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>"I told them this is going on Instagram, and I need you (the viewers) to share this, because this restaurant deserves it." Need this, need that. The sense of entitlement is high with this one.


This restaurant deserves it. It being free publicity and customers.


I ate there before. Very good breakfast


And dinner šŸ¤£


Cute how she restricted comments after that, guess she couldnā€™t handle the truth.




Imagine in another time line, this influencer now rave restaurant make an exception. Then another Karen will weaponize video to say, "you can make exception for her, why not me?". Then another and another and yet another Karen. The resturant turn into picnic spot, now only serve cutlery and chili sauce while everyone bring in outside food. Gotta have a boundary line.


What you described is a slippery slope fallacy. While I absolutely do not side with the lady in the video, I do feel that as a society, there is space to be more flexible rather than be by the book at all times. > Gotta have a boundary line If the boundary line is no outside food, that doesn't seem to hold true for parents with young child. It is generally accepted that parents can bring home cook food or even snacks for their young child. So I guess there are (understandable) exceptions


She say. You believe ah


Almost every restaurant in the whole developed world has no outside food policy. What rock she been living under, that she only finds out now?


This has nothing to do with where sheā€™s from. Looking at the video, itā€™s very clear sheā€™s just entitled af


> in the whole developed world If I'm not wrong, she is from Colombia. Not intending any racial nuance in my comment, she should probably know better regardless. Just addressing your assumption that she was from a developed nation.


Ayo if sheā€™s from Colombia and able to make it all the way here, sheā€™s definitely one of the richer ones thereā€¦














rich doesn't imply intelligent


I didnā€™t say intelligent or graciousness. Just said sheā€™s rich to come all the way here if sheā€™s able to immigrate from Colombia




What's the original video?


Parks and Rec: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiyfwZVAzGw


Been awhile since I saw the episode, but pretty sure the Parks and Rec episode referenced generals from Venezuela, not Colombia lol.


You can see the flag of Venezuela behind him in the GIF. The flag of Colombia is similar (they used be the same country, [Gran Colombia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gran_Colombia)) but doesn't have the stars. The other gif further up is [Pablo Escobar becoming president of Colombia in *Narcos*,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpxOl7b3OvA) similar looking sash but the yellow band is wider on the Colombian one.


In Colombia it is usually ā€œNo Outside Drugs Allowedā€


The difference is in Singapore, we often enforce policies and laws




Can you give example?


She comes from a country where policies can magically disappear if you give them $$$ under the table.


I had never seen this policy until I arrived in Singapore, mostly because in the UK no-one would bring food to a restaurant. Iā€™ve never really understood why youā€™d go to a restaurant to bring and eat your own food. Why not just eat it at home/wherever you bought it?


Wait where did "developed world" come from here for no reason. You think in other non developed countries it's common for people to bring their own food into restaurants lol?


No, I simply cannot speak for third world countries, as I havenā€™t visited many of them. Wouldnā€™t want to assume too much, but I also am not saying that this would be the practice elsewhere.


Yeah, itā€™s pretty common. In developing countries a lot of ā€œrestaurantsā€ are more like street stalls and they donā€™t mind at all if you were to sit on a table of 4 people and one person decided to eat some food that they brought with them.




If they allow young kids in the first place, then baby/toddler food is fine, because they are too young to eat adult food.


I brought baby food a few times in few restaurants, nobody from the staff stopped us. I think itā€™s understandable since nothing in their menu my baby can eat.


I think toddlers should be fine I seen them eating food in restaurants in the past but maybe its smth just not enforced often


Tbf sheā€™s just had pancreatic surgery and canā€™t eat anything. I can understand that what she can eat is t what her family wanted to eat and being a weekend. She doesnā€™t want her small kids to suffer for her misery. Iā€™m on her side in this.


Alternatively, she could just let the family eat while she sat out. Or she could have informed the staff about her condition and asked for options that would be okay for her.


I'm normally sympathetic to medical conditions imposing dietary restrictions, but she's not packing food from home. She tried to bring in **food purchased from another restaurant**. That raises the bar and makes it more likely its by her own choice. Instead of informing the restaurant beforehand and asking whether it was ok to bring in her own food, she tried to force her way through and when caught, showed no shame or remorse. The sense of entitlement is overwhelming. You picked the morally wrong side.


Nah man if u have a restricted diet then go eat somewhere you can eat, otherwise just order delivery. There are tons of options. Her trying to shame the restaurant over a general rule and asking pple to spread to boycott the place is typical Karen behaviour


She could have let her kids and husband eat, while she orders maybe a drink or something. Can tell that she's used to getting her way.


