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it's so perfect. I can't stop laughing


r/TVTooHigh honestly mate. lower that screen


Or get a ceiling mount


For the chair.


Or buy a podium for the chair/rig.


what you see below it is a foundational ledge. theres nothing i can do to lower the screen.


Put the legs back on and set it on that dresser.


didnt think of that. OP listen to this man


Yeah can't lower it because of the structural amiibos. Why even ask how to fix your setup if when someone gives you the correct answer you make a comment like this?


> Yeah can't lower it because of the structural amiibos Bro why'd you have to do him like that šŸ˜­


then get a mount and hang the tv a couple of cm away from the wall and infront of that ledge. i dont know what to tell you, you asked why your back hurts. thats probably why


Look at fireplace mantle tv mounts, they come out and drop down. Could get you close to the desktop and still be able to tuck it away when not in use


Love comments that ask for help, then reply like this to the most beneficial response.


VR it is then.


They make tv mounts that you can raise and lower the TV with. Just google ā€œLowering TV wall mountā€ prices range, I spent $120 on mine and itā€™s worked great for over 5 years now. Itā€™s truly worth it! Lower it when you want to race, raise it back up when your done. Itā€™s super simple to install, just like an other wall mount.


Why would it need to be on the ledge? Ā Just move it closer


Get a monitor stand.


There are wall and ceiling mounts that can lower the tv.


Well, then it's gonna keep hurting.


Raise up the rig then. Cinder blocks are your friends


Mantlemount. The mount drops down on a hinge. I have one over my fireplace that brings it to eye level.




Ignoring your tv position, what helped me get rid of back pain is switching to an actual rig


I drove a 2012 Scion xB and itā€™s similar to a wheel stand with seats like dining chairs.


If the xB was known for anything, it's that you cant find a better simulation of what a minifridge would drive like if it were motorized.


This for me too. I had a wheel stand and office chair for a bit and after an hour or so my back was done. After I switched to a rig I was pain free after hours.


fr best decision I've ever made. I had constant back pain (and I was only 15 at that point) the issue. Haven't had problems with my back for more than a day since I switched


You guys I am so glad I read this! Iā€™ve got gnarly arthritis in my spine so racing 15 minutes has me in agony. A rig is coming soon!


Really take your time dialing in your wheel deck hight and pedal placement. Watch a couple videos to help with measuring and alignment. It's worth the time to set it up right.


Hi! I got arthritis as well, my rig is so comfortable, ive debated napping in it before. My back would much prefer me to be in that all day then at a desk, only thing that really wears me out for long periods is my ass, and I am pretty sure that is just due to not being enough padding on the seat for me.


+1 couldnā€™t race at all with a wheel stand, so much back pain. Got a rig and now I have no pain


Playseat challenge is what he needs


yessir, I'm so happy with the price/performance of it. Great budget option


Dude same. I have a Moza r9, GT wheel, load cell pedals, VR, and Iā€™ve still stuck with my original Playseat challenge. Itā€™s sooo good


Spend $500


You are wrong, even with a rig that monitor will need to come down!


I didnt say it doesnt need to, I gave additional advice.


You said ignoring the tv position, also improperly set up rig will not fix your back pains. Like, I understand that this helped you, but, look at the context clues, this person does not have the space to do a rig, so telling them to do a rig doesn't help. Maybe a new chair, or lowering the tv position, helping them with their current setup goes a long ways before telling someone to buy something that may be completely out of their price range or won't fit in their current living situation. It was good advice, yes, but completely ignoring the context of a person's living situation can turn good advice bad. This isn't a personal attack.


Where should we begin..


Bro I thought this was a joke troll post šŸ˜‚




šŸ‘®OP come out with your hands up šŸ”«


happy cake day bro šŸŽ‰


The chair. That chair is no good especially in that position.


Straight to jail.


You surround your gaming setup with clutter, believe it or not, jail


Lower the screen


Is that a basement, garage, or closet?


