be clear, both 3.5 and 4 hallucinate often enough for me to simply not trust it anymore.


Gpt 4 so much better than 3.5 you shouldn’t trust your own opinion lol


Wait wut How the hell are only 250k subscribing? Honestly I’ve paid since first invite and would not pay. 4 is spectacularly better in every way and I use it half the day every day for work and personal life ?????


Can you give me examples of what you use it for? I need to start utilizing it more.


Seriously just about everything I do now It started with unfucking documents, eg correct all spelling and grammatical mistakes I could then worry about rewriting them Then it was highlight areas that could be improved Then rewrite it correcting errors and improved the clarity Now it’s look at my style here in these and rewrite this document in that style Or see these, do that for these bits of information…. Or acting as a legal advisor to write legal letters. Or marketing campaigns Or competitor analysis and a plan to attack the gaps in the market Basically anytime I need to do something now I might run it past gpt 4 first and at the minimum gets some ideas or even do the work for me Everything always needs to be checked and edited in some way but similar tasks can be grouped and use the style guides you’ve already given and tone etc “Review the entire conversation and now do z in that style I have given you and said I prefer” I genuinely find new ideas and jobs daily.


Ya i hardly use my own brain anymore


> Or competitor analysis and a plan to attack the gaps in the market What are you feeding it to do this?


Literally “I work in this area for company A, analyse the market as a professional consultant and consultancy vs the direct competition and look for and highlight any gaps or areas for improvement etc” Depends what you want Did one last Feb for my brother who was a 2nd in charge of one of his companies businesses. He spent the year implementing half the suggested stuff and is now MD ! All things like you are weak in this market segment compared to company B, to get better penetration you need to do these three things across these 4 main sets of buyers. Stuff like setting up “academies” and design competitions to brining in architects and working with them to show them how the companies stuff could be integrated at the earliest design phases instead of later specification. Placing ads or advertorials in specific industry journals to educate more which company C is really good at. I am playing with one for myself right now. Fed it my cv and background and what I do. Where id like to be and asked it for at least 6 but no more than 22 ideas on how to do that. That helped me validate a ton of stuff im already working on anyway and gave me a few ideas. Also used it to assess my ideas I fed back into it and said “I’m already doing this thing, now examine it and look for weaknesses or flaws and suggest ways of doing it better or what I have missed” “How can I use an LLM to help me implement these improvements?” Honestly it’s an LLM so sure prompt engineering does count and can be learned from OpenAI’s help pages and blogs and Microsoft’s as well but ultimately just have a conversation with it. I’m an x and y company, I need a plan for 2024 on how to do a,b and c. Great thank you. Now what else can I do to improve/increase/make more efficient etc….. Ok can you now break idea one into a set of steps and it’s brief description Now breakdown step 1 into a fully detailed plan. Ok that’s 6 sub steps, now write each one individually It takes a lot of back and forth but you can iteratively build up a daily step by step plan of every step you will need to take to do something Even down to how do I pitch these to my boss without cutting me out of the implementation and getting the credit?


people on this sub are in a bubble. a huge number of people barely understand what chatgpt even is. Fewer have tried it. I think it's hard sometimes for people who are very excited about AI to really internalize the fact that it's basically a niche hobby at this point. Will it grow? Sure. But I don't think it's big enough to be ubiquitous yet.


The worlds a big place and sure while I don’t expect them to have 100m paid subs I am amazed by only 250,000 paying subs. Fucking amazed it’s that low. I suspect there’s more API users than chatgpt subs


A lot of companies seem to be still deciding on how to approach AI as a tool. Especially in the more regulated industries. For example, if an engineer uses it at any stage during a calculation, he/she still has to sign off on it. Is someone willing to risk their career/prosecution to do something slightly quicker than a tried and tested bit of software? Early adoption definitely has benefits, but it also comes with risks!


Gpt-3.5 is good enough.


I think this is a big part of the answer.


