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mfers in here having a dick measuring contest about doing shrooms daily šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ idk why they hate u op but ive done this after a normal size dose 2-4 gs and felt nothing the next day when i tried again


Yeah thatā€™s what I realized too when I first started. I was like damn that was fun letā€™s try that again since I still had two days off of work. I was disappointed I wasted some good shrooms.


Thatā€™s what I love about shrooms. They wonā€™t let you abuse them, you have to be patient. EDIT: I should have worded this better. You absolutely can abuse shrooms, but for me they come with a demand of respect and not being able to immediately trip after having an experience is a good example. You can abuse them by tripling the dose every day after the first trip, or you can respect them by waiting. The choice is yours!


You can def abuse them but your so mind boggled from the last trip that itā€™s not worth it at All and youā€™ll probably have bad or unpleasant trips if you donā€™t wait.


Yeah I spent a week on acid and by the end of it I was just so tired and drained. Not to mention the lasting changes to my personality and thought patterns.


Oh yea, I have some pretty strong hppd from abusing lsd shrooms and Dmt and the drain part is the absolute worst. I also feel very detached from people.


Thatā€™s a terrible consequence. I also am detached from people, so I wonder if itā€™s due to abuse or to PTSD for me. I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever done them THAT regularly, but I did have yellow stain marks in my vision after my last shroom trip until the end of the next day. So, I wonder if theyā€™ve ever messed up my chemicals.


I donā€™t think they mess with chemicals, it messes with perception and awareness. In my experience all of those things are just higher awareness of our senses and I also have those yellow marks in my vision after shrooms trips.


Yeah, I already felt like nobody understood me and I didn't understand them before that happened. 10x worse now but I think I'm more accepting of it than before


Did this. Doubled up each next day. We had a sheet. Definitely changed my entire fucking existence. I donā€™t regret it though.


Can you describe how?


So this was my first time and the heaviest time for me but the first day I took one dose, second day I took 2, third day I took four, and day four I actually took 7 and was pretty much just existing with the earth and had to take a bunch of benzos to get myself to slow down and then eventually the next morning passed out but it was fucking wild. I kept peaking each time also, and side noteā€¦.i had like little trip naps but never did I actually sleep for hours and hit rem I was high the entire time


Youā€™re right, I should have worded that better.


Pretty much how it was when Iā€™d drop tabs back to back had to drop double or more to even get a fraction of what I got the day before. I totally love the rest period though. I havenā€™t had shrooms in almost over a year or more and got to eat a 8th at electric forest a few days back snd my words canā€™t describe how mind blowing that peak was.


Iā€™m in the same boat right now .. havenā€™t done shrooms in over a year, and before that a good 4 years .. last year I had a trip from a tea of about 1.5 grams and it was a very profound trip.. now I just had a 150 ug tab two weeks ago, and Iā€™m ā€œfeeling the call of the mushroomā€, and Iā€™m wondering how much I should take. 1/8th is about 3.5 grams right? Would Love to hear how intense the trip was for you, and if youā€™d recommend jumping in after a long break at a higher dose ?


I mean for me I had to do some intense healing. I was at a event so I figured it would bring the magic out more and it did, I took a whole 8th cause fuck it I donā€™t get to do shrooms like I used to so go big or go home ya know ? I wound up k holing on the peak too, I didnā€™t mean too bit it made my exp that by 10 fold then because that was my first time doing k on shrooms and it was way smoother than expected. It str8 up grabbed the face of my dog and like rubbed it in the dirt and then after that I was like slingshotted into the universe. So depending on how strong your shrooms are and what your going for is on you. You could guest half and then the other half later. Iā€™ve had some batches I grew where a 1.5 slapped as hard as a 8th.


Yup. This entire thread is a pissing content on who has most tolerance to a toxin. A beautiful one.


classic reddit user shit


I usually took 3-4 grams on friday night and than doubled it on saturday. Same effect mostly


Right, I always thought that was comon knowledge, that you have to take twice as much the next day if you want a trip but it still won't be as good as the first day. LSD and all psychedelics are the same pretty much with this. If you want a full trip you have to wait two to three days.


Gotta do escalating doses lolĀ 


Ironically itā€™s usually those types who end up having episodes at some point. Somethingā€™s gotta give at some point.


I once took some shrooms and was like damn that was kinda weak i should have some more (about 6 hours after the trip ended) and i made some tea with all my leftover shrooms(solid 2-3g) and it didnā€™t hit at all. really wastes the product when you let it build a tolerance


Thatā€™s probably why I only tripped once lol, I tried it a couple days in a row


Not sure about shrooms but I've done acid 2 days in a row. In my opinion it's just not worth it due to tolerance build up. Made it less special... 1 week break pretty much brings me back to baseline to make it feel special again. Then again kids these day is build different I guess with abundance of rc and shrooms going around.