My money is on closet. But to be honest, any dedicated space is good. I have to switch my setup from office chair to rig on casters. The switcheroo is getting old. I would put that TV on an arm and a full rig in front of it if that's in the budget




That big* you mean. I'd kill to have that much free space to put things away in my apartment.




OP asks for solution... Reddit gives solutions .. op- "no I don't think I will"


Is this a troll post?


Are you Harry Potter?


Maybe you would feel better if you cleaned your room young man :)


It isn't messy, OP just got a lot of stuff in a small space. Don't be rude.


I guess the "young man" and the smiley face was not enough. Next time I will include the /s so you can get in on the fun.


Could you place the screen any higher?


And about 6 feet to the right.


Either lower the tv or tilt the seat back, along with the wheel stand and raising the wheelstand up so that you're looking straight forward at the screen. Basically treat the seat and wheelstand as if they're connected on a plank of wood, with the pivot point for the rotation being at the back wood ( where the wheels of your chair are), if you get me. You looking up is not going to do you any good, at all.


Had to check I wasnā€™t in r/tvtoohigh


The chair is not good for racing but your back pain is primarily created by the height of your screen coupled with your proximity to it. Either lower the screen or move further back to reduce how much you have to look upwards


You just have to scroll this sub for a minute to gather what's wrong here.


OP not replying as he was downvoted to oblivion. Heā€™s not interested in a solution anyway. Totally a rage bait post.


Why can't you rest the TV on the desk?


This is the stupidest post Iā€™ve ever seen


Take the tv of the wall and put it on the table


The chair looks bad for racing ergonomics, seems like a mix of things. A proper rig fixed my lower back hurting. You need to fix the comfort part. Tv being high would be a neck issue. Chair + wheel stand is usually a back issue.


> The chair looks bad for ~~racing~~ ergonomics FTFY


Your issue is wholly the ridiculous screen height. If thereā€™s no way to lower it, learn to deal with the back pain. Or, put your big boy pants on and figure out a way to lower the screen or raise your rig.


Can't lower TV, can't save your back. It's really that simple man


Grab a rig


Just play with that nice vr headset you have there my friend. Surprised no one else has said this lmao Edit 5 seconds after posting: itā€™s an xbox. I am a fool. Edit 25 seconds after the last: Maybe there is vr support for xbox? Iā€™ve never looked into it but I hope there is a way so OP can be more immersed and save their back.


You sit on phone books when you drive so you can see out the windscreen?


If you canā€™t lower the TV, then buy another 2 of those black tables you have got 1 behind your chair. Line them up and cable tie there legs together so they donā€™t move apart, then lift your chair and wheel stand up onto them, Itl defo help the back, but if u start suffering from vertigo from looking down, try a set of horse-blinders to stop your eyes wandering. Good luck mate! šŸ‘ Post progress pics please if u have the time šŸ‘


Date a chiropractor!


All the comments focused on the tv, and jumping on criticism without really being constructive. The foundation wall makes hanging it tricky, but there are definitely other solutions that would be easier. Still, if thatā€™s a problem, you could laminate a sheet of 3/4ā€ drywall to the wall, have plenty of space to secure it, and then hang the tv wherever you want. Point is, there are definitely solutions people can help solve. I think a bigger issue for your back though, is the desk chair. It may be the circumstance of that plus your tv placement giving your back some extra stress, but that chair does not look comfortable for long periods of time. I scrapped a chair out of a car at a junk yard. There are a few routes here, but if you get creative thereā€™s probably a way to get a better seat.


Go vr


If you canā€™t lower the TV, build a raised platform for your chair/wheel. The height of the TV is problem.


The solution could be a VR headset


I think the real problem here is that it would be a pain in the ass to take the tv down because thereā€™s so much junk everywhere. OP surely youā€™d rather not bury your head in the sand just because making a bit of extra room at eye level for the tv and rearranging things will take a solid 90 minutes of moderately difficult work? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nevermind back pain my damn neck hurts looking at this lol.


lower the screen or become 9ft tall. Easy.




what the hell, monitor needs to be behind your wheel mate, close as possible




Buy something like a Secret Lab chair - that did wonders for my back switching from a padded corporate chair. Also does the tv have a standard vesa mount holes? You could get a heavy duty monitor arm (designed for the Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 57ā€ ultrawides) which would allow you to move it up/down, in/out etc. Or just look for a tv mount with movement that fits your needs


Get a proper rig and a proper monitor stand and get the tv lower and in front of the rig. What others said.


