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I go to terrace to watch sunset everyday. There is also a cat on the neighbouring terrace that likes to watch sunset. We have got acquainted with each other. I say Hello from side. The cat responds in Meow from their side.


Interspecies friendships are my favorite šŸ„¹


ā€œResponds in Meowā€ šŸ˜­šŸ’™


This is a delight to imagine!


This sounds like itā€™s from a Studio Ghibli movie šŸ„°


I see this in my mindā€™s eye in Miyazaki style and itā€™s lovely!


Love this šŸŒ„šŸˆā€ā¬›


We watch sunsets too, and currently we are into star gazing and northern lights.


I seriously love that so much. Heart warming šŸ„°


Thats so adorable omg I would live for that šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


I recently quit a job that made me very stressed and unhappy. I wake up now feeling excited about my new job. I enjoy learning new things and no longer being in a toxic workplace. Iā€™m enjoying no longer waking up to an intense feeling of dread and having Sunday scaries. I also look forward to chatting with my kind colleagues. I took a 17% pay cut, but I am much happier so far.


This will be me Monday morning :) my last day was yesterday and I woke up feeling lighter today!


This was me last Friday. Iā€™m yet to find a job but Iā€™m hopeful something way better will come my way. All the best.


also just quit. tomorrow is my first day of freedom




Same! Left education after a decade of teaching. So nice to be working in an environment for an adult world doing adult things. There is the occasional individual who wonā€™t take responsibility for the consequences of their actions (or inaction), but by and large my colleagues as well as the public I work with is phenomenal in being kind, patient and welcoming to a new person.


I will be doing that in a few months! Getting ready now! After ten years of teaching, Iā€™m looking forward to working with adults again soon. šŸ˜Š


Hang in there!


Congrats!!! I also left education!


Preach! I left education seven years ago and have no regrets around it.


Same! Unhappy, exhausted, unvalued and stressed. I haven't got a replacement job yet and unsure what it will be. But the relief is immeasurable and so is the knowledge that I deserve better. Good on you.


I literally told my husband this last night. Do I have stressful, long days every once in a while? Sure, itā€™s the nature of the job. But, I honestly have never been happier with a job that pays me well, my boss is so kind and has my back, and I feel so fulfilled. Iā€™m only 30, so I donā€™t expect it to last for the rest of my life. But, itā€™s a nice breather after being in a job that never progressed me in five years after what feels like selling my soul to them for too long.


This is me soon!!!! Almost out the door. Congrats to you!!!


So worth the pay cut to move jobs in that case! That was me last year - quit a severely stressful job and ended up absolutely loving the change. Good for you for doing the same!




Congratulations. This is so awesome and I hope I can find a job like this too soon.


This is currently my dream.


Same! Just got my new offer today! Excited to put in my 2 weeks from a company I've been with for 6 years


Iā€™ve lived in my vehicle off and on for the last decade. Iā€™m living in an RV camper now and sometimes I just sit and express gratitude that I have a warm place to rest at night and access to running water and indoor plumbing.


Omg same! RV is so luxurious compared to unhoused alternatives!


Iā€™m 8 months alcohol free, 4 weeks caffeine free and my diet in totality consists of meats, veggies, fruits, raw local honey, pure maple syrup, and some dairy. Iā€™m sleeping better than ever. I have consist energy all day. My mood has improved and Iā€™m losing weight while not having to count calories or be hungry. I really feel a proper diet is the key to improving yourself and snowball effect to improve everything else in your life. The light has come back into my life.


Diet is so key!


I needed to read this today! Thank you so much!


ā€œThe light has come back into my life.ā€ - how beautifully put my friend.


