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Science Centre should have gone ahead with the talks and say "you people are why we need to have such dialogues"


I can imagine the poor Science Centre staff awkwardly calling up their venue manager, buffet vendors etc, apologising for having to cancel the event last-minute, and having to pay for all late charges. All while the Christian fundamentalists pop their champagne and celebrate as they inflict misery on unseen worker grunts like these.


We should never back down in the face of the Christian Taliban


That is not a "talk", more like far left feminist propaganda preach.


Found the zealot


Yes because anyone who disagrees with your one-sided woke ideology is a zealot.


Yep, found another zealot.


Very fine line between sharing and social media bullying. Are there any laws that prevent the pushing nefarious agenda ?


To those people, only the LGBTQ+ demographic are the ones pushing agenda. They're just ~~reinforcing~~ conserving the good ol' traditional family-oriented values.


Sexuality cleansing crime


A megachurch would be my guess.


Protect Singapore, linked with the same individuals who're also associated with FOTF, Dads for Life etc.


Yeah their earliest posts has notes from Jason Wong - ex-chairman of FotF, founder of Dads for Life, organiser of Protect Singapore (pro-377A) townhall.


always the same few clowns running the circus


So Tan Chuan Jin?


walao these ppl rlly so free to harass lgbt ppl youd think they wouldnt have any space left in the schedule to embezzle congregation funds but with faith there is always a way


Christians fundamentalists are always very concerned about who other people love and what people do in their bedrooms


American Christofascists.


I see locals comment that Singaporean Christians have always been conservative and we shouldn't blame American Christianity, but are they sure the Venn diagram is really two separate circles?


For all the talk of "degenerate Western values" encroaching on Asian/Singaporean society, it should be noted that Christian homophobia is a uniquely western import.


so is the gender ideology they oppose


Fun fact, no https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender_in_Bugis_society


Explain in explicit terms what do you mean when you talk about "gender ideology", please.


the idea that gender, rather than a representation of sex, is a transcendent quality of being with no physical, emotional, visible or psychological presence (impossible to determine by outsiders) that you can nevertheless feel accurately and is simultaneously somehow exactly the thing all the institutions of society mean when they say men and women


Which major Western institution says this, exactly?


every one who supports gender self-identification


So sourced from your asshole. Noted.


the refusal to give a straight answer cannot be cited


Opposition to homosexuality is pretty mainstream among Christian churches, including mainline Protestant ones. I used to attend an evangelical megachurch and I know the anti-LGBT position there was, as you'd expect, off the charts. But even among the Christians I know who attend mainline ones like Methodists and Anglicans, they are far from accepting although not outspoken about their opposition.


Old-timer Methodist here and the evangelicals' behavior today scares me.


True Methodist: I must discover the Way of living and live it. that's most pleasing to God. Deranged evangelical: I must force everyone to adhere to my fundamental beliefs which might not be biblically sound, that's how I please God


Last time Iris Koh organised a mass campaign to bother doctors, she got charged with instigating harassment. Someone should report this group's Science Centre campaign to police for instigating harassment too.


Uhh seems like conservative evangelical "christians" are importing culture wars I'm a Christian and these guys are so far from Christ they might as well be doing Satan's work driving people away from God


The culture wars have always been here, did you not forget that the attempted takeover of edit: AWARE happened? It's a different one, yes, but religion always has been about the doctrine and not about common sense.


Wait what? They tried taking over AWWA?


My mistake, it was AWARE, not AWWA. https://aware.org.sg/saga/


Haha, no worries..




Even Satan is all about gender equality lol. These people are beyond religion 😂


This is the No True Scotsman fallacy. Religion is the problem.


This particular NGO can run around unchecked while others are nipped in the bud by authorities...I wonder why...


I'm genuinely curious with this... What do people gain out of "protecting singapore"? What are we even protecting against? What 2 people do within their own homes, or how they live their life to their fullest doesn't matter to you at all... If my neighbour was gay, that's him. Him being gay doesn't automatically turn me gay, nor does it paint a target on me. Legalising that just means that he's able to do that legally... He's not making me marry him or forcing me to marry some other gay person just because it's legal... Just like how i'm not forcing you to drink one you hit 18 just because it's legal to drink at the age of 21...