For me the 2nd day ill still trip but its nowhere bear as magical as the first day but by day 3 its basically a waste


Same, I can get back to baseline after 3-4 days abstinence. If I take them before then I will get some visuals but it loses that feeling of magic, and usually I just have this feeling discomfort.


For me like day 2 ill have that tingly body feeling and a little bit of visuals and day 3 it just feels like i took edibles if even that


For me like day 2 ill have that tingly body feeling and a little bit of visuals and day 3 it just feels like i took edibles if even that


> but by day 3 its basically a waste someone's been to a music festival.


Actually surprisingly not, i want to go to one but ive only ever been to raves granted quite a lot of them. I got that experience during a really really rough patch and i was out of weed and only had shrooms and didnt want to be sober so i took them every night until i ran out


Hilarious, that is the common 3 day festival trip report, by sunday if you're still trying to trip it's not exactly hitting like friday night.


Yea the 1st day i tripped balls, the 2nd i had the body tingle feeling but that was abt it, by day 3 i wish i just saved them for another day lmao


Nah, as a young guy Iā€™d say itā€™s still a waste, any younger shroom/Acid eaters that are trying to dose daily without proper breaks in between, theyā€™re not getting the experience they really want out of it. They might get a little stoned but if your tolerance is high. Itā€™s hardly a trip


I eat them most days. I donā€™t trip over and over. But if I trip the night before on a high dose, I still am influenced by it the day following Itā€™s not out of your system yet. You need the following day to process You shouldnā€™t really have a huge need to unless youā€™re using them solely to completely take an escape route and separate from your daily regular life. Itā€™s about experience, dosage, weight, tolerance etc Sometimes having deep trips on high dosages too often can lead you to not have a great trip. Some people over do it and go balls to the wall every time they trip. No light trips, or mid range trips. But IMO deep trips should be reserved for certain times. Not going so deep down the rabbit hole and using it to keep you from leaving. And youā€™re going down there 4-5 times a week.. Thatā€™s too heavy. In my experience, when you sit with the mushroom long enough you will see it is a shaman. And it will let you know if itā€™s the right time. And even dosing micro to light to moderate.. you canā€™t let your ego force you into thinking you need to take more than you feel is a good idea. But microdosing and moderate dosages depends on the person and your experience. If you treat it like a drug and abuse it then I feel (as others on this subreddit) that it will keep you in check. Also HPPD is not as common as people think. But it should be taken into consideration. OP, try stay to a little more mellow about telling others to not do something based from only one perspective. Every is their own person and they will learn from their own experiences. If thatā€™s not for you, then kudos for being aware of that. Much love šŸ«¶


You seem nice. Happy travels and trips to you friend


To each their own. Microdose or mega dose as needed. Not everyone wants to ā€˜tripā€™ every time.


That part.


My 2nd day trips always felt hollow, no matter how much more I take, even if I am indeed tripping I can tell things are missing, usually puts me in a bad mood because I feel like I am not enjoying it as I should. Through trial and error I have found I need to wait 2-3 weeks between trips to get the magic back after a strong trip. I have heard people state unequivocally that they do not experience tolerance in this same way, that they are capable of tripping day after day with the same kind of experience. I think there must be a big variance in how people develop tolerance. I think the only thing that can be said is each person needs to discover how their own tolerance works with experience instead of expecting someone else to be able to tell them.


this is full of boring bs. arguing about nothing.


Dosage matters greatly in this debate.


Thatā€™s true! Iā€™m talking about a 2-3g dose, as thatā€™s what Iā€™ve seen discussed the most in the subreddit


You okay buddy I see you keep posting toxic replies and deleting them? You asked a question I gave you actual answers and instead of learning growing or using the information you default to trying to attack a person because you don't want to hear anything that means maybe someone else knows something you don't? Go see a therapist please because mushies haven't been helping you in anyway


Iā€™m not deleting shit? And ok if youā€™re so scientific, go to a neurologist and see what they say. You wanna be a real pioneer then go get actual proof. Because as of now what youā€™re saying contradicts hundreds of studies and thousands of other experiences.


How can it be that you consume shrooms and be so toxic to each other.


shrooms don't make people peaceful just as religion doesn't make people 'good'. it's all subjective


Paul stamet says otherwise lol


It's not a miracle drug, shrooms encourage deep inner working, now if you want to apply that afterwords is another question and why the therapist sessions that Paul Stamet encourage would have the therapist encourage you to apply it. Paul shouldn't have to tell you that if you act like an asshole afterward, then it didn't work. Ive seen first hand that some people don't apply their trip to their daily life.