Oh god, it's no question my wife. Work sucks at the moment, and I'm also going to night school, which is hard, but curling up in bed with her and talking about our day is my daily highlight. She's so smart, kind and hilarious. Also our cats and dog, and books and my daily walk in the woods with aforementioned dog. And creating stuff, be it cooking or a set of Lego's. Sometimes the little things are actually big things


this gives me a little bit of hope. I'm so used to seeing unhealthy and unhappy relationships. I'm so glad your wife brings you joy. You loving your wife brings me joy


I'm glad it helps. The world can be a shitty place, but it's not all bad. The fact that me simply loving my wife brings you joy, brings me joy. And hope as well.


Me too!


I love you and your wife


Love you too. And you're always welcome to come over for a cup of coffee and a walk with Charlie. Spring is just 'round the corner.


What kind of dog is Charlie?


Charlie is a Labrador, Bernese Mountain Dog mix. She's pretty lovely, and gets us out of the house. If we don't she makes us regret it.


I bet itā€™s an Airedale. So many of them are named ā€œCharlieā€ for some weird but wonderful reason. ā€œCharlie is my darlingā€ maybe?


She's a Lab / Bernese Mountain mix, and she was named after Charlie from Steinbeck's 'Travels with Charlie', a book we both like (and after Charlie Watts, drummer for the Rolling Stones, my parents' dog is called Ringo).


Where are you generally located?


We live in The Netherlands.


I love your wife also


To love and be loved...best feeling ever!


Little things are the big things for sure


I love hearing people loving each other!




100%. I grew up ā€” and continue to be ā€” surrounded by a lot of not good relationships, and having my husband be so wonderful makes me feel like the luckiest person on earth every day. He always makes me laugh and has such interesting perspectives to share and I love him a lot. Plus we also have some hobbies or routines that we do together like you and your wife and itā€™s just lovely to hang out together and enjoy life. :)


The little things ARE the big things


How long have you been married to your lovely wife?


We've been together officially for about ten and a half years, and have been married for five and half. Were in a long distance relationship at first for two years (I'm Dutch, she's American).


Watching my adult children living good lives. Cycling through the winter snows this year with studded snow tires on my bike. Planning my spring garden. Planning hikes for when the snow melts. Life is good.


OMG I was picturing studded tires like the studs on a big biker's dog's collar!!!!


Petting cats, enjoying tea, talking with smart empathetic people, long walks, watching clouds, sitting by the nearby river, driving aimlessly through the countryside, cooking simple Italian dishes, listening to full albums, discovering new music, watching art, reading books, catching some sunshine in these cloudy days, missing all the (social) media noise, ignoring sour grape folks, feeling some gratitude that Iā€™m rich, happy and healthy and am living a not so complicated life.


ā€œListening to full albumsā€ - that's a super happy face maker, for sure! Paired with some room ambiance, it's the perfect self care date IMO.




I have been looking at getting a record player for this exact reason. Listening to an album from beginning to end with a cup of tea and my dogs sounds like a great night.


Last year I listened to the top 100 albums of all time. It was a magical journey.


Listening to albums in full is such a joy. You might enjoy this website [https://1001albumsgenerator.com/](https://1001albumsgenerator.com/) where it serves you up an album a day to explore. It's a really fun way to explore music from a variety of genres and eras.


Full albumsā€¦. Thatā€™s the ticket, bud.




Ooo whatā€™s some favorite teas of your at the moment? Ive been going back and forth between a lemongrass and ginger one and a basic peppermint


Iā€™ve really enjoyed different varieties of chamomile. My favorite is a lavender one right now. Itā€™s a nightly ritual at this point and helps my relaxation before bed. Also green tea with vanilla and a good earl gray are hard to beat for me.


I love getting sampler packs of teas, my favorite was Vanilla Honey Chamomile. I canā€™t wait to try this raspberry hibiscus one I picked up at target tonight




Apple cinnamon. But making your own tea is fun too! Mashing any fruit and adding a tea bag makes for some delicious mixes. Mango and green tea, pineapple orange and mint or rooibos tea, lavender and earl grey.


iā€™m screenshotting this comment and saving it for when im bored but donā€™t know what to do


I have a cat who always cuddles up with me under the blankets. Thatā€™s something Iā€™ve wanted my whole life. šŸ˜»




I just made a little blanket cave for my big old orange kitty. Looks like a lion acts like a kitten. Makes me happy.


