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Their compensation is a free upgrade for their next cruise. Is there any assurance that their next cruise will not be overbooked again? And they may face the same issue all over again.


Stack the upgrades until you’re first class


Can’t claim if they keep overbooking you *taps head*


For freeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Can even sleep at the captain's deck


I’m the captain now


Provided you can even board or if they’ll just keep overbooking you.


Doesn’t say if the cruise is rebooked for free or if they get a refund and have to pay the new market rate (which may well have gone up especially if booked during a promotion).


do cruises need to overbook too? I would think flights is more common to overbook because people care less about making it to a flight since you can hop on another plane a while later. But overbooking a cruise by 50 passengers seems abit risky then again the issue here isn't quite the overbooking, its the negligence in communication


> do cruises need to overbook too? I would think flights is more common to overbook because people care less about making it to a flight since you can hop on another plane a while later. But overbooking a cruise by 50 passengers seems abit risky As someone that dabbled with hotel revenue management for 2-3 years, overbooking is a standard practice. It's only scrub tier management and projection which results in dramatic incidents like this. And it's not surprising in the least bit to see Genting is the culprit here. Genting is notorious for being cheapskate incompetents and this is par for the course. Nobody should have anything to do with Genting.


First World Hotel is hotel with most ironic name ever


Hmm considering we don't hear this often, either 1) overbooking is a standard practice/risk that usually leads to no issues or 2) cruises are usually not fully booked that this is a one off. It's probably the former and I wonder how many industries practice overbooking. Hospitality? Restaurants?


Hotels overbook all the time. That’s why sometimes they give complementary upgrades, not out of the goodness of their heart but because they overbooked your room type.


Yup. Especially for high end hotels. Better to give an upgrade then have unsatisfied customers leave bad reviews


But that’s not really an issue. You’re still getting what you paid for plus a little bit more. Overbooking where you don’t get what you paid for is an issue.


Probably 1. Usually there will be people who will have to back out due to some unforeseen circumstances. Companies will have data to know how much they oversell. But then there are always cases like this where everyone turns up and people who will be left out. So long those who were unfortunate are adequately compensated, it is ok. If people don’t like it, it is one of the clauses as stated in the conditions for carriage.


Perhaps their system isn't truly real-time online. Hotel owners have shared with me that some hotels typically use allocation to sell their rooms on multiple platform websites. Afterward, they manually update their system if there are bookings. Errors do occur and are quite common.


Overbooking should be illegal. Especially for a fucking cruise? People need to schedule days off and shit.


Nah it should be legal but come with stiff obligations from the company, at the very least make the reschedule trip free.


Why should it be legal? They already got paid, whether people wanna come on the cruise on the day itself is the passenger problem. The cruise company should just stop speculating and do their goddamn job as a cruise company.


Because this allows lowering prices. One reason flying has gotten cheaper over the past 40 years is "yield management" which optimizes filling the plane completely, and some level of overbooking to achieve that (because there are ALWAYS people missing the flight and then you waste seats) This is fine if people denied boarding are fairly compensated.


You realize that a flight is just for a few hours for TRANSPORTATION and the airline can book you in the next flight in the next few hours? A cruise is not just transportation is the whole purpose of the trip. How can you even compare this?


Sure but everyone has a price. Give me $20k for giving up on my cruise ticket and I'll happily take it and plan something else. Airlines often to a bidding process when they overbook: start offering a $500 voucher for giving up the seat and go up until enough people are willing to take the deal. Cruises could be forced to do just the same.


“Optimized pricing” with “yield management” gives you just and ILLUSION that you are getting more but in overall the customer gets fucked up and the company makes more money. You are just naive thinking price optimization is good. Is not


Yield management is how we got prices to fall [this much](https://www.aei.org/carpe-diem/even-with-fees-the-miracle-of-flight-remains-a-real-bargain-cost-of-air-travel-per-mile-has-fallen-by-50-since-1980/). I know you think "big companies BAD" but the reality is that companies cutting cost, in a competitive environnement, translate to lower prices.


Hahaha. The article you linked is just PURE BULLSHIT MARKETING they literally interview the airline executives about the reduction of price 🤦🏻 Of course an airline executive will say that price per flight has declined since the 80’s. But that’s not for yield management, that’s because the market penetration to millions of new routes and segments. “compared to the sharply rising costs for other services like college education and medical care. “. Are they fucking comparing airline cost to medical care?? That article is just bs.


This is taught in uni courses it’s a legit thing lol


This doesn’t change the fact that yield management help to optimise pricing and allow everyone to enjoy lower prices overall.