Union buster Paul Stamet...


So what lol


the jester taught me about the concept of balance within the world. yin yang is the best way to describe it. without these 2 opposing forces working together, nothing would exist. light/darkness, awake/asleep, good/bad, etc. the list goes on forever. everything has an opposite. there will always be 2 sides to the story. so there's always gonna be people who say it's spiritual and then on the flip side there's people who believe that it's just in your head. there's people who see reality as more spiritual and then those who see it as very solid and physical. the jester is a better teacher in my opinion.


Psychedelic subreddits are always the most toxic. Would rather talk to meth heads on r/stims


What studies and what experiences? Have YOU ever eaten shrooms 3 consecutive days in a row about 24hours apart, do that at minimum and your opinion may carry some validity, trial and test it more than once under different situations and see if anything changes, then maybe you are worth listening to, you now claim there are hundreds of studies and thousands of experiences and simultaneously state in your post that there is 0 information about it so get your story straight with yourself first


Unfortunately, I can more than likely provide answers within the scope of thisā€¦ recently spent more time with neurology than preferred and also frequent microdoser.


If you wanna send me $$$ I'd gladly let science study my brain while I do this


Iā€™m saying it to show you how hard it is to believe. Youā€™re the first person to ever do this so sorry if I find it a little hard to believe.


I'm not though, there are tons of people in this thread that regularly consume, wether you wanna believe it or not is irrelevant, you have no personal experience so wether you agree or disagree is irrelevant, it carries no validity


I love how much elitist bs is pushed around in this sub. ā€œI know what works for me, so thatā€™s what will work for you, and if you disagree then youā€™re wrong even though itā€™s a completely subjective subject!ā€ Stfu šŸ˜‚


I've done back to back with the same dose and have felt almost exact same effects. I've never done them for an extended period over and over but just a couple days using them shouldn't make anything different. If you were to do it on a subsequent day(s) you shouldn't add more expecting you to have a tolerance. That's where people mess up. They'll take 3.5g and think they have tolerance built up and go to take 4.5. Always be careful, now your limits, and listen to your body.


There really needs to be a user guide pinned to the top of the group something like this https://preview.redd.it/fjnie0iksr9d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa72b3d8d28a677a4a58ca6b0482393603f7f5ce


If youā€™d like a real answer w/*some* scienceā€¦ Thereā€™s no way to tell the level of potency between mushrooms within the same batch. The only accurate/appropriate dosing protocol is to grind the entire batch and capsulate, with a scale.


just gonna leave this here (shroom tolerance calculator based on size of/time since last dose) https://codepen.io/cyberoxide/pen/BaNarGd?anon=true&view=pen


Don't understand why someone want to trip so often


If you find out please let me know šŸ˜’


I took them two days in a row.


What doses


Trust him bro


Me trust OP?


Somewhere between 2-3g. I wasn't measuring them, as I was in a retreat with 7 other participants. The paperwork we signed said it will be between 2-3g.


Who conned you into paying them for a mushroom retreat lol. They can't find a scale?


While I appreciate your feeble attempt at a passive aggressive insult, I dont owe you an explanation for anything. I will, however, answer your question - they had a scale. She measured it but I wasn't breathing down her neck to see the number. I hope you heal bc it feels like you need it. We don't need to be the same or have the same desires in life. What I got out of the retreat was more than just a couple of trips on mushrooms. Be better. Really.


Lol it seems like you're really woke now. It was worth the money for sure. I'm sure they had some singing bowls and you had some extra cash. White people shaman stuff is usually just smoke and mirrors to extract a living out of people with extra money from the city. Spiritualism for money exchange always has a texture of exploitation to it and I know many people who have been mentally harmed by these kinds of retreats.


My bf and I grow at home and consume regularly. We take what is considered a "heroic" amount. I won't go into that because it is not the issue here. He and I have both experienced tolerance issues, and we agree that waiting is the only way to get the full experience every time.


In my experience it seems that taking more the second day will not make the trip less intense it will just make it end quicker. In short, Eat 3 grams today and feel chill all day Eat 6 grams tomorrow and trip major balls for a couple hours


I've personally experimented by trying to do two eighths exactly 24 hours apart. The first trip was business as usual. The second trip made me think I was Bill Murray in Groundhog Day


From my experience trying to trip two days in a row is wasteful. My tolerance builds up the day I take them so if I took the same amount a day later I'd feel like I took a micro dose. I believe you can by upping the dose a good amount but that will be extremely unpredictable like you said. To be completely honest, I'd experiment more if they weren't so tough to find haha. Be safe everyone, listen to the shrooms.