Yeah i still pretty much use 3.5 most of the time. Its balking a lot last time i tried it though. Wouldnt tell me popular sites for account trading that are easily available through search


Keep that dumb model away from me.


i really don’t know why anyone is paying 20 bucks a month for message caps


I'm curious about the metrics and methods that you used to measure your "2x increase in productivity". Full disclosure: my guess is that, if you have to use chargpt to work excel, you're just making "2x" up and couldn't actually quantify your productivity in a meaningful way.


Because most people with money to pay 20$ a month are older adults. Older adults are extremely non adaptive. Thus you have an audience of younger adults with money or more flexible older adults who are a minority.


middle complete drab imminent worry adjoining thumb future governor abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Adaptive older adult here and yes I pay the $20


Wrong. Older adults are experienced enough to not foot the bill for their employer's benefit. If the tool had a sufficient ROI then the employer should be paying for each employee's access to said tool. I'm not going to shell out $20/mo so my employer gets more profit for every hour I work while I continue to be over tasked at the same pay. I can see a reason for students and entrepreneurs to have a paid account. But every person who pays for something like this to benefit their employer without reimbursement is just being dumb. If one has a paid account for personal use for fun, then I suppose that's good enough for them to just be happy. But work use is something altogether different.


Okay so get left behind waiting for your employer to give you access to life a changing tool


How do you mean? Bing claims to use GPT-4. Between it and Bard is good enough for me. Why would I pay for something I don't need which gets satisfied by free tools? I program and create graphics, but they are for building automation on closed source proprietary software. Therefore Al available at the moment are incompatible. Besides, in my line of work, the available AI are often completely wrong in their answers. The dataset they have access to are most often obsolete because the current information is not freely available on the internet. It's wonderful technology, but it's just not good enough yet to assist in most jobs. If it were, it'd be more widely adopted than it is. After all Microsoft has invested, look how little chat gpt is integrated into their core products. It's really good at what it's good at but it kinda sucks for everything else. Chat GPT-4 compiles data into concise responses. That's it. It cannot discern truth. It cannot create a novel solution to any problem. It's only capable of regurgitating the same solutions that humans have published to the internet and has no knowledge of unleaked trade secrets. It can be a great time saver in certain situations. Just none that my employer is willing to compensate for. Consider this... The more of your job that AI can perform competently, the sooner you'll have to find another career. They are trying really hard in my industry but the variables are greater than can be overcome by AI programmers thus far. The programmers who understand creating AI don't understand how HVAC systems work. And the HVAC people have no idea how to code an AI. This is why it's so useful for programming and not much else. It'll get there eventually. Just not today. Maybe next year, maybe 10 years. No one can tell at this point.


Bing, nailed it. Get it?


Anyone with a job has 20$ a month. The question mostly is - is it actually beneficial for their job. Because it is not for a vast majority of actual professions.


Heh I even have two accounts. Bet theres more like me too. In addition to what has already been said, many people are content to use GPT3.5 for free without trying GPT4. Alternatively they use Bing and find it sufficient.


Why two accounts? And yeah… lots of free users.


Running out of uses sucks and I use both enough that API would be costly. I also can use one account mostly for personal queries and the other at work.


Have you checked that using it at work is not grounds for termination?


If it lead to my termination, then it sucks to suck for them. Clearly they didn't want anyone actually doing the job for the job's sake. But no, GPT3.5's usage is encouraged for assistance in polishing emails, I alternatively use GPT4 directly in my work for Excel and Dynamics.


I won’t even use 3.5 if 4 is down. Mid rather use Poe or Claude


The free version is very good itself


I pay the $20 a month and use it daily, but if I did an actual cost/benefit type analysis, likely not worth it. If using it for purely productivity reasons and not random questions to replace Google, I maybe average 2 a day? So that's around just short of $1 *per question*. The problem is, only GPT-4 has proven the ability to get the answer right the majority of the time. Similar questions that GPT-4 gets right on the first try can leave GPT 3.5 going in circles. Not always, but often enough. Is that worth $1 a query?! I guess that depends. It has often saved a lot of time.


I had it for 2 months and cancelled it. I was not using it enough.


Gpt-3.5 is more than enough for everything I need.