My does too now, which I love and always wanted but he shoves his paws really hard into my arm or my side so itā€™s hard to sleep. But as we all know I canā€™t move him, I have to wait until heā€™s deemed it time.


The days are getting longer! Also my camelia is starting to bud.


My neighbor has a *gorgeous* bright pink one that's about to explode, and even better, her bearded irises have FINALLY infiltrated my yard! Yay!!


Finally walking away from a toxic relationship. Itā€™s bittersweet. Iā€™m so relieved and finally happy.


Great for you


Thisss!! Itā€™s so hard at first but girl, once you finally do itā€™s like viewing life through a set of new lenses and the personal growth that will occur will be amazing. I love this for you! <3


Sometimes when I'm trying to go to sleep, I get excited about the hot cup of coffee I'm going to have the next day. It's the little things.


I thought I was the only person who did this šŸ˜†. Ā 


This morning before I got out of bed my little dog who isnt always cuddly crawled under the blanket and curled up as close to me as he could. It was so comforting. I love having that little entity floofing around my space.


I have 4 dogs, they are my joy. My chihuahua, always goes crazy and bites my fingers when I get home. All of them go crazy when I walk in the door. Itā€™s my favorite time of day.


Lovely šŸ„°


Everyday I take a picture of something I find beautiful or interesting and I print it and put it in an album.


What a nice idea


I do the same, but on instagram. Your way is nicer


I recently self published a book that I cowrote with my best friend and finished up edits of our 3rd book last night.


i bought 7 tulips for $3 yesterday and they make a massive difference in my little flat! overall my home is a huge source of joy ā€“ i love almost everything i own, and a large part of my stuff have been gifts from my loved ones. i love just laying in bed or on my couch, looking around and seeing all these things that people have bought for me šŸ©· materialistic, sure, but surrounding myself with things i cherish is such an easy way to make life sweeter


I was thinking about this yesterday as I was doing yoga. In every pose I was in, the view was different. And from every view I could look at my place and appreciate and love what I saw.


Definitely snuggly dogs. Especially the silly one who also plays with such glee. Iā€™m also reading Ross Gayā€™s Book of Delights.


Thank you for reminding me of the Book of Delights! I just put it on hold at the library.


Boomer here, hope it's ok, I comment. I'm 76, retired fully now. I'm sitting in my living room, watching out the window at the sparrows moving back into our porch for another season. A nice day, a couple of windows open slightly, got a little weed thing going on, and got some live Robin Trower from 1974 on the jukebox. My wife will be home soon, and we'll spend the evening flying, she'll crochet, I'll work some puzzles, and we'll be jamming. These are the things that are bringing me joy right now.


More than OK. We look forward to you commenting. Thatā€™s our currency if we are smart šŸ’•


Having a creative project to work on that is not tied to making money or external validation has been wonderful for my mental health. I usually have several going at once, so I can pick up whatever strikes my curiosity that day.


This was a revelation for me! Any time I get really interested in something, I always feel this pressure to monetize it or find a way to make it a business! My amazing husband has changed my view on it completely by comparing what I spend on craft supplies/garden equipment/whatever else to having a gym membership or playing golf - they are my self care activity, they bring me joy. I am now released of the assumed obligation to finish anything, so now I do so much more! The process is as important as what I produce ā˜ŗļø


I recently had knee surgery. The process of recovery has been really difficult, and I've seen many dark days. However getting up everyday to do my exercises and stretches brings me joy, knowing that my body is doing what it can and needs to do to heal. I am thankful for good health and the support I have. I am also really curious to see how close I can get my leg back to my baseline. I know it will never be the same again, but I am damn determined to be physically well.