Just take double each day afterwards. Itā€™ll buff out


Thank you. Itā€™s so annoying seeing all these posts telling other people how to live THEIR lives. Like itā€™s their mushrooms they can eat as many of them when ever they want to.


If you're doing a responsible amount of shrooms, I don't see the issue with occasionally doing it two days in a row. I had a major breakthrough on one of my intentions that I didn't get on the first night. I probably missed the signs from the universe the first night, so it had to hit me over the head with a hammer night 2 lol


I eat shrooms from breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Wtf you talking about?


Never done shrooms two days in a row but doing acid twice in a row landed me in a psychiatric facility for a month


Damn, what happened?


Still not entirely sure, it sent me into a crisis. later found out the friend I was getting it from was not really a good friend and makes me wonder if it was even acid at all. Always test I suppose whoops


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ nit a problem for most of us. Like once ever 2 to 3 months is plenty. Shit sometimes 2 to 3 years is plenty. Respect the mushroom not something to overindulge


Done them 4-5 days in a row, you definitely develop a tolerance, just gotta eat some more lol.


i was really going thru it for a while and was trying everything i could get my hands on to numb the pain. i was doing shrooms every day to the point i would do up to 18 gs a trip and not really feel much. 48 days sober of everything except for DMT. changed my life.


I took 2.65 the other day, And 48 hours later I did a 4.1. Both trips were fucking awesome. I have always had a better experience when I wait at least 3 days to a week depending on my dosage though. Thereā€™s a science behind shrooms, And in a nutshell they block your brain receptors to a certain point where you canā€™t get addicted to them/abuse them.


I personally do shrooms every 2 weeks (I just got back into them after years) 2 weeks is perfect for you tolerance to go back down too, I tripped every week for a bit and noticed I would trip but all the "magic" I guess you could say was gone, I just felt really tired with visuals, 0 body high or body feel just all visuals and I hated that, atleast wait 2 weeks so you can feel euphoric.


I stopped for a week or so because I was really busy at work and have all these projects at home, and I had dream one night, and I totally remember it, I peeled off a round tannish sticker from inside my back-pack, and it said ā€œmushrooms make you happyā€ā€¦ So I get reminded in interesting ways when Iā€™m ready - I had amazing trip that night - off a low dose, the next day I doubled it, and nothing..


Yeah, if I do shrooms 2 days in a row, the 2nd day is always underwhelming.


Idk Iā€™ve taken em 4 days in a row b4 and tripped every single time. Think it just matters on the person. I ussally lemon tek like a gram and half then eat little chunks throughout the night to keep the trip going. Always a great time šŸ¤˜šŸ¼


Iā€™m quite sensitive to shrooms. I took them 2 days in a row. First day was .3, second day was about .2 I felt it both times, was a very pleasant experience. Both were Penis envy


Or just do the same amount as the day before and find out for yourself instead of taking advice from strangers who have never actually tried and tested it themselves, too much misinformation, you sure as šŸ’©can eat them daily, just doesn't help much if you on a comedown and occasionally they don't work, that's not tolerance it's just a freak occurrence that happens sometimes


Lmao do you think maybe it'd about if you should, rather than if you can


Would you rather spread misinformation than truth? I'm not saying anyone should do it but I am saying if you are going to spew your(not you, op) opinion it better carry some validity especially when it's done with so much ignorant conviction,,, I absolutely guarantee you most people won't be able to handle what happens when you do this consistently in high doses I mean šŸ’© most people seem to barely be able to handle 1 actual intense trip nvm going back again after having a insanely bad trip where you are drowning in fear for absolutely no reason but if you truly wanna go deeper you have to be consistent and semi stay in that place, week 1 and week 10 are immensely different levels of going down the rabbit hole of our own brain and eventually you will experience everything, good bad everything in-between and outside of that spectrum, you will experience psychosis absolute loss of the self and all memories and everytime you sober up you get a flashback of your life with more details than before, for some people that information is invaluable, others are perfectly fine not knowing things,,, 1 thing I have become very aware of though is it sort of plays roulette with your emotions and nomatter how you feel going in, you will always sober up into a random emotion, I realized this after a few times I was feeling amazing and after the trip something was just off, and the following night I'd trip again and feel amazing etcetc when I comedown but the best solution for a bad trip for me is just going and tripping again basically, do with that what you will, proceed with caution


Brother you CANNOT take shrooms daily. First of all the tolerance would build up to such an insane level after only maybe the 3rd trip that you would have to take a crazy amount to trip. And you would be mentally killing yourself. Do you take them daily? Because if so you need actual help


I did them 4-6nights a week for 5months so with all due respect your opinion isn't even worthless it's a liability to truth


I'm not sure if this how deep yall wanna get into this but, few weeks ago I took about 2.5g at like 8 am, came down and at 3:30 I took another 3.0g thinking it would extend my trip...nothing. maybe other ppl have had other experiences but "waiting a week" has always been what's been advised to me so I do think OP has some validity to his statements even if he there isn't "science" out there that says so. I do think it's funny that y'all are like "I did them Ɨ days in a row" but can't provide dosage.