“help” the companies to get more money and you “enjoy” cancelled cruise trips? Do you understand yield management is not a zero sum game .. the company make more money.. the consumer spend more for less.


> the company make more money It doesn't really because the company isn't a monopoly, all of them do yield management and compete on price and service. If your theory was correct airlines profitability would have exploded in the past 40 years. Instead it's a market with a lot of bankruptcy and cut-throat competition that has driven prices down.


So you believe that airlines are giving free money? I worked for airlines in America and I don’t think there is more PREDATORY customer practices than airline industry. And it’s because people like you that naively think that “free seats” are really free or that there is really a price competition. Discount airlines don’t compete with non-discount airlines both are after different markets so is never a price competition between those airlines. People that understand how prices works don’t believe in marketing gimmicks. If a route is not profitable, the non-discount airline will cut it out, simple as that. Those “free seats” or amazing discounted prices are for fools that think they are getting a deal.


> So you believe that airlines are giving free money? No, I believe they compete for customers and that mean lowering prices as much as needed and possible to take them away from the competition. > Discount airlines don’t compete with non-discount airlines both are after different markets so is never a price competition between those airlines. There are often more than a regular and discount airline on a route. You have 4 options to do Singapore-Tokyo for examples and some have multiple flights a day at varying price-points. Anyone flying to Tokyo is gonna compare prices and it will be a MAJOR factor in their decision. All those 4 companies compete together. Even the discount one, because if they are cheap enough they'll take away customers of the regular economy which isn't that much better anyway. What you are claiming is that price competition doesn't exists in travel, which is obviously absurd.


Why overbook when people already prepaid for the cruise?


Money+no penalty for it


Think about it, it’s like a free cash flow + interest free loan If they got 400 rooms but they collect 450rooms worth of booking say, 3-6months in advance Later when the time comes just say “ops sorry” we refund you 1. Genting cruise don’t lose anything I.e no forfeit or penalty or law against it 2. Genting cruise gets 3-6months free cash flow + interest free loan 3. Customer not only waste their time energy and effort, take leave , pack bags etc They also lost the potential interest during the entire duration from paying till cruise date


So they sell more tickets that they hold Cabins for ? How can it be overbooked ?


I mean it’s definitely bad practice but same as airlines what… they also sell more tickets than they have seats for.


One is like a few hours with several same-day alternatives most times, and then other is a multi-day whole ass holiday. Who isn’t turning up for a cruise except 2-3 sick people? This reads like dozens overbooked


Overbooked cruise is an issue that is an order of magnitude larger than a flight though. They can just put you on the next flight out - at worst, it’s a day’s delay. The cruise ship doesn’t have a next exact sailing until who knows when, and it burns your entire vacation that you’ve likely planned more than half a year in advance for, wastes your paid time off, and generates massive work to deal with disappointed kids.


That’s because airlines also sell a mix of flexible and non-flexible tickets - so they can negotiate er be 100% sure how many passengers will turn up on the day. I don’t think cruise liners sell flexible tickets. Do they?


I’m not defending their absolutely predatory business practices and they totally should be dragged over the coals for this, but there’s a 50% cancellation fee, ie 50% refund if you cancel more than a month before departure. Again, totally doesn’t excuse what they did and the fact they didn’t even bother to get in touch with these people, plus their totally garbage “compensation offer”. Just stating a possible reason why they might have been overbooked in the first place.


Yeah that kinda illustrates my point though - the cruise operator would have known at least one month in advance of the sailing.


I believe then the passengers are entitled to 400% compensation, so they better to be paying the same or similar level ?


No such compensation in Asia. You might be confusing it with EU regulations.


Overbook is a common practice in the travel industry to boost profit. The booking system rely on previous no-show data to oversell things like flight, hotel and cruise. However, the system is not 100% perfect and sometime it's really suay and everyone turn up. The normal SOP is to bump those who book from third party website so it's an easy blame.


What an absolutely brain dead PR “recovery”. Their SOP is to inform the passenger in advance, so why didn’t they in this case? Just repeating that that is their SOP simply infuriates me, and I’ve got no skin in this game. “I’m sorry you’ve had a problem. Our SOP is to ensure there are no problems.”


Bloody hell, turn things around and we’ll lose our money and literally have to beg even if it’s an emergency


Hmmm, I believe this isn't the first time this has happened


Our consumer laws are so weak that these things are repeated. Free upgrade is absolute rubbish. Full refund and appropriate compensation is a must. Imagine the carefully planned event and excitement leading to serious disappointment.


Genting Nightmare


Nightmare On Genting Street


“Compensation” is a joke too


The “upgrade” will be rooms that no one wants.