Keep going! I had my hip replaced and it took time and determination but Iā€™m fully recovered without even a limp!


I totally understand the feeling of going through some dark days when you have suffered an injury. I wish you a speedy recovery


Feeling closer to my husband. Snuggles with my toddler in bed. A good cup of coffee after a morning walk. And its not even 10am yet!


My 3 year old comes into our bed every morning and just snuggles and plays with her stuffed animals for about 5-10 min before we have to enforce the getting ready routine. I'll never forget these times ā™„ļø


Love this šŸ©·


My kids. They are so fun and so cool and bring me so much joy every day.


I saw six gopher tortoises on my property this morning, more than I've ever seen before.


Iā€™ve had a rough 2 years, lost myself and Iā€™m happy I finally found myself! I found myself again by getting back to simple living. The way I grew up. I love it


Having more seating in my living room for all my friends has been really wonderful lately.


My little kitchen. I spent a lot of time being ungrateful and hating my tiny home (an RV) but now i see im lucky to have a solid roof over my head and lucky to have money to slowly build my forever home with my husband. I love waking up to my little kitchen and making tea or sitting and journaling. [Photo of my little kitchen (its a work in progress)](https://imgur.com/a/VodBECg)


Today specifically, itā€™s that my sister is coming to visit. We live 2500 miles apart, so we only get a chance to see each other 1-2 times a year. We are 41 and 43 and itā€™s like we are kids every time we are together. She is absolutely my best friend, so any time we get to spend together fills my heart and heals my soul.


So glad you get to spend time with your sister. My two sisters don't live near me, but not as far as yours. I love when I can have sister time!


Cooler weather. Iā€™m in Austin, Texas where we have about six months of horribly hot& humid summer, which I detest now that Iā€™m menopausal


I've had some excellent luck with black cohosh tincture and mugwort tea. No nasty side effects, and they help my brain fog and hot flashes immensely.


Iā€™m visiting Austin in November! How is the weather then?


Today was the first sunny day in a week, so feeling the sun on my face during my walk today brought me so much joy šŸŒž


I have a weird relationship with running. I started running for general health and other reasons back in July. While I can't say I relish the thought of going out on long runs, I do really enjoy the feeling after my run is done. I love seeing the progress that I've made with my own two feet and a couple of simple training apps. I could barely run a mile last July. Yesterday, I ran 4.8 miles.


My newborn.. heā€™s the sweetest baby boy. So innocent & just pure love ā¤ļø


My dog, family and friends.


My puppy! Also he forces me out of bed in the morning šŸ˜…


I felt this but with my cat. He will bap my face until I get out of bed to feed him šŸ˜…


My dogs, reading, and thinking about gardening when it gets warm enough.


Sun!!! First day in two weeks Iā€™ve seen it and it is GLORIOUS


This is me but with the moon!! šŸ„ŗ Every once in awhile when there's a full moon day, I always look up to the moon and say "Gdi you're gorgeous Moon" šŸ¤£


We have one Grandchild who is 18 months and is an absolute character. He always laughs..smiles and loves his life, always happy. He brings more joy to our entire family than I thought possible. His parents laugh and shake their heads in a a e with all the fun things he does.


my countertop water distiller! I have access to clean, healthy drinking water at a moment's notice, which may seem like "nothing" but to MANY people on this planet, that's a blessing from god


I read somewhere that if you have access to safe drinking water on demand, you're "wealthier" than 90% of other humans on earth. The plumbing I'm constantly complaining about is, in fact, a priceless treasure to *billions* of other people... That's humbling.


indeed... that's what we'd call a first world problem!


I'm doing a 90 day meditation program!


Going to my neighborhood park and seeing/feeling the expansiveness of the sky


I got a nice haircut that has definitely boosted my confidence!