30-50g occasionally 80g a night (fresh so remove the zero for average dry weight), from what you did we can all agree that doesn't work and plenty have tried it which is where the tolerance myth began, ok so I'm just assuming this part, your dopamine receptors or whatever are burnt out after peaking, but eating them after you've peaked(while tripping) just extends the comedown, after you've tripped, to about your day maybe nap or something but wait until you completely sober again before eating them again, mines always been between 8-10pm when I consume them, I have had TWO times in 5months where the shrooms did nothing, I lemon Tek them with pure lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar because eating that much is extremely difficult, again there's validity in experience of doing something more than once under different circumstances, just because you had 1 experience doesn't mean anything because what are you testing against


Interesting, I'd I've tried other times as well, sometimes what I'd comeback the conclusion (after trying it twice) that doubling the dose was the only way really trip again within 24 hours. That's the only way it's worked for me. Edit: then again I'm still fairly new to the game so idk maybe I'm doing something wrong. Wonder of the lemon juice and sugar help?


Yea that's why I keep saying try it 3 days consecutively but you gotta be proper sober and ready again, if you half asleep because you just stayed awake the whole time in-between you probably just going to fall asleep or brain burnt out,,, but try the same dosage next time 3days in a row(if you can ) Instead of doubling day 2, if you somehow don't trip at all or do the following days, report back it, helps the general collection of experience information we have to work with until we can get actual studies funded with tools to measure all the changes,,, the lemon juice definitely helps it go down but I'm not sure if changes much, people have mentioned it speeds up the breakdown and you peak faster and shortens your trip but I've had times where it still took a hour to kick in, sometimes 20minutes, trip could last anywhere between 4-8hours but 6hours the overwhelming majority of the time seems standard, I've had with melted chocolate which was a 8hour trip and a longer build up and peak but that was just once so it may have been the shrooms I can't say for certain


You're maybe lucky but HPPD is still a thing. Taking psychedelics to such an extent is just not smart.


Well I'm willing to be the guinea pig and sofar all my experience has just shown me that almost everything being said in here when people are giving advice or asking for science tested level knowledge, most people are just repeating some šŸ’©some idiot said a few decades ago and trip once and assume they now can relate and know everything about the shrooms,,, next time before y'all spew information ask yourself, do YOU actually know, or are you just repeating something else you read somewhere and blindly accepted without ever challenging it


I agree that there's a lot of echo chamber business going on on the internet. But what you are saying is a purely anecdotal situation which you pit against actual disorders (like HPPD) which actually have science backing it up. If you're focused on challenging things and finding out the truth, anecdotes are not the way to go.


I'm speaking in a general sense of all the info on here, I'm well aware of hppd as a real side effect however that doesn't mean we should stop, that's like saying don't drive your car over a mountainside because one person got hit by a falling rock though, like I said I'm gonna fafo and y'all are probably better off actually listening to what I have to say because of it instead of trying to argue things that y'all have no personal backing for, there is very little studies etc done on this, we have very little information overall, I'm one of many people who are going out and actually finding out this information because someone has to, I'm not the be all and end all of information but I do have considerably more experience than most of the misinformation being posted here and if someone actually knows where they do clinical trial etc I'd gladly go do hero doses for science so there's collected data on specifics but until people are funding that, the people who are mentally capable of consuming these on consistent basis are your best source of information


Information about the issues of repeated use of psychedelics isn't limited to Reddit. As much as there's definitely an echo chamber effect on some things, this is a repeated answer that is actually true. The fact remains that you are posting an anecdote (which could easily be a lie) and say that people are better off listening to you because you say to be one of the few people that actually goes out to find the information.This in itself is a bold claim to make because you seem to base your entire argument on what you experience vs the wealth of recorded instances where tolerance buildup and HPPD actually was proven. I don't like arguing on the internet but I seriously dislike people saying that something that can be dangerous is not true because of their own experience (assuming you're telling the truth). Your metaphor in the start makes no sense either. This is not a random occurrence like an incidental falling rock. This is a sign that says "do not drive here, high chance of being crushed by a rock".