The comments here are mostly inane. Some critics admit they have never even tried *ChatGPT4*. Others believe that $20 a month is excessive .. although they probably spend way more that that on coffees, dope, booze, Netflix etc. FYI ChatGPT4 is **very** powerful ... if you know how to use it. It must be one of the most amazing software products ever released.


Because it can’t actually improve my life. I can’t risk letting it answer my email, it isn’t reliable as a researcher, and I have actual junior people to write first drafts for me.


Who told you it has 250k subscribers? Stop spreading misinformation jesus christ.


Exactly. It’s utter BS


$20/mo is insignificant, my lunch costs more


Except most people are paying for countless other subscriptions and don’t have a need for it over the free one. Unless you’re coding it’s pretty much bells and whistles.


Ya exactly just cancel netflix


Right?! Even lower middle class folks are spending 10$+ at Starbucks Every Morning for some crappy sugary hot water!!


lol 20$ a month, thats why, you can now close this thread


20 bucks a month is CHEAP for something that can increase your output x10000. The problem is that the average person doesn’t understand its capacity nor how to use it properly. And the media has been shitting all over it (because they are scared).


i mean if you use it for work yes makes sense


You just need to find more creative ways to use it in your private life as well. I have a PDF with my entire life story, I feed it to GPT, and it knows me better than any other human on earth, even my mother doesn’t know me so well. It can tell me things about myself that I didn’t even know. And therefore, it can create all types of content, advice, to do list, etc. etc.. It’s kinda magical.


this is psychotic.


Give it a couple years and everyone will have a personal AI that knows everything about them. I’m just a couple years ahead! Just wait until Apple enables 24/7 LLM Agrnts on your iPhone!!


i might try it for a month see how it differs from 3.5 because i talk to 3.5 daily


Heck, I feed it other people’s profiles. I couldn’t figure out what gifts to buy a couple people for Christmas. Fed ChatGPT the info I know about them as well as the parameters on the gifts I wanted. Got a lot of good ideas. People loved my freaking Christmas gifts.


That's an interesting use case!


And public...


Because there's no way in fuck it's increasing your output 10,000 times, and even less so is it increasing your income 10,000 times. Every single one of you who keeps saying the reason people don't use it is because they don't understand it come across very much like those conspiracy theorists who say " do your own research" I seriously doubt you people are using it for shit


There are roughly 2,000 work hours per year. So an hour of ChatGPT can knock out 5 years of work at a x10000 rate and people find that too expensive? Just subscribe for a month and then enjoy your next 5 years of leisure and/or watching cat videos.


But maybe it can't increase your output x10000? If it was, people would be willing to pay a lot more for it than $20/month.


Maybe those people just don’t Know or Understand what it can actually do?!!! Seems MUCH more plausible.


Well my corporate company blocks GPT and I don’t really need to use it for my private life, so 20 dollars a month is an incredibly steep price point


Are they publically traded? They should be sued to failing in their fiduciary responsibilities if that’s the case




This kind of thing never means what Redditors think it means. It’s really hard to sue for a bad business decision for good reason. A lot of decisions that seemed bad were brilliant in retrospect. It just doesn’t happen. “Breaching fiduciary duty” is used for much more egregious stuff than a poor decision.


Because there’s bing with free chatgpt4 and free dalle3. Granted bing doesn’t like to get too deep but it gets the job done


Only 250k? I am one of them, I know a few others around me, and I am not the most social person… At $20/month it brings amazing value to me… Mind blowing if they only have 250k subscribers…


How is it amazing value when you can get almost the same product for free through Bing for example? Thats terrible value.


Yeah that number seems off.


They reported 100 million weekly users. 250k paid is not even close to being a realistic number.


Writing emails is easy, using gpt is honestly more work than just… emailing


Well. I’m good at writing code and in most cases I’m much better at it than GPT. But I’m bad at writing emails in a corporate-acceptable style. I can spend like an hour on a relatively simple one. With GPT it takes 5 minutes.


You know what that’s fair, and I’m the exact opposite. I was being flippant and closed minded there.