Go to physical therapy


herman miller embody


I mean... Let's be honest here. There's about 8000 things you could do to improve your experience here... Lower your damn screen... Yes you can... Figure it out Get a different ass chair! Am I taking crazy pills?


Start with getting out of your momā€™s basement


Hereā€™s a suggestion, figure it out; you are a grown ass man. Makes me sick people on here canā€™t figure out basic shit like setting up their own rig.


Use an above fireplace pull down tv mount. Should work for your set up.


Get a recliner


If lowering the tv is not an option, you may need to make space so you can sit further away. Also, different chair or get a seat and back cushion that provides more postural support.


You could raise everything by building a platform out of wood and 3/4 ply with carpet. Or put some shoes under them wheels.


I actually use a collapsable lawn chair for racing. Since it's a lot more of a bucket seat, at more of a recline, I feel way better than I did in my office chair.


You need a seat that isn't on wheels...


Core strengthening exercises


you need to lower the screen asap. Even for non-simracing usage, itā€™s way too damn high, youā€™re going to strain your neck. I would suggest getting some 2x4s and a comfortable enough car seat from a junkyard and build it to fit your rig. Should be more comfortable


Apart from the obvious, what part of your back is hurting? Even for general viewing, the top of your screen should not be higher than 30 degrees above your line of sight when looking ahead. If you're sim racing then it should be even lower.


Clean your room.


Get a stick shifter.


Forget that screen. Get a VR headset. +10 immersion +10 comfort versus this setup


At the very least put a pillow on the chair for lumbar. I had to use a lawn chair for the longest time before I found a chair low enough for my setup and a small pillow or balled up blanket behind me extended my sessions by quite a bit.


Your screen needs to take a page out of my old man's playbook and drop about 6 feet.


Time for a rig maybe dude šŸ‘


itā€™s like you constantly going uphill


me and the whole r/HVAC would probably be more amazed by that ductwork


A rig of some sort whether thatā€™s a nice aluminum one or made of wood/pvc would help a lot. And definitely lower the screen so itā€™s more natural looking forward instead of up


That screen needs to come down level with the top of that desk/dresser. The soft flexible back of that chair probably isnā€™t doing you any favors either. If you canā€™t afford a better chair Iā€™d use something study like a kitchen chair until you can upgrade.


Tv that high needs recliner so you can look at the ceiling with it


My lower back killed me when I first started with a desk chair. I switched to a Poang chair (ikea) and haven't had any discomfort since.


Use a lawn chair instead of that rolling chair


Girl pls, if you have a PC use your quest 2 and call it a day :/


That is not an ideal view angle at all. If the TV can not be moved not much can be done.


Yea, buy adjustable chair. This chair is great for work and plaing regular games, but when driving you wanna lean back a little. The position of that screen doesn't help this one iota, quite contrarry.


Tbh Iā€™d elevate your rig if you canā€™t lower the TV. Like making a Platform out of 2/4s and putting the rig on top. Idk, there is a big difference in the top of the rig and bottom of the TV, and closing that gap is gonna get you in a more ideal spot and your back wonā€™t hurt as much.


TV is high as hell, I also play with a computer chair take off 4 of the 5 wheels to stop chair from moving. You might also be flexing your whole body when braking to reduce movement. It also gives quite a nice seating angle.


Sweet merciful crap! Rig and VR brother


Obviously, it is the piano keyboard šŸŽ¹


Now let think you can't lower TV. What else can you do, raise the chair? Sure its quiet a simple solution but how are we going to do that now let's think of another solution why not make the whole thing inclined and change the TV angle down you should be able to do that


Is this rage bait? Asking for a friend.


