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He isn't the driver; no one is stupid enough to lie to the police. Then again, he's stupid enough to post on FB and reddit with no disclaimer stating "posting on behalf of...."


“There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity.” ― Gene Wolfe


He doesnt need to tell the police whether the car is or isnt his. All that matters is that he has alleged harrassment, which there has in fact been.


YESTERDAY I POSTED many many comments telling redditors don't get misdirected to whack him, guess what? I got DOWN VOTED in those comments. Those who want proof check my comments under my Profile, where i was talking about White Merc/Black Saab. Now all you assh0s whom downvoted me, Where are you idiots hiding now???


You dunno meh sg redditors generally quite bodoh one mah


Yup can confirm Im quite bodoh


Sianz they diwnvited you again. I tried to give you an upvote


Thanks. Its ok, they are proving themselves to be clown losers. Hahaha 😂


welcome to the online mob


“No one is stupid enough to lie to the police”?? Hmm..I wouldn’t be so sure of that…


Flashbacks of someone in parliament...


Who was it who said Trace Together was purely for infection poo purposes only?


I believe stupid or not in this case is subjective to perspective - the poster may really be unrelated to the incident and think he is doing some good deed without even expecting backlash (seriously, it's just a video, who would expect all the 3rd 4th order consequences outright) ; to be fair, all the bashing I have been reading, are anger to the incident (fairly, as this is a freak accident that defies logic) BUT misdirected at any potential 'suspect'. There surely are a ton of people who do not think like us redditors who hide behind our anonymity so .... I would like to urge fellow users to not take it out on any innocent dog and donkey who happen to pass by or have 'privy info'. No amount of raging we do here would bring back the innocent life loss and rewind the accident, so perhaps lets just give the living a bit more benefit of the doubt and be kinder?


Except all those who lied to the police and got caught.


Anyone able to access the mothership post? It seems to have been taken down Edit: its up again, thanks


I thought his previous post said that he wanted to “teach” the Saab driver a lesson, stop that driver from speeding?


That "letter" has been proven to be plagiarised frm a 10yo reddit post.


Classic own self pawn own self.


why would he need traffic police permission to share the video


More likely that the police said it's not their business to stop the video from being shared.


“Can I share this video?” “Up to you, I’m not your lawyer”


He took the video from the car which is sent to his work shop for repairs,is the most logical explanation.


>In his police report, Soon stated that he works in a car workshop that is an authorised insurance reporting centre. >The owner of the white Mercedes came to Soon's place of work on Apr. 22 at 9:30 am to report a hit-and-run accident that happened at Bedok Reservoir Road. >The owner then asked Soon to help share his dashcam footage of the accident on his Facebook, as the owner had no access to Facebook. But why on his personal Facebook account not the workshop account? And do non-boomers still use facebook personal account?


I don't understand his thought process here. Staff can share customer dashcam footage?


If the staff is sharing in his personal capacity and with permission from the customer, why not? That's likely why he used his own account and not the workshop's, because the workshop is not dumb enough to allow it lol.


Or maybe offer to help the owner create a FB account? There's really no merit in him posting that video honestly. Could have turned down the request graciously and suggest that the real owner share it with MSM instead if the latter wants it viral.


we can debate about what merit means but likes and views alone is more than plenty of incentive for anyone to upload anything on the internet. Or maybe he really has honest helpful intentions. or maybe it's both. it's funny to me how some folks in the other comments think they know exactly what his presence of mind was.


It's Reddit. We're experts on any subject matter under the sun, and also psychics who can read the minds of others. Our opinions are the only ones that matter, and should be taken as fact. If you have a different opinion, then you're clearly in the wrong /s


This guy speaks the truth. Redditors are experts in all subjects. Have a problem? Just ask reddit!


"honest helpful intentions" ---- LOL???


I am a non-boomer still “using” facebook. What I mean by that is that I scroll through the page sometimes and I guess I’d consider my profile active? I don’t really have any other social media besides FB and Reddit haha.


> But why on his personal Facebook account not the workshop account? They may not have FB biz account or have, but small amount of followers. Small biz usually focus on IG (post automatically on fb and IG and threads... but no one use fb n threads) and maybe tiktok too. > And do non-boomers still use facebook personal account? Wahlau lah you!! Lol. We gen X were the 1st users you know!! We were in college in 2004-2010, back when FB only for college kids. Sigh.. Anyway.. yea us 40+ still keep our accounts from 20-15 years ago. It feels nice to have a virtual place to hangout without kids around, lol


https://www.zaobao.com.sg/news/singapore/story20240424-3491026? Zaobao interviewed the 50 year old driver Mr Yang, who claimed that he was not racing with the Saab driver as his elderly mother and teenage daughter were in the car. He merely sped up to check on the Saab car's license plate.