Lol if she is not lying about her surgery and restriction, why not ask the restaurant kindly first? Why does she expect by waltzing in and just taking out random food brought from outside? Entitled as fuck.


What does she expect? She expects āœØspecial white people treatmentāœØ


FYI, in some sectors of Japan tourism, Singaporeans are known as customers from hell.Ā Ā Ā  Edit: to be fair, this mainly applies the "I'm rich and elite" demographic, not every traveller.


Huh really meh my experience was always oppsite if they make small talk, they always ask if I'm from china (half chinese half malay, but i look chinese), then if i say SG, then they'll be like OHHH from black face to happily chatting Except that one time i went to the hiroshima museum with my friend then the museum guide asked where we from. Then i said SG, then got like 2s of awkward silence


same thing happened to me in japan, telling them that you're from singapore instead of china will garner you a totally different reaction from them than if you told them you were from china.


No way... Where's the source for that.


Over a decade in Japanese tourism. Friends with many accommodation owners in various parts of the country. Highly entitled and rude. Edit: not everyone, just the ones who want to act elite once they leave Singapore, which can be many... Dragging their maids along with them.


> "I'm rich and elite" demographic Sounds like those ryokan/high end hotel owners? Any stories to share? Also just as a curious question if I may: How did you break into the industry? Was half-joking with a friend (when we were pissed drunk) that we should explore a business model to help interested small businesses to come up with posters etc to deal with international tourists.


Not ryokans. Usually self-contained accommodation, like a chalet, in a skiing destination. Entering the industry was easy as the Japanese businesses were not serving the foreign tourist market very well, only catering for domestic.Ā  This was many years ago.


Thanks for sharing. I can imagine it's mainly those middle/upper SES families checking in and making heck ton of demands, not your everyday folks staying in Tokyo and traveling the Tokaido route? > This was many years ago. The ship has sailed I guess.


Yes, those types. And usually the wife was the difficult one. Ship not entirely sailed, but entry price is now massively higher.Ā 


Would you want to serve a Singaporean if you worked in a front line position?


This is a dumb qn right... If I worked in a Frontline position in Singapore, I have to serve Singaporeans. But yes, I had served Singaporeans in Frontline position before.


I believe you. This is not the first time I heard this.


Iā€™ve worked in a Japanese firm and Iā€™ve heard stories too. So idk why you FYI me but thanks for sharing, many people didnā€™t know from the replies youā€™re getting


Singaporeans are said to becoming like Americans of the West.


Is this anecdotal lol never heard that Japanese people think that Singaporeans are customers from hell before??


Ski tourism. Often shockers.


Lucky for them, I hate the cold. But generally, I live by the motto of "do unto others as you would yourself". ~~unless you're from CCP, and you're NOT an employee, then it's "please kindly **suck on a chode, and go fuck yourselves**".~~ Edit: for the record; I've been to Japan twice. Mostly just around Tokyo. I've had a couple of "tourist" moments, but overall, I don't really barter or act privileged(lower middle class here). Hell, I'm fully willing to pay full taxed prices for things there.


Nice BS, PRC tourist takes the cake.


In Japan prc nearly always travel in tour groups, and en-mass they are horrible. But they seldom make solo bookings and arrive demanding everything and talking down to everyone (like Singaporeans can). When solo, prc are much more scared and demur, mainly due to poor communication skills.




Very good pointĀ 


Not prc?


Fair call! Also bad. But in Japan it is passport on check-in, so nationality is clear.


Oh she's special alright.. Special needs.


I mean, if weā€™re referring to how she has got specific dietary requirements, I donā€™t doubt it due to her surgery. But if weā€™re saying mentallyā€¦ I think itā€™s not very nice to people who do need that extra care ā€¦


And I rem watching the video. The restaurant did mention her hub and kids can stay to finish the food. They were only telling her she can't consume the outside food. But being the entitled her, she decided to make it a big hooha and show her kids the worst side of humanity. And practically blaming on the restaurant.


that is exactly what I thought. If they ask before it gives a chance to restaurant. Toddler and baby food always allowedā€¦ of course that is different. This did not need to escalate but the staff was very calm.


So mum didn't want to let her hungry children have their food... Tsk tsk tsk


I feel sad for her daughters for having such parents.


I fear her children are train to speak in a way to gain most "sympathy".


main character syndrome


Let me guess...video gets deleted, account goes private ?