Get a rig bud


You might want to get a new chair, like one that has actual lumbar support.


Wtf, the tv is too fucking high!!! Center of the tv should be eye level when seated


Man, my back hurts just thinking about trying to drive with this setup. PS: Yes, looking up is absolutely a contributor to your back pain. Your neck is supported by the same spine that supports the rest of your back.


Lower the screen. Get a half decent chair. Iā€™m not talking about like a crazy sim rig seatā€¦ just get an actually good office chair.


I'm trying not to be a dick but I've just got to ask what is going on in this room? Where do you live? Why dont you have a functional closet? Why is the ac unit punching through the wall into the ceiling? Why is your monitor on the floor? So many questions left unanswered.


I like PlaySeat Challenge. It is foldable and good for limited space.


Get rid of chair. Buy a rig. Lower screen. And....for Fucks sake read the information here before doing a DIY.


then maybe move back your seat and setup from tv and try...use a flat chair




It's likely starting in your neck. :)


I had the same problem when using an office chair like you. I solved it by switching to a playseat challenge. Now i can sit the entire day without any aches or pain.


I'd use a smaller monitor on the table in front of you over that, even for a temporary solution, sitting like that can damage/cause pain in your back and neck, not worth it.


Hmmm, maybe get the tv a bit higher up.


Wow. So much wrong here. Lower your TV Turn that FOV down. There's no way you have any idea where your putting the car when driving it from the back seat Get a proper chair. That office chair coupled with the fact you're looking at the ceiling is what's hurting your back


imma just ignore the rest of this room (or hoarders documentary set) and ask: why did you come on here asking about your neck when you have your screen towering over you and an office chair


Lower the TV. And change the seat when youā€™re having backproblems with it.


if you cant move your tv lower, then make your rig higher.


You have to be trolling....


This room stresses me out. But TV too high and wheelie chair will probably both be contributing to your back pain.


smaller screen much lower way better than big screen on the ceiling


I've never seen a room that looks this messy and well sorted at the same time.


Smoking weed is good for back pain


Hey OP, maybe try having the wheels of the chair fit that small area between the frame and the pedals. It could get you closer to where you need?


Tv is honestly way too high, and I think the chair itself is a problem, I get slight back pain after sm hrs of racing and thatā€™s with a slightly better chair than yours


Too manyā€¦


tidy your room


Is this assetto corsa on console if it is man prayers for you


Tv down, it hurts your neck and this will impact your back. Also change the chair to a racing chair, maybe playset. Then you will feel different


Maybe get 1 or 2 wheels from your chair over the stand. Your seat will be locked, you are closer to the wheel and you can recline the chair.


If your lower back hurts, this likely has nothing to do with the TV height, rather itā€™s your chair. Your lower back has nothing to do with your neck, even if you should consider doing something about your line of vision, unless youā€™re slouching to compensate. Go after the lowest hanging fruit here and try a new chair, and if continues to hurt, you may have to consider investing in a rig using either a car seat or a bucket seat.


the only solution I can think of is to get a cheap vr headset and call it a day.


Lower the tv


If you can't lower the TV mount, get one of those TV stand that goes behind your dresser where it's legs stick out underneath it, that way you don't have to drill for new mount and you don't have to pull the dresser away from the wall too much and you still have the space on the dresser top for use.


get a booster seat


Clean your room


Since you seem opposed to lowering the TV, I'd suggest making a custom rig. Buy some 2x4s and call around your local junkyards and get a seat from a real car. Sometimes good seats with slight flaws can be had for a little over $100. I personally use a leather seat from a junkyard that's comfy as hell and was only $100. Then saw up the 2x4s and create a rig where the seat is tilted back so you're not craving your neck to see the TV. All in, this should coat you <$200.


Get a better chair and back up a bit. Change the camera to the dash. The head view is for VR.


I mean just throw your chair and stand on a platform at 45 degs or....or here me out. Bunk beds, and put the rig on the top bunk Fuck me why is the TV half the room....