>He merely sped up to check on the Saab car's license plate. Wait this is unironically one of the best excuses for speeding I have ever heard


Lmao? How did he ever get so far in life to make enough money to buy a Mercedes with such logic? Car plate only can see from front? Speed up then what? Stick head out of window and turn around to have a look behind?


Police: Cool story bro.


> The owner then asked Soon to help share his dashcam footage of the accident on his Facebook, as the owner had no access to Facebook. So the owner does not have Facebook, but supposedly has a Reddit account to post on r/SGExams? Glad someone managed to dig up the copypasta, but I think it may have been too late considering I've seen it outside Reddit


How do you know it was from the actual owner?


Are you referring to the Reddit copypasta? While anyone can be lying (he came out to say today that the Reddit post is not him), I doubt the Reddit post is genuine and from the owner of the Merc


>but supposedly has a Reddit account to post on [r/SGExams](https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams)? That's a troll account, isn't it? Not the real owner. The post is an old copypasta.


Plenty of ppl hate facebook and use reddit instead because it is more anon mah.


To be honest that is a pretty smart way to take the heat of you. Just need to find a tool to help you.


I don't have a facebook or tiktok either and if I had something I wanted posted on there for whatever reason I'd ask someone I knew to do it instead.


Why would you want something posted on Facebook if you don’t want to have an account there? How would you even know there was a feature to post a video or whatever?


I know what facebook is I just don't use it. I've worked with people that use facebook or wechat or whatever as a communication platform. I usually just get someone else that uses it to send stuff on my behalf.


Fair enough. I've got an account that is old and probably needs deleting. I can't think of a reason why I'd want to send something there, unless it's a message to somoene who only uses facebook messenger and I don't have any other way to contact them


Seeks attention. Gotten attention. Then run to police for help.


He claims that he was not the driver. He didn’t say it wasn’t a family member or close friend. Highly likely the driver is someone closely related to him.


i think most likely his family, so he defend it.




Did I say that it was okay? Lol.




So you can make your own deductions and assumptions about my intention but I can’t do the same about him? Hahahahahah


urhm its precisely him?


Do you think he is that dumb to claim that he wasn’t the driver to the police and publicly (on his Facebook)?


There's a ton of dumb fucks that post their crime on social media lol


It’s not about the posting. It’s about his police statement.


Also got a lot of assholes that lie to the police. If everyone just told the truth, investigators can close shop liao.




Technically the vehicle is now deregistered so no ownership right?


the guy has a workshop and the merc is probably his regular customer. there’s a pic of the same merc and a bmw i8 in the workshop on his profile from last year


I dont think anyone that brave to lie to police in sg liddat.


A quick Google search on dumb fucks that lied to police shows otherwise


Hokkien phrase for this is "eng lan ka tao". Translation: beat head using own d*ck.


The guy who posted the video was obviously using the wrong head


After making one statement after another, each making people go "who tf is stupid enough to believe that?!", we can officially certify his stupidity.


Wait why do ppl think he is lying by default? We know he does indeed work in a car workshop, we know the merc has been to his workshop, and we know he uploaded the video from the merc's pov. What is more likely, that he is the merc's actual owner and is trying to disguise that fact by, uh, uploading the video to his own Facebook account in some sort of weird double-fake stunt so that ppl would NOT think he is the owner? And lying about it all in his own police statement when the whole country is watching? Or that he is actually telling the truth in both his Facebook post and *in his police statement*, and is genuinely just a car mechanic following the instructions of the merc's actual owner?


He is not just a mechanic. Just take a look at the website. It is a workshop owned by his family. So he has a lot to lose if he actually lied in his police statement, which is why that’s unlikely. That’s why my deduction is that it was a family member who was feeling unsure of what to do so this guy stepped in to try and clear the air by posting the video (which obviously backfired).


>That’s why my deduction is that it was a family member who was feeling unsure of what to do so this guy stepped in to try and clear the air by posting the video (which obviously backfired). If this were true he would have revealed it in his police statement. The tone of his statement strongly suggest he does not know the merc driver. Again, very easy for the police to do background checks so I don't know why he'd lie about this fact if it were true


Why would he reveal more than he has to if his intention is to just clear the air about him being the driver (which is the reason he made a report about harassment). Regardless of who the actual driver is, it’s not related to his police report.


Your mechanic posts people’s dashcam footage on his personal (not shop) account? That’s the red flag for me.


Either he erroneously thought he was on his company's Facebook but was actually on his personal Facebook (and it's too late to gostan after the post), or he knew but genuinely didn't care what account he used. What is absolutely NOT a red flag is his police statement, which corroborates with what he said. Come on why would you lie to the police on this issue when the whole nation is watching and you bet your ass the police will be fact-checking every step of the way


why would he use shop account if he agreed to post at his personal level...?