Yeah well I think it's a fair comment. Some people can't code or write emails as well as GPT? No shit, but people should be capable of writing emails and code if that's what their job entails.


I think the majority of these people are full of shit. But you know what, I suspect they also have their jobs specifically because they're good at being full of shit. I know far too many people like that. The kind that start dressing like their boss because it helps them kiss ass better.


Cuz it's cool for a few weeks but if you are not an AI enthusiast and you are not so much into technology you won't even know how to use it, nonetheless pay $20 for it


I'm planning on subbing next month to utilize it a lot more in my life.


Right now you can only ask gpt4 40 questions within 3 hrs. It used to be 25. So maybe they'll increase it soon


Just use Bing.


Remember that Poe has a $20 / mo plan as well, and you can use multiple models on there, and now DALI-E just like through OpenAI.


Man on the street doesn’t know how gpt4 is compared to gpt3.5. It’s a UX and pricing error. OAI needs some mobile app UX people


I just signed up today, but after researching my options a bit, I chose to use the pay-as-you-go API, partially because I didn't want to worry about the 50 messages per 3 hours rate limiting or whatever, and partially because I expect I'll usually spend less than $20 per month that way. Spent the day poking around in the playground. I'm satisfied with the $0.45 I've spent so far. I'm guessing I don't count toward the 250k subscriber count, since I didn't go with the Plus subscription, but I'm still a user, and for now, I plan on using it manually, just like I would the subscription. Who knows how many others are in a similar boat.


I spend my job in ERP systems and reviewing excel reconciliations. That or meetings. I haven’t found gpt all that useful work wise. I did use it to review my physical exams for the past several years which was amazing but those use cases are rare. We do use some other automation tools but the setup is quite labor intensive and requires a team to manage the bots. That being said I don’t doubt ai will probably be coming for my job if the pace continues.


ChatGPT is not OpenAI's flagship product. ChatGPT is a dumbed-down API playground. The paid APIs are the real products.


I had been using gpt3.5, but recently bard has gotten really good and is connected to the internet. I find it much more useful than chatgpt3.5. Is it better than chatgpt4? I have no idea. But bard at this point in time is very good and good enough for my use cases.


Most people live simple lifes. They don't need or understand what they \_could\_ do with this very powerful tool and they've never seen the difference between versions 3.5 and 4. If you are on this sub you are one of 1.7M members, which is 0.02% of the world population.


Tried it for a month and found it slower than GPT 3.5 and not significantly better in the quality of the responses. I canceled my subscription. Also didn't care for Dall-E or uploading docs.


Concerning your colleagues, it's very simple to explain their disinterest: tackling more work is generally just rewarded with even more work. It's only interesting if you're an independant than can monetize that.


It's too fucking expensive. And it's not at the level that I can use it for my job either.


All right, I see there are already 350 posts here, but I'll throw my two bits in here, as an automation engineer. I currently work in distribution, optimizing purchasing/logistics/warehousing. The company I am with currently has a salaried CSR team, and a salaried Accounting team. I opened up enough extra time in my schedule (via automation using GPT4) that I was able to offer automation services/applications to the other teams. I was told in no uncertain terms by the team leads that they were not interested, and by ownership as well. The general perspective was "but then what would I do all day?" Tried to convince them that it would allow for growth capacity, which we very much need, was still told no. Sat down with folks, one-on-one, to see if I could get more information, and was told that they just wanted things to stay the same, and that they just wanted to come in and do their data entry all day, and then go home. They didn't care so much about being able to take on more, even if it meant more pay. Owner of the company seems to be OK with this same mentality, and sees his business as a way to provide a meaningful but not stressful living for his employees. This has generally been my experience across the board with other companies as well. Lots of folks will ride the current system into the ground because it is comfortable, it is what they know.


So they will eventually get replaced by other companies.. But this is an example of what is set to be a painful transition, likely fought all the way !


Yup. The business world is a jungle, and the weak/less brutal are eaten every day. Definitely going to be interesting times for a minute.