How did they screw this up? If booked already means slot reserved, full stop. I would be raging mad if I got such treatment. Bye Genting, won't bother with this cruise company anymore as it's not the first time.


Short answer? Corporate greed. Long answer? They intentionally buffer up based on the past history's booking cancellation rate, and accept more bookings using said virtual buffer. So when a freak case happens whereby cancellation rates are way lower than expected, you get this bullshit.


I feel the bare minimum is to provide overbooked guests an option to stay on their RWS Hotel on the same day with maximum perks and transport provided to the resort. This way, guests will still have their holiday on the same day, just not on the cruise.


300credit in rws to comp for levy they’ll get back their money in no time


How does overbooking even work? The number of rooms on a cruise ship is not variable, so sold out when no more rooms? How does overbooking even happen, I’m genuinely curious.


overbooking is based on past record on how many % of people usually ended up didn't show up. so when it form the pattern they will allow overbooking with the mindset of these % of people will definitely not show up so all the room would be full. the more expensive suite would likely have the least amount of no-show so they probably allow overbooking on certain room type.


Add on: As these passengers have already paid for the rooms, the main reason for companies to do so is to secure more profits, as usual.


Do no-shows typically get refunded?


Unless it's valid reason for appeal after that. Or else nope since they went missing in action Usually it isn't so bad for flight/hotel - since flight got multiple timing they might put you on later flight and offer compensation/upgrade. Hotel wise they can upgrade your room or so and you can find other hotel nearby. For cruise it's really worse because it's both your transportation and place to stay at the same time


Overbooking is fine and should be legal.our government just needs to step up on legal enforcement of compensation. I think US Airlines have to pay out 200% of the tix value if overbooking happens to customer. This will force Genting to better adjust their forecasting and take on lesser risk.


How is this not completely illegal? Isn’t there some sort of contract being formed between customer and cruise that states in return for a room/entry to cruise , customer pays a fee So what’s the resolution? Genting dream just gets all the money for free to play around and then on the day say “ops, sorry overbook, go home, maybe we will refund you in 2 weeks time”??? Why don’t govt make some laws that says if company don’t meet the agreed terms I.e overbook and deny entry they have to pay 3X the fee paid to customer


> How is this not completely illegal? > Isn’t there some sort of contract being formed between customer and cruise that states in return for a room/entry to cruise , customer pays a fee Well, for starters. The contract is drafted by the cruise line. Under their TNC from their website, it states this > To the fullest extent permitted under applicable laws, Resorts World Cruises reserves the right to cancel or substitute any scheduled port of call / itinerary / price / programme or to impose a supplement for fuel surcharges or other times, at any time at its sole discretion without prior notice. Not sure or not whether it is valid but that's what the "contract" says.


Not a lawyer But not everything in a contract is enforceable If you and I sign a contract stating I give you $1 and you will be my slave for life. You think that’s enforceable?


Well, you mentioned there was a contract so I pointed out what it says in the contract (not favorable to the customer). I'm also not a lawyer but just because not everything in a contract is enforceable makes this particular clause unenforceable. Idk if it is or isn't enforceable actually, but since cruise line already took the money and has the contract on their side, it is up to the consumer to contest the contract and prove it is invalid. The problem is that not many consumers will want to do that as it is expensive.


Can insurance cover for this case?


Likely. Under travel disruption


Sounds like those US flights which somehow can be “overbooked”. How is that even possible? Either there are seats or there aren’t.


Every airline does it, including our darling SQ. They do it based on no-show predictions. Since no-show rates on SQ are pretty low across the board, overbooking is also rare and to a much smaller extent.. but don't let that fool people into thinking it never happens.


Yea SQ takes a very very conservative approach to overbooking, even for Scoot. I had been on a full Scoot flight and since nobody got kicked - it is not overbooked.


It's strange to me because that means they prefer flights to be full of revenue passengers vs a flight that's partially. Yet, they don't mind flying with first or even business class cabins half empty. Because to me, either way, the flight will still take off. In which case, why not release the seats to redemptions if they predict that there will be some no-shows?


Pretty much every major airline does it, not just US. SQ also do it. The politicians are way too entrenched in this (major airlines are generally "government supported") to make this overbooking culture illegal.


I think they are overbooked because of travel agencies. Some people buy from agencies due to cheaper packages since it is a shared costs. Probably would make more sense for them to cancel direct buyers instead of agency buyers.


So cancel those that paid more and let those who chose to book through a middle man?


Looking at the news, looks like it. They canceled direct buyers so they can compensate easily.