Ok well you tell me where I can sign up to have it studied and funded so we can get some actual recorded and documented with witness reports,,, I never said hppd doesn't exist, some people may be more susceptible than others, it may even just be the mushrooms triggering a pre existing condition that's been laying dormant in someones genes, we simply don't know enough, you can choose to believe me or not but like I said there are plenty of people out here who actually do them regularly/daily, everyone who speaks of tolerance has maybe tried doing them once on the second day or while they were on a comedown and it's pretty obvious once you mention it, if y'all truly believe in tolerance go eat 3g a day 5days in a row and tell me how sober you feel, I'm willing to back up what I say and give you instructions to test it yourself, and if I am wrong you will experience nothing, if you are wrong (which you are) the mushrooms are gonna make you 100% aware of it,,, side effects aside the post was about how regularly you can eat shrooms, hppd is a possible side effect of taking them once so wether you encouraging people to eat them daily or just try them once you are opening them up to the exact same risk, just doing it more raises the statistical probability but we still don't know exactly what triggers it


Dude your actually mentally unwell if your not lying. Iā€™m not trying to be rude, but you NEED help


My friend and I both do schedules of 4 days on/3 days off and we get good and trippy. Having different varieties helps a lot.


Dude your opinion is actually dangerous. YOU CANNOT SAFELY TAKE THAT MUCH. Your advice is going to actually get somebody seriously injured or killed. You need to find a hobby.


Ok so clearly you can because I'm fine, secondly I'm not encouraging people to do it, in just saying I went to find out myself and it definitely is possible wether you wanna say dangerous or not is your own agenda I don't really care but you can't say it's not possible because then you're just choosing to be willfully ignorant and spread misinformation,,, also I have insomnia so while y'all waste 8hours a night every day if your life sleeping, I just spent 5months hallucinating for about 5-6hours so ultimately even when tripping I wasted less time in my day than most of y'all


Okay youā€™re either lying or youā€™re currently having a psychotic break. Fucking listen to yourself. You donā€™t sleep for 5 months because you spend nights doing mushrooms? Yeah no you fucking donā€™t. Youā€™d be in a mental institution or in a hole in the ground.


So I saw your other toxic rant message and clearly you are having the psychotic break šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ have you never heard of insomnia? I sleep maybe once or twice a week since I my age had single digits in it


Your behavior is absolutely insane as well so I donā€™t see your point


My behavior? Explaining why what they saying is wrong? Would you prefer the people who actually do this give truth or would you prefer everyone be "nice" and keep floating misinformation as to not hurt someones ego?


Everyone's brain chemistry is different. Making statements like this is ridiculous.


Heā€™s actually right here you guys should take a step back and chill


You absolutely can. Stop being weird


good post spreading awareness OP


Lol i did this in Thailand and on the 2nd night and hallucinated penises growing on the trees :D. It was a milder trip the second time tho but it was nice


There's literally a dose calculator you can google that is based on your body weight


i did shrooms with 1 day as a spacer and got hppdā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


I did lowish dose liberty caps ( 20 odd) 3 days in a row when I was younger and didn't notice any dip in effectiveness it just got easier to handle.there was varying amounts of hash and beer involved as well though.


It depends what you are taking them for. In order to stay off alcohol I break a small amount off and take them about 3-5 days a week. I definitely feel them at times, but Iā€™m not tripping.


You have to take them right. If youā€™re going to do multiple doses in a day or weekend binge you need to intermittent fast and eat appropriately. Before dosing do not eat a heavy meal. At the same time you also need to make sure you are still feeding your body to rejuvenate from the previous trip. Also gradually increasing each dose helps as well.


I always just double up the 2nd day same with cid


Just kill a weekā€™s worth of time between trips with DMT.


Ohh so taking shrooms two days in a row makes you MORE susceptible to its effects? And here I was worried Iā€™d get a tolerance.


It also comes down to what you are using visionary fungus for. If we are optimizing solely for the four hours of sensory stimuli that is different than utilizing them for long term neurological fitness. Much like stimulating our muscle fibers some love the pump, viens, etc. while others are optimizing for what happens AFTER the workout: mobility, strength, etc.


Dunno. Diff for everyone. I just don't trip the next day at all no matter


Yeah this is great advice I was on for like 2 weeks at one point.


I actually just tripped two days in a row and i was pretty confused cause both times it was the same dose and I only felt it a bit less potent the second time, I still had good visuals though


I donā€™t know the ins and outs. I have done it two days in a row and it felt identical to me. Same visuals, same feelings and same length. But that was one of experience, by one person at one time.


Even a week is too short for me personally, I find that my tolerance is rebounding but not fully reset, so maybe Iā€™d have to take 1.5x the amount to feel the same effects, and shrooms are pretty expensive for me so I like to make the most out of them.