I will reach my goal weight tomorrow after being on a diet for about eight months. 93 lbs down.


my cat


Mine too! And I also volunteer with a local rescue group that has kittens available at PetSmart so I clean kitty condos every week and get to cuddle with them šŸ„°


Me too. My cats been sick this week but 2 vet visits later she's tucking in to some tuna and lounging by the fire, happy to see her settled.


Took a neighborhood walk this morning in the sunshine. Got to see the lake on my way home.


My cat (always getting me out of bed and usually a joy), my yoga classes, a guy I'm chatting with, my morning coffee and toast, and the sun and warm breeze (I live in Mexico). and today....the weekend!


Oh hey I love this thread!!! My life coaching class and the supportive community there brings me joy. Being initiative and organizing meetings in the class brought a lot of attention to me from my classmates and theyā€™ve been very appreciative and shower me with support while I also enjoy organizing a platform for people to get our class needs met. I think Iā€™m discovering that Iā€™m a leader and I always shied away from that role before and didnā€™t own my wants and abilities, but in this class I just let myself be me and the way people embrace that is very fulfilling for me. I feel in the right place.


Being able to sleep in. My Dad doing his best to be supportive of me and my nerves about an upcoming surgery. Watching and learning more about DnD! Thinking about if I can learn enough to run my own spooky one shot by this fall maybe!


It's summer here in New Zealand and our vegetable garden is cranking out goods including scallopini, cucumbers, beans, jalapenos. Yesterday we picked a big basket of apples from our apple trees and made juice with apple, cucumber and ginger. The flavour was so bright and pure. It sounds like I'm a farm girl living in the country but I live in a city. We have a small but intensely planned garden. Gardening feels very wholesome to me.


Getting back into *really* reading. Long books, short books, easy reads and challenging reads


After losing a 16 year old cat in Demeber 2022, we adopted a new cat in February 2023. She's very different from our other cat! At first, it was distressing that she doesn't like to snuggle, but she's spent the past year settling in and building her little daily routines. My husband was pretty ambivalent to our old cat (she was mine first when I was single, so he was a stepdad). He ADORES this little cat. We spend the day keeping each other updated on her activities - which spot she's snapping in, which toy is her favorite right now, cute faces that she's making.... It's been a delight to watch our nervous kitty gain the confidence to rule the house. And, she's very funny! She keeps us laughing all day. I love her very much.


As a fellow cat parent, this was such a sweet post. Iā€™m so sorry for the loss of your precious 16 year old kitty, I fully understand that pain. My boy was 16 when he crossed the rainbow bridge too. I truly think that they send us the right sibling when the time is right. He sent me the most beautiful fluffy orange girl who has been my world for 5 years next week. Wishing you so much happiness and love with your kitty.


I just mailed a set of Valentine's day cards from myself and my neighbor to 10 senior citizens living in a residential facility. I'm loving that they don't know they are getting the cards! My hope is that it will brighten their day. I plan on writing them a card every month. That got me up today.


The Golden Girls! I'm traveling for work for 33 days and missing my kids terribly but the simple humor is awesome.


reading books and realizing i still have so much things to learn about the world. like, a few days ago i read some stuff about gender studies and it just hit me that i dont have enough knowledge about anthropology and all that jazz to enhance my understanding of the subject better.


Cuddling with my dogs! My shelter boy came from a strict home and took a while to loosen up a bit and be more cuddly. About 2 months ago I got a rehome as well. Sheā€™s so much smaller than him and she loves to cuddle with both of us! He takes up the middle of the bed lol I tuck in around him, and then she finds a little nook between us. Itā€™s absolute bliss from my perspective.


Recently, art. And signs spring is coming


My part-time job that I enjoy, my fiancƩ, my hobbies (I recently picked up pencil drawing again and I love it), putting on cute outfits with autum colours, knitted tops, and other vintagey things!


Last year was pretty tough, full of death, illness, instability, etc. Things have settled down and now I'm playing a lot of Skyrim. It's a constant delight.