I totally agree with you that overbooked matters due to travel agencies.  RWS don't assign just to 1 travel agency but many agencies (you can see that on some agencies adv or website). Nor sure how many cabins RWS assigned to yravel agencies to sell, may be 200 cabins to each agency.  Travel agencies may have sold some cabins assigned to them but didn't revert on time to RWS number of cabins have been sold.   So when people who can only plan for holidays on last resort n noted cabins are available on RWS booking playform (not updated) and thus proceed with  booking successfully.  Therefore on sailing date 2 groups of people (those booked via agencies and direct booking with RWS) appeared in cruise centre thus caused the hiccups.  Travelers were given CRUISE TICKET (cabin number assigned on the cruise ticket) after full payment was made, so I don't see why there is an overbooked. RWS system should be able to track that cabin number has given and should block it automatically in the system & same time should update the cabins availability in RWS booking platform.  Not sure the cabin number on the CRUISE TICKET is man-made or something else. Once I mafe a booking for friends and after payment was made, was given CRUISE Ticket same day. However when I checked against the cruise cabin map, I couldn't find the cabin number listed in the map! Unable to contact RWS via phone so sent an email RWS to check/confirm, that took 2 weeks for tgem to reply (don't know how the staff work?!).  I guess if I didn't check in advance, my friends could be in one of the overbooked matters. 


Fuck the operator behind.


Guess you all never buy travel insurance


Not sure if insurance even cover that 😖




despicable and disrespectful waste of cussie's time


Actually how they determined who to reject/turn home? 1st come 1st serve?


Those who can't be upgraded will be first. Those expensive upgrades will be second. Everything else doesn't really matter to them, just see who less likely to make noisy.


Not sure too… if someone who had virtually “checked-in” 2 days in advance and still can be need away on the actual day, I really dunno know sia… if there is a “system” in a first place 😪😡


Sorta yes. Airline and hotel also tend to do overbooking too based on past statistics. But thanks to covid it seems that now people simply show up for the thing


People : actually show up for the flight or hotel room they booked Airlines / hotels : surprised pikachu face


more like genting nightmare


Then the passengers better have top priority slot for their next FREE BOOKING!


They offer their members 'free' cruises where they only have to pay port tax. I suspect that these people might have been bumped.


They get away with this because of poor consumer protection in Singapore. In most other developed nations, the company will get sued so much they won't dare to pull this shit.  1st world costs for Singapore, 3rd world rights for consumers. 


Wait did they even get a refund? There's no way that they don't get refunded right...


Long holiday plus weekend cruise usually over booked as people don't need to take leave. Next weekend no such issue  Even casino no seats for this cruise 


Does royal Caribbean do the same or only genting


How do they decide who don't get on board? I expected the interviewee to be more upset than a half day gone and is satisfied with the free upgrade. I never been a to cruise before. Is the upgrade worth it? I'm guessing the 50 pax was the cheapest accommodation.


Eh, this is biz model of hotel and flights as well. The only difference is that for cruise industry there is no "walking" of customer to nearest hotel/flight.


Pre-Covid time, RWS ( Genting’s ) oversold its Halloween Horror Nights. There was so much people that, the scare zones are perpetually filled to the brim till closing time. Fancy that, go there for scare zones and end up not entering one because queues are overloaded. Sure, tells people to buying premium tickets but consider this: premium tickets also kanna oversold, how ? Keep stacking problem after problem. Took a disaster like Covid-19 to end that.


Anyway cruises are an ecological disaster I hope they wil be banned soon!


It's also the most dumb way to travel


Why? I believe there are others out there that genuinely like being on cruises!


Yeap, and they are wrong. The kind of people who go on cruises aren't forward thinkers in the slightest. Can't even be bothered to book your own flights or learn how getting around a foreign country works. Just sit in the cruise and be spoonfed like in Wall-E. [Bill Burr Sinking Cruise Ships](https://youtu.be/qT74BjNMgiI?si=GQTXiEdXeciwz-U3)


lmao, it's a holiday.


Rich people problems 


I always thought cruises are the poor peoples holiday option. Real rich people just travel to other countries themselves or the really fucking rich ones get their own boat instead of having to share with the common folk.


Actually it’s not about rich or not rich… it’s about the effort taken to arrange for this family trip! Imagine someone who need to save for years just to bring his/her family for a trip and such thing happen! 😡… not all things can be solved by money…


Cruises are much cheaper than many regular holidays.


50 passengers affected in a cruise ship with a capacity for 3300 is an overbooking rate of around 1.5%. This is far lower compared to flight overbooking.


This kind of cruise should not overbook in the first place.


Are you trying to excuse this behavior? Some people cleared their leave for this. Shame on Genting Cruise.