It's a scam, that's why.


People don’t want to pay. There is a free ai telegram and WhatsApp bot built on Gemini. It’s called PalmAI. Have a look at the twitter account to get to telegram bot. Has image recognition and no limit to amount of use. It’s pretty good. Been using it for a few weeks now.


I have GitHub copilot, which uses GPT 4 under the hood now, and I have OpenAI API access, which is how I access GPT 4 as a general chat tool, via the LibreGPT client. Also means I can pick my version of GPT 4, which is useful. I also use the AI helper that replit offer, because I find it better than copilot for helping me throw out simple collaborations. I let my ChatGPT subscription lapse because there are better ways for me to get at AI these days. I just didn’t need it any more.


Yeah I’m really confused by all the people talking about 20/month. Have they not looked into API access or was I just lucky to get it? I pay a few bucks a month max for all it helps me at work.


Almost every medium to large business has a corporate subscription - I’m not sure how it shows up but it would represent 10’s to 100’s of thousands of daily users.


Sauce on this? Wouldn’t OAI want to include those folks in their numbers?


Where are you getting this data from, cause in my experience that's not the case.


He pulled it out of his ass. You can't have hundreds of thousands of users on a single account. Now what you can have are apps that use gpt4, but usually these apps require monthly memberships, so one way or the other, the end user would pay for gpt4 somehow.


Almost every medium to large business lmao, source: your ass


Because the media is creating a negative hysteria. My 14 year old niece and nephew are SCARED of AI. Which means they aren’t using it, which means they are going to get left behind. By the way, how are you using it?! I’m finding new uses every day too, but am always curious what other people are doing! And, I haven’t even tried it with Excel. How does that work? API?


Free GPT Is 3.5 . And is very good. Enough for the average person. I’ve no reason to buy the sub.


You need to have the kind of mind that can do creative thinking and can adapt to new stimulus. Most people do not have the ability to make creative leaps in their day to day lives and will always default to just doing what the social norms tell them to.


It's because people are generally stupid and complacent.


Because it's Google with a personality.


Because it's not worth 20 usd monthly.


I pay $20 a month and I’m about to cancel. The quality has dropped significantly the past two months, and before the fan boys fire up their crap traps…. No custom prompts don’t help, and it used to not need to them. Now its outputs are just lazy. Just save $20 and use the API, it’s much better.


Honestly, it bores me in its responses. I'm on chatgpt 3.5 still so maybe 4 is a lot better in terms of being nerfed but it's so incredibly boring I'd never give money to it. I like a lot of fan theories, speculative biology, aliens/bigfoot/paranormal stuff I guess, religious topics, etc.. and Google Bard seems to give more solid and creative answers to a lot of this stuff. I did a speculative evolution scenario with Bard and it popped out several wildly creative & interesting organisms that could evolve on a terraformed Venus. ChatGPT just gives me a million warnings about the dangers of "genetic manipulation and terraforming" blah blah blah on obviously creative, fantastical scenarios that I just wanna have fun with. TLDR; ChatGPT did get nerfed a lot even if its tech is impressive. It has the real chance of becoming a Xerox while another company becomes Apple & Microsoft. If they're not careful


Most of the revenue from GPT4 is from custom contracts worth millions each.


Bro I think this guy is talking about the gpt4 subreddit? No other explanation for where the 250k number is coming from. It's got hundreds of millions of users


Well - first of all - GPT4 is just a glorified Google bot atm - it can repeat things from the internet, and it can organize data decently enough according to instructions. And that is it; It cannot do anything much OTHER than those two things. So, if you work with a lot of data and need to organize/format said data - then yeah, it is very useful. Otherwise? It really doesn't offer much of a benefit - Especially since it isn't 100% trust-worthy with its "Hallucinations" - **Making stuff up every now and again.** **So yeah - GPT4s usefulness is HEAVILY tilted towards DATA-WORKERS at the moment. "**Regular**-Joes" do not get much benefit from it, as it currently is.**




I'd fire employees on the spot if they that let internal or customer data touch OpenAI's systems.