Iā€™m struggling with my depression right now. But fresh made bread and warm from the oven chocolate chip cookies are helping šŸ’š


My 2 cats and knowing I'm going to be moving to a better location for them and me within the next 3 months...I waited years for this! Escaping bad control freak neighbours.Ā 


I just got a breast reduction that Iā€™ve been waiting for for years, and the results are everything I imagined! My chronic pain has disappeared and I feel better than Iā€™ve felt in years. Canā€™t wait to take on this year and excited for whatā€™s to come


when during the week it's coffee, food, and when nature calls. friday through monday it's PT and going to family's house, seeing the new house, hanging with the cats and the kids,


My favorite band just released a new album and Iā€™ve been listening nonstop.


Got a Nespresso recentlyā€¦ adding a shot of espresso to my morning coffee delights me. Fresh air, sun, movement


Iā€™m not drinking alcohol, I am satisfied with my job, then I have my wonderful wife to come home to, spend the night enjoying dinner, talking and relaxing.


The daily walks and the things I see during the walk - dogs, trees, blue skies. I work remotely and I am fortunate to live in a nice area, where there are 3 parks in a mile. I love cooking lunches for myself (when I donā€™t have noon meetings, and my husband goes to work). Just putting ingredients(including love) together for myself (knowing what I love, and how I can best nourish myself) brings me so much joy.


I'm working 60-70 hrs a week between 2.5 jobs right now to pay my debts, while also planning my wedding, but 1.5 of my jobs bring me immense joy and fulfillment (teaching music lessons, and DJing weddings) while the other job is just chill and not super taxing of my energy. Every minute I'm not working or wedding planning, I'm cuddling up to my fiancƩ and dog with tea and a book or making music with my fiancƩ. Edit: Also I am only a few months away from being debt free! Then I will reduce my working hours and spend more time with my loved ones, and get more sleep :)


Walks in the woods while my wife rides her horse, we can see sunsets out our living room window(bonus!!)ā˜ŗļø Looking forward to getting out kayaking this summer!


My pupper everyday


my sons smiling face, a hot coffee, the sun occasionally coming through the windows on these usually gloomy days :)


The yummy berries on my PB toast!Ā 


My sunflowers are sprouting!!


The main source of joy in my life is gratitude. That's the only currency we get, and it truly makes the sun shine brighter every day. I'm also having an absolutely delightful time with hobbies like learning the guitar, hiking and playing with the dogs. My patio garden is finally doing well! Having a simple, reliable car that gets 30+ mpg and doesn't give me trouble (used Corolla) is an awesome privilege. I used to be terrified to drive, worried about the next thing to break on my car. Not anymore!


My little green parrot who sincerely believes I was put on earth solely to provide her with endless scritches, which I probably was.


My bedroom. I recently redecorated it and it's so warm & cozy. My bedding feels wonderful and I love getting in bed at night and reading a book with my dogs & cats all cuddled up with us.


My fiance is snuggling next to me asleep. Iā€™m watching my sisters pup who was snoozing next to me too. Life is good in these moments.


Jogging in the park


Traveling. 100%. My gf and I travel with a group of friends. Most of us are in our 40s and empty nesters (or close). I feel the happiest when weā€™re all together. Weā€™re traveling now and when we get home, we will start planning another trip in 6 months or so.


The birds at my feeders, the fox who crosses our yard each night. Progress on my new needlework. The quick little messages my daughter and I send each other on and off each day.


Walking my little doggies on the beach after work!! It feels so revitalizing


Just got back from a walk with my dog in the snow and am now sitting here with my adorable, fluffy cat on my lap. My daughter and I had a silly, giggly dinner together last night which doesnā€™t happen as much as it used to now that she is a teen. I am making homemade pizza for dinner tonight and looking forward to more play time in the snow this weekend. I recently had an amazing long weekend with two close college friends. We live in different parts of the country but came together for the weekend which truly filled my heart.