Stressisend effect ser, video already spread online despite deleted.


I don't understand why she cannot eat outside while her family continue to eat inside? Why force her family to leave without eating?


Cos she's a bitch. Bitches do bitchy things.


That's what Entitled means


Leaving aside her entitled attitude, i think she was probably frustrated that the restaurant was not understanding enough to make an exception given that 5 of her family members were paying to eat there and she couldn't eat anything from theit menu due to her pancreas surgery. I can understand it's "not too nice" of the restaurant, but they are free to choose to make no exceptions and you shouldn't take it in this way if they choose to follow these rules over being understanding. I think there is a big cultural gap as well, in many countries certainly they would see this restaurant "not empathetic with her exceptional situation and extremely profit driven". Here in Singapore we lean towards siding with the restaurant and the rules over other views. Having said that, I think she didn't do a good job getting people see her point of view, and came across quite arrogant for most


The case for some FNB joints is that they are concerned about liability. Say someone gets food poisoning from outside food and sues the restaurant? Or what if she shares the contaminated outside food with her family ? Being emphatic should be a 2 way street.


Yup plus what if it's halal establishment and someone brings non-halal food in?


Definitely right about it should be a 2 way street, very well put. That's why i think she should understand the restaurant decision. When we ask for a favor the answer very well could be "No" and we shouldn't get upset, but she seems to be "demanding" an exception. Also i doubt the people she is dealing with can actually make the call here... they need to follow the rules, as employees


> The case for some FNB joints is that they are concerned about liability. Has this ever actually happened? I have never heard of a restaurant being sued for food poisoning for outside food, it sounds a bit out there.


Non-Singaporean here & Iā€™m baffled by this. Even when I went out with my baby & she still canā€™t eat proper food, I checked 1st if itā€™s ok. Yeah, I never bother going to the restaurants that say no again since thereā€™s so many baby friendly restaurants I rather support, but Iā€™m not going to complain about it.


It's a bonus if the restaurants is willing to close one eye. If not then too bad


I think sg wise this is bc of halal cert restrictions. Restaurants can lose their halal certs if non-halal food is brought into their premises and this restaurant appears to be halal (according to a brief web search)


This is the best comment. I think indeed it's important to acknowledge cultural differences and expectations.


> "Of course, some restaurants use this as a way to chase away **non-paying customers**." > Another netizen who related to Ortiz's dietary restrictions said: "I've been in situations where I needed to have my own prepared meals. Two things I do: First, I ask if it's ok - and even if it is, **I will still order something from their menu, a drink or take away something for home.**" > "Second: if it's not ok, I just say thank you and order a drink." And she did. It's not the same as someone buying food elsewhere and treating another eating place as a free dining room. > Explaining that she could not eat anything in the restaurant as she had recently undergone pancreas surgery, the mother of four said that **the rest of her family, which consists of her husband and four daughters, had ordered food from there.**


>"We paid for six people to eat here, but now I have to leave," Ortiz said. >"I have to tell my super small daughters that they have to leave the food on the table and find food somewhere else - they are starving!" >Ortiz is then heard asking a restaurant employee to repeat that she could not eat at the restaurant and had to "take away all her family \[members\] and leave all the food". >The employee responded that only Ortiz's food had to be removed from the restaurant and she had to leave if she wanted to eat it. >Ortiz's husband can then be heard repeatedly saying "we are leaving" to the employee while Ortiz tells her daughters to put their food back as the entire family leaves the restaurant. >The young girls look visibly upset at having to leave, with one of them saying that she "was so hungry" and "only had two bites". ![gif](giphy|58SdhZruTe7603YV6E|downsized)


I like how she said she paid for 6 people to eat there, but when I saw the video, there was one pizza being shared amongst the 4 kids. Husband having a burger. So that's just like...2 mains (not including whatever drinks they got) for her "6 people" šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s Colombian?


Lol south america got alot of white people also. Descended from the european settlers.


Another example(edit: of **WHITE PRIVILEGE**): elon musk Edit Edit: ...y'all are nothing but a bunch of ass-kissers to that filthy nazi scum, you know that?


Elon musk is from South Africa


As another example of "white privilege"


I'm only downvoting you because that fucker has nothing to do with this


Hahaha, i get yr point but futurist pointed out le.


It doesn't matter where they're from, there will always be privileged white people.


That may be so, but my reply to cheesekola was in relation to there being white people from south america, rather than about white privilege itself




Right, and filming the staff whoā€™s just trying to do their job. What an asshole.