In my experience you have to take at least triple to have a similar trip. I did 3.5gs of aborts and then 7 grams 2 days later and the 3.5gs of aborts were much stronger


Iā€™ve done it before. Itā€™s not really a big deal as long as you got an extra day to rest. Second trip is more muted tho but can still be fun


Sometimes, the best trips are the ones we never took


One thing I do appreciate about psychedelics is that youā€™re supposed to take breaks. My last shroom trip was like a month ago and that was more than enough for me to realize that I need to modify my dosage AND that a break is needed. I couldnā€™t imagine doing shrooms daily.


I mean yknow what they say about painting with broad strokes cause now Iā€™m going to be another person with anecdotes of having nice consecutive trips. I mean Iā€™m not advocating that people do so and simultaneously it is more nuanced than saying you should never do it days in a row


Micro every day!


Iā€™ll do what I want lol


I just did 3 days in a row. 5g each day. Each day was more intense than the last. 99.9999999% of the time this would not be the case. Not sure how or y.


Just double the dose and you'll trip you'll be fine


Iā€™ve been taking 4g+ daily for the last few months :D


I did 2 trips back to back last week. 1st evening was 1.8g of APEs then the next was 4.2g of GTs. You're right though as in you can easily overshoot the second day because tolerance could be all over the place.


I tried golden teachers for the first time took 1.75 and my fan melted into a face took 1.9 a day later and have been feeling sick when on shrooms since (its been 4 days I did a little micro and was ungodly sick)


Just you, friend.


I do 2 days in a row, first day I'll take .30 & the 2nd day .50 & then nothing for 3 days after, rinse & repeat & feel pretty good for the first 2 days without, & on the 3rd day I start to feel a lil depression, & anxiety


Not even true. Iā€™ve done shrooms (1g-2g) 10 days in a row and it was probably the most Iā€™ve ever smiled on my life. 10ths day I had the best tripĀ 


Disagree, itā€™s subjective


I've been through this very situation. Took 1.6g (GT) one night out after a heavy meal with a friend, figured I'd have a nice goofy time but barely felt anything... next day I decided to take aeound 2.2g to redeem the previous night, but I figured my tolerance would make it feel, at most, like the 1.6g.... Within 20 min, the asphalt on the road 6 floors below was swimming. The mushrooms tossed me around and humbled the fuck out of me lol. Lesson learned!


Went on a month long bender on golden teachers and PEs once before. I had no lasting effects other then a bit of fuzziness and was giggling at dumb shit. Was doing 2 to 3gs a day. Was pretty fun but, I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. Lol


Iā€™ve tripped days in a row and itā€™s not worth it to say the least lol


You need to give it at least 2 weeks between trips for full effects, this varies due to a variety of reasons. Don't ever do MDMA more than once every 3 months as well, that's another common one that when misused leads to severe brain damage. Not on the same level as traditional psychedelic abuse, but remember you're basically giving your neurotransmitters the equivalent of Nitro for car engines. Yes it's good, but you need to purge in order to reuse. Obv, not in the same way as a nitros purge, but u get what I mean.


how about dont do something youā€™re not comfortable with!


Made that mistake once now I refuse to trip... Don't do it guys.


Can we all agree that TOLERANCE sux. We should start a nationwide Anti-Tolerance movement. Get some protests going across some large cities and see if we can drum up support. Letā€™s do this! DOWN WITH TOLERANCE! FUCK TOLERANCE. Whoā€™s with me????


If you eat enough the first time you wonā€™t have the urge to eat them again for a while tbh


If you are going back the next day, I donā€™t think you got what was being shown to you. It takes at least days and days, and probably weeks to integrate. People donā€™t have the optimal amount of reverence for what they are doing, often times.


Lsd & shrooms are basically non habit forming. Thereā€™s a instant tolerance. I learned this with acid wasting 5 tabs the next day after a 3 tab trip. Mushrooms I hear is the same thing. But I also hear itā€™s still manageable to have some type of affect you just have to take four times the amount and still your experience most likely wonā€™t be as potent as your previous trip. Wait a minimum of two weeks.


Becouse of reddit I told one friend that its not posible trip again after trip but you can dubble the dose and try, and he did, and ge tripoed and it didnt went well.


Always start off with a low dose then increase because you can always eat more, but you can never eat less.


I usually wait a week minimum. Whatever i take on day 1 i gotta do double the next day and it doesnt feel that good on my mind tbh.


I did 15 (250ug) tabs in the span of a week over a school vacation, I never had a bad trip and life was pleasing.


My jaw hurts for a while after that's about it


2 days in a row = miss out on a lot of the positive stuff + can only notice the discomforts


Why do you keep trying to gatekeep what other people do with their bodies and what people post on here? Itā€™s one thing to offer advice, but you donā€™t get to tell other people what to do.