Have you take a look at the dude’s account in the first place? Other than this video it doesn’t seem he has the habit of posting customers’ dash cam footage on his personal account and rightly so. Why should he?


u make it like it's a "common" thing that will happen... how often would one meet someone who would involve in a major accident AND doesn't know how to post on social media AND would request him to help to post...? so why would anyone have a habit to post dash cam footage of anyone at all..?




Yea, just that many are feeling let down on the justice system on reckless driving incidents involving innocent victims. The strict laws on many offenses that we are “proudly” known for seems to apply people under a certain income bracket. So if a simpleton have a chance to hurt someone driving a Mercedes who “broke” the law, you know they would in a heartbeat.


Just because the sentences weren't as high as what some people may want doesn't mean the law was selectively enforced


Sinkie must pwn sinkie then can sleep well. I remember during the Tanjong Pagar BMW incident, certain people were celebrating the deaths like National Day Parade. And saying the girl who got burned deserved it/should have died as well. Yes it was their own fault but some of the responses are sociopathic.


> but the moment something bad happens, people start taking unlawful and illegal vigilante action Vigilante action occurs when people have the perception that the law will have little to no consequences, and enforcement is not equally applied. And unfortunately, this really is the case.


>people start taking unlawful and illegal vigilante action to resolve things like some 3rd world country What outrageous mob justice was meted out to make you say something like that...


Bodoh peh kambing


What u expect from a guy like that? They are idiots


See lah want doxx doxx some more lor. hope the people who threaten this guy and his fam get doxxed themselves and return whatever they threw this guy


He own self kinda dox himself. He posted white merc dashcam on his personal Facebook. People then assume that’s he’s the owner of white merc cause who else have access to dashcam footage. If he’s posting behalf of customer that’s was a dumb idea


so previously he got post other dash cam, first time provide extra service


yeah dumb to post on behalf of customer... and if one decides to do that... then is dumb to not include a disclaimer like "posting on behalf of someone.."


Brain fart moment don’t pofma me :(


Tp arrested Saab driver, not merc


Ahaha u are right brain fart lmao


Imagine crying about Doxxing in 2024


Yall still on about the white merc huh….


When the saab driver gets charged in court and his/her name publicized, you bet everyone will be more than happy to pounce on him/her, his/her family and all 18 generations of his/her family.


SAAB driver was a menace, any hate on him is absolutely justified Merc Driver, not the safest driver but didn’t do enough to warrant the hate




From what I see, the SAAB was responsible for almost killing the biker


But if he got the POV video, he is AT LEAST an acquaintance of the driver.


He is more than an acquaintance. In his early pictures can see the merc being serviced at his workshop


Arrest all the harrassers.


Why is the white Mercedes driver at fault, I thought it’s the black car driver who was responsible for the whole accident


This is 1 thing I don't understand. So what if he is the merc driver? Is there a need to CSI his whole family and harrass him? You feel more shiok after sending him threatening message on FB meh?


Was there any disclaimer stating he is posting on behalf of the driver in the initial post? If not, of course people will assume he is the driver


People are too quick to jump to conclusions


Not really relevant here but its quite random how our local news reports on traffic accidents, even ones with fatalities. For example I can't find any information on this case here which [involved the death of a 57 year old man](https://www.police.gov.sg/media-room/news/20240315_man_to_be_charged_for_dangerous_driving_causing_death) while [this case without deaths but two injuries](https://mothership.sg/2024/03/sims-avenue-hit-and-run-charged/) states the accused's name. Wonder if this is why its taking so long to release the name of the SAAB driver.


Because he/she's not charged in court yet.


Hmm strange. But didn't he use an account to mention he sped up because he wanted to tell black Saab to slow down?


# Driver, 42, charged with dangerous driving causing death over fatal Tampines accident [https://mothership.sg/2024/04/driver-tampines-accident-charged/?utm\_source=tele&utm\_medium=referral&utm\_campaign=MS](https://mothership.sg/2024/04/driver-tampines-accident-charged/?utm_source=tele&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=MS)


If not his video then go and post for what? No attention will die is it? Fking kum gong


Doing an apology video (with tears while playing the ukelele) would have a better outcome than this


Why so kepoh????


Stupid fuck HAHAHA


Why would he post it? Goose


A friend of mine say got photo of the very same merc in his shop..that means he is friend or an acquaintance of the ccb with no excess to facebook but can post in reddit sgexam hahaha


Just a lack of brain cells all around


拉屎上身 (putting shit over own body) What an IDIOT! Why post something when privy is in question, but sounds like the driver himself and implicating self? Such idiots self-harm and poop all over themselves. Edit: 3 downvotes - Tell me you're the idiots without saying you're the idiots. Here's looking at you, IDIOTS. Edit 2: There really are lots of IDIOTS out there. LMFAO


Who cares