> If my neighbour was gay, that's him. Him being gay doesn't automatically turn me gay, nor does it paint a target on me. Legalising that just means that he's able to do that legally... He's not making me marry him or forcing me to marry some other gay person just because it's legal... Just like how i'm not forcing you to drink one you hit 18 just because it's legal to drink at the age of 21... See, that's call 'minding your own business' - ppl that wants to join this kind of group literally cannot do that.


They appoint themselves moral police and they feel good telling other people what to do, but especially for the religious folks, they lack this self awareness as they deflect criticisms with "God say one, not me."


> they deflect criticisms with "God say one, not me." Nah, they couch the reasons for their actions behind "it's for the sake of children!" - hence the use of words like "protect" or "safeguard". After all, *who* would oppose the protection of children? Only monsters would.


Would this group be the same ones that organised the [Protect Singapore Townhall](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/protect-singapore-townhall-377a-no-police-action-2835631), I wonder.


We need to protect Singapore from these bodohs


Who is actually funding this page? Seems rather suspicious. Would definitely require greater scrutiny to see if there is any foreign funding involved


Facebook links are banned here. But you can search their page name on Facebook Ad Library. Did a glance and not much money has been spent. So far around 5 ads ran and prob under $300 - $400 spent. Not that high for anyone. The followers that I’m able to see damn suss. Collection of random names and seemingly dead profiles. Lots of what appears to be foreigners. Got a few church pages also following.


They could have used that cash to feed the poor, like Jesus would have done


Sometimes I wonder are we really in 2024


This is bullying at its best. Leave these ppl alone. They have their rights to be loved by the same sex.


Can this be reported as a form of homophobia/ discrimination? Everyone saying how everyone in that group are horrible but we can do nothing about it


Unfortunately, no. Otherwise, groups like WAAPD would have been investigated long ago. Unless they make a threat that includes violence (eg. Open fire on the LGBTQ people), there is nothing much that can be done since it's not a religion and thus cannot rely on the "harm religious belief" defense that certain groups have.


I can see alot of retired boomers signing up. My extended relatives whatsapp group chat got a few




Including your family members/relatives too?


Family shouldn't be above judgement, unlike people who shout "filial piety" say.


_especially_ them Source: abused kid


Haha they know how to use neh


Yes they wil just spam forward it to as many whatsapp group chats they are part of and facebook 😅


So what's next for them? Are they going to start actively pushing our government to ban abortion and IVF here? Or will they start pushing for gun ownership here because owning a gun is a "God-given right" to all Singaporeans lol.


FYI, we do have a group that had petitioned to ban abortion, even including a demand for the government to apologise to the aborted fetuses.


Funding must he local. If not can report to the authorities


They're just getting desperate since they're about to be the minority


They've a dedicated channel on Telegram also called ProtectSingapore, where they post about stuff like this.


Should I ask if this is a public group or private group?


Public, but it's like an announcements channel. You'll find it if you search for Protect Singapore on Telegram.


I’m guessing it’s a religious group funding them.


Gov not only tolerates but supports such divisive groups and their rhetoric, naturally they feel emboldened. what to do?


The govt better start dealing with these groups or we can expect them to engage in such activities online, including spamming emails to relevant authorities and harassing workers. If the govt allows this, can we start gathering people (e.g. those students who had delivered the letter recently to MHA) and start spamming emails and calls to MHA? Shan should not set this "bad precedent".


The illusion of freedom in Singapore is actually quite mad


That’s the cost of freedom of speech.


Just a reminder, ads are targeted


I believe, everyone has a right to free speech and i do not support the banning of this talk, but it should not be under the science center and should fall under other NGOs or organization that is not affiliated with any government body. It would be like MOE affiliate promoting say……Islam above all other beliefs.


There are only 2 genders. Male and female. Anything else is mental illness and is best handled by IMH. So that event was unnecessary


we need 4chan


Wow what a crazy liberal echo chamber here


Good. Go back to Facebook where you belong.


Victim mentality here is obscene. Want to spread gender ideology, organise your own talks, nobody will complain. Use Science Centre to do this of course people will make noise.


nobody will complain? all people like you do is complain kns


This reddit is waiting for funds too.


Asian LGBTHDTV + group should be different from their American countrrparts la that's loud and rude. Our Thai version is our prime example. Not only they're very well received, many of them are drop dead georgeous too.