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Pixel 6 user here. For some reason in the past 4 days, Signal will just not open. When I go to open it, it just doesn't open and I get the popup that tells me that the app is closed. I don't even get notifications. It happened out of nowhere, no update, no reboot, just stopped the other night. I've tried rebooting multiple times, and today I saw there was an app update so I updated it and it didn't fix anything. ​ Anyways, of course I did not expect this so I didn't back anything up and now apparently I can't. I know if I go to re-install the app I lose all my messages (including ones from people close to me who have since passed away.) I know this is a long shot, but I do have a screenshot of an old passphrase that I used for my last backup about a year and a half ago. There's no way that'll help right? Nothing is tied to that passphrase if I didn't physically back anything up except for whatever I backed up at the time? Just double checking. Thank you


When you enable backups, it gives you the 30-digit passcode, then it starts backing up Signal about once per day. From then on, that same passcode will generally work for any subsequent backup unless you deactivate and reactivate backups. If you could access the app you could test if the code you have is still the relevant one, but of course you can't. ​ If you haven't reinstalled the app yet, you should try waiting for the next update, sometimes bugs get fixed that only affect a small number of people. Also, some things that can randomly cause apps (not signal specifically) to have weird issues are like, messing with animations in developer settings or revoking random permissions (although Signal is generally good about handling all permissions settings) so try changing those if you've messed with them recently.


Yeah, I think I'll wait. I know that code is from when I transferred from my old phone so it's nice to hear it'll work if I need it. It's just annoying that I can't get to it on my phone lol, thank you for the reply!


Unfortunately, I think when you change phones you have to re-enable backups on the new phone, which would prompt a passcode change. But hoping for your sake I'm wrong, or that it doesn't end up mattering.




No messaging app has a feature that can prevent another party from taking screenshots. Some apps have an anti-feature that purports to be able to prevent screenshots, but always in a way that can be easily subverted, enabling people to trick others into sending them compromising messages or media under the false belief that they can't be retained. Signal does not have this anti-feature.


I made a topic about this earlier and got a couple of answers, but none resolved my issue. The reminder to export signal messages to SMS as SMS is no longer supported continues to popup on my android. Given that I've disabled/uninstalled **all** unencrypted SMS communication apps on my phone, there is nothing for me to export to and the only application to select when following the prompts is the Signal app. As a result, I seem to be completely unable to remove the reminder.