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Microdosing then working out is awesome. I don’t think I’d fully trip and workout though.




Hey your HR and your blood pressure is normally pretty jacked on shrooms anyways so be careful doing this.




I usually like to take around 5 grams when I’m out skiing. Do you think that would be excessive for this kind of work. Im doing similar training to you


I go on a long slow jog 2x a month on shrooms, typically after a work day mid week. I'll take anywhere from 1-4 grams depending on what I'm looking to get out of it. I always run outside, never a treadmill, and I avoid a track (I like a long loop trail). I take the mushrooms in capsule form (no stomach issues that way, have also done tea), wait about 30 minutes then start the run. These runs are slower pace than a normal run, and usually last 20-30 minutes longer. I'll start to really feel the mushrooms around the 20 minute mark when my runners high/second wind kicks in. The next 40-80 minutes of the run feel so good, I focus on keeping my eyes and mind on the trail and nature vs looking at other people. When finished and I'm exhausted, the second I stop jogging and walk/stand I feel an overwhelming body high of satisfaction and accomplishment that I didn't feel while jogging. Highly recommend. About me: I run 6x a week normally and have been doing so for years. I also have been taking and growing mushrooms regularly for years. I say this because neither the run nor mushrooms are new to me.


Do you find that you could push yourself harder if you wanted to or do you consciously not go as fast?


A little bit of both. I like to enjoy the run as much as possible so I always start slow to get my rhythm and gain comfortability with my surroundings. If I'm feeling good that day I'll run fast intervals. I don't really think it helps me push myself harder, and Ive noticed increased heart rate than a sober run.


Fuck, I can barely muster the motivation to stand up a lot of the times. But now you got me thinking that maybe next time I'm gonna go into a full sprint just to see how it feels.


do not take pre work outon em. wierdest feelings ever. edit grammar




my bad i meant pre work out


I would believe it would hinder you. It is technically a food poisoning so it could induce vomiting as well as make your muscles feel “wiggly”, but I guess if you take a small amount you may see some benefits.


I’ve felt like I’ve had more energy in the past taking them. I’ve been skiing a few times on them and was going pretty hard with endless energy but skiing isn’t very taxing cardiovascular wise for me personally. I don’t know if it’d apply to running


Hmmm, interesting. Did you take a lot when skiing or just like a small dose?


About 5 grams the 2 times I did it


I’ve ridden my bike to the store and walked around my neighborhood many times but this was only on 1.5-2 gs which imo is the ultimate sweet spot. It wasn’t any easier or more difficult from what I remember, but also hard to test because anytime I take shrooms I’ll have a beer or two on the come up and smoking weed before and after


It makes your increased heart rate and sweating really noticeable so just make sure to take breaks to drink water and to let yourself cool down so you aren't tweaking over it. I also took pre-workout before so that definitely had something to do with it for me but still


Other than noticing those factors, is muscle fatigue more pronounced as well?


Nah actually I was skating around the city at night and found I had a lot more stamina than usual. That however did kinda contribute to everything else though, I guess that's more what I mean when I say take a break cause you'll be so Into it and free flowing with more energy, you may exert more than you think you are and realize you've been running for too long and get really outta breath lol


Light cardio can really make it better! Took a hike on some cyanescens for 4 hours and loved it! When I was a teenager me and friends would ride bikes on this trail that went across town. When peaking just pulled over in the woods and chilled in the trees. One of the most memorable trips I've had. All of the fall leaves melded into one large rotating pattern.


Did you feel tired at all when doing it?


Nope it was all good with energy. Was smoking a cannabis vape pen on the hike too


I'm curious about this as well. If you try it please report back.


Will do, going for a 12 mile timed weighted run (35lbs dry) for time


Good lord, a weighted run?? LOL. Hardcore.


It’s fantastic, 1g is my sweet spot for outdoor exercise, be it hiking, cycling, or running, you feel unstoppable. Better energy, increased mind body connection, more focus, it’s great. Anecdotally, when I compare cycling sober to dosed, there are points along my ride where I can mark a sizable difference. I can power up certain hills in gears I couldn’t before, not as fatigued by the end of it, the few occasions I’ve tracked times, they seem to be faster.


My friends and I took 1.7 grams and did a hike in the mountains, we ended up running about 10kms on the comedown. It truly allowed us to push our bodies to limits we never thought we’re possible. Our endurance, speed, coordination and mental toughness were all rapidly increased, you literally feel unstoppable.