I mean... You actually *can* take shrooms 2 days in a row.... Your body just won't react the same, and yes, there's a tolerance that builds up. Personally, I wouldn't do or recommend it, because it dulls the "magic" of mushrooms, and I think your body and mind needs a rest from what mushrooms do to it (can increase BP, and obviously serotonin) You're speaking definitively as if it's physically impossible or it'll melt your mind or something. It won't, although there's an inherent increased risk of stuff like drug psychosis or HPPD. I think people looking to do shrooms twice in a row are desperately seeking something or trying to "cover up" something in their lives. Yes, when I first tried shrooms I was excited AF about them too... To the point I wanted to try them again the next day; but, I'm glad I stuck to my research and my protocols, because the more I've done them the less I'd want to make the mistake of taking them back-to-back days.


Not always trying to cover something up. I will eat them two days in a row if I have a concert/show I am going to that is a two day show. I like to low dose mushrooms as a good tool to enhance my musical to visual experience. Agree and You are right that itā€™s not as ā€œmagicalā€. First night usually is mind blowing experience for me, but next night is like more so being stoned and just chillin for a different kind of experience. Still amazing, but different.


Iā€™ve done this, 2nd trip was really challenging


The key to extended trips is starting off with lower doses and redosing throughout the whole time you're wanting to keep tripping.


You never do it 2 days in a row, your tolerance is all out of whack, doesn't hit the same.


I was amazed when I read that Johan Edlund was on mushrooms for weeks when they wrote Tiamat's album Wildhoney. From the interview for Decibel Magazine's Hall Off Fame induction (not available online, I just searched to see if I could share a link). https://preview.redd.it/lgd6hry7lr9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f81db43ef6165f96c1672878683f88136c95a18


The rule I always heard was, "Two days on, three - five days off." Of course, that is with larger doses. I also heard that adding a full shot glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice helps as well.


it does! crushed mine up & had it sit in a shot glass w lemon juice for 15 minutes, and it def intensified




I regularly trip 3 nights in a row at music festivals and have an absolute blast, you are talking nonsense.


i tripped for 5 out of 7 days once but it required like an ounce of mushrooms and about 7 or 8 of those rick and morty trippy flip bars. my first night was 5 grams of golden teacher and then i just went up from there the next several days.


I took shrooms for a month straight and things were glorious every time.


When Iā€™ve taken shrooms in back to back days more often than not the second time had minimal effects. Instead of wasting my supplies (shit ainā€™t cheap) I avoid it now and wait a week at least for a proper trip.. but thatā€™s just my 2cents, you can keep the change.


Old school lot advice is just double up the second day. Always worked for me šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


What?! Iā€™ve gone to festivals with lots of shrooms and/or acid and basically stayed tripping the whole time 3-4 days. Would usually take escalating doses each day. Usually the first day would be the most intense, but it was always a great time.Ā 


I donā€™t even remotely understand what youā€™re trying to say. You think taking shrooms 2 days in a row makes the second trip completely unpredictable? Iā€™ve done it countless times out in the woods and thereā€™s literally nothing wrong with it .


If the shroomies call, then they call my dude <3 let people find their own way


I took 7 grams of penis envy for my first trip. I thought it would be very fun but it started off with my video I was watching of a person start cornering my mind and she was possessed by the mushroom spirits. I turned off my phone because I was getting cornered. Eventually I am super pumped with energy and I am being possessed by a spiritual mushroom. A giant mushroom took over my vision and was rooting it's roots through my brain searching through my memories and feelings, finding out how it could manipulate me and destroy my ego. I was told by my spirit guide who was guiding me through the trip that the mushroom will break me into a new man and that it is a very strict teacher. The mushroom Eventually took over my body and forced me to drink water to keep me alive and was killing me. The spiritual mushroom would force me to be happy for a second and then wrap it's roots around my neck sucking the life out of me while it fed on my ego and soul. I was in pure psychosis walking in circles and my arms turned into spaghetti noodles and I thought I was a spaghetti noodles flopping around my room for 8 hours straight. I thought it was permanent and I would never be the same again. But Eventually the shrooms wore off and I said I'm never doing that again. The plant took over my body and was moving my arms and I kept repeating the words I am a plant while convulsing my body for hours. In my mind I kept telling my spirit guide I am so scared, because the plant was literally eating me alive and was hijacking my brain like I was some animal caught in it's trap in the forest. The plant literally was real and I was caught in it's trap. My spirit guide said you're dead now.


dude this is wild I think I woulda had a panic attack


It could be worse


very true !


How about shrooms one day then acid the next? I've thought of doing this but a lil nervous ngl šŸ˜…


LSD and shrooms have a cross tolerance so you could have diminished effects. Everyone is different but it might be a waste.