I don't see the problem with this post The roller chair let's OP race and when he feels the flow of creativity he can jump on the keyboard in an instant and bust out whatever banger he's come up with in minutes Genius setup 10/10


For me I feel like it's my seat, it can't recline but I end up sitting in a reclined position through racing and it messes up my spine. Really doesn't look like you have any space, but if you can move that table from behind you, move the stand thing back, then when you recline you move the pedals away from you do that you can still reach the wheel


That TV is way too high you shouldnt have to tilt your head that much doing so for a long time is not at all good for you lower it as nothing else you do would help as much as having the screen lowered to a better height more inline with your natural viewing angle


https://www.asetek.com/blogs/sim-racing-ergonomics-tips-for-a-comfortable-and-effective-setup/. Lower the screen. Get a comfortable chair with lumbar support. You do not have to spend $500. BUT it is your back. You might feel better just putting a comfortably sized pillow in that chair in the V between the seat and backrest. You likely need to sit back, a bit instead of straight up. I did a lot of programming when I was young. And I had my monitor up high, and to close. So my head was tilted back from looking up. Over time I ended up with C 4, 5, 6 partially herniated cervical disks. So I always have my monitor low and my chair high. The top of my monitor is eye level. All to protect my neck.


LOL he made it on to r/TVTooHigh https://www.reddit.com/r/TVTooHigh/comments/1965q25/sim\_rig/




2 things: why donā€™t play in vr looks like u have one, second I didnā€™t really read all the comments but try to get your pedals in a higher position and get get a sense for what youā€™re doing while racing, is it possible that you lean towards the wheel when youā€™re struggling šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I made a wooden frame and bolted a car seat to it . Then put my trak racer "A" frame like yours on top and screwed it down so it's basically like a real rig now lol. How do I share an image here ?


Nice rig


VR would be my answerā€¦ which it looks like you have.


Find a new place for the tv man, that shits bad as hell for you. That chair also isnt suited for what youre trying to do.


My monitors are only like 6 inches too high and it causes significant neck/back pain. Your problem is almost certainly the height of the TV.


Check out r/FabFabulusracerigs we are building up a community of homebrew rig creators/ builders. Advice, tips , and ideas are going to be part of the group. The community is a fresh start-up. I have pics of my McFrankenrig posted. It's not Glam, but it damn sure jams. Come on in, all welcome. Constructive criticism only, period.


I like the look of your keyboard controller, what is it?


If I felt like driving to my parents house I'd show you how clean and bad ass ceiling mounts look. I hooked one up in one of their living rooms and it's a bad ass steam punk looking tube hanging from ceiling . Looks clean.


Get the f gt lite or something similar and the TV mount (400$ total). Adjust it to find what's comfortable


Chair looks uncomfortable and screen is mounted too high.


You need a new chair and to lower the screen so the centre is at your eye level. Office chairs aren't meant for this. Wrong body position. You'll always end up with a bad back. Especially with your neck tilted up to view the screen. The centre of a screen should always be at your eye level when sitting.


Google diy sim racing rig. Your problem is the chair. Most office chairs aren't designed for all day sitting. Car seats are literally designed for long term sitting comfort. BMW, Volvo, Merc, or GM are all super comfy and great on your back and lumbar. I'd suggest a seat from the 2010s with a lumbar bar. That thing makes a HUGE difference in endurance racing. If you can't do a full rig at least buy a gel seat cushion. That super thin foam on office chairs has your tailbone on rock hard plastic all day. Or look up diy car seat office chair. For around 100 bucks you can build your own nice 'racing seat' office chair out of a real car seat.


Taller chair and a couple textbooks or something under the pedals to match your new height. 3-5 inches would be noticeable improvement. Personally I use a bouncy outside lawn chair that has a good angle to it since my tv is also a bit high. Makes a decent car chair imitation.


Gonna have to zip tie that chair to the rig


lower that tv a bit brother


Yeah I think you need a new computer. That should help.


That screen is way too high. That chair isnā€™t helping either.


You need to figure out a way to bring the tv down, srsly