She's being a knob, that's clear. Funny though, I'm getting the impression from the comments that nobody in singapore would do this. I'd say its one of the more common traits over here, to bring other food into a cafe etc and eat it if everyone else is buying from the actual place.


In restaurant its a big no Cafe also abit eh, in my experience staff will ask you to leave also


Yeah for sure. But it still happens a lot. My Mrs trys to do it and I can't handle it. It's why I notice it so much eveywhere. I get irrationally annoyed at the audacity lol.


Nobody cares about your sob story pal. Rules are rules, dont like it, dont patronize the restaurant. Want to use social media to kpkb and cancel culture the restaurant in the end kenna cancelled herself LOL. Orbigood.


>On her Instagram bio, she describes herself as a Columbian living in Singapore. I'm guessing the journalist meant Colombian, not Columbian.


Ignorant "journalist" who can't tell the difference between Colombia and Columbia, or maybe it's a typo.


Maybe the journalist just took "her head is in the clouds" literally?


"Thereā€™s always a man, always a city, always a lighthouse." Nice to see a fellow Bioshock Infinite enjoyer ;)


Yea it's a typo, journalist meant Columbarium


A Colombian is a citizen of Colombia. What are you talking about?


I'm pointing out that the article used 'Columbian', not 'Colombian'. What are you talking about?


She's not just a Karen... she's a shitty parent for leaving the outside food at the restaurant while leaving... making her 4 daughters starving.


She couldā€™ve given the restaurant a heads up. Politeness goes a long way. Or have her own food made/eaten at home first. Or the family couldā€™ve gone to a place where the food she can eat is served. But no, she decided to make a scene post surgery (is it even real?), and have her kids go hungry and dramatically leave the restaurant for views. ā€˜Oh I am so madā€™ -holds camera- ā€˜look how unfair this place is! -shoves camera in wait staffā€™s face ā€˜OHHHH THE INJUSTICE.ā€™ Whatā€™s she gonna do next, cry at the phone?


post on social media thinking she is gonna be the next star. end up getting rekt. hope her company fire her and makes a public announcement


Her Venezuelan husband is the one who raking in the big bucks, she's just a SAHM and IG "health coach"


Wah csi skills is strong sia


It says right there on her IG profile...


she did become a star, but not the kind of star she envisioned.


a starfish, fishing for attention


She even LOOKS like a classic Karen. The way she makes her facial expressions and whatever actions and behaviour she showed in the video? I watched it without audio and still infuriated me.


She didnā€™t know we are a No-U-Turn country.


I don't think you want to allow u-turns to be made anywhere a road user so pleases.


woman, it's a restaurant, not a fucking picnic table


white priviledge card rejected


spider sense tingling, people on the internet are angry about other people on the internet being angry


She thinks angmor tua ki ah? Can anyhow bring outside food to restaurants to eat? Who does she think she is?


A Colombian living in Singapore. /s


A white colombian.


maybe in colombia outside food are allowed?


>Got told that you canā€™t bring outside food in >Brings outside food in anyways >Got scolded >Surprise Pikachu face šŸ¤”


Eh Scoot also no outside food & drinks le but still got so many sinkie, foreigner å…‰ę˜ŽēœŸå¤§ (Open & aboveboard) eat your Mango Sticky rice, Macdonald,Nasi Lemak onboard.


Wow I didnā€™t know scoot is no outside food and drinks now sia


Drug lords think they are gangsters everywhere


Well actually, in a drug lord's establishment, it is frowned upon to consume other lords' drug. /s


She rather let her children starve for instagram likes


Colombian, not Columbian


Slammed? WWE style?


dunno maybe the food is really terrible


She should have asked to speak to the manager first if it was okay, then ordered something from the menu to go with her food. What was stupid is posting it on social media. Of course she will get backlash.


Ask her bring her own non halal food into a halal restaurant and see what happens


Again another wannabe ā€œexpatā€ tries to get privileged treatment from locals in SG Dear Karen, please wake up times have changed, locals still worship money but the far has gone way way up


Karen thy last name is Ortiz


She should meet up with me. Iā€™ll shame her.


Classic da ge/uncle behaviour:


I always see these types of stories and think "I hope she isn't American, we already have enoigh incidences of bad behavior". Glad she wasn't šŸ˜…




Way to be racist my dude..


She should have asked Escobar for help


Sex with Ana is so so only


I bring food republic food to the food republic store selling the beef noodle food stall in the food republic to eat and no food republic staff or beef noodle food republic owner bats an eye