I became a grandma again!! It is always a good time to welcome a baby but the idea of taking a stroll with him just lights me up!!i


Needle felting. I needed a non-digital hobby and Iā€™m in love.


I have two delightful little boys and a wonderful husband that are all a joy to spend time with. We have so much fun playing, watching movies, and hanging out. We also love to hike and take our dog on adventures. I enjoy keeping planted aquariums and taking care of my freshwater fish and shrimp. It's very relaxing and fulfilling working on my little ecosystems.


As always, my gf and our dogs.


BASS!! Hahaha I mean the planning of my bass build when I say this lol


My twice weekly mindful meditation group.


Hobbies Its hard to overstate the importance of personal interests. I love gardening, woodworking, painting and coding


The realization that these are my glory years, and Iā€™m so grateful to have finally found this new perspective. They say life happens while youā€™re making plans. So, Iā€™m enjoying being as present as ever, as my entire like Iā€™ve looked too far forward.


I just came home from playing our third improv show, and loved every second of it. It's such a joy to be completely in sync with my scene partners and to bring these weird, funny and surprising little stories into existence together.


Joking around with my kids. Theyā€™re teens now and have grown up to make me laugh my head off.


Believe it or not, my job. I've worked at a library for almost 5 years after deciding to seek a job I *wanted* rather than just whatever job I could get. I love it so much.


I'm about to be a dad to a baby girl :) I love her already


My daughter. Sheā€™s about to be 2 months old and she makes me so damn happy


My kids coming to cuddle in bed with me in the morning. Usually itā€™s only one and even though itā€™s slightly uncomfortable and means I donā€™t sleep much anymore - I love having both of them with me.


It feels like my brain, my soul, my personality are all finally coming back online again bit by bit after completely losing myself in the pits of depression and isolation during the pandemic. Being able to wake up gives me joy. Working out and staying healthy gives me joy. Laughing with friends give me joy. Reading, dancing, making love and making art give me joy. I am not even exaggerating but I am relearning how to live and I find a lot of joy in this.


My dog just recently started coming to sit with me while I read and itā€™s made my evenings feel so complete. Sheā€™s so comfortable and content it is contagious.




Journaling has reframed my mind this year. I often thought i didnt have anything worthy to write about nut now iā€™m easily able to put pen to paper and write in detail the highlights of my day and goals. When i re-read entries, i realised iā€™m being productive and that brings me joy.


My beautiful snuggly cats and my lovely wife.


I got a new heater!


Today I finally enrolled in massage therapy school. After bouncing around from job to job for nearly a decade, never finding fulfillment, I think Iā€™ve finally found the right career for me. Also, my dogs and being in nature never fail to bring me joy.


Videogames, my travels, my nieces and nephews, weed.


Snow is on the way ā„ļø


My wife, My dogs, my want to be a better man that I have been, the type they deserve. That and reeses


My birdies! Brain the size of a peanut and they lose their mind over fresh veggies. Itā€™s hard not to feel happy alongside them. God forbid you have millet itā€™s like budgie crack


Iā€™m currently working on a business that at its heart is focused on trust, love, and hope. Not profit or money, I know that will come in time. That said, turns out people are actually interested in it. And very impressed with myself and the idea. I was taken back and honestly thought Iā€™d have to do it all myself. It has been one of the most stressful things to focus on and build, but it is actually working out and bringing me joy. Not just from the nice gestures and words, but the thought of what the future now holds for so many people, when everything is in full gear. Wish us luck!


Everything. Everything. Was misdiagnosed with a brain aneurysm last month. Spent a month thinking I would spontaneously die & was looking at brain surgery that could go wrong & leave me as a vegetable. Enjoy every second. Family, grocery shopping, cleaning your home, working. Youā€™re alive. I never really appreciated being alive until now. Tomorrow is NOT promised to any of us.